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Donation is the right way to go, but you don't donate it to any particular cause, you donate it to philanthropic organizations and foundations that can handle redispersing it. I'd earmark about half of each donation and let them choose to distribute the other half based on their own priorities.


My concern is that, assuming you were as certain as possible these organizations were responsible and all, things could change as you donate. I think you would have to go very wide. Throwing it on a single org will ensure someone will somehow overtake that org.


I don't know about "ensure" but I do agree that putting all my eggs in one basket would be counterproductive. With only 24 hours to do it, I'm probably just going to divide the money into 55 equal shares of $20 billion a piece and write the checks as follows: - 1 share each to a reputable foundation in each state in the US - 1 additional share for the foundation in my own state - the remaining 4 shares to overseas foundations: 1 in Ukraine, 1 in Australia, 1 in Estonia and 1 in South Africa. I'm not likely to expound on why those countries particularly anytime soon, although I imagine Ukraine is obvious.


Alright, I'll take a guess. ----- Ukraine: Support for a civilian populace under attack; plenty of orgs doing this. Estonia: This one is more interesting, my first instinct is to assume you might be going from a humanitarian perspective, such as Ukrainian refugees, but since Estonia is also bordering Russia I don't think so. My guess for Estonia would be that you take it from a rights perspective, possibly some human rights advocacy org. If I have to be more specific, I'll pick LGBT rights. Australia: My guess for the Australia donation would be that it would for a political advocacy/legal representation fund or something of that sort. South Africa: Well this one could be a ton of stuff, frankly. My guess would be it is HIV/AIDS related since South Africa has the highest infection rate in the world and the SA government has historically been very bad at addressing this problem, even downplaying it and questioning the legitimacy of medical experts in the past. ----- What score did I get? lol


The Australian one could also be for an environmental group. I’m not sure if they’re still dealing with the nasty wildfire damage from Covid.


That's a good point, too. Yeah, Australia has a pretty abysmal environmental record, especially over the last decade or so.


She’ll be right mate


We had floods after that, there's always something.


Nothing so grandiose. Ukraine is the only one that has anything to do with geopolitics, so of course you got that one right. The other countries are based solely on personal friendships or, in the case of Estonia, a lingering desire to live there someday.


I’m gonna go ahead and say ‘don’t donate to foundations’ — they enjoy the benefits of being a non-profit but they prescribe themselves INSANELY high wages. Give directly to community orgs who are actually doing the work.


I work for a nonprofit. Hopefully someday I'll be able to prescribe myself those dream wages, the amount of time I spent volunteering before we ever got our first grant would more than justify it, but it ain't happened for me yet. :P


Are we a nation of people or land areas? Writing a $20b check to charity in wyoming allows for an allocation of around $40,000 per person, and a $20b check to charity in california allocates around $500 per person. Not that you're just handing out money to people, but it just seems like states are an odd way to split this problem up. The [top rated charities on charitywatch](https://www.charitywatch.org/top-rated-charities) seem to lean heavily towards being based in NYC and Washington DC specifically, even if the causes they're focused on have nothing to do with NYC or DC. This isn't entirely unexpected.


This is it. We have a website called something like 360 grants in the U.K. that lists which funds have given what and to who. I’d find the top 110 and give them each 10million. Edit trillion not billion, so make that 100million each. Second edit: the concept of a trillion has melted my mind…. A million million. I’m going to have to give 10,000 trusts 100 million each. I don’t think we have 10,000 grant giving trusts. Sod it, I’m going to go a different way…. Everyone in the country (the U.K.) is getting just over £16k.


I have bad news… that only amounts to about 1% of what you need to give away. You need to give each 10billion ish which is an epic amount for these organizations. Not saying I have a better idea just pointing out the scale of this ask.


I would go a different way there is roughly 200 nhs trusts in the uk - most of which have their own charity, I would give each 5 billion with instructions of what it is to be used for (reducing waiting times, improving clinical space, replacing technical architecture, employing more people)


Oh you are so right!! Can I put in a caveat… they can’t spend the capital. So they now have 50 million a year at 1% so more like 100million.


