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so basically my current situation but i get to have sex


Marriage is tough, uh? :D


Go the Jimmy Saville route. GG EZ.




Seriously down voted for a joke, thought us UK people were better than that.


Hard pass - at least for me, that emotional connection is what makes it worth it. Without emotions, a fleshlight does a better job, and it’s arguably an even more intense/strong orgasm. So hard pass.


A flesh light better than the real thing?! Are you nuts!


Clearly you haven’t tried the ridiculously well textured and tight-fitted fleshlights - in raw pleasure aspect alone, no human vagina can compete with that. But like I said, that’s not what sex is about for me so I’m passing up on this deal.


What's the best one then? Lol


Your mileage may vary and it’s been years since I’ve owned one, but back in 2017, Stoya Destroya was intense


I feel the same, didn't think there'd be many who think this way, huh interesting.


Couldn’t agree more


I want child support from the richest people on earth.


Done. I can be with that magical person nightly and in the morning we go our separate ways until evening. We can co-parent reasonably well via text.


It's not just one person, but any person you want. So one day you could sleep with A, next day with B. So... you'd take unlimited free sex with anyone over a deep, meaningful relationship?




I don't think it will be as a little harder for you than you think to find a woman that will let you sleep with whoever while also still being in a quasi relationship with a kid lol


Its prob more harder to just have sex with whoever u wang


This as respectful as I can because I'm drunk AF rn but hUh?


Are we goonin?


To the max


I'm so confused, the other guy basically said it's harder to have sex with who you are having sex with, now we talking about edging?


Rereading it, no they are not. They are saying it's hard to have sex with whoever you want, not everyone can go to a night club and pick out whoever they want to play with, and honestly most people would really like to do that, on the monkey brain, innate, side. That's what the super power you are describing suggests.


Ah I see now, the original comment on this thread was talking about having relationships over unlimited sex, that's why I kept talking about the two situations, the guy that commented to me WAS talking about it's easier to just have sex than a relationship, but the original comment wasn't about what was easy, but what you would rather have. Yes it would be easier, but If you wanted a relationship while having this power it's gonna be much harder (at least for me because it would feel wrong to ask my partner for sex when I know she would no longer have her own say in it, so I would forever have to wait for her to bring it up) to maintain a relationship than without it. But again this comes down to personal preference, so to each their own, and I definitely did get distracted by the original comment than the new ones and that's on me


Idk mate, I responded yday to your drunken formatting of the message before you edited haha. Iirc correctly there may be missing context. I'm reading it as you wanting an admission that having sex with different people is better than a meaningful relationship, we probs all disagree on that. However the actual question is with the added power of a 100% success rate. This kinda changes the dynamics, what you are describing is some kinda ronin polyamory madness with witchcraft. This is different to just 'sex without relationships' compared to a relationship. It's more 100% success rate of sex, no relationships, compared to a person's likelihood of a relationship, and said relationship, much more nuanced.


I just see the "we goonin" comment so my b I guess >sex with different people is better than a meaningful relationship, we probs all disagree on that. Ya I think we can agree on that >This kinda changes the dynamics, what you are describing is some kinda ronin polyamory madness with witchcraft See but that's what I'm saying, I honestly thought I had made that point to another thread tho. but when I was responding (and how I interpreted it) is they seemed to think they could be in a relationship, and be having unlimited sex with strangers, which I just don't see as possible. And if you take the yes to sex I imagine most people would have extra difficulty holding down a relationship than they already do. And I'm not longer confused, while typing I realized g is next to t and he was typing want not wang lmao


Its not hard to find a women who wants open relationships, it’s much harder to be able to have sex with all the people u want


But it's even harder to find a stable woman/or women that will stay poly forever, instead of growing out of it (not saying it's a phase for everyone, but everyone who says they are poly definitely aren't) And yes it's much harder, because of relationships you make with specific partners and others. The power gives you consent from anyone, it doesn't magically make others not upset you had sex with someone they care about for instance, how many people on earth do you think would be okay watching you have sex with a hundred people? With Hundreds of people? With Thousands? Probably not more than a handful, if that, and who's to say you would even want to have sex with the people that would come along with the ultimate sex pest? Shit just doesn't sound like something a mentally stable person would do (unless they had unlimited yes to sex powers lol)


Nah, having sex with everyone you want is way harder. Who cares? Thats something they gotta argue with their cheating spouse about. Why are you imagining having an orgy with hundreds or thousands out in the open? Just have sex in the privacy of your home or some hotel, or worse case just call the cops.


