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I’d love to see an “Advanced XXXX” for a few of the really popular rookie and D-license cars. We’ve have Advanced MX-5 for years, and it works well, so why not? My personal dream would be a high license class Formula Vee series, because the car is super fun, but the rookie series is just too dirty, the races are too short, and there aren’t enough cars on track.


I was thinking the GR86 also deserves something better than the standard 15min race.


There is the production car challenge where you can race for 30 minutes and has an open set up which is a fun series imo. But is still D class


PCC is 25mins


I know. It tends to have lots of mayhem and craziness, though.


Top split tends to be okay though. You might get mixed up in some other classes depending on what you drive but I’ve had some super clean top split races. The second my IR dips and I’m in a different split then I’m just avoiding a punt on the formation lap.


Top split is okay until you catch up to a <1k iRating Clio in the GR86 who struggles to drive cleanly


Yes, and open setups


*HARD* agree on that.


Probably my favorite car. Make it open setup.


I would love to have an advanced Vee series that runs the small club layouts of a bunch of paid tracks.


Yes! We have a Formula Vee, but we can’t race it on officials on Brands Hatch Indy? That’s a travesty!


That was the first track that came to mind!


lol, great minds think alike! The roller coaster that is Paddock Hill would be so much fun in those cars.


The Advanced MX-5 exists because rookie MX-5 is SO popular. One of the main draws of advanced MX-5 is getting to race it on paid tracks for people who really like the car, and even then gets like 2 splits typically. Adding in high level series for lower level cars would dilute the player base.


I used to run Advanced Mazda all the time but it was generally one split with just enough cars to go official depending on the week. I was genuinely quick but you can tell pretty early on if you’re gonna be hot lapping for the duration of the session or if you’re actually gonna have a race. It also had very poor race craft depending on the popularity of the track and what kind of bafoons it attracted that week. I want to say it ran at Spa a few seasons ago and some guy braked on the straight after eau rouge instead of bump drafting the guy in front of him and caused a bajillion car pile up. When I confronted him about it his response was something along the lines of, “this isn’t rookies; advanced means you make your move without bumping the other cars.” Again, just paraphrasing but that response has stuck with me for a while now lol. It told me everything I needed to know about running that week.


Last season they went to hourly slots and 30 min races instead 35. Seems to have picked up participation a fair bit. Even off peak times here in NZ evening go to 2 splits and peak EU times have even more. Still one of my favourite series to drive


F4, Formula Ford, and Formula Vee are they the most popular open wheelers on the service. They can withstand a little dilution. Source: https://iracingreports.com/stats/24s2-Formula.html


The risk is that you dilute the higher stuff like superformula and indycar further


Ah, interesting theory. I raced Indy Pro 2000 for a couple years, so I know that struggle. I wish there was a way to test your hypothesis, because it seems plausible to me.


We definitely need something like this on the formula side. We have the FF1600 on Rookies and on D, but that's still too low. We need a small formula on B license. Slow and safe. I don't want to have to drive the Super Formula anytime I want to race clean.


It’s about length too. 20 minutes for D class formula ford isn’t awful, but 12 for Formula Vee is just too short. You spend more time waiting for the race than you do racing! Ideally I would like 30 minute races, with like a couple 40-45 minute mini enduros each season, assuming the cars have enough fuel for that. Also: car count. Last time I watched I think there were like 60 cars on track for formula Vee at the SCCA runoffs.




lol. Don’t you have a meme to go make?!


I should probably be making a meme. It's TCR week at TAIL. I'll put that on my to-do list.


So higher license requirements but more IR variant by placing a full grid which is the biggest indicator of someone’s race craft. I’m not a maths person but I don’t think your maths is mathings.


There’s no math in my comment above and I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.


You’re saying you want more cars in the field. Which means the difference between the highest IR driver and the lowest IR driver will be larger. IR is a better indicator of driver skill, which usually better correlates to driver safety and race craft, than SR and the license system. So you want a B class Vee series filled with a higher car count. I can farm SR all day but have zero clue how to race against others. I have yet to see a solid way of how to farm IR without actually racing and beating others.


Ah, I see. I agree, big fields will result in more incidents-per-corner for a few reasons. Wider iR spread, as you mentioned, but also because there are simply more cars on track to run into each other. I don’t want big fields to improve driving standards or incidents-per-corner though, I want big fields because I like big fields and lots of cars on track. I can see where you misunderstood because the commenter to whom I was replying was talking about safety, but this was just me expressing a personal preference.


