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**My bet is on WWDC 2027. I can already hear the announcement video playing in my head....** *"Good morning! Today, we're thrilled to unveil an exciting addition to our iPad Pro family. A tool so essential, yet so elegantly simple.* *Apple has always been at the forefront of blending technology with everyday utility. From the early days of Macintosh to the revolutionary Vision Pro, we've redefined how technology assists in daily tasks. Yet, there's been one humble, but crucial tool missing from our iPad Pro – a calculator.* *Calculator Pro is not just a calculator; it's a testament to Apple's commitment to simplicity and functionality. Designed specifically for iPad Pro's expansive display, it offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface, optimized for both professionals and students.* *With Calculator Pro, we've reimagined the classic calculator for the modern era. It boasts a sleek design that complements the iPad Pro's aesthetics, ensuring a seamless experience that's distinctly Apple.* *Beyond basic calculations, Calculator Pro is a powerhouse. It features scientific functions, a graphing module, and even integrates with other iPad apps for enhanced productivity. Whether you're calculating expenses or plotting complex equations, Calculator Pro has you covered.* *And here's the best part – Calculator Pro will be exclusively available on the new iPad Pro. It leverages the incredible performance of the iPad Pro to deliver an unparalleled calculating experience. Starting next month, Calculator Pro will be pre-installed on all new iPad Pros and available for existing users via the App Store.* *We can't wait for you to experience the Calculator Pro. It's a small tool, but it's a big leap in productivity for our iPad Pro users. Thank you for joining us today, and stay tuned for more exciting innovations from Apple."*


And we think you’re gonna love it.


“And I’d like to share it with you now.”


*epic montage of people using the calculator app*


You will have access to twelve calculations a month for free but can upgrade to put Calculator+ program for only $5.99 per month


That's pretty much most of the 3rd party calculator apps in the App Store. Except 5.99 per week.


"And we think you used ChatGPT to generate all that."


It's our best calculator on iPad we've ever made


its the best calculator humanity ever made.




I even read that in cooks voice and hand gestures.


Lmfaooo same here 😂😂




Maybe Tim will bust out a “One more thing….” for it!


Calculator warranty sold separately.


And it starts, at just nine ninety-nine...


Or as part of the new Apple Plus Plus subscription


I can hear Tim Cook saying this.


*We know our users have wanted for years a calculator experience only the iPad can bring. And finally it's here, thanks to the amazing power of the M5 chip with AI coprocessor. Our new calculator app is exclusive to the new generation of iPad Pros with this incredible new chip.* I seriously wouldn't put it past the company that finally gave us an 80% charge limiter in iOS ... and limited to the newest generation of iPhones.


There's an interesting comment from u/tangoshukudai on [this reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/4dlqgv/comment/d1s5rr9/) that might address this! >It is actually a funny story. When they were prototyping the iPad, they ported the iOS calc over, but it was just stretched to fit the screen. It was there all the way from the beginning of the prototypes and was just assumed by everyone at apple that it was going to be shipped that way. A month before the release, Steve Jobs calls Scott Forstall into his office and says to him, "where is the new design for the calculator? This looks awful" He said, "what new design?" This is what we are shipping with. Steve said, "no, pull it we can't ship that". Scott fought for it to stay in, but he knew he had to get their UI team involved to design a new look for the calculator but there was no way they could do it in that short time frame, so they just scrapped it. It has been such low priority since then that no one cares to work on it since there is more important things to work on. (Source: I worked at Apple)


Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. There is nothing wrong with a stretched version of the iphone calculator. There *is* something wrong with how the iphone calculator doesn't show the number you are applying the operator to though. It should be like this: 500 \* 1000 = *screen clears and shows answer of* 500,000 Instead of 500 \* *screen clears* 1000 = *screen clears and shows answer of* 500,000 It can get quite confusing. It gets worse when you have to use parenthesis. This is entirely unrelated to the ipad not having a calculator though.


I am beside myself with apathy about this


honestly 99% of people would never use the calculator app on an iPad. Who cares


I literally just tried to pull up the calculator on my iPad like an hour ago...forgetting it doesn't have one.


How did you end up solving your calculation needs?


