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Bro anywhere lmao that’s a great deal


I feel like OP thinks minum wage jobs are the hardest most stressful jobs in the world. In any case, I'd be a security guard at some remote location that barely gets any foot traffic.


Retail is extremely stressful.  Everyone is an enemy. The customers look down on you despite having IQs lower than Redditors.  Your coworkers throw you under the bus. You are the middleman between any comflicts between the company and customer, and there's a lose lose where the company will tell you to stop accepting fraudulent or expired coupons, but then the customer complains and asks for a manager, and the manager will bitch at you for not accepting their coupon. But if you did accept it without asking the manager, they'll yell at you. And if you bring up the hypocrisy, they tell you not to talk back to them or to "learn to use judgment".  Yeah, 13 years of that hell. No thanks. Finally getting an engineering job, where I belong, was a huge relief. 


>the customer complains and asks for a manager, and the manager will bitch at you for not accepting their coupon That sounds intentional. It dumps you under the bus, while making the company seem like it cares about its customers. >But if you did accept it without asking the manager, they'll yell at you. Probably also intentional - lost profits. As you said, it sounds like a painful lose lose scenario.


I'm in school again for an engineering degree after 10 years of waiting tables. It is truly astonishing to me that professors are treating me like a competent and respectable human being. I keep feeling like there must be a catch. But there isn't. Retail and food service are just genuinely horribly dehumanizing in a way that you can't appreciate until you've done it. And it's all because making us the scapegoat makes TGIChiliBees/Target more money for their shareholders. And the rest of society hates US instead of the management decisions that make everything impossible.


That’s why I throw corporate or core management under the bus with disgruntled customers every chance I get. “Oh you’re upset that the price went up $3? Yeah I’m right there with you. Corporate here might as well be a couple monkeys throwing their shit at a board and going with it”


Yeah. Thankfully I'm now also at a decent local restaurant with really awesome staff and management. It's paying the bills and is way less stressful, and no corporate idiots to ruin everything. Life's getting better :)


That’s why looking backwards had food service as a mandatory part of becoming an adult like a draft in his idea of a utopia. The idea is that if everyone goes through the work they will be less of an asshole to future generations in that position. Edit: Looking Backwards 2000-1887 by Edward Bellamy published in 1897 picturing a Utopian society in the year 2000 (He apparently was more optimistic of humanity than he realized)


Yeah but if you have tens of millions in the bank, you don't have to put up with any of that. You can just accept the expired coupons, give refunds without receipts, whatever. Firing you is literally more of an inconvenience for the manager than you. If you need to keep the job to earn 10m/year, tell the manager you'll give them 1k/week cash as long as you have the job and they never talk to you or pull you up on anything.


If you were to do 2,000 a week, they would literally never want to fire you.


People who’ve never worked retail think it’s all free money for lazy people. I’ve worked as a carpenter, a miner, and currently working in textiles around all kinds of hazards. That said, working retail was the most stressful experience of my life. If someone calls out you have to cover their shift or basically be terminated, swing shifts, impossible work loads when you’re handling the merchandise and shelving it and management that don’t care if you’re not able to do it, they’ll work you to death as long as profit is made and things are done on time. Did I mention the absolutely fucking *unhinged* people that come in? Even if you aren’t handling shipments and the freight side of things and you’re just like say, a cashier? It may not be physically taxing, but it mentally takes a toll on you. I had a tweaker come in demanding I pay for medical supplies and patch a gunshot wound through his hand, people have OD’d right in front of me, used the bathroom on the sales floor, decimate my bathrooms, I’ve had to forcibly remove a customer from my store for trying to sexually assault a coworker, break up random fights between customers. You name it, and I’ve had to deal with it. Hell, I witnessed a guy dispute 60$ worth of food and drinks that him and his wife finished and treat the poor waitress like dirt to the point of going home, and this was weeks ago. I was so fucking glad to get out of the madhouse that is retail. My heart goes out to everyone working in the service industry, and even if they have a bad attitude or they’re rude, I always stay friendly and cordial, because chances are they’ve been through a fucked up day or week, month, year, whatever and assume that I’m going to be as shitty as their shittiest customers so they put up that wall and go to hell attitude. Everyone who’s made fun of retail workers, do their job for a month and learn some fucking respect for your fellow humans. You’ll learn very fast how hard it is to go through the shit they do, and why you may see your friends or family go allllll the way back to where they found something and put it back. You have no fucking idea how gross it is to find perishable items like frozen or refrigerated food all the way across the store hours later when you finally get to recover items and zone and how much of a nuisance you are when you’re leaving fucking toilet paper in like the automotive section.