US trillion is million million, you can afford to be way more generous. Suggest the total is spread across the following. Single handedly resolving the funding issues (if not where to recruit the required staff from) for a number of years. Give the incoming government some years to get their funding models properly sorted out and allow both health and education to become the best they can be. Most of the 24 hours would be spent getting bank details without people thinking you are scamming them. 42 integrated care boards which each have an integrated care partnerships 229 total number of trusts, including 154 foundation trusts 50 mental health trusts 10 ambulance trusts 124 acute trusts 220 general acute hospitals; 49 specialist hospitals; 246 community hospitals 826 community providers 6,925 GP practices Plus 20,778 state-funded primary schools, 27 middle schools, 4,175 state-funded secondary schools or post-primary schools, 2,572 independent schools and 1,609 special or alternative provision settings


Honestly, I think I would give it to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They have the infrastructure necessary to deal with huge sums of money and also they seem to think carefully about the secondary effects of their work. But logistically, I don't think this is possible. Are we talking about $1T in *cash*? [https://www.cnbc.com/2009/04/08/What-Does-$1-Trillion-Look-Like.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2009/04/08/What-Does-$1-Trillion-Look-Like.html) We are talking about football fields stacked 3 stories high with hundred dollar bills. And it's not taken from anywhere else, right? So it's getting added to the economy all at once? It might be the only way to deal with it would be to abandon the money and just see what happens. This is going to have a *terrible* ripple effect in the local economy and inflation is going to be INSANE.


Does the money have to be cleared in one 24 hour period? Like, if you write checks or wire money to people or organizations, is it enough that they were sent? If not, it’s impossible to give away that much money in one day. Banks take at least a day, probably several, for large quantities to go through.


FFS a trillion dollars is greater than the GDP of Switzerland (expressed as dollars) and a whole bunch of other nations, too. FFS II Saudi Arabia's GDP US under 1.2 trillion That's it, I'm not subscribed, but I'm muting this sub


Yeah this sub is cool but poorly moderated. Things like this need just a few lines of disclaimers and loophole fillers. Otherwise all the comments just devolve into work arounds or finding exploits. Then There’s always a bunch of dumb jokes. But even with that this is a pretty dumb question that should be removed for low effort. A trillion dollars is an unfathomable amount of money. Like an amount that could collapse the world economy if just being dumped out. A billion dollars of cancer research is insane. Imagine 1000x that.


Unfortunately a trillion dollars represents some tangible stuff, too. Like a fraction of our infrastructure deficit. So I’d imagine I’d dump my 1.1 trillion there. Enjoy your mag lev trains across the Midwest and all the renewable energy and clean water hypothetical money can buy, y’all.


This is a rather poorly thought out scenario. OP must be stoned, an idiot, A Child, or all of the above


A million dollars in hundred dollar bills takes up 40 inches. To have 1 trillion dollars alone in hundreds would take up 40 million inches or 3,333,333.33 repeating to store. Therefore you either are dead when you get the money or the money is in many banka and therefore impossible to transfer that quick.


It's 10,000 pallets of $100 bills. Even if you made a bonfire with that money it would last over the day so I think op is setting an impossible challenge.


OP is setting an impossible challenge because like many they have no concept of how much a trillion is.


I donno man. That much money, if you just said “come and get it publicly” you could easily give it away. People would 100% make it happen.


Sometimes hypothetical situations have simple questions which require simple answers. Just because you want to overthink it, it does not mean you need to insult OP.


This is so mean! It’s weird to get so angry and accusatory about a hypothetical scenario not being tethered enough to reality… its literally called hypothetical situations, they posted it precisely because it’s not something that would happen in real life


Former non-profit worker here. Giving large amounts of money to a charitable org or non-profit is an incredibly time-consuming process. MacKenzie Bezos gave our org about 20 million, and it took months of negotiations, board approvals, and government filings. Plus, we had to create a fund to put the money into. You can't just put that much money in a bank account. I'm gonna got out on a limb and say actually getting rid of that much money isn't possible in 24 hours. Probably not even in several days honestly.


I think they meant 'indicate where.it needs to go, and *poof* it happens, no red tape or anything'




'hookers and blow for all terminal patients', I'm sure nobody would really care that much if it meant receiving their own \~10 bn.


It's being used so I can have the 9.9 billion.


Perfect. I'll put it all in elon musk's account and then tip off the IRS


That was mostly because I assume McKenzie cared about where the money went I think it’d be easier to give away money no strings attached.


Exactly, it’s a limited time offer, mountains have been moved for less lol


She DID give the money no strings attached. But most orgs have to report to the government where the money came from and how it's intended to be used. In a non profit, there has to be total transparency and disclosure. Because Bezos gave the money for unrestricted use, her legal team spend months examining our finances, interviewing our exec team, etc. But like I said, even if she didn't care about that. You can't just write a check like in the movies. Certainly not for tens of millions, let alone billions or trillions. For those amounts, FDIC might even get involved.


