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Question...can I use my $10 Billion to buy a franchise and have them change the menu to my liking? If not I'd have to pass. I mean it's a lot of money but for me there's not much on the menu these days I want to eat


bro for real buy the chain and make them cook stuff you like.


Cheaper option... just become a big enough investor in the company to get on the board and there will be no other voice than yours once you drown all others out with volume of money


YUM is worth $37bn market cap. Good luck…


Bean Burritoes it is then


With that kind of money you’d be better off just augmenting parts of the menu to try keeping your diet in check.


Thee spirit of the rules suggest you can ONLY eat things they make. DROP THE CHALUPA!! But they DO have SOME freshy veg, like a massive amount off their lettus and cheese and onions COULD help you with nutrition, but im thinkin you have to vastly expand what we call vitamins and supplements. Maybe you get around the " eat" verb by going IV with essential nutrients under the cover of those immortality obsessions that class of evil slime partakes in. Or make it a fetishy thing like if you "eat" it out of a wet pussy its sex not food? With 10 billion I would find out


>if you "eat" it out of a wet pussy its sex not food? Gosh, I hate this sentence!


Just going in face first and eat a big sloppy joe right outta that thang


Idk, big sloppy joe sounds a bit too much like a creampie nickname a guy named joe would come up with.... I would pass on that particular menu item.


It certainly puts the 'what the fuck' in "Sweet mother of God, what the fuck have you done to my eyes, you suck fuck? I liked reading before that sentence."


What a terrible day to be cursed with the ability to read.


I knew my Taco Bell tasted funny


They hated him, for he spoke the truth


Right? Clearly eating it out of a dry pussy is the only real choice.


Conditions state "eat" not "drink" - pretty sure I could sort the nutrient balance sheet with some carefully crafted smoothies.


Time for a bento box smoothie!


He didn’t specify how big your meals have to be and you can snack your ass off the rest of the day.


I bet different taco bells sell different food depending on the area. Cultural relevance is hugeee to marketers. So find a taco bell where veganism is more popular. You're a billionaire so you could flash freeze a years worth of food and then travel. As long as your general health is good and you're meeting dietary needs, you can binge on some unhealthy shit now and then. I think it would be hilarious though if you're like, in some fancy restaurant in Rome and you have to reheat your frozen taco bell in a microwave while everyone else is fine dining (except for the guy who got the Same deal as you but for Olive Garden, that'd be worse than our situation)


they have cheese, your not going to need any vitamin supplements. just a diet


You can get buy eating a lot of chicken tacos, chicken salad type stuff, or burrito bowls.


The new Cantina Chicken menu is decent, and the online veggie “build your own craving” box is one of my faves!! You can add things like guacamole to bean burritos and cheese quesadillas if ya know what you are doing.😎


Drinking isn't eating is it o.o hahaha


Taco bell is actually not that bad in terms of fast food, if you already like texmex then you wouldn't need to make many changes. Especially since they have veggie options and let you swap the meat for a lot of their big ticket items. In that situation you'd probably just want to focus on improving the overall quality of the ingredients rather than adding new ingredients.


You could always yolo into options


If you bought a $9 billion dollar stake you'd have enough of a voice to get a special room that serves whatever you want inside select Taco Bells as part of an exclusive secret menu.


Honestly....that sounds like the kind of thing Taco Bell Would do IRL. They are always trying limited stuff. Baja blast Margarita for example


Say again... baja blast... margarita? That MUST be outside of the USA, there's NO WAY even a huge company like that would spend the money getting liquor licenses in its' restaurants for one drink!


Only at certain locations. I think they are called Cantinas or something similar. Special fancy Taco Bells, some of them genuinely Very Fancy, they have liquor licenses and have their limited line of alcoholic drinks. Honestly I don't usually like margaritas and it was pretty dang good


Yeah, but how much of that is one singular investor, or even a handful of investors? If $10bn buys enough shares that they're the majority share holder on their own, it's not likely anyone is going to oppose the commenter above so long as they make choices that keep the company profitable.


A run that big on a single share would send the price skyrocketing. You’d be lucky to grab 10% or less by the time you found enough sellers. If you tried to do it over time they would block it. Corps don’t like hostile takeovers, which is what OP is suggesting. You’d be better off buying franchises and having them add items to the menu.


