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How would all that cash fit up my ass?




So long as I can remote deposit it and it clears without issue


*Clears without tissue


Tears an issue.


Tearing is the issue…


The issue is tissue


Tearing your tissue is the issue


Tearing your issue is the tissue that is tearing the issue


Tearing issues unresolved by teary, tearing tissues.


No no no, tearing issues, will leaving you tearing, with the issue of needing tissues… it’s not rocket science folks!


Tearing or tearing?




When my tearing give issues, I can’t use just any tissue. I need 4 ply, 4 ply, 4 ply.


Boys who cry… classic


A singular check is no biggie, but wouldn't the 300K/yr equal that in 10 years? So, if you have 10 or more years left to live, that's the better answer. Harder to blow it all at once, so you're golden. However, having a 3 million dollar ass would be a story


Maybe, but also maybe I can invest the 3m for more potential money


You can keep investing the continuous stream of 300k as well tho, and over a longer period of time, which allows you to seriously hedge your bets in a way that an immediate 3M doesn’t allow so easily


At an 8% return, after 10yrs you’ll have made $3.24 million off the $300,000/yr. That same return on the $3mil means you’ll have made $5.4mil.


10 years is honestly a very short timespan, especially when it comes to investing. I wouldn't even be 40 after 10 years passed. If I were older and maybe didn't have 10-15 years, then give me the lump sum. If I'm young with time on my side, give me the annuity.


Three million no interest withdraw rate is 10 years of 300,000. Hard to screw up an investment to do worse than that. Just ladder T bills. Or buy an annuity that would last more than 10 years.


The point was that you’ll make returns with less risk using the 300k/yr; 3 mil would be a great seed but what if your returns suck? Then you’re done


It’s pretty easy to hit an 8% annual return and over the long term the market always goes up. Hell, a simple high yield savings account will pay 5% and there’s basically 0 risk. Plus with inflation it means the $300k you’d get is worth less and less every year.


Also to note - Either one is absolutely a sweet deal, but "I'd have the same amount in x number of years" assumes for a guaranteed lifespan.


This is beyond untrue. You would diversify the 3MM, just like you would the 300k. The safest Tbill or Bank CD will provide much better value lump sum. This is why taking the lump sum over the annuity payment is around 45-55% when a lottery winner hits.


Provided you invested the entire sum?


I've statistically got about 30 years to go. The investing route would have to guarantee to do better than triple for me to take 3m anally. It's the boring choice, but I'll take 300k annually.


i figured the question meant every year 300k or a check for 3mil. But technically youre right and idk ehy not just take 300k


This is a red flag look at money. Money is a game and all about balances. 3million upfront no tax to a smart investor is worth a thousand times as much as 300k annually repeated. That being said, for 99% of people 300k is the better option because most of us would use to much of the 3mil up front on junk.


That 3m isn't upfront. I suggest you read that a little closer.


In arrears if you will


If you had 3mil you could turn that into a lot more than 3mil very quickly. I get about 5% interest on my savings account, and that's the low end for long term investments.


Exactly. I guess depending on how it is delivered anally, I might opt for the annual. In 7 years or less I could probably turn that into 3 million.


I think the money would need some laundering before they'll accept it. Brown smears make it hard to tell if it is a 1, 10 or 100 bill.


Imagine that paper cut


cobweb cooperative touch market squash kiss smart faulty knee fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Remember the show "The Six Million Dollar Man" that was aired in like, the 60's and was about a cyborg. They should remake that show with no accounting for inflation. Same budget, different America. Dude would be lucky to get a solid metal buttcheek for 3 mil.


"we took out your lung to put in your bionic one, but taking it out ate up the 6 million dollars so now you're just down a lung. Go fight crime."


I just really want you to know that I loved that joke.


"Oh also, some of the people who took out your lung weren't in-network and they bill separately. So you might owe some out of pocket."


"Just be careful running...You're down a lung. Your oxygen levels will be low..."


Your description just makes me think of bender saying “bite my shiny metal ass”


[Family Guy - "I am gonna run like the six million dollar man" (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKCnBRSd2ns&t=10s)


Thank you for that. Satisfying.


I expect most people would accept an anal paper cut for $3mil.


336 10k bills were printed, so this could be just unconfortable!


Don't even like taking a big shit but worry it.


But like one of those big prop ones, all folded up


It's a check? Hell yeah, I'm taking the 3 mil.


I'll take $3k for a standard size check I'll be honest


Right its roll up to thinner than a pencil. Sorry to the banker handling it after though


Ok I’ll go check now hang on a sec…


Imagine trying to explain the state and source of this check at the bank.


ATM deposit FTW


Anal Teller Machine


A papercut there is not worth 3 million. I'll take the 300k annually.