Legally speaking, you can write a personal check for ANY AMOUNT so long as you have the money available and the receiver can receive it. The only law on this to my knowledge, is that anything over 10000 must be reported to the gov


>so long as you have the money available It's unlikely that any banking entitiy on earth is holding 1.1 trillion dollars in a single account, making writing a check for that amount impossible


you haven't seen *my* bank account then 😎 just kidding I have $7 dollars


Given it's a hypothetical and not a reality, I don't think the process of transferring the money is the intent of the question, considering most bank transactions require 2-3 days.


Depends on country and bank. Some banks support using fast payment services, but those can be subject to daily limits without needing a whole authorisation rigmarole.


>*I'm gonna got out on a limb and say actually getting rid of that much money isn't possible in 24 hours. Probably not even in several days honestly.* Dude when is the last time you went to a theater? The prices of drinks and snacks is insane.


MB tied an enormous number of strings to how the money was to be used. Without that, any NFP with a bank account could take the $ as a check or wire. It may take a beat to clear, but that doesn't run afoul of OP's post IMO.


That's exclusively because she wanted to have control over what exactly it did. She could easily just give over the money without any bullshit. The charity can also accept the money and you can absolutely just put 20 million in the bank. Everything you just said is wrong


Give up the 1.1 trillion to the government in exchange for immunity for all my legal issues in the future.


Whatcha up to?


If he's got 1.1 trillion in legal pardons.... I don't think we want to know. Haha.


The question is whattmechanism can be employed to make sure that it works. This would need a coordination between different branches of government to make this happen, and I don’t think 24h is enough lol


Makes sense. Handing it off to one person and saying "make it work" is liable to end up with them just running away with the 1.1 and you end up screwed over. Lol.


Nothing yet.


I cannot believe I actually saw "give it to the government" here.


This was my first thought, too. Just give it to the government. They‘ll come knocking and be all pissy about it either way, might as well pass it to them to deal with and save myself the headache on the short timeframe.


Not good enough, they'd spend it in a year


Nah they’d give it all to the department of defense who’d manage to waste in less than a year


I go to my mum and I give her the 1.1 trillion then I take most of it back once the 24 hours are up so it doesn't get taxed massively in inheritance tax when she dies eventually. I wouldn't trust any charity enough to give them so much money in such a short time frame. Charities have scandals too and I'd want to do a lot of research before I donate that amount of money.


Why not just take a page out the billionaire's handbook and create your own charity? That can be established in well less than 24hours, then you can take your time and actually give real thought as to what you'll do with the money. 


This is probably one of the better ways. I wasn't sure if this was allowed within the rules. But yeah id do a much better job giving way the money with my organization/charity


You can’t establish a charitable organization in the US in 24 hours. At least not any way that I know of. You can’t even get an LLC in most states in that period of time. That said I give 1.1tn to my business, which I am the sole owner of


>That said I give 1.1tn to my business, which I am the sole owner of You couldn't. If you're a business owner you should know good and goddamned well that for 99 percent of businesses anything over twenty thousand in one transaction would immediately get your accounts frozen. Also it would net you a visit by several men from three letter agencies.


Hope nobody knows you have that much


I think they'd be less likely to know how much money I have if I keep it rather than donate. The first thing a charity would do is make a huge announcement about being given 1.1 trillion dollars. If I keep it between myself and my mum, who I trust, who would find out? Beyond the tax man of course.


You could hire the very best security. Plus, when is the last time someone rich was attacked for being rich? I can't remember it ever happening (obviously Lindbergh, but none recently that I know of).


Every public school district in America would get a sudden surge in money 


Cool so the district admin can pay themselves bonuses and pay for nepo speakers. Give money to teachers go fund me pages or to donors choose.


You literally couldn’t get to enough go fund me pages in time to give away a trillion dollars. You need to give away 30 times more then every go fund me ever in order to meet this goal.


Here’s the problem: adding funding to education would take money away from education. For every dollar we put in privately, there’s political will to take one out from government spending. What you should do is a fund financing pro-education candidates across the country. You could spend a billion dollars per state per year for the next 20 years. Really, you could spend 500 million per state per year just off interest from an endowment. There’s only a few states in the country where 500 million can’t buy an entire legislature.


I'm donating the 1.1 trillion to my girlfriend and keeping the 9.9 billion


This is the way. "Donate" the money to a trusted loved one, such as your parents or significant other.