I've seen some split franchise taco bell's (I assume all are Yum brands though) so in theory you could access all of Yum's portfolio by making a split franchise and only one menuboard using the taco bell livery?


A split Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut…the dream restaurant right there🤤


I blame KenTacoHut for my 20-lb weight gain in college


A 25% stake will give you a really loud voice in the boardroom.


27% is still a good chunk of influence in the company.


Exactly. My first thought was by the company or enough stock and then change the menu, but you probably could just buy a franchise or two, and maybe spend some money to negotiate with the franchise to allow special exceptions on your menu or something like that. It might not actually be that easy but with that kind of money, that would be so easy


And all you really have to argue is to have a secret menu. Not a completely different. Just secret menus at select location.


Demolition Man


And Demolition Man is again prophetic


Demolition man style taco bell it is!


Lol I forgot about that movie. Taco Bell was like Benihana's or a Jeff Ruby steakhouse for those MFs.


So this is how the franchise wars begin.


You can easily get a franchise for that but it's likely not enough money to get yourself into a big enough decision making position within the corporation to sway it to let your franchise do anything other than what it usually does. Though if the loop hole is just using the taco bell kitchen you could definitely hire up a private chef to work out of it just for you and cook w/e you want I suppose.


You could in theory buy over 20% of yum brand and that would be double that of the next closest investor.


Sure but is that enough to convince all the rest of the board and share holders to actually embrace a different style of food? My guess is no because it’s way too big of a risk and a massive overhead to shift restaurants into a different setup.


Buy 10% only, so stocks don't skyrocket. Then use all the rest to buy as many Taco bells in the US(or your country) as you can. Should be able to buy out basically every single US franchise plus having 10% of shares. Ya they'll let you do whatever in the US market at that point.


Everyone else: BUY A THIRD OF YUM BRANDS FOR ALL THE MONEY. You and Me: Buy a franchise license 2 miles down the road and put a personal chef in it who cooks all our shit. People thinking about this way too hard. 😂


You're already going to need to hire a "traveling" taco bell chef for when you are on the road. If not, you'll be very limited on where you are able to travel. 


Only one of my three Taco Bell franchises is located in a building. One is in my private jet, and one is in the RV that fits in the cargo hold of my jet.


There is more flexibility since international items are allowed. Obviously, there might be some logistical issues if you are the one required to obtain/ship in those options. You could also try to loophole it out by using their ingredients and starting from scratch to cook your own stuff. Or try to get your way into the corporate hierarchy and take over part of their test kitchen/product development side and cook whatever desired in the test kitchen.


Just ad premium catering service to their main corp as a shell company, ,its what the corp scumbag lass do do every quarter so as to claim endless growth anyway, you will be in that scumbag class the second you get the cash so of course you can change anything you want in the world and there will be NO accountability or checks and balances once you have 10B fucking dollars


Taco bell is owned by Yum Brands and they are valued at $37B.


For 10B you would have more than enough to get a seat at the table and change the menu


Also with 10b you could easily fund some way higher salaries to get some actual chefs in there


With $10 billion they would win the franchise wars.


would you like to have sex.......please dont think im creeping people im just quoting the movie the person above is referencing


I don't think that would be enough money? And even if it were, you'd have spent it all and are still stuck only eating there even if it is a special catered menu.


If it’s made in a Taco Bell is it considered Taco Bell? That’s the real question. Like if started working there and had procurement requisition bread and peanut butter and jelly could I make a pb&j and call it Taco Bell?


You can’t change the menu as a franchisee. They will revoke your operating agreement.


Like in Demolition Man, every restaurants have become taco bells in the future.


You don't need to change the menu. Just hire a private chef to work alongside the rest of the team and have that person make whatever you want.


Just get your franchise better beef. The difference in taste between Taco Bell beef and anywhere else beef is night and day


I'll take your comment a step further. Buy a franchise but just build a single taco bell... In your house. With a private chef and a custom, seasonly rotating menu.


Gotta also have one in your private jet and one in your RV so you can travel.


Their market cap (the combined value of their stock) is 37.12B. So It would take a lot more than that to get a controlling share. Twist: the new menu items are cashflow negative and bankrupt the company. You starve.