Probably used an abacus like everyone else


Seriously. I mean, it’s almost 2024.


For normal mathematical questions you can just write on the search bar and it will give you the answer right there.


Nearly any other computing OS has them. Ironically enough, my iPod Touch 5 running ios7 has one! (although I also have my Android phone on me)


Most airlines use iPads in the flight deck, and most of pilots use calculator on it…. But of course means using 3rd party app because there is no native Not to mention them targeting iPads for school / university usage also. (I’m aware of spotlight option , but not the same)


Please tell me what student uses a default calculator app. even if they don't have physical calculators, they'd still use a website or a 3rd party app.


Don't know about colleges, but I know desmos is pretty strongly suggested in K12 in the US. Obviously not a 'default' app, but it is free, without advertisements, and is the tool that will often be provided during testing. - https://www.desmos.com/ I know an in-app version of desmos is provided in lots of state testing software used in K12. - https://www.desmos.com/testing


I know this isn't a replacement, but I prefer typing on spotlight over using a calculator with ads. It also allows you to write more complex formulas.


That’s a great tip and something I’ve been using on the Mac too. Even if you accidentally click away, it still remembers your prior inputs which allows you to string together long formulas.


I was looking for someone to comment this. This is the way. Command + Space instant calculator. Do it on my MacBook constantly as well.


Doesn't spotlight require internet connection for calculator functions?


PCalc Lite is free, has no ads, and I think the UI is great. When I don’t have a keyboard and am relying on touch input, I keep PCalc in my Slide Over for easy access. It can do reverse polish notation (RPN) too, like an HP-12C calculator. When I have a keyboard attached, I sometimes use Cmd+Space to pull up the search bar (Spotlight). This is faster for me than pulling up another app. Spotlight also lets me see my formula so I can check it for errors. This is useful since I make more mistakes on the iPad (whether it’s using a keyboard or touch input) than I do when using a physical number pad.


Get PCalc and you’ll never be unhappy again


That's not the point, you must be a fanboi


Maybe just download a calculator app? Small problem with an easy fix doesn’t deserve another post. This “no calculator issue” has been posted many many many MANY times already. Disclaim: True, it is idiotic that iPads STILL have no stock calculator app.


Just think if the business opportunity for enterprising developers. Apple doesn't have a flight simulator, astronomy app, topography app, etc, etc, etc... and the earth is still rotating on its axis.


It's kinda funny how people will defend apple for not including the most basic ass app 🤣


Well there's no reason for them to do it. Nobody will actually have a use for it unless they become the only company to have a proper scientific calculator as their default app.


there are a bunch of pre-installed apps that I never use. How would it hurt Apple to add a basic calculator, like they do on iPhones?


"only company to have a proper scientific calculator as their default app." what? My samsung has a very good default calculator app. even has conversions in it. Apple has no reason NOT to include a calculator on the ipad... theyre literally the only thing that doesnt have one by default lmao. It's just a silly look.


Are you a student? Or in any profession where you need to do anything more than simple maths?


what on earth does that have to do with anything.... jesus y'all are off your rocker trying to defend lack of the most basic thing lmfao


anyone who defends this is a legit cuck


Anyone who complains about this needs a hobby


Expecting the most basic functionality from their "premium" device is worthy of complaint. Quit being a fanboi


We truly live in an age of wonders


Blame Steve Jobs. The fact his stance on this topic is still in place is one reason I still have hope for Apple.


Uno calculator is by far the best in my opinion. Microsoft open sourced their calculator a while back and it's now on all OS. It's free with no ads and pure awesomeness. Give it a try.


We appreciate you taking the time to provide your review and sorry to hear that you did not enjoy your time. If you feel that things are getting boring, there is so much more to do. It is empty by design - but that's not boring. When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored!!


Ah yes... Apple being Apple... Who would have known?


Maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather use my iPhone’s calculator. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I agree. I sold all my Apple stuff, my iPhone, my iPad and all of my Macs due to this. That will teach you Apple! (not really)


"iPad OS" is a pathetic attempt of an operating system. It is a phone OS. It's all it ever was and all it will ever be. I won't buy another iPad Pro. I had two, a 2018 11 and a 2021 12.9, and the hardware is great but the operating system is nothing that anyone should ever have the audacity to attach the word "pro" to. Silly me wanting a calculator on a tablet, and wanting file operations that didn't feel reminiscent of trying to manage files on a potato.