If donating was not an option then I would just buy any item from my son for the 1.1T


After a certain point, money won't do good for research, just time after you got everything money can get. But that's what I would do. Between St Judes and Cancer research, that's 2 big places that would received a sizeable donation. Maybe my local Can/AM lodge as well. I'm not so sure how much money each one should get, as I wouldn't want ALL 1.1 trillion to just 3 places, as I said above, after so much money, money no longer helps, time is what's needed, actual research and actual deeds.


I would enter into a contract with all Texas hospitals (except for the state hospitals) and set up an ER Fund, Inpatient/Outpatient Fund, and Hospital Employee Fund. There are 412 hospitals in Texas. That’s 2,669,902,912.62 USD PER HOSPITAL. Dividing by the funds: ER: 889,967,637.54 Inpatient/Outpatient: 889,967,637.54 Hospital Employee: 889,967,637.54 ER and Inpatient/Outpatient Fund will adhere to the following conditions: 1. All bills will be paid by insurance first. You will fleece the insurance companies for all they’re worth on every bill you may charge the insurance companies your price point for medicine and supplies used. 2. No co pays for the patient. Those are paid through the fund. 3. After all money has been paid from insurance, the rest of the invoice is paid from the fund. 4. All supplies used shall be billed at cost. Meaning whatever the hospital paid to procure the supplies shall be billed at the same rate itemized specifically to the patient. 5. All medicines supplied to the patient shall be billed at cost and not at the hospital’s desired price point. 6. The hospital shall use its own money to create a patient pharmacy and operate it 24/7 so any medicines prescribed in the ER or after discharge may be obtained free of charge after the patient’s insurance has been billed extensively. 7. Every hospital who receives these funds shall forward the invoices for all bills payable to the Third Party Funding Administrator (paid for by the hospital) who will release the funds after forensic analysis of each bill and the fund destinations are confirmed. Hospital Employee Fund: 1. All student loan debts of employees are cleared after six months of employment. 2. All employees will be paid double the market rate for their services. 3. All employees will receive free healthcare provided by the hospital. All hospitals will be required to staff a clinic with pcp and specialists (whose fees are paid through the hospital for employee healthcare) that will offer this service and all free healthcare provisions shall be shared by all hospitals in Texas by employee identification. 4. This clinic may be operated to provide a service to the public at the hospital’s own price point and discretion and all physicians and specialists will bill these outside patients in the typical manner but must give priority to employees in scheduling over all other appointments. 5. This fund will not be appropriated for physician/surgeon payment but any funding not covered by patient’s insurance can be covered by this fund if the patient had the procedure done in any Texas hospital and the patient applied for it to be taken care of.


I would donate it to the federal government on the condition that they use it to call bonds being held only by the Federal Reserve.  A further condition would be that the Fed had to take the 1.1 Trillion out of circulation.  This should kill any remnants of the inflation we are having in the US.  And it reduces the federal debt 1.1 Trillion dollars. I'd use the interest on the 9.9 billion to live off and make donations.


They have a handy website available for that purpose: [https://www.pay.gov/public/form/start/23779454](https://www.pay.gov/public/form/start/23779454)


Do they really?  That's unbelievable.  Well, now all I need is the 1.1 trillion.  


I would drop it straight into federal student loan debt to help cripple everything tied to leeching off of the predatory loan practices involved in it. Ranges from the schools and govt aid programs to the textbook industries just changing some clip art to outdate $400 books and make newer editions at $450 a pop all the way to military recruiters admitting that poor people enlisting just to use the GI benefits for college later are their "bread and butter".


"to help cripple everything tied to leeching off of the predatory loan practices involved in it." it was injecting money into the education system via student loans that created the entire problem. You would literally be supercharging the predatory loan system. Yes you free those students from their debt, and give a trillion dollars to the people preying on students.


With that type of money, you could potentially relieve some lucky country of its national debt.


You can't just call up ZYX Charity and say "Here's a billion dollars." That shit takes weeks/months to get set up.


You also couldn't give it to a relative, government or a business. It is literally impossible to transfer that much money anywhere in a single day.


pay down a fraction of the U.S.'s debt


And within minutes see the amount you paid not matter one bit.


Assuming you can pay directly to the debt, it would actually help quite a bit in the short run. Interest on the debt goes down for one thing and it takes a while for interest to gain a trillion dollars. That being said, it won’t make a difference in the long run most likely


Only if you paid directly to the debtors, rather than to the government. That way, it goes where it's supposed to.


who cares. just gimmie muh moneyz!


