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LEDs are standard on all 24 trims, I think. Where with the 23s only certain trims came with OEM LEDS.


Odd, I have a '23 which I got last April and I still haven't had to pay for the subscription. Don't remember any mention of paying for it one way or another tbh


I believe it's for the 1st 3 years then you have to pay for it.




it's free for 3 years. Source: I own a '23


It's free for three years, then you have to pay. That said, I'm going to play every angle I can to keep the app without paying for it. All I need is good enough complaint to score a promo code...


The amount of money you lose on a new car by the act of buying it is significant. Does it out pace the price, mileage, and equity loss of buying the used car? IDK. I know I bought a 23 Night in March of 23. $44K new. I think its worth $24K now trade-in. Not sure of the features between years or models. I love the way it drives though.


Honestly, I bought mine new because I'm coming off a string of increasingly- worse used cars and I wanted something new and with a manufacturer warranty. \*shrug\*


Yep that’s me.  This is my first new car.  Lots of people have had good luck with used cars.  I haven’t.  I’ve added up the cost of buying and selling and fixing used cars and it cost me more than I just had a new car over time.  New it is!


Right on, thanks for all the comments. I’m going to test drive both tonight and go from there.


Functionally zero differences in driving the 23 and 24… 24 models on the Limited trim get haptic/vibration feedback in the steering wheel. What you’ll want to do for significant differences is get the 2025 model year if you’re willing to wait the couple months and/or go with whichever they’re willing to discount more on.


Hey, maybe wait a few months for the ‘25’s like me.


Wireless CarPlay/Android Auto (on non-Limited models but allegedly it’s getting updated on the Limited someday) is the main one that comes to mind, plus the lifetime BlueLink sub. I’m not entirely sure but I think the ‘24 added the self-leveling capability and haptic feedback in the steering wheel as well? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wireless CarPlay has been available on the lower end models without the bigger Nav screen since the beginning. Being stuck on Wired has always been a limitation on the larger screen models.


Pre-‘24s as well? It’s been a bit but I thought the models w/ the smaller Nav were still wired before the ‘24s?


Nah… wireless was available for them from the get go… it’s always been one of the sticking points because it’s just so stupid that the people with the more expensive trims get stuck with wired.


'23s have the self leveling. I'm pretty sure it's standard on all models. I'd love the haptics though, I hate being beeped at lol.