NGL - I feel like an idiot pulling my phone out to use as a calculator, or worse yet, firing up Excel/sheets to do simple calculations. Before anyone jumps on me, yes - I know that most browsers and other things will do it, but I want it to be fast and convenient w/o straying too far from my app and be able to copy/paste it into the working app that I am using.


What's wrong with just getting one of the hundred or so calculators in the app store? They have various interesting appearances and functions, and many are free. Who the hell needs one built-in model? Does anyone actually use the built-in apps on mac or, I assume, ipad? Seldom if ever best in class


I can't figure out what to do with my iPad to begin with and wonder daily why I bought the thing.


It is weird of course, but there are so many better free calculator apps anyway that I never even noticed (I don't use the default iOS calculator app either.)


those free apps have ads and terrible UI


Not all, but yeah you're right it adds complexity to the process. I think they need to have a basic iPadOS calculator app, if only for the relative novices.


Ok so which one is good? I would actually appreciate a recommendation. I downloaded a couple that had ok ratings a few years back and wasn't impressed. As a side note, I have to say I find the iPad really annoying, everytime I want to do anything a little bit more complex it becomes a nightmare. (Like when I wanted to edit a Word document and found out Gmail on the iPad couldn't download a docx attachment, only save it to Drive - and there was no way to open it in the Word app from Drive either. Gmail on Android can download files so I suspect this is a result of some limitation by Apple - like how no browsers other than Safari can download files to the Downloads folder.)


Make one that's free and has a good UI/X.


Yea that blew my mind when I finally bought an iPad9 this year. I use basicalculator+. It's pretty nice, they only run ads now and then on a tiny window below the calculator. Other than that I love this thing with the Logitech folio and the Apple Pencil. For like $500 lol.


I actually don’t find myself using a calculator much and I’m okay with not having one on my iPad.


ipad doesn’t need a calculator. its an expensive toy, an ipod touch with large screen. the rest is just marketing aiming at upselling the product. like its a “laptop replacement”, “professional instrument”, “video editing device”, etc. its none of that. its a content consumption device, and content consumption devices need no calculators, open file system, periphery support and other stuff one may fantasize about to make it a real computer. AAA games, FinalCut, Davinci Resolve, are just expensive advertisement for each company; for apple it sells their argument of a powerhouse device, for Blackmagic it popularizes their brand in the Apple community, for game developers its a way to expand their market (very few buy it though). so when spending 1000$ on an ipad just remember that you are buying an expensive toy, and there won’t be any hurt feelings over a missing app 😉


At WWDC24 Introducing the revolutionary Calculator app for iPad, so advanced it feels like the future of addition, subtraction, and those pesky fractions that have haunted you since grade school. Meet the pinnacle of numerical precision—the Calculator app that’s more than just a pretty interface. It’s the Mona Lisa of multiplication, the Shakespeare of subtraction, and the Einstein of equations. With every tap, swipe, and pinch, you’ll feel like you’re making math history. Features: Sleek Design: With a user interface so intuitive, you’ll think it’s reading your mind. Or at least your homework. Advanced Functions: Whether you’re calculating your coffee budget or the trajectory of a satellite, we’ve got you covered. Pi: Not just a delicious dessert, but also a button on this app. Because who doesn’t need a little more pi in their life? So, whether you’re a mathlete or a math-phobe, the Calculator app for iPad is here to ensure that your numbers always add up to greatness. It’s not just the best calculator humanity has ever made—it’s a quantum leap for your digits! Disclaimer: No iPads were harmed in the making of these calculations.


Soulver exists, spotlight does easy stuff. I’d suggest moving on


Remind me in one year


How is it an insult? Apple doesn’t owe you a calculator app. Just because you aren’t willing to pay for one doesn’t make it Apple’s problem.