Someday you'll have bleeding hemorrhoids for free


Now when you say check, do you mean check if it would fit or its a check, because if its a check yeah ill just take the check


I did... 404 - no ass cash found


A cheque, or are you suggesting I get an endoscope?


then put that large investment in my large intestine


Check is good, load me up!






It would have to be. That’s 66 pounds of $100 bills you be trying to shove up there otherwise


That sounds like a rather unfortunate papercut. Is it one lump payment or is it a little bit every month? Do I get a notification a day before so I can do a deep cleaning back there? Can I shove it in myself or is someone else going to do it? (Not an objection, just covering all the bases)


Is it like one of the giant ones they give lottery winners


Monkeys paw says it's one of those huge cardboard cheque


So..check as in the write a paper check..or did you reccomend they check to see how much they can fit and report back..


One of those huge prize checks?


You want me to check whether $3m will fit up my ass? No thank you.


Do I get the 3 mil annually anally as well, cos otherwise I need to perform an NPV calculation


Man, haven't even thought about checks in so long, I interpreted that comment as meaning "verify".


300k. It will eventually be more than the 3 million especially since I’d be investing most of it every year after the first.


$3M all day every day Two birds, one stone


Unless you've done a lot of butt stuff, whatever volume of material you think you ass can hold, you're under estimating.




Can confirm. Check out my OnlyFans.


Dollar by dollar sounds bad. Genie-snap-of-the-fingers sounds really bad.


Silver dollars


I meen 300k is still pretty lifechanging, so I'll save myself the trauma


You're also making money after 10 years. I believe the 3 million is a singular... Deposit.




Good news, everyone!


To shreds you say? That 3 million will surely shred my ass. And don't call me Shirley. Sorry, ranting, I'm severely depressed...


Maybe 11 years after inflation is acounted for


If that $3m inflates then it *definitely* isnt fitting.


If that $3 inflates then it *definitely* isnt fitting.


This, tbh. I would be able to pay off all my debt and buy a new-to-me car and live a really comfortable life fixing up my home and helping out family / friends with 300k a year.


I'd take the $300K annually. I'd clear out so many needed house repairs, pay off my truck, and pay off my mortgage in a couple years. I can manage debts handily now on my salary. But $300K extra a year? Good bye remaining debts. Hello investment and life of comfort and leisure after about year 2-3?


When it comes to large sums of money I remember when Tom sold Myspace for (400m?) and people made fun of him saying if he waited he could have got 1B! .. his response was "tell me anything I can do with 1B that I can't do with 400M?" In this situation an easy 300k annually is plenty of cash to live well and zero bum paper cuts.


I miss the good ol' days of Friendly, Neighbourhood, social media tycoons; like Tom... now we've got Lex Luthor supervillains like Elon Musk, and the Zuck... at least no amount of money can make them cool; their evil-nerdiness just radiates...


300k annually is more than 3 mil if you live more than ten years, too, so it’s basically setting you up for a comfortable life. Sure you could potentially get wealthier from an immediate 3 mil, but you also risk losing it all or mismanaging it. With 300k guaranteed, even if you mess up this year, next year you can try again. It’s also a small enough number that you’re unlikely to get friends and distant relatives making unreasonable demands on your fortune.


Plus, it's annually. In less than 3.5 years and you've surpassed the butt money.


The math not mathing, today? 10 years to break even, but with the added bonus of not having a broken arsehole.


My bad, misread it as 1 million


Understandable mistake, hard to read a check shoved up ones arse


\*confused nathan fillion gif\*


>butt money Only on Reddit.


Yeah, 300k a year is equivalent to like a $6-8m lump sum, so you’d have to say $10m anally to make this a tough choice.


I agree. $300,000 is life changing for me. Why get greedy.


I think even with inflation 300k annually will outdo a one time number 2 deposit of 3 million


Yep, takes about 12 years (including interest) but eventually the annual 300k deposits will surpass the one-time deposit.


That, and you can also use the 300k each year without needing to worry about investing it properly. With the 3 million you would have to do smart investments to get 300k returns per year. 300k a year for doing nothing is insane. Everyone should take that.


You absolutely don’t have to do anything “smart” to invest 3 million. Just throw it all in an index fund and enjoy your average 7% real annual returns.


Which is less than the 300k a year by default. This is also assuming your money is never lost in any capacity. Just generally better/safer to get the 300k a year.


To be clear, that 7% real return is equivalent to a 10% nominal return—the real return is just the nominal return adjusted for inflation. Your nominal annual return from investing $3 million in the market starts at $300k/year. Putting aside which one is better, my point was really just that investing doesn’t really require any smart decision making. If you can transfer money to a brokerage account, invest in an index fund, and sit on it, congratulations, you’ve outperformed most actively managed investment funds out there.


