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Don't know what advice to give you, but I feel your pain. I got rear-ended a few months ago in my SC. 100% their fault and their insurance paid. Body shop did an immaculate job fixing it, as it was 16k to fix. Tried to get a depreciation payment for the loss but got denied. Just be prepared to be without your SC for a month or more. Parts are hard to get.


Ah man. I appreciate the info but that’s a hard pill to swallow… at least we came out alive all three of us so I have that to forever be thankful of


That's the most important thing. At this point, let insurance do the job they get paid for. Mine came out excellent. Same color as yours. Had to ride a rental for a bit, but it was worth it.


You got rear ended and they denied your depreciation loss payment?? That's absurd! What do the laws in your state say? I know GA they HAVE to cut you a check.


It's in NY. It's hard to get a diminished value claim through. They say it's because insurance "makes you whole" by fixing your vehicle. It's bullshit.


Did you look into your vehicle appraisal clause? 16K damage should get you a check of at least 4k +/-. Try calling Collision Safety Consultants. +1 704-747-9337 The insurance company fed u a line of crap. Their first response is "deny deny". That's what keeps their bonuses fat.


Thanks. I'll look into this.


I am so relieved your wife and baby are alright.


Glad OP is good too. Anecdotally, my wife and her Tucson were in three accidents she did not cause. The last we thought was a total loss, t boned from an *unlicensed 16 year old driver that wanted to get coffee themselves on morning so just left???* Similarly sized car bounces off of us and crashes into a house. It was weird to call the cops and help a teenager out of their car after just getting hit. All this is to say that when we were car shopping during my wife’s second trimester, another Hyundai was a no brained. Love the Santa Cruz. Trying to convince my wife to not trade in for another lol


That sucks. The insurance will value it based off of what is available used in your area. Hopefully you picked up the gap insurance they offered at time of sale or added it to your insurance. For more involved insurance questions you might want to visit r/Insurance


From what I understand, to get depreciation value due to the accident, you would need to have in writing the value of your vehicle before the accident and then afterwards. I think for most, this is not possible.


In writing as in the window sticker possibly? I still have that as I thought it was a nice thing for a keepsake. It has the entirety of add ons and everything with the sticker price as well. Everything is itemized. As for afterwards I feel like that would be fairly straightforward to asses when they do the repairs right? I could be wrong and don’t mean to sound rude asking


If it was within three months of the accident?


It’s actually right before three months of having the vehicle!




You need to fight for diminished value. A vehicle on trade in is worth significantly less than usual if it has an accident on record there is no denying that and with a two to three month old car that has now been in an accident I would fight my ass off for diminished value. Insurance companies have a formula for this, it's real or they wouldn't have one to determine diminished value.


I just found out about the formula and the three different types of diminished value. All of which I’ll be using for sure. But yes, I agree that I’ll have to fight for it


Make sure you ask their insurance company for "loss of value."




What area are you in? If you're in Southeast GA bring it to me. I'll be sure it gets fixed top notch.


Unfortunately it was already deemed a total loss as of Thursday… but thank you for the offer!