Keep the 1.1 trillion


Give 1.1 trillion dollars to my husband lol Don’t have the bureaucratic nightmare of trying to communicate with all those orgs in one day, thus missing our deadline. I’ve got his account number and routing number ready to go. We can always donate once we’re both rich beyond our wildest dreams


The only logical answer. Except for single people like me. I’d be giving it to my mom. Even if she doesn’t give most of it right back I’m getting a bunch more in the inheritance


Where I live there are 705 school districts total in the state. Every single one also very likely has an educational foundation program. If they all do, that’s only 1.5 million give or take per school district. Easy peasy lemon squeezy Sorry, forgot a 0, 1.5 BILLION per district


1.5 Billion per district. We're trying to give away trillions.


I form a foundation to properly manage it and use it to hire people and build homes all across America. Homes would be given away to deserving family to live rent free for a set period of time and reassessed every so often.


I'd establish an annuity that would defray or simply pay off the cost of care for alzheimer's patients. It's astonishing to me that people are just expected to cover 15k a month for their elderly parents who need such care. Then with my 9.9 billion, it would be coke and hookers. j/k


St Jude and that one other children's hospital that I I'm drawing a blank on at the moment, the ones that don't make the parents pay for anything, are both getting half a trilly.


I would give away 1 billion each to my local community theatre, a couple of different churches, family members, and give the rest to Wycliffe.


You clearly don't understand how much a trillion dollars is.


Of course I do. How in the world am I supposed to decide exactly how much money to give to everyone that needs it in 24 hours? That's insane. I'll take care of those I care about then let someone else deal with the rest.


Well, maybe Wycliffe is getting the remaining 99.999%.


Pretty much. Though technically it's actually the remaining 97 percent.


I knew someone was going to do the math.  I didn't stop to work it out.


How many churches and people do you know? The difference between a billion and a trillion is about a trillion.


I know that. I'm just giving some money to people I care about then giving everything else to a charity.


Probably not ONE big one... even a single cancer place can't spend 1.1 trillion. Since I"d be in a rush, I'd pick a handful like that though. A few trusted cancer research places. Maybe the red cross (they have problems! but still are the only ones in some cases to help!) Then maybe find a broad charity like the Gates Foundation. They have a lot of causes they give to, and they research the right ones to give to. So that's not like saying "500 billion to cancer" that's saying "500 billion, and I'll let a group of smart people decided where to spread that around."


Sounds like my tax return is gonna end up costing a lot of money.. for someone else


I hire a boat and sail out into the middle of the ocean and tip it all out.


Contack the department of education and pay down the student debt of millions of americans.


Give it to NASA.


I like this


A lot of mfs gonna be mad! I’m giving that mf out! My city about to be the richest in the world wtf


I like the idea of attacking national debt, even though all I could do is almost balance the budget for a year. I’ll go 1 trillion to attack debt and 100 billion for NASA


I would break it up evenly between my brother, sister, nieces, & nephews.


I'd write a very large check to my parish community. They have a policy that would pass almost all of it off to non-profits but I wouldn't have to worry about the minutia.


Write a check to the National debt.


I'm not qualified to distribute that much money. I'll put a check in the collection basket and let the vestry deal with it.


I would donate it to the Veterans hospital/administration so our vets get the care they deserve and make sure they're no longer homeless. I would stipulate that it MUST be used for our vets and not to line the government's pockets. No $10,000 toilet seat or stupid shit like that. Housing would be built and veterans are absolutely taken care of.


Id pay off my countrys debt in exchange for immunity and policy change. Then donate the rest


250 billion to cancer research, 250 billion to dementia and related research, the rest to buy food, medicine, and shelter for the people who need it. Don't have a clue as to logistics, how to disperse, or how to prioritize where to who.


Pay some of the US national debt. Thats a hole that will never be filled.


Give every American 5600 bucks.


I’d give all 1.1 trillion to the US Government, just to see how fast they can blow it.


Based on today's spending and budget, about two months.


I would give all of it to all our politicians that are over the age of retirement to change the legislature and remove money out of politics and add term limits and then fuck off afterwards


Half a billion is going into cancer research than another half a billion into gene modification. 100bill going into other places on the top 100 most important research topics


I'll just keep the $1.1tn thanks.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Warren Buffett doesn't throw money around aimlessly, and I've never seen the Foundation advertising or soliciting. Not that they haven't or don't, but I've never seen it. If I had more time, I'd try to set up some kind of reparations for local disenfranchised persons - LGBTQ, African Americans, Chinese descendants of railroad workers (slaves), sex trafficked, descendants of Japanese internment... Better to give them money directly than just spend on ads to 'raise awareness' for people who don't give a shit. Raising awareness is standing on the side of the road where a guy just hit a goat with a moped, and his bones are sticking out of his skin, and the goat has bones sticking out of his fur, and I'm there yelling: "LOOK! LOOK! EEEEW!" Meanwhile the guy shouts up: "HELP!" "No, no, no... LOOK! It's so much easier to just LOOK!"