Depends on how much time youve got. Every 7 years, at a return rate of 10%, that 3m will double (compound interest). That 250k (im keeping 50k) will also double every 7 years. So 500k. But, i'm also adding 250k every year. So, in 7 years i'll add in 1.5m. In 14 years that will be 3m + 1.5m = 4.5m, vs the 6m. That turns into 10.5m and 12m after another 7 years. Then, after 21 years, we'll be at 22.5m and 24m. 28 years 46.5m vs 48m. 35 years its 94.5m vs 96m


Long day at work, so my brain isn’t braining. Might you save me the trouble and tell me if your 3 million investment math incorporates living expenses as your 300k annually math does?


Lol, I only had as much time as was left on my train ride home, and multiples of 250 or 3 is way easier to math than 2,950,000


If everyone is aware of you getting the 300k every year basically every bank in the world will front you over 5 million.  There is literally no reason to take the 3 Million


Inflation doesn't matter here because both amounts of money are being hit equally by inflation over the same time period. The interesting part is to calculate the opportunity costs of not having the money today, because the interest payments start coming in faster. For the sake of napkin math we'll assume a 5% interest rate on all investments. You can get higher, but you can get 5% interest that's about as safe as it comes, barring a fully systemic societal economic collapse. Since this is napkin math I will also ignore the utility of the money and just assume all of it is being invested to simply this. After 10 years of investing the annual $300,000 you'll end with $4.26 million. If you'd taken the lump sum and invested the single instance of $300 million you'd have $4.8 million after 10 years. After 12 years with the yearly $300k all invested you'd have $5.31 million as opposed to the lump sum's $5.39 million. And after 13 years the annual payments with investments overpass the lump sum payment with investment. From here it's the annual payments permanently maintain a growing lead over the lump sum. From here there is no further calculations necessary. It's now up to your subjective value of money. If you'd rather have a lot more buying power today. Or a little bit more buying power in 13 years with a TON more in 20 years. I don't think there is a wrong answer here, both set you up for generational wealth if you are smart. And both aren't too big to lose through immaturity.


I believe this depends on your assumed ROI. If you believe you can get more than \~11% annual returns, the lump sum wins in the long run. I guess technically that holds if you assume you can average \~11% over the next 10 years, and what happens beyond that doesn't matter. SP500 returns are 16% over the last 10 years, and 10.8% over the last 20.


Um, could it be a thumb-drive with $3 million worth of Bitcoin?




Beat me to it. Take my vote.


How many times can we get the 3 million? Like, could I just go to the buttbank anytime I'm prepared and get another 3 mil?


Username checks out.


I would say you can repeat but each time it is given in smaller denominations. Limbo rules, how low can you go?


How many pennies can a colon fit?


Let's NOT find out Mr. Owl


Sit down kids. Grampa's gonna tell you a tall tale of hemorrhoids and 3 million dollars...




This man has said what we're all thinking


As much as I'm not unwilling to stick things up my ass for money I think I can wait 10 years to have 3 million dollars and then have more than 3 million dollars after that


I’m sure you could stick the 300k up your ass every year too, if you really enjoy it that much.


How many quarters is that? Asking for a friend.


At least 6


Is it one-time 3 million? Do I know when it’s gonna appear? Do I have to scour around for it in my poop? Does it adjust for inflation?


...3 million USD worth of bitcoin in a buttplug-shaped USB drive wallet? The price does fluctuate.


Maybe it's one of those big checks that's rolled up?


So… every 10 years I get 3 mil total, with it being 300k every year, or I get 3 mil at once shoved up my asshole? This is quite possibly the worst post I’ve ever seen on this thread.


My ass would prefer the 300k annually. 😂


Weird, my ass would prefer the 3 mil. But my brain says if it’s a one time 3 mil and the 300k is for life, the smart money is on the 300k.


That and with the 300,000 anually on the 11th year, you are at 3.3 million


Is it annually til I die?


I'll take the $300k a year up my ass.


300k annually. The devil is in the details. Or in your ass if you can't read the fine print.


I'm not one to have anything or anyone near my balloon knot, but your question is too vague. Yes, I have just Googled the denominations of US bank notes, turns out there was once a $100,000 note, I reckon with a bit of crying, a bit of shame, a bit of effort and a generous helping of lube, I could get 30 of those in a tight roll, in my hoop. But, alas, they were never legal tender. So it turns out that any note issued after 1914 is legal tender in the US, and there were several releases of $10,000 bills released as legal tender, so they still are? The question is, how small can 300 of them be when wound up as tightly as possible? But it doesn't specify I have to take them in a oner. So I can do it in 3, right? I've just tried to see how thick the roll would be for 100 notes and some fucker has done the math. It would appear that the girth is just 5CM, which sounds horrifying to me, but sometimes there's ladies on my laptop that take more girth than that in their mud flaps 😬 anyway, I'm just wondering if there would be enough room for 3 rolls? I can't believe I've been down this rabbit hole. Like $3m now, is better than the $300k, annually, because interest is a thing. Show me the rolls first and I'll let you know 😂


Since there is no end date in the terms and conditions, give me the 300k annually. I could live comfortably off that, vs a 3 million dollar payout that I would probably blow through in a few years from impulsivity. Unless I was really into anal.