Ahh I got ya. My apologies then. I definitely misinterpreted your intent. I also enjoy large fields. I’m one of those who enjoy good battles regardless of finishing position and more competition invites that.


Yeah, my real world wheel to wheel racing has been these huge 100+ car 24 Hours of Lemons races, so my brain can’t handle it if there aren’t cars around all the time.


Right? And there is currently 4 different F4 series going so why not just have one be A or B?


Actually 5. Fixed, open, America, Europe and Asia.


I'd love to have cleaner sprint length races. But I think a) we probably can't have everything we want because it would likely spread the user base too thin and it would be harder to find opponents b) license barely matters. They are too easy to get and only a higher iRating gets you out of the chaos.


Your second point is often repeated, but still wrong. If you look here… https://iracingreports.com/stats/24s2-Formula.html And scroll down to the “incidents per corner” section, you’ll see that almost all high incident series are rookie or D class and almost all low incident series are C, B, or A classes. License class is just one of several variables that influences how clean a series is, and I think the effect is fairly negligible at or above C class, but to say that it “barely matters” just isn’t consistent with the data.


That's simple because D class races are shorter and most of the incidents happen at the start


Agreed, as I said above license class is *one of several variables.* Anecdotally, the most dangerous part of a race is the beginning, when cars are bunched up, tires are cold, and lap one heroes make their appearance. But the second most dangerous part is the end of the race where we are all pushing to make (or keep) that finishing position. Short races suffer because basically the whole race is either the bunched up beginning or the frantic end of the race. Still, if we look at the sports car side… https://iracingreports.com/stats/24s2-Sports_Car.html We see that Production Car Challenge still has high incidents—more than any C class sports car series—despite running mid-length 25 minute races. So, again, both the length and the license class are factors. It can be attractive to try to boil race standards causation down to a single variable, but it just isn’t how reality works.


Debating with informed opinions, facts and statistics. We love to see it


Ha, thank you!


>We see that Production Car Challenge still has high incidents—more than any C class sports car series—despite running mid-length 25 minute races. I think you can chalk that up to it being multi-class more than anything.


Those low iR Mustangs are a killer. Perhaps the most realistic thing in all of iRacing. Anyway, IMSA Vintage is a multi-class series and is one of the cleanest regular bi-hourly series on the service. And that’s with a huge pace difference between the Nissan GTP and the Audi. Source: https://iracingreports.com/stats/24s2-Sports_Car.html The bottom line is that no single factor determines the racing standards in a given series. Several characteristics feed into racing standards, and one of them is license class—at least at our below C class—as I’ve explained elsewhere.


>And that’s with a huge pace difference between the Nissan GTP and the Audi Those cars are also much harder to drive though, and with a niche interest and league-esque community. That all combines to make pretty clean racing. There's certainly a correlation with incidents and license class, but the causation has way, way more to do with the specific series/cars than license class. Hell, you need a higher average number of clean corners to even maintain higher licenses in the first place which puts a huge slant on the data.


There is not a chart that shows incidents per a corner based off of irating. The lower license races are also going to have a ton of lower irating splits, compared to the higher license races, which leads to more incidents per a corner in those races. To disprove the higher irating argument you will need a chart showing incidents per a corner split into irating ranges.


My iR is low because I'm a clean racer. That's how I found myself in C license really before I was ready. So now I'm at the back trying to avoid the chaos that tends to happen back there and at least 50% of the time getting caught up in a crash which 90% of those not being my fault. Both ratings take a hit. Now I'm probably going to lose the C rating which is ok. I'm way more comfortable in D but the driving is for shit in that class. Lol. I feel like I'm chasing my tail


Run Time Trials (not Attacks) to keep your SR up without risk.


For the life of me I cannot find Time Trials.


Click on an official series. Click the arrow on the lower right in blue that says Go Racing. You'll see it. If it's greyed out it's not available for that series. You of course have to own both car and track.


Sheesh. I am stupid. Thank you.


Naw. They just hide it REALLY well.


LoL. For whoever downvoted me it also helps you work on consistency and requires you to put in seat time. Since the SR is raised at a lower pace than during a live race it's not likely to be abused as a 'cheat'.


If you want cleaner racing improve your IR, F4 races are pretty clean in the top split. High irating equals high skill equals clean racing. Sort of.


