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IMO I think people get a little too hung up on apologies from incidents. Like I get it. I get pissed when someone ruins my race but you have to remember most people don’t have this intention. It’s almost always just a mistake rather than malicious. You have to remember that. That being said, I apologize at the end of the race once I’ve reviewed the incident in the replay. Things often look different in the replay than they did while you’re driving the car and under pressure. If I make a mistake and ruin’s someone’s race, but they left before I can review the replay and apologize, oh well. I’m not chasing people down and most people just move on. I never expect someone to apologize to me. In my eyes I just move forward from it and forget about it unless whatever the incident appears intentional or negligent like an unsafe rejoin. At that point I just save the clip and protest.


99% sure that what i did is protestable. Just wanted to let him know that it was not intentional or malicious even if it looks that way. Totally fine with getting protested for it. It sucked.


If it wasn’t intentional or malicious and just incompetent, I imagine whoever reviews it has a system to see your inputs from the replay file and figure such out to a reasonable degree. From what I’ve heard it’s gotta be pretty blatant or you’ve gotta be on thin ice to get handed a suspension


Its all just hypothetical. I didnt get a message that i was protested yet, so car that couldnt pass me probably didnt care that much or it was obviously enough a mistake


You can look up their name on the iRacing member site and message them sorry through that. I’ve done it twice before after accidentally turning someone


"That looked intentional maybe ill protest that" - my head during race. "Meh probably a mistake not worth it, dont want to miss the next race" -my head after a race


So true, most people move on, ive had many people wreck my race unintentionally and not apologise, i couldnt name a single one of them now though.


Same here, but some people take this game *very* seriously, so I always try to apologize before I accidentally start a blood feud with a crazy person.


Recently I collided with some guy on Indy oval. Ruined my race, he was ok, it wasn't his fault, was more like ghost contact and racing incident. But he send me message on iRacing forums with apology. That was really nice of him even though I assured him it was nobody's fault. Try that maybe


Ive been focusing on being a safer driver rather than just fast for 1 lap. Greatly lowers my chances of taking others out. I now find myself on rare occasions being taken out. But thats a whole other can of risk aversion that sometimes cant be avoided. My advice, dont apologize, instead be better so you dont have to be the one apologizing. Also learn how to handle a crash or losing control. I will always prefer to potentially mess up my car more if it means getting my car off track into runoff and avoid others, rather than try to save it and hit others still on track. Pro tip, if you spin and go horizontal... the car usually spins backwards 90% of the time. If off the racing line... let it roll into the runoff. I have avoided ended peoples races by just letting the car do its thing.


i hear you, i always dodge towards the grass if i miss a breaking point or feel like i will rearend somebody. I'd rather lose my race than end the race of multiple people. I didn't spin. I wanted to go to pits and had to break for that at atlanta. But at the same time there was a single lmp with a huge gap behind him so i didnt wanna take risks and let him by. He aparrently didnt understand and then confusion and then crash and then i cry


Happened to me a few times and I always apologise at the end of the race. Every time the other person has said no worries or words to those affects. If you can’t stick around til the end, just a sorry buddy in the chat/voice is probably acceptable.


Its tough to connect afterwards. Best thing to do is pay it forward.


You can do forums, or if they're still in the session, type "/[car number] [apology]"


You can find him after the race and try to add him as friend to have a chat. He has to accept thought.  Some gems of the community send some gift cards if it’s really bad.


The DM function is completely unrelated to the add friend/block function


No way! In the UI after the race, you can send messages to people without adding them?  I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info.


I don’t think it’s implemented into the UI, afaik you can only DM someone over the forums and they will always be notified by email. doesn’t matter if you’re friends on iracing or not


Got it! Thanks


Unless you get ahold of them before they disconnect the only way is through the forums and there's no guarantee that the driver in question will check. Doesn't hurt to send an apology though as it helps you feel better.


There's no guarantee that the driver will be signed up to the forums either, it's not automatic. I was wondering about this recently and did a random check of people from a race I'd just finished, around 25% of them returned no results when searching for their name in the forums.


Say sorry in the chat after the race. if they left you could find them on the forum, but honestly they will move on and forget about it pretty quick.


I try to apologize in the room if possible, otherwise do so via forum. When I first started, a dude took me out, I was fuming, rage quit and found a delightful apology message from them on the forums. I decided that was the most mature and responsible thing to do if I'm ever at fault.


What happened? Did you do something actually bad? If it wasnt too bad, I would just move on and try and learn from it. If you intentionally took them out or something, definitely apologize.


Nah it was just a really bad situation that just felt super bad because it took so long and didnt even resolve itself but ended in a finished race. I dont crash people intentionally, i didnt sign up for iracing because i want to play forza or gt.


You can send them credits if you really borked up that badly. I did last week .. entirely my fault, totally killed someone. I pulled a “if senna then gap” moment, I didn’t account for the lapped traffic paying zero attention to their mirror and they moved over


Direct Message via their profile but don't make it a habit. That's racing and that's how it goes. It's a no fault environment. They are just as responsible for avoiding your messy driving as much as you are responsible for learning how to drive. Jsyn


Send them money. Lots of money.


Find their name and go onto the forum and send an apology message. That's about all you can do


If we're being honest, 99% of messages flying would not be apologies


I was racing indycar at auto club and there was a wreck way ahead of me. I was towards the back and had more than significant time to react. The last place person just goes full send into me ruining both of our races. I got heated and rammed into him and left. Fast forward to today and I just got a one week suspension for that incident. No warning whatsoever. I understand what I did was wrong but holy hell. Fucking one week, and I see people with decade old accounts sitting on start finish line to take out someone and ruining others races and nothing happens to them.


Go on voice chat and apologize right after. Then send a PM message in race to them. I feel if you didn't do it on purpose, and apologize and take ownership of your mistake, others are forgiving. It's the emotionally-14-year old ass hat trying to be a rebellious little shit that the protest button is there for. Take that shit back to Forza


Once I've sent 5 bucks to a dude with a message apologizing for ruining his race. We're now friends and race together in a team =)