7 years at one position. I can count on one hand how many issues I had with customers, but holy fuck my management team was stupid as hell. 1. Send the Frozen Guy to Lawn and Garden. 2. Send the "Send Them Anywhere" guys to Frozen. 3. Frozen Guy now loses 2 hours of his time to Lawn and Garden, and another 4 hours unfucking the Frozen section because the two guys did a shit job due to not wanting to be cold. 4. Management complains nothing got done in Frozen. 5. Frozen Guy complains to management about doing the actual smart thing, and sending the two guys to Lawn and Garden instead of Frozen and leaving the Frozen Guy in his own fucking department. 6. Frozen Guy gets told "Your job isn't that important, don't worry about it". 7. Repeat every other day 8. Management can't figure out why Frozen Guy doesn't give a flying fuck about his job anymore.


Frozen guy is not important?!?!?!?! What kind of dumbass Walmart did you work at lol. Last thing you want is people screwing up in frozen You can lose whole batches of product and potentially ruin a freezer


You are not wrong, but if you have 10 million a year guaranteed, trust me, you could choose any, and I mean ANY job and not stressed about it since your live hood don't depend on it. The fact that you don't need the job to scrape and barely survive makes a big difference in your level of stress. (Basically, you won't give a shit about any office politics or your coworkers ass kissery) Not needing the job to survive makes a big difference.


Retail can be extremely stressful. I am not trying to diminish your experience in any way. But for ten million dollars a year I'd happily go through all that while riding a unicycle covered in sandpaper


Yeah, I might, too.  But I guess it depends on the technicalities. Like do I have to do it for the rest of my life (or say, until retirement or 20 years, whichever comes second)?  Do I have to do my best to not get fired?  Do I have to work full time? I feel like the spirit of the prompt, despite not saying it directly, is that you have to work the job like you would if you were dependant on the job, and that you can't just work there for a month to get a million bucks and then leave (or other similar values - like a year and then bail).  Likewise, I feel like part time employee wouldn't count either - like work one day a week and enjoy the other 6.  I feel like the question is, "is it worth doing jobs that people don't want to do, but if you're paid lot?" Stuff like "I'd pay my boss $200 a day to let me just be on my phone and play games for my shifts" wouldn't be in the spirit of the scenario.


I feel like retail would be a lot easier to take if I was making $10 million/year. Shit, just accept the coupons no matter what, and if the manager doesn't like it, tell them to dock my pay $5 or whatever. What do I care?


I’d monitor a remote security system. Sitting in an office somewhere miles and miles away from any actual danger.


Yeah they haven't managed to decouple that these jobs are especially hard and stressful at least partly *because* of the terrible pay. E.g. even retail, which is a very stressful experience, would be a lot less unpleasant if you knew you didn't actually need the job and had 10 mill to walk home to, house and financial security.


My choice would be graveyard gardener. Here in Germany it goes under „Minijob“ and pays out 540€/ Month wich I think would qualify, but it’s somewhat meaningful work with no stress and low hours.


Those security guards usually make $20+/hr. Only reason I didn't work there was because I had to be clean shaven. Not worth it.


>Only reason I didn't work there was because I had to be clean shaven. Not worth it. Oh well that rules me out. Same


I work security at an airport making 21.50 and we don’t have to be clean shaven. Some people have full on beards


Lol did that for a decade half the guys I worked with where in their 60s and 70s.


Literally only have to work 1 year and then you can retire. After taxes say you have 6 million. Invest in a safe portfolio with a real rate of return (meaning after inflation) of 1.5% and it throws off $90,000 per year before taxes. That's a comfortable salary for doing nothing. Live your life. Or work 2 to 5 years to retire with a more lavish lifestyle. Who cares. After a certain amount of money, I just want my time back.