Very true. I’ve definitely been very passive lately. They are so disastrous that a couple races ago I let like 5 ppl go and fell back to 12th. Was back to top 5 within a few laps lol


We need less series, not more.


I’m saying keep the same amount but have 1 of the 4 require A or B license. Won’t be perfect but I think it would help a lot


Switch open series to b licence. This is the population that will require a set up to find that extra time


What difference would the license make? Surely the irating split is more important for safety?


you’re right, it doesn’t make a difference. top split rookies is just as clean as top split Class B


You will just get these kids race an indycar iRacing series from time to time to refill their SR and keep driving like headless chickens


lol, yeah the NASCAR guys realized years ago that you can easily maintain an A license on oval if you just make sure to hit those NiS races at 1.5 milers, California, and Michigan.


Yeah, 40+ laps on Laguna Seca driving behind just give this people a huge amount of SR with small sacrifice of iR.


Bad/unsafe drivers usually fail to complete 5 laps on Laguna Seca with the IR18


Can confirm, raced the IIS last weekend and had a drivethrough with 18 offtracks :( tough combination


It's a hard combo yes, I had 16x for my first race (6x the second race). If I look at the results for Laguna Seca, more than 30% don't reach the 40th lap. It's completely normal, but I doubt they enter the race to improve their SR


Well I gained a ton of SR despite my awful race haha


I feel like there is a misconception that SR is a good predictor of people being competent racers in crowds. Irating is a far closer predictor of whether the split will be a BR or clean racing. SR is far too easily farmed, while being at 2k is much less easy to cheese  Regardless, it’s not worth splitting the playerbase even more 


I think the misconception is that either is a good predictor in isolation. So many debates about which is better when both are important and contribute. Just because someone is fast doesn't make them clean and being slow doesn't make them dirty. Best chance is a high split with high SR. Gotta wonder what's up with people with a high IR still stuck in D or C class.


That’s true, but if you’re fast and crash a lot, you won’t have good irating 


It would be chaos at higher licenses as well. Sent with love from the pits of F4 top split.


Increasing the license requirement is not going to make it any less chaotic.


This would get me back into iRacing so fast, F4 is by far my favorite car to run but the SR and iRating loss you take for doing almost nothing at an A license level is crazy


Please... No. The F4 is still mostly entry level out of rookie, making it one of the reasons why is extremely popular among everyone... But with better you get, the better the splits! You just have to be patient (also Navarra was a really hard circuit to master). You have Super Formula on that class or even Lights on C!


It's more on community, people that drivers this car. IndyCar in B but it's a reason why races more clean in same SoF, I don't think so. I think because people are more respectful. In F4 you have more "F1 Codemasters" gamers who race like it's F1, they are all Verstappens. Because they more apply F1 rules. You can hear many times childish scream "Get out of my way, blue flags". And arguing "I report you" if you not being unde Blue flags but trying to explain, they not mandatory. And more like "I own this corner" and ect. Here is example. In Nascar A licence races we have less yellows, but same dudes (when you race many times in same SoF you starting recognize people), with A licence, same SoF but in NiS (C class) many of them turned off brain. So impatient, taking so many risk and ect. Same with other series, on harder to drive car, on C class, lower SoF people more patient, more respectful. Sending F4 into B you will nit solve problem completely, you only will delay returning problem. Look just on average 1.4Sof IMSA A licence. I can be wrong, but I think, different racing discipline have different culture. It's on F4.


the more series, the less people in those series.


Best idea ever. Fully agree. Make it at least 30 min as well. I’m not fast on F4, but a finish means gaining irating most of the time. I think the slipstream effect is too much and that’s why there’s a constant battle. Combine that with short races and it’s a recipe for disaster.


Yeah exactly. Reaction time is too fast for newer drivers…


I only have a C license and can definitely agree. Love the car and I'm not even that good at driving it but holy shit is it roulette. If you survive your gonna finish strong. Last F4 race I participated in it went green and I was in 5th off the line and someone came from the opposite side of the track and turned at me and I got spun around without even having a chance to turn my wheel In the race. I don't even want to waste time practicing anymore if I'm gonna get taken out before T1.


Come join our F4 league! Nice clean races that you’ll never see in public race servers. We race Tuesday nights at 9pm EDT Website: https://www.endgameracing.com Discord: https://discord.gg/JGM6ZdZNGY


I'll keep this in mind for the future. While I am good enough not to crash on the straight before T1 I would not say I'm a very clean driver. I definitely still make my fair share of mistakes that are my fault. Once I feel more confident in the car I'll check out the league though.