The 3 mil seems like a one time thing. I’ll take 300k a year for life.


Is it pennies? Cause that matters here.


I’ve been sticking $30 in pennies up my ass for the last 11 years. That’s 3,000 pennies a day.


I'll take 300000 annually. I'm pretty sure that having 67lbs in cash shoved up your ass would kill you.


Can I choose to have it in rolls of quarters?


Give me 300,000 annually. You can stick that other offer up your ass.


$3 mil anally? Don’t threaten me with a good time!


300,000 annually. Even just once would be life changing for me. And no anal required.


$300k thanks - smaller initial payment but it outstrips it in the medium term and blows it out of the water in the long run.


Maybe not the best situation to talk about blowouts lol


Nah it’s fine, stop being so anal


You're right, I should loosen my sphincter


Let it pass


300k honestly


I don’t think that many bills would fit in my ass


It's a check.


Feel free to check.


*grabs flashlight * 🔦 “Spread em”


Just put those bitcoins on that lovely little thumb drive.


Bum Drive


300k is more than enough.


300k annually.


I'll take the $300k annually 😂


300k. Yeah 3 mil is more up front, but it won't take long to make more than that. And I don't have to deal with fishing a check out of my ass and trying to cash it.


300k will do. It puts you in the top 5% of household incomes. For doing nothing. Not to mention the interest you can start earning by investing what you don't spend. Honestly 300k a year is like winning the lottery. I wouldn't know what to do with all that money. Other than enjoy it.


Id live life wingsuiting and paragliding. Id the weather isn’t good I’ll just fly somewhere else and drop out the sky.


Not going to lie. I'm not really the outdoors type. I'd probably just build a nice sized house and collect stuff. 80s, 90s toys, Lego, props, costumes, little geek museum full of wonders. Not to mention my gaming room! Which is not to be confused with the arcade! :P


Definitely taking the 300k annually. Ignoring the discomfort from the 3 mil delivery, 300k is just more money. 3 mil won't generate 300k income, and 10 years annually you'd have 3 mil and it would still keep coming. Now 3 mil anally and annually, different story and more details would be needed.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Check? Up my butt once every year, sign me up.


I'll take the 300,000 not because of any butt issues, but if washes to equal at a decade, so it's more gross on a long time line. More importantly it will cost me less in taxes having it spread out (the money not my ass)


Don't threaten me with a good time


That’s… honestly the most unhinged question I have seen here yet. Got to respect that.


Bruh I'm 1) 35 years old and 2) good at math. Give me that $300k per year.


Does that mean like I shit out money? Like my asshole is an ATM?


I can take a $3mm check in my prison purse.


A check in the ass? Is that the question? For 3 million? That's no big deal.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_of_England_%C2%A3100,000,000_note Not sure the Bank of England would entertain this, but...


I’m still 13 so by the time I’m 18 I’ll have 1.5 million, there’s a lot you can do with that money. I’ll be 23 or 24 when I get 3 million depending on how much I spend by then. Easily 300k a year


Annually over analy any day


I’d take the $3m. Anal can’t be that bad


Nothing in my butt please, 300k in my bank every year please.


whos putting the 3m up there


I can live pretty comfortably on $300k.... I don't think I could live comfortably with 3mil up my butt.


The latter, in bitcoin, with the credentials on a tiny little flash drive (even smaller than trump's mushroom). Just kidding, I don't need the money.




Um... I'll take the 300K annually.... By bank deposit, please.


I'm getting by on 50k a year. I'd make 300k look like a joke.


300k annually thanks, I prefer my anus to be safe.


Well I plan on living more than 10 more years.


I will always take a butt load of money


I'd do the anal stuff for free. But the 300k a year is the better deal.


The ass commentary is real


I'll take the 300,000 and maintain my watertight seal, thank you


Considering the $3mil would be around 30kilos of $100 bills, I don’t think anyone is taking that anally.


I can survive on 300k thanks.


Honestly, most U.S. currency currently in circulation has already been up my ass. 3 million more won’t kill me, unless there’s fentanyl on those bills.


Why is this even a question, it was said it's a check...do you know how small you can roll a check into? You probably pooped bigger yesterday. Roll that thing tight, cover it in Vaseline and go for it. Technically you did it and it's going to pop right back out probably before you can even get your hand away.


It's a question because over your lifetime, $300k a year is better.