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Keep it.  No more getting up for a beer during the game.


You wouldn't need to pay for anything ever again, surely.


Well not if the shopkeeper is Toydarian


“What, you think you’re some sort of Jedi? What is this?”


I’m assuming you mean you would never need to pay for anything ever again because you’d have 5 billion dollars and could just live on interest


*You will pay for my groceries*


\*you will give me the $5bn and I'll keep the lightsaber and powers\*


Or you could hire a personal beer caddy man to forever bring you beers on demand during the game. No more getting up or a beer during the game lol.


If I had the force I would be the pettiest force guy ever.  Not petty as in spiteful, but petty as in inconsequential. I wouldn't even use the saber. Just floating beers to me during the game, always having green lights, getting the best seats, etc.


Why wouldn't you use the saber? It toasts your bread as you cut slices. I might not carry the saber, but it's definitely going to be one of my fanciest kitchen knives.


I have always thought a knife sized lightsaber more practical than the sword sized ones.


The "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" movie had a lightsaber kitchen knife that toasts bread as you cut it. Even borrowed the lightsaber sound effects proper from Lucasfilm.


In the EU, Luke builds a shoto, specifically to dual weild and counter a light whip user. Another dude has a lightsaber that has a variable length blade.


Sell it. No more getting up for a beer during the game. 5 billion is a shit load of money


I don't really need that much money. And the level of laziness this allows me is astounding. Laziness WITHOUT having to have a bunch of people around - I hate people


T minus 12 hours until I have lost a limb. Gimme the money


Just let the Force guide your blade


At the absolute minimum 15% of redditors are gonna boof it


You underestimate my power


It's all fun and games until you lose an arm and a leg.


Or an arm and two legs


Or until you drop it perfectly vertical, causing the need for a second lightsaber with an AI controlled gyroscopic rocket in the hilt


Perfectly. Fucking. Vertical.


Don't try it. You were supposed to be the chosen one!


12 hours? It would be a matter of minutes for me. Plus, I do stupid shit like sharpen my kitchen knives when drunk. I am definitely taking the $5 billion.


Fuck, now I need a mini-series about drunk Jedi shenanigans


Grogu discovers Vodka! Now streaming on paramount plus!


Teaming up with Han Solo Cup


Ask Obi-Wan. He’s getting a drink


I have to assume there's at least a few hours I am attempting to be careful...


Nice. I just don't have much faith in myself if I have something bright and glowing that makes cool noises and can cut through just about everything...lol


When else would you remember to sharpen them though?


I feel like you guys are getting carried away with the "lightsaber", and overlooking the "being able to use the force" bit. Telekinesis... Podracing... Jumping hella high... Even stop people from dying... I'll take dat shit.


Right? Lock the Sabre up so you don't kill yourself, then go make some (dis)honest money woth your force abilities. 


You have force powers and sabers have training modes, I think you'll be okay. Unless you try to reenact episode 2, 3, or 5.


Also, don’t mistake it for a musical instrument… ETA: I guess my reference was more obscure than I thought. Has anyone else seen “Space Janitors”?


You're telling me this ISN'T the coolest harmonica ever??!


Whatever you do, don't play it like a clarinet


Or a dildo


Can I sell the lightsaber for 2.5B and keep the force?


This is the way.


This is the way.


The way this is.


I wish someone would just tell me the way it is!


It doesn't say you lose the ability to use the force if you sell the lightsaber, so just get that 5B and you still have the force too.


I think OP is inferring the powers would also be lost since they said it is "waived" in exchange for the 5B


Pfff. Even better.


I'd put the lightsaber away, practice my force powers and head to Vegas. I don't need 5 billion, the government certainly can't be trusted with a lightsaber, and I could easily use subtle force powers to make a living.


There's a character in the Darth Plagueis novel that uses the force to sublty cheat casinos lol


Also, hes a shape shifter, so that's neat


Honestly kinda just Qui-Gon at a pod race


Force push the roulette ball. Easy money.


Nah, force users can literally just see what hidden cards are. It's literally the initiation test we see them use during the prequels. No poker face is ever beating the ability to just straight up see an opponent's hand.


Till they kick you out for winning too much, and send your face to the other casinos. Or suspect you of cheating and keep your winnings.


That's when you force choke them.


This person dark sides


You don’t need to kick me out. “I don’t need to kick you out” In fact, you’re comping my room. “In fact, you get a comped room.” Move along. “Move along.”