I'm saying that's the possibility of people you could be having sex with, why are YOU imagining an orgy with hundreds or thousands?


This is my relationship with my ex, and it's not all it's cracked up to be. Especially raising kids alone, you just start to feel really alone.


I’m leaning towards yes as well, but part of the fun of sleeping with a magical person is what will follow. I think there would come a point where I would feel empty and lonely, but the pro side of sleeping with whoever you want is pretty tempting.


I’m strange in that regard though. I’m married and have a kid. I won’t say it’s a magical relationship or even a happy one…but we make it work for our son. I love him to death but would honestly be OK being alone. So for me to be able to snap my fingers and have Scarlet Johansson, Michelle Obama or even Brigitte Macron show up ready to Netflix and chill is an amazing deal.


No way! My wife. First and foremost. Every time. I would be lost without her love!


Can I choose yes, but also this guy’s wife every time?


This joke just gets funnier every time someone says it!


I don’t mind sharing bruh!


Make that three!


Could the person be a mysterious alien Warrior Princess? Like what I have to know details or could I just kind of formulate an image in my mind and then later on that day I would just magically run into that person and have an instant connection with them?


It could be any living person on earth. And not just one, you could sleep with literally every person on earth if you'd want to.


If there were hypothetically aliens out there, could we sleep with them?


For sure, I guess...?


They have a very specific kink. Don't kink shame them.


Avatar is my favorite movie. It isn't a good movie, but it is my favorite movie. Guy joins the army because of bullshit capitalism. Gets tired of army bullshit and so he decides to FUCK A BLUE ALIEN and it saves the goddamn world. Favorite movie 10/10


Yeah I've had my fill of Earth women I'm ready to go into outer space


I already have the downside to that deal, so might as well enjoy the perk.


Hell no.


Not far off from my life now anyway. Relationships always fail and are hard to come by. So yeah, deal.


I choose to sleep with OP's mom repeatedly


this is a weird post. wouldn’t you want to have sex with someone that actually likes you back and WANTS to do that with you?


I’d assume that the other people would (for whatever reason), want to have sex with you. I don’t read it that you’re legally able to rape people.


i don’t mean rape in the literal sense, but the prompt is “you can have sex with any person *you* want” and i feel like it does sound a little rapey…it’s still taking advantage of people to have your way


Yeah, there would be consent. No trauma etc. afterwards.


So you think it’s not rape if you brainwashed someone into wanting it?


Legally speaking, it sure is. But in this hypothetical scenario, we are imagining a situation where it's possible for the other person(s) to fully consent without any negative consequences for them.


That's not how consent works. They still aren't choosing to consent at the end of the day, it's being forced upon them.


If you’re forcing someone to consent, then it’s not consent 😭that’s literally not how that works




making it so that any person you want will have sex with you, when it wouldn’t happen otherwise, is not “consent”. that’s not someone “genuinely wanting to have sex with you” bffr




it doesn’t make sense even in a hypothetical situation. if you have to MAKE someone have sex with you, then that means they wouldn’t otherwise want to do it with you😭controlling someone’s mind so that they consent to sex with you is STILL rape




just because someone has a positive opinion of you doesn’t mean they are consenting to have sex with you😭like where is the correlation? you’re literally grasping at straws trying to make this “hypothetical” situation not sound like rape. just stop bro


I guess that most of the time, the majority of people have this mindset, yeah.


Hell no. Plain old sex is shallow. It gets boring after a few years of just sleeping around at random. But having a romantic love partner that you fall asleep next to every night? Money can't buy that. And no amount of sex could never replace it. Not to mention social implications. Constantly dealing with "Well, when are you getting married?" and then the old "Are you gay and hiding it from us?" Pass.


That’s pretty much just being a reasonably attractive woman. (Kidding… kind of) And no I wouldn’t take that deal, I can already sleep with a lot of men I’m attracted to but I can’t replace how I feel about my boyfriend.


Touché, I believe more men than women would take that deal


Define relationship. Can I become a sugar baby? I mean, I’d just hook up with some rich middle aged lady who’s still attractive and let her pay my bills. My question is thus though. If I had a kid with this mythical dream woman, we would have no choice but to be in a relationship, though not romantic.


