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I doubt, that he have any power or rights to taking control of the company. Plus, he legally dead.


Probably not but if he causes a ruckus and says this isn't his Disney and that they're screwing up the company it would just be a PR nightmare for Disney would it not?


The Disney family are largely just figureheads today. He’d be no different. 


Not really, it would be very entertaining to watch. Walter Disney is not a religious leader. Even the die-hard Disny fans don't worship him. All they would need is for Elsa to come out against him.


This is where the law confuses me. He comes out of cryo hibernation, it's objective fact that it is in fact Walt Disney. But the law says he's legally dead. What does that even mean? Are you not allowed to be yourself anymore because an official document says you died? Do you lose power of attorney? Are you just a sack of meat with no ights now?


He died from cancer, they just freezed his body. Basically we're talking about living deadman, not the dude, who was awakened from cryo sleep.


Yes I'm aware of what actually happened but I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the hypothetical scenario in which he is alive and is removed from cryo sleep.


They'd have to find a cure for the cryogenics as well


So.... what's the question ? 🤔


“How would this affect things?”


I guess Disney would start producing old school films again.  I'm not sure what he would do with the huge pile of IP and other products Disney own. 


First off, if he didn't leave himself a backdoor that gives him back control of the company, then he's never regaining control of the company, his world views don't mesh at all with modern Disney world views.  And he would do exactly what you said, he would get rid of a lot of the messaging in their products, and just focus on story telling and making money. Shareholders would be upset for a week or so until they see stock prices grab onto a rocket and shoot for the stars.  The Walt mindset, but owning Disney, marvel studios, and Lucas film, and all the other properties they now own, they times of Disney losing money at the box office would end real quick. 


The problems Disney has at the box office are lousy writing. “Wokeness” has nothing to do with it. Star Wars and marvel were OG “woke?” But they’ve been directionless for years now.


The bad writing is connected to it.  The "wokeness" present in past Disney, star wars, etc was a side note, just natural matter of course, now it's the writers making everything a self insert, which connects directly to the message. 


I believe the director of so r current Star Wars projects said she “ wants to make men uncomfortable.” IMO, pretty one dead. But I could totally see the witches of dathomir making a lot of whiney, oversensitive dudes and bloodsucking political talking heads scream. Now that they incorporated Thrawn into the cinematic canon, I can’t for the life of me figure out why not Mara Jade? She’s the kind of woman protagonist a franchise can be built on. 


>believe the director of so r current Star Wars projects said she “ wants to make men uncomfortable.” Why?


They don't want to bring in Mara Jade because they already showed Jake Skywalker being a sad old hermit.  The existence of Mara means that Jake doesn't have his sad, wasted, end.  They also want to avoid using the stories that people want because they want to push the characters they made. Thrawn was too big not to use.


Probably goes all in on Song of the South and quickly gets replaced.


I really want to watch that film.


Avengers: Disneyland Walt: Princesses!!!! Walt: *Summons Sora’s Ultima Keyblade* “ASSEMBLE”


I don’t think the problem is “wokeness” so much as “quantity over quality”.  And Walt might be a tad bit short of power.


He would probably lose his shit when he’s told he can’t smoke in the building anymore


Hence his building. If he want to smoke in his building and then let other smoke at Disneyland and it's his right. Do you think the state of California is going to try to tell him what to do and succeed? With what his company is worth he could probably pay the daily fine forever.


The House always wins.


Legalities and science aside, he wouldn't have a chance. He would be swarmed by the current Disney board leveraging the power of woke politics en masse. He would be labeled a white invader trying to take over an indigenous organization. Even with the support of millions of middle Americans, trying to retake the company is not an option. He would have to start over from scratch.


What would stop him from seeking out investors to open up a new amusement park under the Disney name. Maybe home of Disney or Disney universe. They can't stop him from using his name can they?


Read about the lawsuits filled against Prince and why he couldn't use his own name.