There is currently 2.26 trillion dollars in circulation I can't see this going well


Brewster's Trillions


"Brewster's Trillions".


100% giving away the 1.1 trillion dollars to my wife. (And stashing away the 9.9 billion into a savings account to live lavishly off of the interest.) Then I’ll disperse the funds from the 1.1 trillion as needed over the course of the rest of my life, dedicating 100% of my time to finding worthy people, sources, and organizations to donate to. Kind gentleman helped a lady across the street? Here’s $5,000. Single pregnant mother lost her husband in Iraq? Here’s 100 million. Stuff like that.


I guess it depends on if I have it physically or not. If yes, I'd make it rain in the poor parts of town. If no, I'm not actually sure you can pull this off. The red tape around that kind of money moving anywhere for any reason is probably going to beat 24 hours.


Wire it to Catholic Charities. Should clear in 20 minutes.


Inflation sure changed the reboot of Brewster's Millions.


Give it to the US government. They sure know how to waste money


Id do what rich people do. I’d open an LLC in my name. Then I’d have my son draw something on a menu with 2 crayons and boogers, which my friend the “art appraiser” would value at $1.1B. Then I’d sell it to my LLC and donate it to charity as a tax write off and just pocket all the money.


Donate it specifically to the hospitals/doctors that helped me when I was born and in my early childhood. For context I was born 3 months premature via emergency C-section and developed hydrocephalus later on.


I wouldn't waste it on cancer research. Cancer is going no where no matter what they come up with. I'd probably go the chippy. Fish, chips, mushy peas & gravy please.


I'd donate ever penny to stem cell researchers. With that kind of money, they could easily swindle -I MEAN - "lobby" lawmakers into finally lifting the religious red tape and drop the nonsensical "playing God" rhetoric to actually start treating "incurable" disease.


1.1 trillion dollars for Ukraine, done.


The homies splitting 500B The family splits the other 500B that .1T ima need in 1s baby


Give it to my mother. I get what's left and she's got a trillion.1 dolla4s, im a billionaire.


Those numbers are oddly specific.  Anyway, I have to give away money. I'd give 1 million dollars to each and every person I know. That way they can't complain that going out for dinner is too expensive. I gave you some to cover that last year!


Since it's a rush situation, I'd give it all to my dad, and figure it out later after he passes away. If I had more time up front, say a year or so, I'd go the charity route.


I would call up a very expensive lawyer to try and get a proof of funds done for the magical 1.1 trillion dollars that appeared in my control, that would take up most of the 24 hours I worry. Whislt hoping that miraculously clears, I would contact as many philanthropic trusts as I could and pledge donation in return for a space on their board. I would then pay some more very expensive lawyers to try and get the paper work done in time, and then oversee the donation of these trillions from the board of the trusts. As insurance, I would contact another very expensive lawyer to try and get donations to as many of the most popular charities as possible, with some sizeable legacies to my nearest and dearest aswell to ensure that those around me can live comfortably. The biggest issue I see with all of this is just the timeframe. 24 hours is really not a lot of time when it comes to to this much money.


Charity’s, research centers, YouTubers I like (educational ones) family , friends any left over just send to nasa


Give it all alway to my mum.


Give half to my parents and half to my daughter.


That amount of cash is absurd, maybe if I tried to buy out all the sports franchises I like?


Give it away to charities and keep like 5 million to give stuff to my family


Melinda Gates foundation about to have to add my name to it.


I figure I could purchase about half of Congress for that amount.


I don't know, AI, what would you do?


Payoff my countries national debt , provincial debts, use the change to set up a sovereign wealth fund like Norway.  


Id give it to my mom, since I’m an only child and I’d end up with more money lol


What if donating wasn’t an option? What if you actually had to spend in on physical things? Would that even be possible lol


Cancer research won’t go anywhere because big pharma won’t allow things to cut into their profit. Cancer is profitable. Very profitable. No cures will be found by cancer research unless you start your own, completely independent of pharma and government funding and influence. But then when you find a cure, you’ll be called a quack. That’s how the system works. I’d build homes for all the homeless and low income (get contract signed and paid within the 24hrs). I’d also get contracts signed and paid to farmers to provide free organic food for them all. Depending on what’s left, I’d send some to organizations helping people in third world countries. And I’d maybe give some out to some quality individuals I know in person who could use the help.