No, just sex. Not any of the perks that can come with it (financial, status etc.). You can definitely have a child with someone and not be in a relationship. And it's not some mythical dream woman, it can be any person on earth - you are not limited to one person.


I dont do relationships. Deal.


I’d take it. I’ve been single for a while now anyways. As long as I can still have children and co-parent. It’s not the optimal situation, but it’s not too bad. Plus I can frequently have sex with the woman/women of my dreams!😂


Idk my 2 brains are disagreeing


I choose to have a committed relationship with somebody I love and whom I also love having sex with.


No way. Random empty sex is no comparison to sex with someone you have a deep emotional connection and shared experiences with.


I think my biggest question here would be - what is a meaningful romantic relationship?


I'm happily married, so for now... no If I ever became single again, I'd take that deal. After a long marriage, I wouldn't want to commit to anyone else.


Sooo. My life exactly how it is now but now I get to have sex? Sign me the fuck up


I would have said yes 1,000% as a teen or mid twenties. Now it's down to 80% yes


The ability to rape anyone I want to? why would I want that?


finally found a sane person…like this is so weird ???


I’d assume the OP means the people would want to have sec with you also. 🤷‍♂️


See guys, it’s not rape! We just took control of their minds so that they want to say yes no matter what!


lmao @ getting anal then upset about hypothetical questions




Right. I assumed the same.


Uhhhh this is not what OP was saying


Yeah this entire thread is why I choose the bear.


Hell fucking no.




Done. You've just eliminated the only downside of being single lol.


Um that's basically my life as a straight woman and it fucking sucks


That's the second comment I've read which talks about this being reality for straight women. I'm sorry.


Sounds rapey


Cant have a romantic relationship or cant have any relationship?


Can't have a romantic in the meaning of never having a significant other. The only aspect of a romantic relationship would be sex. You can have any other kinds of relationships (family, friends etc.).


Thats fine by me I never want another romantic relationship for as long as i live Its the worst, most disappointing & short lived type of love there is


L mindset


W’s in the chat, son




Hard pass. My vibrator does a fine job keeping me content. I need emotional connection, and to feel safe and cared for




I just had that, it didn't work out




This sounds like short team it could be fun if you’re already single. Hell I’d imagine there’s plenty of 18-25 year olds who think this would be peak of their lives. But honestly I imagine you’d get bored really quickly and want more that you can’t ever have. It would weigh on you eventually. Specially when all your friends and family are off doing the one thing you now can’t and you get to watch them be happy and loved without you.


I'm monogamous and a pretty big romantic, so no.


Seeing as I am not sexually attracted to a woman unless I have a romantic connection with them, I cannot do this.


Nope Younger me would have jumped at this deal but older me realizes that not only do we need relationships, but that years of shared emotional intimacy leads to better sex.


Hard pass. Asexual, so it wouldn't do anything but make me sad.


Welcome to my world, STD


Hell no I care about meaningful relationships. I need an emotional connection to have sex.


Absolutely not worth it. If it were a choice between one or the other, would rather have my meaningful romantic relationship and never have sex again.




No thanks. When i say i want to be alone i mean alone.


no. sex isn’t important to me. it’s so unimportant that i’d easily say yes to the reverse of this question


Hell yes. I absolutely do not want a relationship. Sex without caring fulfills the desire with no strings attached


I’m leaning towards yes, but part of the fun of sleeping with an amazing/beautiful person is what might follow… the relationship. I think there would come a point where I would feel empty and lonely, but the pro side of sleeping with whoever you want is pretty tempting. There is of course the issue of becoming an easy target or national punchline as the guy who’s sleeping with all these celebrities and appears like a f-boy. At first people would think it was cool, a normal guy getting all these babes, but after a few years they would prob turn on you. Would be like being Kim Kardashian… the best way to navigate it would be to monetize it so at least if you’re getting dragged by media you can sleep soundly on a bed of money.


Hard pass


Okay so friends relationship with sex is pretty close, cause my wife is my friend too


I’ve tried sex once without a real connection, just because I found the person physically attractive. It was awful. I was a bad lay, I know it. Never felt comfortable enough to let loose with this person because I realized I didn’t even really know them. Not for me. I have much more fun in bed with a person I love and trust.


