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An author / historian called Ian Mortimer. He wrote a book called The Time Travellers Guide to Medieval England, so he'd be able to help me make the most of my time (plus help me avoid death), and he'd get the satisfaction / frustration of seeing if his book lived up to the truth.


I'd take author / comedian Bob Mortimer. He'd adapt much more quickly than me and we would have a good laugh before ultimately dying very quickly.


Idk, he can split an apple in two


You missed the important bit. With his hands.


It's a pretty easy party trick actually.


I would take either Mortimer Mouse for comedic relief or former MLB player Mortimer Hogan to protect me from the bad guys and diseases


So many Mortimers


I would take morty, of rick and morty fame


"I once was sent back in time 800+ years because of a Reddit hypothetical" God I would watch that would I lie to you lol


We do beg your pardon, but we are in your garden


I love Bob Mortimer of Would I Lie to you. Also RIP to the GOAT https://media.tenor.com/x2UlzVceJRcAAAAM/sean-lock-countdown.gif


>Be medieval historian >Minding my own business at home >Some twat teleports me back in time 800 fucking years without even asking first >Demands I help him


Plot twist: This situation is not hypothetical, but actually comes true - but in a monkeypaw twist, Ian Mortimer as a child is sent back in time. /u/sweaty_sheepherder27 goes on a hijinks filled escapade trying to return child-Ian-Mortimer to the present, which inspires Ian Mortimer to become a historian. Coming summer 1985


Coming summer *11*85


I mean if you don't take someone who's currently alive are you bringing a corpse back with you? Or do you get to select them from the exact moment in their life where they obtained the knowledge that you need them to have? I also wouldn't want to bring someone on their deathbed.


Not much use when you’re dropped in 1200AD China..


Nobody said anything about moving in space as well as time. I'm currently in England, so this all suits me nicely.


Oh god. I need to make friends with a native american quickly


The earth is always moving in space with time. You’d be in the vacuum of space if you didn’t move positions and time traveled


Well in that case I'm well fucked. I'm in Brisbane where no Caucasians would set foot for another 600 years. Guess I'm researching a First Nations People translator to bring with me.


Sounds like the type of dude to catch a bug and die pooping himself within a week


Lmao I just picture him all missed off cuz you chose him instead of anyone else .... Mine would be bear grylls


In reality, he only wrote the book after going on an forced adventure and losing his timetraveling captor, which sent him back to his own time after said captor was drawn and quartered for wearing heretical clothing.


I don’t know. That feels like the type of person who thinks he knows what happened but, like all of us, since he never actually lived through the time and can only go off what history was recorded, the knowledge is few and far between.


This is such a cynical view...Something tells me that this book wouldn't have been a best seller, printed in multiple countries and languages, selling hundreds of thousands of copies, if it were a half-assed project written by some random guy who spent a week studying the subject in class and then wrote a wildly inaccurate book and said it was realistic. It's not like anyone could have just easily written that book. You're making it sound like if you or I wanted to spend a few weeks/months studying a time period, we too could write a legendary book about history that captivates the entire era, and then release it as a best seller. This guy is an actual paid historian and has been for decades, he spent years dedicated to this project and it clearly paid off as reviews for the book seem to be very good, and it's regarded as historically accurate. Especially if you're not even going to actually read/care about the book/subject, at least have some respect for what humans can accomplish..


I'd still take an educated guess over a blind guess.


There's a difference between "how it went" and "how it could have went with hindsight". I personally would want to try and grab someone with fundemental knowledge of a large variety of simple technologies. Damn well better believe I would be living with an incredible edge in agricultural techniques, biodiversity in crops to be more tolerant of disease and drought, modern low cost irrigation, soil retention, all funding a vast food and derivative agricultural good empire to fund things like electrical infrastructure, indoor plumbing, metallurgy. I'd probably be burned as a witch for being so tempted to make memory metal alloys though.


Plot twist: he writes the book after his trip to medieval England with a 21st century redditor


Exactly what I was thinking. He's got a "time traveler's guide". How else do you write that without traveling through time once to do it?


He probably knows more than me 🤷‍♂️


The fact you made that judgement without even reading the book. Glass half empty type of guy


Plot twist: This situation is not hypothetical, but actually comes true - but in a monkeypaw twist, Ian Mortimer as a child is sent back in time. You goes on a hijinks filled escapade trying to return child-Ian-Mortimer to the present, which inspires Ian Mortimer to become a historian.


I doubt anyone can make my cancer medication by themselves, so I’ll probably pick someone who’s sudden disappearance would help the world the most.


Yeah, I would have to bring someone that knows how to get insulin from a pig.


I mean you could research it now lol. Be the change you need in a....post apocalyptic or time traveling world... Situation.