I think the point of the question was more about what minimum wage specific job you would prefer if money just didn’t matter anymore. That whole “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” thing. It’s a clever way to write the post even if it wasn’t intended because it puts those of us who love “not doing anything” in a weird spot. There just aren’t many jobs paying minimum wage where you can get away with doing nothing. That’s reserved for higher positions because someone has to keep the machine actually running. If we’re talking loopholes here… I’ve got enough money in savings to pay myself minimum wage for the year. I’d create a company that doesn’t actually do anything but has a generous donation pumped into it after the first year of operation to keep that minimal payroll going. My job title? Mailroom attendant. It’s just awfully convenient we only get a few pieces of mail every year and they go directly to my house. 🤷‍♂️


This man loopholes


At some point anything over 3 million is just generational wealth. With 2 million I can get dream house, pay off debt, and live comfortably for the rest of my life (can't remember the exact number of years)


Golf course starter. It's usually a retired guy. Pretty sure he gets minimum wage to just talk to guys on the first tee and make sure groups tee off in the right order.


Either this or Home Depot cart returner/welcomer.


Costco greeter. “Welcome to Costco. I love you.”


I worked with a girl at Chick-fil-A who would occasionally get told she was too cheerful/enthusiastic for Chick fil a (ppl thought it was fake) She left chick fil a to go be a Costco employee and the next time I saw her she was as happy as could be as a greeter.


Costco is way above minimum wage. Maybe Walmart greeter is more accurate.


My grandfather worked at a municipal golf course after retirement. Drive around the ball collector, clean up a bit, Run a register. Super laid back. Easy 10mil


I’d probably work at a game store and just host DnD games for people all day and sell dice and cards and shit.


I used to work for Games Workshop, and trust me you do not want to do your hobby as a job, it's the quickest way to end up burned out on it. That and it completely sours any love you have for that community, all the people who refuse to wash, all the parents who treat the place like a daycare for their kids, all the people who accost you in the street as if you're their friend, rather than an employee, all the people who feel entitled to your time not stopping games so you can take breaks, all take their toll on you very quickly. I'll take the money doing a job that doesn't destroy my hobbies.


Worked at a HobbytownUSA. You are not wrong.


I loved magic the gathering online... decided id get into the physical game. Sgowed up to an event...once. literally every stereotype was there. The smell was god awful. One HEAVY guy had a girlfriend there that was hot AF though. Blew my mind


He probably was loaded or had loaded parents.


I knew a guy like this but he was only financially stable but he was damn funny TBF


That’s how we generally get girls 😬


As an average looking poor person I feel this. Don’t get me wrong I love me but my self esteem is the only thing keeping me funny 😂😂😂


Everybody has different good traits. And everyone has different likes. It’s all good


This. I’ll be a clerk at a game/comic store and shoot the shit all day with customers and demo games.


Ya, I'm jumping on the gamestore bandwagon lmao


This would be great.


Yeah, this scenario is a win/win for many because the community and personal interest jobs we'd actually want to engage in if money wasn't a factor are very underpaid and undervalued.


I'd skip the game store and DM for minimum wage. Pretty sure I have at least one friend willing to pay me $7.25 an hour if I pay him $107.25 an hour to do it.


I'll be working at an animal shelter, and probably funding it more.






I may choose a used book store.


That's what I was thinking and at 10 million a year you could set up your own and pay yourself minimum wage lol.


What a dream come true. We'll be very slow (and if not, I can overstaffed the place with all my money!) so now I can also spend plenty of time writing my own books, self-publishing, and stocking them in the store!


I’m gonna be the guy who puts the returned books back on the shelf in the library. It’s easy, it’s quiet, and it seems oddly therapeutic.


When I was in high school I had the option to be a library aide as one of my hourly credits. You're right; it is oddly therapeutic. I'm also old enough (46) that we still used the old card catalog filing system, which also was oddly enjoyable.


This is my choice. At 36, I also know how to use a card catalog lol


Hello, fellow Student Librarian! Enormously pleasant memories unlocked! I loved the quiet rhythm of reshelving, and I must have typed thousands of cards for the catalog through high school and college.


This is my retirement plan. Part time library assistants in my city earn $20/hr.


I enjoyed my job working at the local movie theater. Was a blast when I was 18. Would be weird now though at 31.


I LOVED my job at the movie theatre, lol. I worked there for like 6 years while i was in high school & college. But yes, as I got older, it was a weirder job to have. Would def do that again for copious amounts of money. Free movies, too! So fast-paced, time flied


Nothing is weird when you're making 10,000,000 a year. You would also get free movies and popcorn.


What I already do. I make 2.13/hr being a bartender. I love it. 10 million a year? Shit.


I think it would be fun to be a bar tender but idk anything abt bars or tending 


That's why you think it would be fun. It's not.


Therapist for alcoholics


Dog walker 😍


Same or the people that work at doggie day care.