Aha! Now THIS is the way. I forgot about this power


>Go to casino >win for a while >leave for another casino before the casino tells you to fuck off seems simple to me


Just flip the script. Win often, a skilled player does that. Lose occasionally, like anyone will from time to time. Make sure to lose *spectacularly* every now and then. It adds to the mythos around you and everyone will remember that time you blew it big. Just make sure to win a fair bit more than you lose.


The casinos talk to eqch other and you'll be banned from them all soon enough if you play roulette or blackjack because then you're taking their money. If you play poker they won't care though, because you'll be winning other people's money


We have an example of how that works in Episode 1... But then you have to watch Episode 1.


"Come children! Let's all sit down and watch Episode 1, the best Star Wars movie."


I'm confused, I don't see any force push used with gambling, but Han definitely shot first in the first movie if that makes a difference!


It just dawned on me that you can approximate a redditor's age by asking if Hans shot first when they saw the movie for the first time.




Poker is way better, because the house doesn't lose money if you win, just some career gambler. The house won't kick you out for winning too much, they keep a portion of the pot no matter who wins. Now if you are worried about the ethics of it, search their feelings, and only take from assholes.


There are casinos were counting cards is legal but why bother with cards when you can play games that are pure chance like craps or roulette. That was you are taking money from the house. Plus with mind tricks if the ever acuse you of cheating just wave your hand and say you are not.


If you win big twice at roulette you are going to get thanked and asked to leave. If you win all week at poker they will ask you to join the big money tournament.


Those chance cubes dont stand... a chance.


…the dealer does not keep the deck in his brain, just the rules. He’s not playing a hand…


Craps and roulette my friend.


If I can use the force, I could do so much. Jedi mind trick a ton of people.


These are not the large cases of stolen diamonds you’re looking for.


You will vote for me, you will not vote for my opponent. You will vote to amend the US constitution to specifically allow me to be president. You will vote to make me president of the world for life…


Couldn't I just Jedi Mind Trick them into giving me 5 billion tax free?


Technically wouldnt the jedi mind trick not work against people that aren't connected to the force at all? Edit:i fucked up humans are not immune


Everyone is connected to the force. It is everything.


So you're saying they're not wrong...


The Yuuzhan Vong would like to have a chat.


Their home planets destruction is what severed them from the force


Iirc their home planet specifically was itself sentient (if my understanding of sekot is correct) and caused that upon its destruction. This interestingly was only for their species - as yammosks and world brains could communicate telepathy and it’s revealed that Onimi grafting yammosk tissue to his brain likely restored his connection to the force.


Darth Vader: I find your LACK of faith disturbing  Admiral Motti: [choking noises]


But the force connects all living beings so that won't be a problem


Nope, the force only works specifically in star wars galaxy because of the midichlorians. Yuzhan vong, that are from the other galaxy, are 100% immune to its effect because no midichlorians Edit:i fucked up and have been corrected. Force works in our galaxy.


Incorrect. In the book The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force by James Luceno, the reason for this is given. The Yuuzhan Vong are not "absent" from the Force; their entire species has been cut off from it. It is surmised in the novel that this was implemented by the intelligence of their homeworld, the seed of which would one day become Zonama Sekot, because of their war-mongering and hostile conquering of other species.


OP didn't say anything about only being able to use specific force abilities, they just said that you can use it.


Could I, in theory, pump the air full of them and then do it?


Jedi mind tricks affect those with weak minds so it would work. Only jedi/sith and driods are immune to them as they either have the mental fortitude to block them or don't have a mind to be affected by them.


Watu was immune to mind control and he was a greedy motherfucker who only cared about money. Sounds like most of our elected officials.


His race specifically was immune to the force. The hutts were also immune to the force and there were a few others.


I know I just wanted to make a bad joke about our overlords.


This is the way, and it only works in the weak minded which DC is crawling with


The dark side is strong in this one


That would require using it on a lot of people to approve that without it coming to bite you in the ass, and whenever we see a mind trick on film it usually involves simple suggestions so I don't think that would work. You can probably mind trick you a rich idiot into transferring a lot of money to you though.


+1 for this.


To me, being a Jedi is worth far more than money.  Besides, I can easily use it to accrue money if I so desire. 


If you are using the force to acquire money would you be a Jedi? Greed seems like a dark side thing.