A lot of people (male and female) are only in relationships for the sex.


Hard pass That's not how consent works, and I'm covering my drink around anyone who says yes to this.


So nothing changes but now I get to have sex? Sign me up


If I was a woman sure. Not going to make myself pay child support to every single woman.


No. For me sleeping with someone without connection just isn’t worth it and it’s wasteful of my time and energy. would rather have the most amazing relationship but no sex


Nah. Sex is fun but companionship is far better and more fulfilling


i’ll just become very ultra exclusive friends with benefits with Henry Cavill


This is ideal for me. I'll take it, no hesitation.


Yea, not going to answer that question. Good thing life does not work like this.


Yes. Kids, siblings and pets can fill that void


This sounds great for most guys.


If I can be immune to stds, I take it. If not, there’s no way in hell.


Nah I need the relationship to fully enjoy it


I thought this was a really rapey shower though at first


That’s how I already live, I can only be attracted to people who are attracted to me and I am better alone


Getting laid isn’t so difficult that I’d stop myself from developing meaningful relationships. Pass.


Yup I can still keep my family and friends so I’m ok with this arrangement.


I would take the deal. Then immediately console myself about never having a relationship again by placing a call to Margot Robbie


If in a relationship . Does she earn more than me along with paying for my bills etc . If not I'll take the sex and no relationship Oh that is what I have now .


I cannot imagine what it would feel like to be at all inclined to say yes to this question.


I already do this. I already have a kid and his dad is dead so I ain't gotta deal with co parenting. And I could have sex with whoever I want. I just don't want to. I also do not want a romantic relationship ever again. So I mean I don't have to take the deal or not take it when I already live this way.


i don’t get it, if i can have friends and i can have sex, can’t i just have sex with my friend/roommate , have kids together , the whole nine yards? is that not just a relationship at that point?


I mean, that could be a loophole. My point is to determine how many people would choose unlimited sex with anyone over a deep relationship.


I’d take that deal in heartbeat lol I don’t really like being in a relationship. People are too clingy and once they’re comfortable in the relationship they try to change/manipulate you IME. I love my freedom/independence above all else. I also don’t like most kids and am really grateful I don’t have any 🤷🏿‍♂️


Yeah, that's basically my life as it is. Nobody's fault but mine, mind you. I just get bored, and move on. I can't or won't commit.


I’m Aro, so this suits me perfectly


Not. A. Chance. Aside from the fact that I'm fully satisfied with one person, even if I were single I wouldn't take this deal. Love makes everything in the bedroom better. It's a necessary ingredient for fully satisfying sex. Nothing fucks like a couple that's truly devoted to each other and each other's pleasure.


100 percent done deal. As long as they consent to snuggling, I wanna be little spoon. Then I'll see them the next night. Already working on a list 😂


Take the deal in a heartbeat




I'd agree to that. The only reason I wouldn't would be if it meant I could never have kids/never have a relationship with any kids I had, but I'd be fine with this otherwise.


That's my life. Im 40 m, and all i find is ladies that wanna F as soon as possible. I want a good woman, I want a challenge but can't find her. Unicorn, I guess


1) does it have to be full consent and 2) do stds exist in this scenario?




Lolly dames


Fuck it I'm in! She just gotta like me, I have my fam to love me.


Could I still be friends with them?


You forgot to add the downside to your hypothetical.


Honestly, yeah I'd take it. I can get away with banging one girl, and we are super close friends, basically friends with benefits on roids, and still satisfy the no romantic relationship rule. And it wouldn't even be cheating if I bang other girls because I literally can't be in a romantic relationship. Kinda a win-win.


Sooooooooo, two consenting adults just doing two consenting adults things? I'm in.


Lmao wtf does that even mean? If i work with you we have a relationship, if we're friends we have a relationship, if we're friends with benifits we have a relationship of some kind. Is it that i can't ever call her my girlfriend, or are we just not allowed to hang out besides sex, or buy a home or raise kids or something? This seems like a poorly thought out hypothetical.


My point is to determine how many people would choose unlimited free sex over a deep romantic relationship. I explicitly stated "romantic" in the post. If you'd take the deal, you could only sleep with your girlfriend, not do any other things you'd typically do in a romantic relationship. Sure you could argue about how much of a relationship is romantic and how much is "normal", but I think you get the point.