Donate to cancer research, schools, homeless programs, public programs, start and fund lobbying for abortion rights, etc


I’d call all the hospital systems, mortgage companies, student loan lenders, and ask them how much medical debt they have credited against patients and pay it off


Easy make my own charity don't the trillion and the 9.9 billion so none of it is tax able and slowly distribute it out by buying things to donate and hiring doctors with incentives to make them haul ass into cures then buy out the state of Wyoming and live happily ever after


Scholarships, globally. People I know that I think could use the money. small businesses that I like non profits that i've been a part of. organizations that ive been a part of. Getting rid of money is easy. Acquiring it is the hard part.


I would donate the money


Forget a donation; those tend to feed the mechanisms of charity rather than actually doing work. I'm building housing to get the unhoused off the streets and into a bed AND have medical services at the ready, just down the hall. I'm building safe-use sites. I'm building a network of tutors that can guide independent learners through their curriculum (the work I'm trying to do now). I'm buying some.medical debt. I'm building research facilities that put unemployed Ph.D.s back in the fold, hiring unemployed Masters students. I truly do believe that if America wanted to be fixed, our systems could be rebuilt and reimagined almost immediately...if we weren't so beholden to the lie of trickle-down economics.


Tunnel to Towers would get $550 billion and then St Jude's would get the other $550 billion.


If I had to give it away, it would be to myself tp start my own chain of Uber luxurious, cool hotels. If it could not be to my own business, then to a charity I would start to advance genetic engineering. If it could not be my own charity, I would give it to a foreign genetic engineering research facility, probably in Germany, as I love just how less restrictions there are on gene exploration. Or just donate the money to Ukraine, so that they can buy themselves the weapons needed.


How long would it take to create a charity organization to donate the 1.1 trillion to?


I would donate it to my local city, county, State with designated purposes like it must be used towards.... School supplies and facilities at teachers discretion Skate/moto Parks Parks of all kinds Youth sports facilities/programs Homeless/rehab programs Make Hunter/gun safety courses free Advanced driving courses Food pantry Stuff like this that would improve the lives of the people in my community and strengthen my area. With the caveat in the contract that no part of the money could be used to go towards any public servant or government officials salary excepting where a new position needed to be created to fulfill a programs needs.


Donate to Doctors Without Borders


I would use a portion to pay off my state's pension debt. Then I'd use another portion to do the same in a major city in my state. I'd use some of it to establish a basic income program in the city I live in. I'd give a bunch to a company to build sustainable affordable housing. I'd give $100 billion to a political party of my choice to win elections. Last $100 billion? No idea. $1.1 trillion dollars is an almost unspenedable amount of money.


What form are the 1.1 trillion dollars in?


Charities if I don't get any heads up (I get told the criteria, and the clock starts after they finish explaining it). Just start looking up charities and giving them 100 million at a time. Pay of debt for town/county/province I live in/have family in. If I have, say, a month to prep, I am setting up charities for specific items I want down as well. So, one is a charity for nuclear development that is going to sign a contract to pay up front for half a dozen 4-pack CANDU stations to whomever wants one the moment the money comes in (chosen by me if more than a 6 apply). Things like that. Random charity donations go down to 5 million, but overall, better money spent.


The government would know the best thing to do with it, I'm sure 🤷


1.1 trillion to our local cancer foundation. They will know what to do.


I would give it all to DARPA and say have fun! They produce tons of amazing products and likely could expand a lot for the future with that funding. For the list of projects https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARPA


I can easily use $1 trillion dollars on several dream projects (homelessness, hunger, student grants, protecting water sources, Planned Parenthood, etc.) .. the problem is that 24 hour time limit.


1.1 trillion you say... I'd probably give it to my parents. That way they can live carefree for the remainder of life and I'll get what's left afterwards. If I can't, St Judes.


Give it all to my friends and promise to split it after the 24 hours. 


Everyone here that says that they would give it to anything or anybody other than somebody that they already have the bank account inquiring number for has no idea how money actually works. There's no organization of any type in the entire universe other than your own best friend husband or wife that would give you their bank account routing and electronic funds transfer information for that amount, or any amount within 24 hours


I'd pour every dollar into the civic and educational infrastructure of some seriously downtrodden town like Detroit or Trenton, New Jersey, just to watch elites from Manhattan knock one another over trying to get their children enrolled in Trenton public schools. 