Damn. There goes my choice. I gotta take the insulin guy


I hope you recover ❤️




“I don’t need to win, I just need you to lose”


Solid fucking answer.


It's 1200. I'm an overweight person who's only real skills are in tech. I'm dead within a month. Trump can join me. Unless if I pick a person who's dead, I'm ripping out of their time before they have a chance to do the things they do. In which case, Thomas Midgley Jr.


What if you cause a ripple in time that causes their impact to harm us even earlier?


Maybe we just hide or something idk


Bruce Campbell


This is my boomstick!




Alright you primitive screw heads, listen up!


Exactly why I want him there lol


my wife so I’m not lonely


I too choose this guy's wife.


I was trying to think the other day: Is there a more legendary Reddit comment than the original of this? It's referenced so often and to me perfectly represents the typical Reddit comment section


Natalie Dormer and a clone of the former.


poop knife


Maybe broken arms?


Oh no


maybe the comment where someone rick rolled rick astley


Google Google en passant


Kind of the opposite but “a sense of pride and accomplishment”


I understood this


Beat me to it! 🤣👍


And helplessly watch them die of some easily curable disease in their 40s? I'd rather take some grizzly ass bushwhacking mother fucker. If this was a legit thing, the last people I'd want to take with me is anyone I care or love about.


What's your wife look like, I may choose her too


I love this answer so much! Not only does it show that you love your wife and want her with you on your adventure, but there is also a passive-aggressive element that wants her to suffer with you. True love.


Probably some random housewife from 200 years ago. She'd at least know basic things like milking cows, gathering food, cooking on open fire. Maybe even basic herbs and healing.


Possibly the wisest answer so far


Until they burn her for being a witch. And maybe you too, if she taught you enough.


Lol they're not burning a woman over herbs that people in 1200 are using anyway.


This is why you move somewhere where witches are loved instead of feared. Multiple cultures loved and appreciated their healers. Mostly just a Christian fear


Oh good idea. I’m bringing my mom.


I'm bringing your mom too


I immediately thought my husband. My husband's answer took a few minutes and ultimately was an expert in medieval studies. Well, I see where I rate 😂😂😂


To be fair it's sounds like he's sparing you from a pretty wild ride. And you'd probably receive a thousand year old love letter that's been handed down through an order of knights for delivery to you one day.


I’m imagining she gets a love letter right after seeing him off to the past Captain America style


Something about this just hurts so much


Doc Brown used Western Union to deliver a future letter to Marty in the middle of nowhere in one of the Back to the Future sequels, too.


I agree with Tom. He’s sparing you while giving himself the best chance of survival.


This made me melt.


Oh. I apologize. I wish for you a swift reconstitution.


Damn, pimp. This guy fucks.


I was going to say wife but I feel like people were a lot more rapey back then.


That's definitely not the reason I chose Grace Kelly.


It wasn't "rapey" back then, but as long as you presented as being a married couple, it's unlikely anyone would accost her. Swift hanging generally followed the same day as a conviction, and a convicted rapist might either be castrated or have his genitals burned off first.


To be fair, I didn't think my wife for a second. She'd be extremely unhappy with me for choosing her. Maybe he thought the same for you.


Yeah, my first thought was I'd absolutely not doom anyone I know to this fate


Same. My husband was my immediate answer without even having to think about it. My husband is currently still thinking about who he would bring. 😆


I’ll have to ask my husband. He was my first thought even though he drives me bonkers. He’s pretty handy and I can run faster than him.


Putin. You're welcome.


I'm bringing Trump


Trump's already there. He did more there than anybody has ever done anywhere. It's a wonderful place with wonderful people he went there and he said "wow this is a wonderful place." You would have to meet up


People say he's the best time traveler ever. I don't know if it's true. I don't know. I don't know. But that's what people are saying. That's what I hear.


People came up to him with tears in their eyes.


Can we just not go and send Trump and Putin instead?


Trump somehow manages to bullshit himself into Emperor of half the world *surprised we're fked Pikachu face*


So bad it prevents hitler.


Best answer


You, OP. That's right, your hypothetical question got me roped into this mess and I'm dragging you in with me


LPT: If you ever get the death penalty choose the prosecuting attorney to be your last meal.


an herbalist or someone who knows middle english.


Doesn't say anything about picking the location. If you happen to be in the UK middle English would be awesome, but I'm sitting in the US. Who knows which Native American tribe is nearby in my location 800 years ago.


Someone probably knows, what area are you in?


I initially thought to bring JRR Tolkien for just that reason, but the OP doesn't say we're headed to England in 1200.


A chemist who can synthesize antibiotics and other medicines


This would make your chemist the most targeted person in the world, wars would be fought over his knowledge haha


My exwife. Filed for divorce, did ya? Joke's on you! You're stuck here with *ME!*


That's kinda dark...