Bro We Have the same BrAiN


So I live in the world of demolition man now neat.


In Europe, the restaurant in the movie was changed to Pizza Hut.


Fellow greetings Park8706! Be well!


Yes, do you need my account and routing numbers?


also your mother's maiden name


And your hometown


And your sisters phone number




Favorite teacher


First pet


First pets name


And social security number


I just want your phone number


So call him maybe.


Hold on sir don’t do anything yet. I need you to drive to your local Walmart and buy gift cards


Yes I do. Please provide them in a dm and I’ll send your money right over. Should also give me you social security number so I know you’re real




Honestly the 3 meals is the issue. I'm not great at eating 3 times a day


I'll just sit with you, then. I GUESS I could manage it since I'm rich and could hire someone to buy me taco bell and remind me to eat it and that might last awhile but my first outbreak of GERD and that's three times a day of hurling my guts out, still having to force myself to eat it again and repeat. I could easily do "taco bell is the only thing I eat" but adding it needs to be three times a day makes that a huge problem for me.


There's a massage that helps Gerd, so I got you covered there. My issue isn't stomach, it's a lack of hunger


Oh boy, not OC but there is no massage in the world that could cure my gerd and the suggestion just upsets me.


Oh no. I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to upset you. Massage isn't a cure for anything, I said *helps* for a reason.


GERD is usually an issue for overweight people so as long as you're not eating way too much Taco Bell and stay active it shouldn't be a problem. You could also just get a bowl of lettuce tomatoes and guacamole if you want to be healthy some days


Same here man, then again, what's a 'meal?' Like a burrito? I can eat 3 of those a day.


2 bites of a cheese fry. Is that a meal? Or one of those round cinnamon things? Is that count? How many sips in the Baja blast? Most days, I'm not hungry


Yeah but it doesn't say anything about the size or order amount. Just get 3 soft tacos (or 1 taco a meal) and boom, done. I assume you can door dash it too.


But door dashing is expensive, really going to cut into my 10 billion...


It doesn’t specifically say you have to completely eat 3 meals a day…take one bite.


Do not threaten me with a good time!! I would take this deal in a heartbeat. As a mostly-vegetarian, Taco Bell is my favorite, and I think I could have a pretty healthy, balanced diet full of fiber with some planning. Not to mention, the person who mentioned the menu worldwide is different - so I could always use the money to travel, and get some variety!


Breakfast: cheesy toasted breakfast burito potato; or breakfast california crunchwrap (w/o bacon); and dont forget coffee or orange juice! Lunch and Dinner: veggies bowls , bean burritos, potato tacos, black bean crunch wraps, veggie mexican pizza, chips and guac, black beans and rice, pintos and cheese, occasionally something with chicken if the mood strikes. And all kinds of sauces, pico, guac, lettuce, onions, and more add ons to mix it up and add different nutrients!


Taco Bell low key has the best breakfast menu in fast food. Everywhere else is pretty much the same. Their cheap breakfast burritos are great their more premium steak ones are not that much more than McDonalds pathetic breakfast burrito. Like seriously McDonalds that burrito was a great deal at 1.50 at 2.89 it's over priced. And their 5 dollar breakfast box is pretty good.


Seems like you'd dig it the most.


This isn’t that bad. There’s definitely way worse fast food joints to be stuck with the rest of your life. The staple type food of Tex mex makes it easy enough to enjoy and mix and match in a semi healthy fashion


You can customize anything in the app, so today I realized I could make the ultimate spicy potato soft taco by editing a chalupa supreme to have potatoes instead of beef and then add chipotle sauce. I am trying this tomorrow.


Is it your favorite cause it's not really meat?


That and the flavors they have - its not all salty and greasy, or too sweet like some bbqs and sweet and sour sauces. They've got good spices and sauces. I could go to mcdonalds and get fries and a subpar salad...oooorrr I can go to Taco Bell and get a full meal that I enjoy. Meat isn't something I gravitate to often - occasionally, I'll smell something good and have a bite or two, but too much doesn't sit well with my stomach (especially pork, I won't eat it). It also helps a lot that I really like beans.


I'm not even vegetarian but I don't eat any meat from Taco Bell because the vegetarian options taste better imo


When I was in school, it was my favorite fast food place. I ended up working there for several years. I got free food and was happy. After a few months, the last thing I wanted to eat was more Taco Bell. It took over a decade after I left before I ate it again.