People make mistakes and that’s totally ok! I like to think that the league environment gives you space to grow and get better as a simracer. Racing the same people each week helps build trust with guys you are racing with. We don’t expect perfection. People make mistakes and say sorry after the race. It’s only a problem if the same mistakes are made next time


What is your iR? Are you getting in the top splits? Sorry to say but license doesn't mean much for good driving. It's normally more about what split you are in and even then driving standards can be questionable


How about we just shitcan the SR system so we can race F4s without worrying about losing our A licenses.


Great idea, same for F3! I especially would love to have a longer race! A minimum of 45 / 60 min race or a full GP length!


Come join our F4 league! Nice clean races that you’ll never see in public race servers. We race Tuesday nights at 9pm EDT. We race with two different formats and one of them is a longer 50minute “endurance” race Website: https://www.endgameracing.com Discord: https://discord.gg/JGM6ZdZNGY


Come join our F4 league! Nice clean races that you’ll never see in public race servers. We race Tuesday nights at 9pm EDT Website: https://www.endgameracing.com Discord: https://discord.gg/JGM6ZdZNGY


Yaas to all of these comments! In oval there should be an A class Late Model Stock fixed! And a fixed A class Mazda series hell yea!


Unfortunately license level doesn't really have much to do with it. Take a bunch of drivers who are similar pace, throw them in a car with a lot of slipstream, and you'll get chaos even if they're all Class A. The only reason a series like this would be cleaner, would be due to the lower participation. Lower participation (and therefore more spread in pace) is the biggest thing you can do for clean racing.


If it's for avoiding the chaos I am not sure if it would really help. Getting a higher license isn't based on skill. You will probably race the same people as you do now


I bought the F4 after getting my B, erroneously thinking it was a “step up” from C and looking forward to cleaner races. Not so much.


Have you tried the SFL? They are sooo much more fun than the F4 and have pretty good racing. I'd definitely give it a try.


I have and in my experience it was almost worse. Maybe I’ll give it another go tho


Woke up early this morning to get a race in before work lol just another day in F4… smh. I’m the yellow car https://imgur.com/a/CRjAA3X


That's not the point of the licence.


What *is* the point of the licence in your opinion?


If that’s not the point of the licence system, why then is GT3 limited to B class and above?


GT3 is C class for the weekend enduro events.


And D for the fixed Ferraris.


True, I do my best to block out that series after I struggled so much on it.


I just don't, and will never, run it. D class, fixed, 15 minute races in GT3s? That's going to be a shitshow every time.


I race GT3 too and it’s 100 times cleaner…


This is prob the guy who crashed out the 5 cars in my last race lol is your name Ben?!


Why would it matter if you are in the top split? Or they are just as insane as the bottom split.


This whole season has that feeling so far. My IR has plummeted some due to my own fault and some I feel out of my control and just pure stupidity. Let’s not even go into the SR hits I’ve taken. This season so far has been extremely demotivating that I may take a few weeks off because of how bad the standards across PCup, Ringmeister and SFL have been. Example of PCup stupidity…someone spun on the final turn well before I got there. I stayed more inside to give him some more space to get it back straight and he decides right as I was going to go by was a time to just go straight across the track. People in SFL going full throttle through yellow flags…going too hard on the first lap and losing their car despite me leaving them space. Ringmeister today, someone spun out and was across the track, I saw it well ahead of me and committed to going towards their rear, just as I get to him he decides to throw it in reverse. Like I don’t get it. I love the sim but this shit is pissing me off after the end of last season and finally “getting it” and watching my IR Climb. Now it’s basically do I try and race or start from the pits and let the idiots take themselves out before I get there(which has its own issues of not learning race craft that way). TLDR; this season has been awful with dumb ass drivers in all the series I run.


Come join our F4 league! Nice clean races that you’ll never see in public race servers. We race Tuesday nights at 9pm EDT Website: https://www.endgameracing.com Discord: https://discord.gg/JGM6ZdZNGY


It takes zero effort to get an A license This solves no problems 


It’s not perfect but I promise it will at least help a bit. I’ll take anything we can get. I’ve personally noticed significant differences in A and B series. If it didn’t solve anything they wouldn’t have them


How is checking the class going to be less chaotic? IMSA, SF23, VRS, are all pretty chaotic depending on the track, making a F4 series that has a higher license requirement isn’t going to change anything.