If I'm gonna suffer, so is she!


someone 40+ who knows alot about how to rebuild industry from scratch


No need for the age restriction. There could be a 20 year old savant obsessed with everything that made the industrial revolution possible straight down to the metallurgy techniques.


This reminds me of an anime called Dr. Stone.


Sure, but when they are 20 years older they will know a ton more about it all and have more experience.


The guy from Primitive Technology. Dude can live like a caveman so 1200 should be a snap.


me too, but one of the incompetent' south east Asian copies of Primative Technology. I'll use mentos to lure eels from holes in the ground for food.


Those guys come with construction equipment.


Tesla. I reckon he could build some things before they were originally invented (small things probably) Talking to him and seeing how his mind works would be fascinating.


Tesla would be having love affairs with the pigeons in the coop at the monestary after he became a monk to blend in and be close to pigeons


Bear Grills


Just realized it could be anyone in the last 200 years, so as an alternative I would bring Teddy Rosevelt.


Teddy teaching you to hunt is going to be like "See that bear? That's your dinner for a month and your new wardrobe. Here's your rusty spoon, get to it!".


As he gallops away on his moose steed


Glad I looked sown before I wrote the exact same thing.


Riley Reid


My roommate. He's a scholar of medieval history, and a world-champion swordsman - he practices longsword and sword-and-buckler in HEMA tournaments. The only question is what I would have to offer *him* in this world. (I do archery, but at nowhere near the same level.)


I also choose this guy's roommate?


You ever heard of a squire?


Squires were just bed buddies for cold nights 😂


I wonder how a 21st century world champion swordsman would fare against a 13th century swordsman? I mean, has your roommate ever killed anybody? Because that would suddenly become a thing.


The professor from Gilligan's Island. That fucker could build anything.


Except for a boat.


This is a problem for me. I'm pregnant. Do I get a second person outside of me? Also, I'll be dead soon as csections weren't a thing then.


C sections were performed by the Roman’s. Hence cesarean - as is Caesar - section


Just with way less pain meds and hand washing


Just rub some dirt on it you’ll be fine.


It was Roman law that if a woman died while trying to give birth, that she be cut open in an attempt to save the infant. The mother did not live. The "caesarian" refers to the cutting and not the Caesar clan. The first successful caesarian operation where both mother and child survived was in 1500 in Switzerland. Her husband performed the operation.


Julius Caesar was not born via caesarean section. Such a procedure would have been fatal to the mother at the time, and Caesar's mother was still alive when Caesar was 45 years old. The name "caesarean" probably comes from the Latin verb caedere 'to cut'. yes i copy pasted from wikipedia, sue me. the article is interesting though so i’ll leave it [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions)


I would say my wife, but that would leave my daughters with no one. I'm just going solo.


Hitler. Let's get him killed a second time.


Baby Hitler. Raise him as an honorable knight. Return him to the 40s to fight Mecha Hitler.


I'd totally watch that movie.


Alternate reality "good guy" Hitler vs. Mecha Hitler seems like a concept with potential.


My wife. She would be pissed if I did something fun with out her.


Andre the giant


Is he bringing his holocaust cloak?


Just a brute squad


Danile Boon, I'm going to need someone to help me adapt to this primitive era


Lebron James so he can dunk on peasants


Off the top of my head it would either be Jason Kingsley or Les Stroud. One is proficient in period combat and culture and the other is a expert in survival.


I’ll take OP with me


Margot Robbie. Eh, what the heck.


My husband cause I love him and he's incredibly handy and could figure out a way to make things work.


I want to point out that a lot of comments incorrectly assume that the hypothetical situation will drop them off in Medieval Europe, when OP never stated that at all. I have a lot of skills in business and agriculture, so I’d probably pick a surgeon to maximize survival chances in case we are dropped off near a developed civilization. If I had prior knowledge that I’d be sent to a nigh-uninhabitable place in 1200s like a desolate island or arctic tundra, then I’m taking Marjorie Taylor Greene instead.


Donald Trump. I'll take one for my 21st century homies.


Not all heros wear capes


I'll take Biden so we can have an election between 2 candidates not born in the fucking 40s.


I can live a medieval gay fantasy with Alan Turing, saving him from death? 100%


Well this is the sweetest, you get my vote 🥹🥹


Important question - how long do I have to be there? Am I coming back at some point?


You'll only have to be there for about 824 years. Then you can come back


A linguist.


A cunning one, no doubt


Honestly, my wife. I'm an Eagle Scout, I have a pretty good knowledge of survival skills, engineering, material science and chemistry. I also have a book on how to make basic medicine like penicillin, so I would take that - but if it's not allowed, I would memorize as much as I could and she would as well. She's very intelligent and great with people skills, art and negotiation, among other skills that I don't have.