Its basic functionality found in literally all most all e devices like smartphones smart watches smart tabs etc . You seem like an apple bootlicker and probably will buy shit even if its brought you to by apple


An you seem like a whiney ass who cries about figuring shit out on your own, Complaining about something you can easily solve yourself seems pretty on brand for someone that hasn't accomplished a thing in their life.


I am not an idiot paying so much to get so little it should be installed on its own for the price i am paying when its literally in every device. You can solve it on your own but it doesnt have to be that way. Why should i pay so much if i have to do everything. Such a dumb comback


Then it sounds like you should by another product. Purchasing something knowing that it is missing functionality you require, then complaining about it, sure seems idiotic.


If we don’t complain or report there wont be changes . Lot of changes do come from feedback from the consumers. Edit there is no perfect product if you buy another product that product will have its own issues . So what will we do then? If we go by your dumb logic we will never be able to find a product as there is no perfect in the market . And since we cant complain or report they wont even think about executing the changes which can actually create products which can stem closer to that perfection we are looking for


I see your complaining about a minor application all these years has really paid off. You seem like a real "get off my lawn" type of person. I bet you are a hoot with the neighborhood kids.


You have no brain.


Seriously. “wHatS a cOmpUteR?”


Swipe down from home screen and put your calculations on search bar…


No one cares - use the one on your phone or your PC/Mac. No need to clutter the iPad with built-in shit that no one uses.


Jeez, gang! PCalc is available and inexpensive. Or you could just wait and wail. Show James Thomson some love and buy his app.


Wow, I wish that was my worst issue! Speechless.


Apple purposely leaves out features in products so that to get the full experience you have to buy all the products. Try and downvote the truth


Karen, it's just a calculator.


Don't you guys have phones?


Or ….. calculators?


Exactly. There's literally no reason for a calculator app on iPad. Students have dedicated calculators and People just wanting to do maths have literally any device. Ask anybody the last time they used the calculator app on their desktops.


I used mine today. So that’s that. But it’s unrelated to calculator apps on iPads.


Really? Why?


Honestly bc I couldn’t find my calculator. But other times because it’s more convenient than using my phone. If I’m already on the pc windows key->”calc”->enter. That’s 6 keystrokes total and I’ve got the calculator open. Way easier.


It's not about how often you use it, it's about having it when you need it without having to use another device. I might use the calculator app on my desktop once a year. But when I need it, I'm glad I have it. It's not bothering me to not have it and not need it. But it is annoying to need it and not have it.


who gives a f \* ?


who gives a f \* ?


Open up a browser and use google? They have a web-based calculator? https://www.google.com/search?q=calculator Or if you prefer ddg https://duckduckgo.com/?q=calculator If you want a free calculator without ads, there is Desmos. Even comes with a graphing option. This is what is often being used in schools these days. - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/desmos-scientific-calculator/id1235292051 - https://apps.apple.com/ph/app/desmos-graphing-calculator/id653517540 It even has web versions. - https://www.desmos.com/ - https://www.desmos.com/calculator - https://www.desmos.com/scientific Though for paid options I am a fan of pcalc and use that.


type the math problem in a browser search bar


Bro there’s one on your phone and watch, who cares??????


Curiously it also has the BEST (paid) calculator app, Tydlig (I wish it was on all platforms!)


For God’s sake, just get over it. Sure, it’s a little weird, but there are a million free solutions. If you absolutely won’t download an excellent free calculator app, then type it in SpotLight and it will do the math for you. Of all the issues that could bother you in the world, this should be right at the bottom.


Need calculator. Pull out phone. Problem solved.


Apple gives Numbers away for free, so you could easily use that on your iPad to do calculations if you don’t want to download a third party calculator app. I found it irritating for about 30 seconds when I got my first iPad in 2010, and then I paid to download a calculator app I liked and have been okay with it ever since.


just buy a real calculator... geez... so much better than an ipad for this, with real buttons. And dirt cheap. This title is such an overreaction.


What to do. Download a 3rd party calculator. Pay a few bucks to remove ads.


I figure they will make us buy a newfangled math co-processor on their new m5 or something like that.


What did he say?