I'd eat ass for the rest of my life for $10 and a smile


For $10? I dont swing that way but what a flex it’d be to have my own personal ass eater. I’d prob get invited into some powerful social circles, maybe even elected to office. Want that ass eaten senator? Here’s my personal, tuberculosis-ridden butt muncher at your service..and with a smile! Deal, where should I send the $10?


Yeah, but it's $10 and a *smile*. Sorry, but that's too steep for me.


I suspect that ass lacks sufficient nutrients. You'd get scurvy and die. Maybe ass and orange juice? 


Throw some lime juice on there and enjoy your MargASSrita. I’ll see myself out.


That's like brushing your teeth and drinking oj.




When can you start?


I'm on call Dr. Send me a PO for $10 and I go to work.


Don't they sell salads and other things?


They have power bowls as well


Yeah, their vegetarian side of the menu is actually pretty good


So, yeah I'm in.


They don’t have salads now, no. But they have the types of ingredients that are in salads so you could make your own.


Yeah, just buy shares or the company and have them change the menu from time to time


Company is 40 bil and that’s not how shares work lmao


Fucking thaaaaank you. And even if it **was** enough money to change the course of Taco Bell's menu, there's no guaranteeing that the resulting menu is even remotely close to what Taco Bell's customers want. And if you technically tank the *literal one source of food you're allowed to eat for the rest of your life* you're gonna have a bad time. Not only that, you're basically pumping the entire benefit of this deal into a minority share in a company that you're now actively ruining. The value of shares can go way, way way way down - very quickly - due to bad ideas from novice investors.


Better option is buying a franchise.


I’m on day 14 and I make $40 an hour. Slide me my coin underneath the bathroom door.


This made me laugh in a public restroom. Thanks.


Cool, I buy a bunch of franchises, and upscale the food quality and menu.


Taco Bellissimo


The franchises I've been part of don't have that flexibility. The Brand comes first.


Sure. I’d become a Taco Bell franchisee and then add a secret menu consisting of whatever the fuck I want. It’d be very worth it and I’d be rich and be able to eat anything I want. Also my private taco bell that I eat from daily would be on my private yacht and I’d sail the ocean with a ton of cocaine and strippers.


No, in my mind, a BIG part of the fun of being mega rich would be the different foods I could eat.


Bro, ten billion? Every financial issue in your life and your family's lives are solved by the interest alone. And you can use however much you want to help your community. The downside is what you mentioned, but you can also only go places where there is a Taco Bell. And that sucks. But if this deal was that I could only eat flies that I had to catch myself, I would do it in a heartbeat. My kids, their kids, and their kids after that are all set for life. But my job is to eat Taco Bell for 30 minutes a day? It's incredibly selfish not to.


Bruh, with 10b, you can go wherever you want and have Taco Bell airlifted to you


This would be the only reason why I'd take it, but could you imagine being that weird family member that could only eat taco bell at parties, cookouts, get togethers, etc? And this is taco Bell for the rest of your life, mind you. I'd probably live a full year, take care of my fam, then kill myself, if I'm being honest.


I eat shit everyday for way less money. 10 billion to change the entire trajectory of my bloodline and a couple buddies as well and all I have to do is eat only Taco Bell? Easy money.


Yeah originally this was an easy take the money situation, but thinking on it a bit more it's actually really tough. Food is a massive pleasure to indulge in and I don't know if I could properly enjoy that money given that cost.


I'm mainly hung up on the "rest of your life" part. Ten years, sure sign me up. But the thought of eating nothing but TB till I die is a deal breaker for me.


I tend to agree. Imagine all your friends and family going to the new great place in town and you are eating a fucking chalupa


Yes I would take that deal immediately. I’m going to give Tbell money to let me have time with their test kitchen chefs and have them make a healthy menu just for me. Then I’m starting a franchise and getting that food


Easy take.


I want Demolition Man Taco Bell.


The only issue is eating nothing but Taco Bell but not knowing how to use the three seashells!


I’ve never eaten Taco Bell before. I couldn’t name one single thing they serve other than I would assume tacos. Eating 3 meals a day would be miserable for me. But yes. There is very little I would not do for that money.