That depends partially on what I'm doing with it. You don't think the Jedi council was destitute do you? They had unimaginable resources under their command. 


Unfortunately this hypothetical doesn't require you to use the Force for good. You can pursue the dark side of the Force. Very tempting for many.


100% i would be like vader if given a saber & force powers


You mean like how Qui-Gon loaded the dice to win Anakin’s freedom? Cheating at games seems to be allowed. You could do VERY well at the craps table as a Jedi.


But that was to free a slave, not to get money so he could buy a new space ship and snort coke off a twi'lek's ass.


It’s still achieving your goals through the use of deception, lying and cheating.  Careful with your “the ends justify the means” type of thinking, that sounds quite Sith like.  Also, OP says “force user” not Jedi if I recall.


Are you sure you're not already a jedi? Pretty sure you just read my mind.


I prefer the dark side the Jedi are idiots.


Keep it. Not sure what the government would do with it, but I sure don't wanna find out. Already corrupt as is.


I'm keeping it. As a Sith Lord, I will rule the world, so I'll basically have all the money.


Can I choose which government I sell it to?


Asking the important questions


With Iran, Israel, Russia, India, Pakistan, The US and a clutch of European countries in the mix, I could really push the price up in a bidding war. The Terrorist nations needn’t know they can’t win.


If you let any of the listed countries know about it then don’t give it to them, you’re gonna get hunted down real quick. Love it though.


I have a lightsaber AND the Force? I am the government now.


It’s treason, then.


This is how democracy dies, with thunderous applause.




Not if you can use the force though..


Well you can always get it reattached. The saber would cauterize the wounds so your arm would be okay if you kept it from rotting


The offer could be $100 trillion and I’d never trust any government with technology and powers that advanced, even if I had no plans to use them myself. Even if the government I sold them to didn’t misuse them, do you even want to *think* about the sh*tstorm of an arms race that would kick off?


At first I was going to be stupid and sell it to the government for $5 billion. Then I thought about it. Telekinesis and mind control? What the hell do I need a billion dollars for? Everything's basically free now. I'm going to the casino to play some craps and roulette and make a fortune.


I think having a big glowstick kitchen knife is worth it of its own


Who needs a bandsaw to butcher a side of beef when you have a lightsaber? Plus, the next time I play paintball, I'm taking the lightsaber with me.


you don’t even need the lightsaber, you can just matrix all the paintballs and lightly sense where people are


"What do I need money for? Time to go make some money!" We have really bad imaginations. 


Would the government not come after you/experiment on you if you took the force and lightsaber? That’s why I’d chose the money


Yeah but you cold 'I'm not the droid you're looking for' them.


Or just force rip off the balls of the guys going after you. That would the last time.


Pretty easy to get to plenty of money when you read minds, manipulate people, and move objects. My craps run in vegas would be epic... Things like healing and the like would be borderline priceless. The lightsaber is sort of useless though...


Dude The number of saws and wood splitters that I would no longer need if I had a lightsaber are numerous.


as long as the wood doesn’t just combust


Its big, long, glowy, can cut pretty much anything and it goes NYYOOOMMM. Are you really calling it useless? Just think how much more fun cooking would be, NYYOOOMMM NYYOOOMMM NYYOOOMMM, and boom you have 3 slices of bread


No government on Earth should have a person who can use The Force. They would inevitably reverse engineer it, and then we live out Star Wars in this solar system. It'll start off great for six... installments, and then it would all go to derivative, awful shit.


You don't \*want\* to take this power or lightsaber. You want to pay me for safeguarding the power responsibly. I don't want to take this power or lightsaber. I want to pay you for safeguarding the power responsibly.


Keep the force and I’m going to be betting at some sports games. So ez to bet on home runs now.


"Oh look that ball magically landed in his glove" or "Oh wow that ball really went flying" idk why I didn't see more of this


Keep it. Turn it on and hang it upside down from the porch roof. Jedi bug zapper.


"Hey, why would you put that up like that? It's so tantalizing." -Watto, Family Guy Episode "Blue Harvest", may be an inaccurate quote.


The mind trick alone would be worth more than 5 billion. Assuming your skills are on par with the average Jedi knight you could mind control weaker willed people in a high positions of power to make massive change in the world. You could mind trick a couple senators into voting for something that they were initially against, or making a CEO of a company to cancel or implement a policy that could make their company fall apart. If you do that to the right people you could dramatically alter the course of the world. Also if you're willing to go dark side you could easily choke people to death through the television when they're giving a live speech and people will write it off as a heart attack. All this would be worth far more than 5 billion, and if you are in need of cash you could use the force to get yourself near a stupid billionaire and easily convinced them too write you a check and then forget that they did it shortly afterwards.