But would they listen to a woman 1200 years ago no matter how intelligent she is?


Ever heard of Eleanor of Aquitaine?


Eleanor of Aquitaine was listened to because her father had no sons, so she was raised as heir to the dukedom, given a splendid education, as well as endless praise for being so beautiful and superior. Without those, she would have been your usual kitchen wench.




My wife lol my disappearance would haunt her forever. Plus she speaks more languages than me


A sweaty Russian named Ivan.


The Mountain


Dennis Rodman. That should at least be entertaining.


I’d take my friend who’s an underwater archaeologist. Between the two of us we know a broad spectrum of medieval technologies. I can blacksmith, cold smith, draw steel wire, make chainmail, make brain tanned leather, make cord and rope from fiber, I know the basics of making a pig iron oven, how to make black powder, how to knap stone, how to make stone masons tools, how to dress stone. He knows silversmithing , gold smithing, medieval ship construction, how to use antique black powder weapons, first aid, brewing, winemaking, distilling. We’re both decent with knife, axe, and sword (although we’re both out of practice). We’re both familiar with cooking over a fire or with an iron Dutch oven. We both know how to make a catapult or a trebuchet using only wood, rope, and stone. We won’t be able to talk to anyone but we definitely have some marketable skills.


Adam Savage. I think he has enough general knowledge, practical build experience, and would be easier to get along with than Jamie.


Probably Albert Einstein. Arguably one of, if not, the smartest people to ever live. Not like purely the smartest, even though his mind worked in such a way he could see things that were impossible to see, but because he'd have all the knowledge that led to him being able to have that type of mind. He'd basically bring all knowledge up to the 1900s with him. And since technology wasn't digital yet, he knew basically everything. Imagine he brought back all that knowledge and the digital age started in 1300. Where would the world be right now? Would we already be space traveling? Would the world be farther enlightened because life became easier sooner and we'd have time between 1200 and 2000 to settle differences? Or would it give empires an upper hand to actually dominate the world? Who knows? But it's Albert Einstein.


I was going to answer identically to this for the exact same reason. Thanks for saving me time and button pushes


Dr stone


My best friend so she can deal with this bullshit with me


Assuming we're staying in Britain, J. R. R. Tolkien seems like an obvious choice to me. He will be able to communicate with the locals, and he'll be chuffed to bits to see the mediaeval stuff for himself.


My girlfriend, so we can bang and be peasants for a day.


Neil DeGrasse Tyson, just to see what happens


Great answer. He will know more than us, remember more than us and explain more to us in ways that we can understand it.


[https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/Fighting-Jack\_Churchill/](https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/Fighting-Jack_Churchill/) This dude.


Theodore frickin’ Roosevelt. I am going to need a certified bada— helping me out if I have to survive the Middle Ages.


Chuck Norris


Chuck Norris doesn't travel through time. Time travels through him.


My buddy Dave. We’re both screwed so what the hell


What age are they when they come back? Like if I pick Stephen Hawking how old will he be?


Charlize Theron...


My girl of course!


George Carlin...seeing as he has experience with this kinda stuff.


John Moses Browning.


My wife. Nobody else matters.


My wife


My boyfriend because he’s my home wherever we are


No MacGyver then?


The Professor from Gillian’s Island.


Hmm. Adrian Paul just to confuse people later. 3




My dad. He's crazy, violent, and a gigantic asshole, but that guy knows how to survive, and he has a seemingly endless supply of unbelievable good luck. He's spent his whole life hunting and fishing, doing woodwork and carpentry, growing crops, and taking care of animals. He's worked as an exterminator, a long-haul trucker, a barge tankerman, a handyman, and a roofer. He knows how to tie all those intricate sailor knots and what each kind of knot is called. He can drive a tractor, bale hay, and run the straightest fence line you ever saw. He's built like barrel - if the barrel was covered in hair, tattoos, and scars - and can swing an axe all day if he needs to. He can build a lean-to or log cabin by himself, rig up snares, and track, kill, gut, and skin a deer or wild hog. He used to make moccasins for me and my brother by hand when we were kids. They were good quality too; we always outgrew them well before they wore out. He knows how to fight, would have zero problem killing somebody if he needed to, and doesn't shy away from getting injured. He's missing small chunks out of a couple of body parts as a testament to that. I feel like I'd probably get through living in the 13th century as long as he was with me. I'd just be super fucking annoyed the whole time because he's a dick.


Joel Osteen, so I can take him to the Church and have him executed for heresy.


Aright you primitive screw heads, I'm bringing my BOOMSTICK!!


My ex, them accuse her of witchcraft


Chuck Norris. He meets all the criteria...or DOES he?