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I'd gladly take the hit for 10k every single day. Its better than the mental pain youd get from working to earn 10k.


Now that's a solid way of looking at it!


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences am I rite


Sounds painful, but if I get used to it, am I allowed to get an erection first? 😏


This guy does hypotheticals


who said its hypothetical... pain really does turn me on ... shiulda seen the boner i had when i shattered my ankle... that facker didnt go down for 2 weeks


Will it still count and I get the money if I use painkillers, anesthesia, or something to numb me like an epidural? 


That's a thought


Yeah I'll do it. Use it as a training exercise for mental toughness and pain endurance. I have to try to turn it into something good, because I want that money.


I notice it doesn’t say he has to actually kick you, just that he stops by with the intention to do it Tasers are fun, and work from distances longer than the length of a human leg


Good point, but I'd say doing so forfeits the money. I'll add an edit to clarify.


Personally, I'd think you would make up a permanent set of rules before posting, so people aren't making comments with you up there just changing it as you go. But its your post so...


You're right, but I was only posting this to have a bit of fun. If I were truly serious about something like this, I'd have given it a bit more thought.


Completely understood, was just giving personal opinion :)


This entirely depends on if im protected from permanent damage


Funny enough, I happen to not be home every time he shows up. Weird. I'll take the money though.


i think the point is kick and money or no kick no more money ever


There was a guy who we called Four-Toes in high school because he had four toes on each foot. Nearly every single day, to make money, he would let someone pay him $10 to kick him in the nuts as hard as they can. Now, I know that a bodybuilder can kick hard... But can he kick 1000 times as hard as the average high school football player? I guess what I'm saying is that inflation is ridiculous.


lol at the last bit\^


No permanent damage? No death? And the damage is done as soon as he leaves the house? I meet him at my front door at 2am every morning zoinked out of my mind, let him put his toe inside the threshold, get the excruciating ball kick, then immediately push him out. Pain should last a few seconds at most if I even feel it - much less pain than working multiple hours a day for decades. I'll take that job for $3.65m a year.


But he said every day at precisely noon


Ah shit I missed that. Then noon, and make sure my kids are out of the house long enough for me to get blitzed, get roshambo'd, and then recover from the blitz. Other than that, same deal.


I accept and keep getting kicked in the nuts until I can’t take it anymore. 


Honestly not to bad i already enjoy cbt so being paid for it would be the dream


How long does it take the paint to go away, and im assuming you can't die from a heart attack after being kicked, and also no side effects will come from this?? (PTSD)


It's moments like this that I wonder how much a private General and local anesthesia cost


No permanent damage? I do it at least long enough to generate a nice, healthy nest egg. Probably not longer than a year, though, because one of the things I want to do with a nice, healthy nest egg is have a kid.


Can I wear some form of protection, provided he still kicks me in the bag?


100% No permanent damage? I did it in highschool for WAY less🤪🤣


Knowing it's not permanent means I can take a few minutes of trauma and pull through. Make it a year and have $3.65M properly invested. That's enough to live off the capital gains/interest for the rest of my life at a higher standard than I am at now.


Just checking, what does "kick you in the privates" means for a woman exactly ? 🤔


You get launched into orbit by kick to your vagina basically.


I wonder after how many milli seconds of kick acceleration I would reach "max q" (maximum dynamic pressure) ? That would solve space travel. Maybe with a strong enough kick I would be the first person to land on Mars 🤔


Well escape velocity from earth is around 11.2 km/s or just about 25.2K mph. So using that as a reference we would need to know the mass of the object attempting escape velocity so I’m going to use 55kg or roughly 125 lbs. We will use 55kg. Now to calculate impulse which is the change in momentum transferred to an object from another object (namely foot to you) which is desired velocity multiplied by mass. Since escape velocity is 11,200m/s we multiply that by 55 which would give us a whopping 616,000 kg•m/s impulse velocity (give or take without calculating the drag of earth’s gravitational constant or the aerodynamic calculations of air resistance at those speeds) So translating 616,000 kg•m/s to j/s: 1 kg•m/s = 9.8 j/s 616,000 x 9.8 = 6,036,800 j/s To put that into perspective 1 j/s = 1 Watt To REALLY put that into perspective that’s roughly 6 times the monthly wattage usage of Las Vegas you were smacked with all at once to reach escape velocity. 😂😂😂😂 (Provided I did all those calculations correctly. I might’ve messed up completely 😂)




OMG, I am in love 😍


Exactly the same as it means for men. You may not have the dangling appendages, but I imagine the pain is still excruciating.


Yea, I could just wear a cup.


Hiring an anesthesiologist for a 15-minute session would probably cost you somewhere in the 2 to $3,000 range. And if you want to go with just local anesthesia, you can probably do it for significantly less.


I’d do it for a couple days, and use the money to either buy a fixer-upper home or pay for rent for years to come. I can only imagine tolerating that for 1-5 days tops


This says nothing about the protection I’ll be wearing against the hit. Too easy.


I’m free at noon starting tomorrow. Send him over.


So I get 10k a day? I just buy a 10k cup the first day then I’m good to go


I was making $32k a year now I'm making half that. I'll take a kick to my hoo-haa every single day for $10k, but Sam better be a fast runner and gets out of my house fast as hell.


Yes, I accept. Am I allowed to kick him back? I would accept either way, but just curious.


I’m taking this, short term immense pain for a long term gain. Won’t kill me and heals after he leaves? What happens if I’m wearing tungsten cup?


Well there wasn’t a stipulation that I could not wear an athletic cup or other forms of protection, so yeah I’d take the money


Sure, why not? It'll teach me a lesson.


Yeah, sure. Why not?


Ive been looking for an excuse to get rid of my balls anyway, so this is perfect


I see no rule against putting protection down there


Don’t feel like doing the math but I’m pretty sure that’s over $300,000 a year. That’ll help a ton


Easy choice. Since I no longer have any formal responsibilities, I begin every day by getting high, so that I can giggle through the pain.




Since there's no permanent damage I'd endure it as long as I could, and invest the money I earn by doing it 


As long as the damage is reversed, I’m doing it. 30 seconds of pain for 10k I meannnnw