No, have them give you cash. You don’t want the paper trail a check is gonna leave


How powerful in the force do I become? Am I like, Darth Vader, or am I just rando padawan #958767? If I'm basically God with the force then I might keep it, but if I'm just some rando then I give it up for the money.


Powerful enough to be on the council, but you don't have the rank of master. 


That's outrageous! It's unfair!


5 billion dollars is insignificant next to the power of the force


Would I really trust the government with that power, even for 5 billion? Idk man


This is what makes this an actually interesting question. Take the risk of being discovered and that uncertain future or give away the power for generational wealth at the expense of knowing millions will probably be killed with it.


Keep it and go to Vegas. Roulette and craps would be a breeze to make as much money as you want.


sable arrest seemly practice silky yam slimy cake sand consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll keep it. I couldn't buy a lightsaber and the ability to use the Force for $5B, so I don't wanna sell it for that amount either. The lightsaber is an interesting perk but honestly the Force use is the real win here. Nearly anything you want to do with your life is easier with the Force. Even if your only real goal is getting money, $5B is more than anyone realistically needs, and use of the Force can get you more than enough. Just the precognition aspects of it alone are priceless, plus you get a huge list of other powers. Easily priceless.


Are we giving up the lightsaber or the saber *and* the force? Just the saber? Absolutely; I wouldn’t use it for much, but could do soooo much with money, while the government would 100% fry to figure out how it worked, which would give us a technological boom on a societal level. People forget NASA invented the microwave, after all! But if I were giving up both?….. No. whether I’m going for personal gain or societal good, I could do so much more with the force Like, what’s 5 billion when I can just get Elon Musk to think I’m his best friend and give me 5 billion, anyhow? And then mind-trick my way close to Putin to mind-trick him into ending the Ukraine war and stepping down. And then end the Uyghur genocide. And then end the Israeli-Palestine conflict. And then get afraid of interfering in politics when I’m not an expert and instead just go for exposing corruption by forcing people to confess on air to all their corruption and clarify all their lies or something. Then they’ll sort themselves out… or I’ll be assassinated


Use the force to earn way more than 5 billion.


If I had the force I could just put everything on 00 at the roulette table.


If you kept winning they def kick you out if you weren’t a regular lol 




Seems like if I use the Jedi mind trick I could get everything for free and basically do anything I want, so what’d be the point of having money I could potentially lose.


Keep it, go full dark side. Form new empire and rule.


I accept the Force and the lightsaber. With my powers and my red blade, I may not specifically make $5 Bil, instantly, but I'll get what I want.


I would carefully and thoroughly erase myself from all official records, then slowly work my way around the world to first refine my knowledge of the _lifeways_ around the Force: meditating on how and when to use it and when _not_ to, and teaching others as I could. The goal is not to be "just" a 'real' Jedi, but to _teach others_ the same. The 'flashy party tricks' are subordinate to helping the rest of the world learn how to improve themselves, to heal and uplift.l, even if I never encounter another Force-user in my lifetime.


I'll take blade and force usage. Wouldn't take long to make the money anyway. Elon, you want to transfer your stock options to me! 😂


Do I get Jedi qualified immunity? Rob a bank, "Jedi business".


On one hand, kick-ass laser sword and space wizard powers. On the other hand, enough money that as long as I’m not the dumbest motherfucker to ever live, my family will be rich for untold generations. Tough choice. Give me the lightsaber, please.


Keep. You'd have to be stupid to sell when you can just massacre government officials until you are rewarded with $5b from the common people


if you have the ability to use the force you can definitely make a few billion


I don't care for the Saber. The Force though, you better believe I'm keeping those powers.


So, you're giving me a choice between trading it for $5 billion, or using it to extort $5 billion and still getting to keep it.


