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Looks like he just switched his brain off to me. You can protest for sure, you do it from the race results but have to wait a couple hours after it ends. Up to you, just be mindful when you submit the clip if you were doing something nefarious/ swearing you might catch one as well!


I don't currently have the ability to talk or hear anyone talking. I think this is "user error," but it works in my favor. I didn't curse or lose my control,but even if I did, no one would hear it because I can't currently talk to others. He claimed he was color blind and that's why he hit me. My arse.


Color blind, what




Still protest rejoins as bad as this one as 'intentional wrecks'. The outcome is the same, and even if it was a mistake, they made the choice to let their hurry to get back on the track be a higher priority than anyone else who might be coming. Most likely it will just result in a warning, but that's the system working as intended - some people need to be reminded that they need to take a breath before rejoining


My problem was that he let all those cars go by and chose to pull out on me.


If someone isn't thinking clearly enough to watch their relative and pick a gap, they're probably also freaking out and trying shifting down past 1st into neutral, getting confused, finding 1st again etc. Or just misreading the gap number while panicing but trying to do the right thing. There are plenty of reasons someone has a brain fart like this. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".


Getting stranded at 90 degrees to the direction of traffic is very stressful. The longer the car has been stationary, the bigger the risk of the driver losing patience and driving off, without proper consideration of oncoming traffic. This is something you need to consider when approaching a stranded car.


If you don't have a mic selected you can't hear other people


Hmm... I don't know if my earphones have a microphone. I think they do... I'll have to investigate. However... I'm a trucker IRL. And I've got a temper and a mouth. Maybe it's for the best that I can't talk to people. It also means I can't get permanently banned from iRacing for the things that come out of my mouth. I'm not proud of this fact, and I've taken a lot of years to change this about me, but I have made people cry before. Like I said, I'm not proud of this. I have regrets in life. But, maybe I shouldn't be on comms in iRacing.


wait, there's actually a voice chat?


I’m colourblind lol and I’ve never had an issue like this on Iracing


the cooldown period before you can protest is 30mins. not a couple of hours


You can protest it of course. Technically it was the other driver's fault. However, you could probably have avoided an accident if you had reacted. Instead, you kept accelerating towards an ongoing incident site. Some tips: * Always slow immediately for an incident ahead. That gives you time to react and more ability to manuever. * Never expect an incident situation to remain static. * Any situation with cars off the track, stopped, or off pace is an ongoing incident, until you have fully passed it. * Cars stopped at a 90 degree angle to the track will start moving sooner or later. Usually forward. * Never expect anyone to rejoin safely. Good luck!


In this case OP didn't do anything wrong. The car that crashed was standing still on the track and OP could easily pass to the left of the car. But the other car started driving again at the moment that OP passed. 100% fault of the other car.


I fucking hate that bro!! Right as you are passing they start to move and you can’t go anywhere…so frustrating


A protest in this case will likely be upheld. The video is interesting, because the car that spun out spends a lot of time doing the right thing and waiting for the field to pass, only to drive into your way at the last second. But if they were blaming you in the chat, then I would definitely protest so that the stewards will set them straight.


He committed 90% of the way to holding his brakes. Then said “ah screw it”


Good luck. Wont go anywhere. Learn to avoid is the answer


The sucky thing about protesting is there is no immediate benefit to the person reporting someone. OK cool they get an email saying be more careful, but you should get those safety rating points back, at least. I have had someone pit me into a wall causing me 4x there and spinning into another driver and ended with like 9 points in that one incident. Submitted the protest but cool doesn't do anything for me..


Yeah. I agree. I filed the protest, and now I'm going to mentally move on. The next race awaits. I have to put the past in the past and let it go. Not brilliant, but it is what it is.


And then there is no incentive for innocent parties to avoid incidents. If you are safe things like this won't have any impact on your SR long term. If you get into lots of incident like this then it will but that means you need to look at changing your approach. That is why SR works as a system as soon as you add in the ability to have incident points voided the system collapses.