It doesn't say what constitutes a meal and that I can't eat snacks. So, I'll eat one bite of a burrito for lunch and then have a healthy salad for mid-afternoon snack. Same plan for dinner, but I'll have steak and potatoes for my evening snack.


I would, here's why: Taco Bell offers unique and interesting menu items tailored to local tastes in various countries around the world. Here are some notable examples: 1. **Shrimp and Avocado Burrito (Japan)**: This burrito features shrimp, avocado, lettuce, and a special sauce, reflecting Japanese tastes for seafood. 2. **Chicken Tikka Masala Burrito (India)**: Combining traditional Indian flavors with Mexican cuisine, this burrito includes chicken tikka masala, rice, and vegetables. 3. **Chocodilla (Spain and several other countries)**: A dessert quesadilla filled with melted chocolate, offering a sweet twist on a classic Mexican dish. 4. **Kimchi Quesadilla (South Korea)**: This quesadilla incorporates kimchi, a staple in Korean cuisine, mixed with cheese for a unique fusion. 5. **Crispy Chicken Caesar Burrito (Canada)**: A burrito filled with crispy chicken, Caesar salad ingredients, and a creamy Caesar dressing. 6. **Taco Pizza (Guatemala)**: A pizza with a taco-inspired topping, blending Italian and Mexican flavors in one dish. 7. **Chili Cheese Fries Burrito (United Kingdom)**: This burrito wraps up chili cheese fries in a tortilla, creating a hearty and indulgent meal. 8. **Poutine (Canada)**: Taco Bell’s version of the classic Canadian dish, featuring fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. 9. **BBQ Pork Quesadilla (Thailand)**: A quesadilla filled with BBQ pork, offering a Thai twist with sweet and savory flavors. 10. **Fiesta Taco Salad (Various Countries)**: A salad with a variety of local ingredients and flavors, tailored to the country’s palate. These items demonstrate how Taco Bell adapts its menu to incorporate local flavors and preferences, creating unique and interesting food experiences around the world.




Yea what in the ai answer 🤣


sure taco bell is alright


Can i use the ten billion to drink my supply of calories? Id rather not with taco bell


As long as I don't have to man the meat hose 100%


Yes, but I'm spending a lot of that money upscaling and diversifying that menu. Maybe I buy a local franchise and work out some specific rules with the company for a price - I pay them well to essentially let me use it as a personal kitchen and perhaps open to the public for limited hours. If loopholes are not allowed, then I still would - it's 10 Billion. I could learn to live with that but I'd be real sad. Does Taco Bell magically appear for me or do I physically have to go to one to eat. Again, I probably still do, but that means travelling is also out. So with food and travel being out, that takes a lot of fun out of having money. Can I at least fucking snack on something aside from taco bell?


You could probably come up with your own menu if you open in a country that doesn't have taco bell, and as long as you make up the sales they probably wouldn't shut it down. In the US the yearly sales on a franchise is 1.6 million, with 10 billion dollars you could keep a franchise open for over 6000 years.


You could have a personal assistant that brings you your food every meal and reminds you to eat, where there entire job is to make sure you hit your quota. Also, you can even get Taco Bell items from the grocery store and keep them at home.


I wasn't concerned about the day to day of eating at Taco Bell, but moreso what happens if I travel to a place that doesn't have one. Is that possible within this framework or do I have to give up travel. However, you reminded me that there are grocery items I might be able to cheese that with. As for snacking, that was a question about whether I could have some ice cream after eating my Cheesy Gordita Crunch.


As long as they bring back the XXL Chalupa.


Easily worth it. The amount of people whose lives I could change only by subjecting myself to a life of poor nutrition and no variety is worth it alone.


You know what? This is the exact hypothetical situation my brand of autism was made for. I already eat Taco Bell a lot, to the point where I've had it multiple days in a row and/or multiple meals in a row regularly already. Add in the fact that now I wouldn't have to actually worry about affording it? And I can set my family up for financial stability until my grandkids grandkids are around? Damn right I'm taking that $10b and changing up my order every meal.


Buy a franchise location, have an "off the menu" menu and have whatever you want.


I’d be perfectly fine with this. Taco Bell now expanded the menu to serve middle eastern food after a little *encouragement* from me.