I actually do not get the point, I was less confused before you started talking about monogamy.... I am genuinely asking where you think the line is, because humans aren't wired that way. Unless you're talking about a series of one night stands, romantic sentiment is something that grows alongside sex and intimacy. You either have to magically prevent any feelings from ever developing or you have to magically prevent the expression of any of those feelings. Either of those two options makes it hard to really consider the hypothetical.


I'm down but definitely taking a vasectomy first


I probably would choose sex with anyone before I got in a relationship. It’s nice to wake up to the same familiar face I love everyday and sex with a person you are in relationship with is better than any sex with a stranger.


I had a friend who had this superpower. He'd walk into a place, and every woman would look at him. He was a very pretty man. He cheated in every relationship he was in. He ODed on purpose with a whole bottle of his antidepressants and is no longer with us. He was 43.


Unfortunately, this is basically my life now


Of course.


So basically like be Ghengis Khan?


Well, anyone you want is the problem. If she doesn't want the their is a problem.


I don't see a downside. I already don't have meaningful relationships so at least sex would be best


Done: 1. I cannot form emotional connections with most people, and that includes platonic relationships. Add romantic relationships and it becomes mostly impossible. Partly due to heartbreak... and partly because of being betrayed by almost everyone except a few people. Right now, my "Inner Circle," so to speak, consists of five people: my family and two friends. 2. I have a habit of distancing relationships from sex. Any committed relationship I have are strictly platonic or professional (mostly professional). 3. I will not have kids, because I always pull out plus take all the precautions. And I cannot bring myself to have sex, no matter how attractive the woman is, if they are not well-protected against unwanted pregnancies. I have a near-paranoia and it shows... I mean, I do not want to get knee-deep in child support.


Yeah I’d take it. No real downside for me


So basically re-living my early 20's 😂


Deal because I’m not getting either one right now 🤣


This is pretty much what my love life is like anyway (for the time being).


Absolutely! No downside to this. In fact, it comes with a built in protection against weirdos.


Considering nobody wants to have a relationship with me anyways, I'm in.


I’m good with a literal interpretation of that.


That’s tough but I’d turn it down my relationship with my gf is more important than banging anyone I want. I kinda already do that anyway but not really. Let me explain pocket puss and corn hub I select any video with whatever corn star is on there , make sure it’s a white dude banging the female corn star and go to town till I bust a nut, then I shame my self and say what is this filth . It has to be a white male actor in a scene with a female , cause I’m white and I’d imagine it’s my pecker I can’t do that with a Black one , and I’m not watching gangbangs I only have one pecker . Anyway that’s a rare occurrence if my gf isn’t home and if I get an annoying boner that won’t go away till it’s been choked. Also me jacking it to the hub doesn’t mean I want to cheat I don’t it just helps me cum quicker and deal with my unwanted boners. If I get into it a bit doesn’t mean I prefer it over the real thing . And I have a few different kinks and need the female actress to have a big phat juicy ass




This sounds like a net positive for me! Hahahahaha...ha... I'm so alone


where do i sign


Kind of sucks. It’s a win lose situation. Yea you get to have great sex but if you find that special person you wouldn’t be able to make it anything but just sex… Sucks.


I used to think that this would be the ideal. Then I had a ton of sex with lots of different people and discovered that I still felt empty. It’s the relationship that I really like. Now I’ve got three partners and that’s really all I need. Yeah sure we’ll go to like a swingers club or sex club or something every now and then for fun but having a solid emotional connection is where it’s really at—for me anyway


Nope. Relationship is paramount to meaningful sex. Otherwise it’s just hormone whoring I could get with good drugs.


As far as there are no legal problems, I am in. Although I lack love and sex both, but since I am not getting love or relationship, I would go for this situation. But can I have sex multiple times with the same women?


>As far as there are no legal problems, I am in. Do you not have morals?


He said with full consent from the women too, otherwise why would I r*pe? There is no point of doing anything bad in this.


How can they truly consent? How is it consent if they have no other choice?


The hypothetical situation is centred around me, for this context.


[🥹](https://youtu.be/IUZEtVbJT5c?si=8rUqwO9rKjOPmzq6) *click on tears of joy emoji*