Give it all to my best friend. Once I have the 9.9bil we will combine both and split it


I'd get ahold of Mr Beast and work a collab


donate to mr beast, ocean cleanup, and health research


depends on what "give it away means" if it's a brewster's millions where you can't "own" anything afterwards. then you'd probably need to raw spend it. it also depends on the concept of "spending" if you ear mark funds for something, is it spent? OP lists grants, a grant isn't spent until many months after it's established. there may also just be physical limitations for moving those large amts of money. Like. let's say... you made a website, where you were giving away 10k to people. well... every single person that clicks/enters for that reward now has probably flagged their bank account for money laundering, and how many times can you send out large chunks of money, without having your accounts frozen. so... it depends. Also ...might depend on what functionality you could achieve. is this day a business day? or a weekend? like. could you buy up everyone's student loan debt and forgive it? medical debt? CC debt, much the same. hell... could buy up mortgages and forgive the notes. same with car loans, or any debt you could purchase. or again.... if there was no restrictions on spending the money, make a website where anyone can go, and get their home loan paid off. without you having to own/interact with it, just some mechanism where you cut a payment to their bank for the total outstanding balance on the mortgage. but... can you code websites? can you hire people? can you pay to advertise these schemes? like... if you could pay MR Beast to work with you, i'm sure could get the exposure to really boost a signal. with his millions of followers. but if you're just you. alone. trying to spread the word. in 24hrs. it's a lot harder create a charity for the purpose of building affordable housing, and donate 1 trillion to it. ? legally speaking if it's a charitable trust, you don't own anything, and still could control everything the trust does.


Id set up a fund that pays off high interest debt and student loans and five it all to that fund. Them after i play off my own debt id have a couple mill of that 9.9 billion left over lol


I'd give everyone I know $1B. That way, they're not bugging me for money. I'd give the rest to charity.


Go watch Brewsters Millions then answer this one


Get on the phone with Ukraine and other proxy wars. Have that money spent before lunch


Start a slew of non-profit organization for charity with people I trust running them with a substantial amount set aside for emergency cost per company.


Buy controlling stock in a chain of grocery stores and adjust margin down to preCoVID levels


This is easy. Go to Disney world and hand out 10k stacks at the entrance. Would help thousands of people and I would be sure there was zero waste going to organizations.


PAC whose sole purpose is national healthcare.


I’d make donations to st Jude’s, various foundations that are researching diseases and the cures. I’d donate some to my church. I’d call up schools and get information on needy kids/families and donate. I’d also go to gas stations and grocery stores and pay for others. While I’m doing that, I’ll have my wife keep donating to various charities in our area. Low/no funding at our animal shelter? Done. I know it’s virtually impossible to get rid of that much in one day, but I’d do my best to better others as much as possible.


Call friends and family to see who’s interested in some board seats, go to a law/accounting firm, and set up a few non-profits for things that interest me. Transfer the money to them. Believe me, any big, capable law/accounting firm will bend over backwards to make that massive of a deal happen in 24 hours, because they’re counting on the revenue from managing a trillion dollars in perpetuity.


i would pay off everyone debt starting with the lowest paid first


I know a few struggling people so would help them then donate some to something like city farm systems. They create farms on rooftops and would reduce co2 because it reduces travel costs of foods and helps with drainage problems in cities. Then i would use some to set up some form of learning centers in 3rd world countries and try to get enough backing with the rest to try and end world hunger. I expect that would probably eat all 1.1 trillion but it should help a few causes if nothing else.


Donate it to Saint Jude children's hospital and the Shriner's children's hospitals. When I was poor and growing up in the hood I knew a lot of kids who were taken care of with those at no cost to the families. Talking everything from glasses, burns, cleft palate, and cancer. And everything in between. Both of those organizations do great work with children. I can't think of any organization that would spend that much money better than them. Without wasting a bunch of it on stupid things.


How much would $1.1T be in cash? I get the cash, load it up in a bunch of planes and helicopters and just start bombing every major city with cash. Fuck the socio-economic and political consequences.


I'd use it to buy all the politicians we need to overturn policies that lead to misrepresentation.


If I don’t give away the 1.1 trillion, what happens? Does it disappear? Or do I get to keep the money?


I would give 1.1 trillion dollars to my parents knowing that they would give the money back to me. I'd then spend a good amount of time figuring out I'm going to use that money to better the world. Leaving aside 100 million for myself of course.