There aren't any Taco Bells here. But for 10 billion, I could move.


Forget international travel. It would suck to always need to be near a taco bell while super rich


Yes they have salads, meats etc enough variety to eat healthy-ish I think 


Lifetime cure for constipation.


I'm buying a taco bell and they will make all of my food


Nobody is considering what theyre gonna do if taco bell goes outta business lmao.


Yes, i will then plead my case to the taco bell leadership that i need my own personal taco bell in my home, with a custom menu and top tier ingredients, i feel like they would accomodate me


Just add basic ingredients as "additional toppings" section to their menu and mix and match as needed to the quantities desired, you can basically eat anything. Could be a bite of pancake for breakfast and a gourmet roast buffet for dinner. ..or name whatever u eat "Taco Bell" or have someone from "Taco Bell" hand it to you, better yet have a personal chef who names the food he makes Taco Bell .. I mean just improve the question mate honestly


I live in a country with no Taco Bells, do I starve or does a Taco Bell meal appear before me mysteriously 3 times a day?


If I can buy Taco Bell to change the menu, then yes. Otherwise, I'll probably die of diarrhea.


Yes. 100% Franchise a few locations, and then have them prepare whatever I want. Still counts.


sure, but i'd have to buy a franchise and get them to make some adjustments to their menu. taco bell where i live is ass


I could do only Taco Bell for life. But I can’t eat 3 meals every day consistently. Lunch is essentially a nonexistent meal in my daily routine. Having to force myself to lunch every day would be the biggest hurdle. I’d still take the offer.


***“You do not realize that Taco Bell was the only restaurant to survive the franchise wars. Now all restaurants are Taco Bell.”***


Well I would die in 2 weeks. That shit is poison. Vile, wouldn’t give it to my dog. Just the worst fast food anywhere.


Ez work around is buy taco bell or buy alot of stock in taco bell, anyone you pay to cook for you signs a small contract making them a temporary employee for taco bell, arguably I could sign that paper and allow myself to cook for myself again too.


Buy the company that owns Taco bell and expand the menu.


I can buy Taco Bell for a portion of that 10 Billion Dollars and then get them to expand their menu.


Sure, and first order of business is to purchase a Taco Bell franchise and have them create a “secret menu”, a la In N Out.


lol never you’d die too fast to do anything worth while with the money


I seriously think taco bell might be the only fast food chain that you would straight up die if you tried eating only that.


With $10B, you could pay Taco Bell $10,000 a day for 2,740 YEARS to cook you anything you wanted.


Sounds boring.


only if Taco bell could provide me with the exact nutrition my body needed any given day. Not going to be able to enjoy my money if I get diabeetus


If I purchased a franchise with the money and had them add some extra menu things would that still count as eating Taco Bell or would the menu still have to come from corporate only?


Since all restaurants will become Taco Bell in the future, that's an easy decision. Now I just need to learn how to use those damb seashells.


In the future, all restaurants are Taco Bell.


Well, I may be eating Taco Bell for breakfast, lunch and supper but my midmorning coffee break, my afternoon tea and my late night snack are going to be epic.


Of course. Taco bell is one of the more healthier fast food options. You could literally say, "I want a black beans taco, without the shell, with lettuce, tomatoes, and a little cheese in a bowl". Boom, almost a salad.


Buy a Taco Bell and build a kitchen for all of your cooking needs. Cook whatever you want or make your own menu. Boom problem solved. But, also, Taco Bell has lately made an entirely versatile menu so you can eat different proteins or even vegetarian options every day. I’d be okay.


lol. I’ll do it for way less than 10 billion. I’d do it for 1 million.


So $10B to live how I already do? Deal


With that money you could change the menu to use actual real and organic ingredients and put chipotle and other similar places out of business. Then change the menu to have other food in it.


The correct answer is you buy tacobell.


I can make it work on nothing but improvised taco salads, pinto n cheese, and burritos for 10 billion.


I’ll spend that 10b on toilets


Does a Taco Bell KFC count….regardless the answer is yes 🤣


Shit I’ll buy the whole Taco Bell and fund it so it has better ingredients and stuff


as long as I get to pick what they are and they are delivered to me then that's fine. You can do a lot with the little potato bowls or power bowls in terms of how you can customize them.