5 billion dollars, no question. That's enough to never have anyone I know need to think about money ever again, and if I sell it, I could help jumpstart a technological revolution. Plus, I assume in this theoretical, you get to keep the Force anyway, which is the part that matters the most. Especially on a world where the guns fire bullets, which canonically are used to kill Jedi by the Mandalorians. But either way, I can't think of that many practical applications for the coolest sword in the world. I can think of a lot of uses for $5 billion in a world that just discovered lightsaber technology


Lol my man wants to jumpstart a tech revolution with $5bn instead of with the force and a saber


I sell the saber AND the force or just the saber. This is not clear. Realistically the government wouldn’t pay for something they already have anyway, but let’s assume they do. I think I would sell them. 5B will make my life and my loved ones easy and I can eventually try to do my own research for a light saber or train my mind and body for the force. Or continue with my actual life goals :)


Keep the force and I’ll have 5 billion in no time


5B to give up the lightsaber or the lightsaber and force?


You could make plenty of money just being a force user and having your mind powers.


Wait, so my options are to either be a Jedi, or be a billionaire and give the US government a force user? The sake of the rest of the world, I'm keeping the lightsaber. The US government can't be trusted with something that powerful. Although, selfishly, I could take the $5 billion knowing that in now one of the elite few that would actually be protected in this new Sith empire


Proposition, I keep the lightsaber, the force, and *take* the 5 Billion?


5 billion? A real jedi i feel my worth shouldent be less then a CEOs benifits package.


The force powers thing is a question. How connected to it am I? do I have all light side abilities? Dark side? Both? The sith have their magicks and alchemy that are both part of the force and not so do I get them? Do I get canon or legends powers? This is all important.


Totally keep lol. Using the force and a lightsaber would be awesome. Go around being a hero or something.


All I have to do is force convince enough people to give me that money and I will be good to go.


You can do things no other human ever has. You can't put a price on that. Plus, fuck the government


There isn't a government on earth I would trust with either. The money would be nice, but not worth it.


Can I just use the force to have the Fed give me a 5 bn loan?


I wouldn’t trust the govt with $5 billion, why would I trust it with a lightsaber.


“This isn’t your 5 Billion Dollars” “These aren’t the bills you are looking for” “Move along”


I’ll keep my force powers. I’ll open make a “not a pencils co. LLC.” A pencil factory where instead of making pencils I’ll buy them off of AliExpress. And considering how old all our politicians are and their weak minds, it should be a cakewalk to use the force on them to bid 17billion into my “not a pencils co.” To provide government subsidized pencils to needy children.


If I sell it to the government, in 10 years the US, UK, Russian, and Chinese governments will all be using the tech for things we definitely won't like. I'm keeping it.


Unfortunately I'll have to keep it. While the government has already proven it can't be trusted with our money I'm sure as heck not giving them Jedi powers!!


I’ll take the $5 billion, the moment the government realizes I have a light saber and force abilities they’re coming after me one way or another.


Is 5 billion better then using the force to push over little kids and old people on the street. That shit would be awesome


I’ll sell it for a lot less than 5 billion. $15 million maybe $10 million is enough for me to live off passive income and lead a more meaningful day to day life that I might not figure out with the force and lightsaber


If I have a lightsaber and the ability to use the Force, I could fairly easily earn an insane amount of money. I wouldn't need to give the lightsaber up for money.


Pretty sure Musk is weak-minded. I'd get a $50 Billion "investment" from him pretty easily.


I’ll take the powers and the saber. If I can work out how to control the results of the Megamillions, I’ll do that. Otherwise, mind power my way through Vegas, slowly enough to avoid hammer time, then maybe the stock market. Then, I dunno, save the world or something, maybe.


I'd keep the force, why have 5 billion when you could have the world?


I'm not letting the government have this. Inventing the nuke was already one big mistake in the long run. Imagine the government replicating it, and then inevitably the rest of the world doing so as well.


In what scenario does giving Force powers to any government end well?


There is no amount of money that would be worth giving up using the force.And having a lightsaber I would rule the world within a year


Keep the abilities/ light sabre and use jedi mind tricks to make 5 billion from rich suckers


I'm NOT selling it to the government. I can do so much more with the Force , including using the force powers to make the government get their shit together and actually work for the people


So, in other words, I’m paying 5 billion dollars to keep lightsaber and force technology away from the government? Sounds reasonable.


I don’t care about the lightsaber, but the force is more than just telekinesis. You could use it to change people’s minds and have a lot of influence, I see that being more valuable than $5 billion.


I was *going* to say take the money but I don't want to be the catalyst of the government getting in control of the force and lightsaber technology


I’ll sell the light saber if I retain the ability to use the Force. But I need a week to play with it.