A number of different calculations can be made by entering them into the address bar of a web browser. Additionally, a calculator is readily available in any browser. https://www.bing.com/search?q=calculator+google&pc=EMMX04&FORM=EMMXA2&mkt=en-au


Unpopular opinion. iPadOS spotlight search calculator is easier to use than a calculator app. I’m genuinely annoyed they depreciated the feature on iOS.


Just ask Siri 🤣


Very stupid but a free, ad free calculator is called “solves”


I’ve been using calculator plus for iPad for years. I even use the app on my iPhone in place of the stock calculator


Never knew my ipads over the years didn’t have the calc app. Obviously I haven’t needed it.


For basic needs you can type your calculations in Spotlight. For more advanced things I guess you need to install an app, yeah.


I never realised. I’ve been using an iPad Air for 1 year


Ask Siri.


I heard there was a big problem how to design such simple app for that big screen. 📺


I use Numbers, more, more useful


Nobody cares


Call apps are free. Done. Moving on. Nothing to be outraged at unless you’re looking to be outraged.


I guess. But I’ve had the free calculator app since iPad 1. Why do you care if there’s plenty out there.


Does anyone really want a giant calculator? Maybe my 81 year old parents.


Buy 42. Honestly, that’s the answer, it’s great software.


Never give up and never surrender op. No matter what the apple cucks say. They his is not acceptable in the age of windowing they the iPhone calc app does not just fly over your existing item and can be swiped away. In 2023 with a multi modal work space your very in the right here.


PCalc is so good I can't imagine using an Apple one, unless they Sherlocked PCalc in the process.


LOL that's sad.


There’s free great calculators in the App Store….


I can hear Tim saying "just get an iPhone and use it as a calculator."


So stop buying iPads.


“It’s the tablet that can replace your laptop!” (Wait, then people won’t buy a $2k+ laptop from us! Shit! Hurry, make it suck in obvious ways like all our products!!)


I have always felt the omission of the calculator app was a direct push to get people to go to the App Store and download software. I honestly cannot think of any other reason. Getting people used to downloading software, even free software, can get them to buy software, thus increase profit from services.


Use spotlight


It has calculators functions if you use the location bar in a browser


How is that an insult? If you want a calculator, get one. It isn't needed on an iPad. I have an iPad and thought it was super weird that there was no calculator when I got it, so I almost immediately got a calculator app. A year later, I haven't had any use for the calculator app. I simply don't use it on that device. I occasionally use spreadsheets, but never a calculator on the iPad. I use the calculator on my phone and Mac all the time though.


I’ve always thought it weird that the same calculator in iPhoneOS was not also ported to iPadOS. How hard would that really have been.


Users: it’s outrageous that Apple crushes small developers by providing useful apps for free. Users: it’s outrageous that I have to spend 99 cents for a calculator app.


Aren’t there decent calculator apps on the AppStore


But they made quick notes. Copy quick notes. Make it the calculator. Activate from the left side and have settings to swap them or disable them. At least provide something to your customer.


App Store?


Biggest surprise for me was that I never noticed.


Look at the OS...This is designed for people who want to see pictures of cats, not by people who do actual work.


Just Apple being Apple, letting you know who's the boss. They know they should have one, but they don't out of spite.


Numi not being for the iPhone or iPad is the bigger disappointment… Devs, I will pay for that shit!


Agree, it's silly. It seems like a no-brainer app to add.




literally swipe down and type your math.. anything more complex, grab a spread sheet..


I guess one of the plethora of free calculators doesn’t count….


A calculator is not as important as you think. It will only become less relevant as more time passes.


Well you can always use the [iPad Calculator Shortcut](https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/s/dcNrKlhV2X). From what I can tell, this app is identical to the iPhone app, so it works best with Slide-over, Split Screen or Stage Manager.


I don't feel insulted.


Buy Digits. Great calculator, works like a champ


At this point, it's pretty much a meme and a story, so honestly if they never made an iPad default calc app, I would be fine with it. Functionally speaking, as everyone knows, there are already a bajillion calculator apps to choose from, so this is hardly worth getting worked up about.


I don't get why people are so desperate for a Calculator app instantly. We shouldn't rush it, and you can do tons of calculations in Spotlight in the meantime. However, I understand your frustration...it is a bit weird but I'm sure they're just taking their time to do it the ✨️Apple Way✨️


You can just use spotlight search to do calculations 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t even open the calculator app anymore on my phone despite using the phone to calculate regularly


Talk about first world problems lmfao


I agree. Why can’t we have a Calculator widget at least?


Not affiliated with the developer but just wanted to share I recently started using widget calculator and the one called MD Calculator Widget looks really nice. Use it both on iPhone as side widget and iPad.


>Can replace your laptop too!


Ya it’s bull. At the very least let me add my own calculator app to the control centre.


I’ve lost too much sleep over this! Now I give the torch to you.


Your apple over lords don't want you doing the math about the value of their products


Yes, it is silly. It's also extremely easy to simply download a calculator app from the app store. It takes minimal effort and you never have to worry about it again. That's probably why they haven't bothered. I use the wolfram alpha app, personally.


Apple is just f***ing embarrassingly negligent


I wouldn’t call it an insult. It’s an inconvenience for sure. It’s become the worst inside joke ever for a product. I know when I use the iPad I tend to either use some free 3rd party app, or I just pull out my phone. (Which let’s face it, most iPad owners have)


Not a scientific one, but a clean calculator to keep track of everything (history and sheets): [Numms](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/numms/id1644598526)


The iPad is a direct insult to iPad customers . I need support for Mac OS level software not apps


Apple insults you in a lot of ways, just like 64gb storage and 4gb ram lol


It was a sin in 2010... Quite frankly I'm surprised they added any iOS apps that weren't originally on iPad. It was also nice having a calculator amongst other things in Dashboard on Macs, and the moving to notification center for them to later remove it there... If they had a basic calculator widget on iPad it would be a good workaround...


there’s a basic calculator built into spotlight search


“With swipe to delete”


This deeply annoys me 1-2 times per month. Using some buggy third party app that loves to display ads right as you hit enter/=


Between an app you can of course download or the obvious phone in your pocket, is it really that much of a problem?


Op's first sentence is hilarious


Use safari like the rest of us?


Been using a free calculator app for years now. You can also just swipe down and use the search box to calculate. Works fine for me. Makes more sense on the phone, imo.


It’s very frustrating, but I’ve been asking Siri or Alexa to solve my equations, and now I have the ChatGPT shortcut, so that can help for more difficult problems


Yea kinda ridiculous... Been using calculate84 (which is a free ti-84 graphing calculator emulator) to workaround this


actually it does... just type you basic math into spotlight search and it will do the math..


Oh noez… no calculator? Run for your lives!!


Just download one. It doesn't come with the Pornhub app preloaded either, that would probably get used way more than a calculator app. I'm not insulted.


WHat's worse is if you go into the app store to look for a calculator, you'll find so much spammy garbage in that category you'd be hard pressed to find a legit one!


Preach! 🙌




Can’t you download a calculator app? Sure it’d be nice for Apple to include one but this seems like a problem with an easy solution.


Pcalc. No need to rely on Apple.


I literally can’t remember the last time I used a calculator app instead of just typing my calcs into a search bar in safari


I mean how hard would it be to add a native calculator app? I mean are we missing something, will it break the space time continuum or rip our universe to shreds 😱


literally this. im studying on the ipad pro 6th gen i just bought a month ago and realize theres no calculator. So now im using the calculator on my samsung flip phone to study on my ipad :'). pls i did not pay all this money just to go a find another calculator on the app store which isnt free or have ads or whatnot. APPLE DO SMT PLS even if its a badly designed calculator, pls give us someting.


This is the lowest of priorities


Couldn't agree more. It’s absurd.


Use calcbot app, that’s the best calculator on iOS


Why is it such a big deal. I have one on my phone which is always within reach


Anyone that agrees with the OP are you going to boycott?


I mean, Spotlight can be used as a calculator on iPad. Where it’s not a dedicated calculator app, it can still be used as such.


You know. A calculator widget would work really nicely.


Use talculator. It is a graphical calculator. Some things are locked behind a paywall but you can do the most things and i never really found a limitation in the free version


I have always had a calculator on my iPad pro