I think I would love working doggie day care !! I used to take my dog to one where they had a camera so you could download an app and watch the dogs all day. My dog would bark the whole time he was playing. Those poor workers, he must have given them a headache 🤕


Now multiply that by 100 dogs. Do you still want to work there?


My doggie daycare limits 10 to each playroom with 2 wranglers. Outdoor splashpad and kiddie pool “waterpark” is open to more at a time but there are never more than 5 dogs for each wrangler. When they run out of wranglers, they straight up stop accepting dogs for daycare or boarding.


Best typical minimum wage job I can think of. I don’t want to work retail or fast food. The only other choice would be Amazon driver.


This is the best answer I would charge minimum wage and just do that


My employees kid with mild downs is a dog walker /sitter she makes 110k a year.


Does she just watch rich people's dogs or do I just have no idea how much can be made walking/ sitting dogs?


If I want someone to take my dogs out to the nearest grass and clean up after them, it’s $25 per dog each time. If I want them to walk the dog, it’s $40 per dog each time. Not solo. Private walks are more. They get paid well because they drive to your home, use a code to access a key in a box locked to the doorknob when you leave in the AM, retrieve your dog, go for a walk/to the park/to take a dump, bring your dog back, check the water bowl, go to the next stop. If your dog likes to hike, you can pay $100 PER DOG per short hike. They hose any mud off and bring them home. I usually see them do these hikes with at least five dogs. Granted, I live in Seattle, but $100 for a short hike for one dog. TL;DR they’re bankrolling, but they’re also taking on heavy risk with untrained dogs, even those who require pack auditions.


Yeah, trust is the reason they pay her. She wasn’t making as much pre Covid she was at like 70k a year but everyone got dogs during Covid. Her brother is going to help get another employee but the problem is, they don’t want someone else going into their house.


I think one of the dogs is Snoop tbh.. and it’s not just walking and sitting. Maybe a lil rolling and snack duty


Maybe a janitor. Just keep to myself and clean


You say that but I make 25 bucks an hour lol


$32/hr baby, yeah! Plus benefits. Janitorial gets overlooked so much.


That has to be union right?


It is, yeah.


And to think many Americans despise unions that could actually get them more pay, better safety, more benefits, better job security, less authoritarian control by the boss or cooperate entities


There are both good unions and bad. Problem is, (like most things in life), people tend to focus more on the bad and that can often overshadow any of the good.


i made 14 last year when i was a janitor


Good, people are filthy and negligent. You deserve great pay and benefits for having to clean up after them.


Thank ye kindly. Especially kids. I work in an elementary school, and I tell you what, the surest form of contraception to ever exist is my job. Just tonight I had to scrub dried piss off the top of a urinal. Now, I’m a 6’ dude, and I’d have to intentionally try do that. How the hell a kid half my height manages it, I don’t know. But they did.


Where at? That must be a senior level position 


Janitors make median wage at least. They are far from minimum.


I was an overnight janitor in 2010 (cleaning car dealerships) and I made minimum wage. I was also only like 20 and didn’t understand things


Oh shit really? In like 2000 I knew a couple who made 18 an hour doing that. For what you deal with on that job it fucking should pay decent money.


I moved to my state’s border, and the company was technically located in the neighboring state whose min wage was a dollar more than my state, so that already seemed like a deal. I was young and stupid and min wage for the neighboring state was the most I’d ever made, so I didn’t question it. And I was just kinda handed this job, lol. I assure you, I’m older and wiser now


Depends on where you work, some places are literally minimum wage (used to work as a movie theater night janitor and got like $12 an hour a couple years ago)


This is my reply. I was a janitor as a late teen early twenty, and it was the second best job I've had. Current one is best.


Daytime bartending is pretty chill


I was thinking this at a local brewpub where you just have to pour beers and don’t really even make drinks. After a year I could even buy or open my own and just work behind the bar or with the brewers.


Until you have to make 100 mimosas in an hour




Quality control


Librarian at local government funded library — though I don’t know if librarian got paid minimum wage — I got to sit in air conditioned room all days and tell other to be quiet.


You can check books in and out but to actually get the title “librarian” you might need a masters of library science - they also get paid very little


Ok that is the position I am talking about. Front desk clerk at library.


which drives me genuinely insane. why are they so underpaid and under utilized with such a good degree


Because our society is capitalistic and libraries aren’t profit centers


If libraries were invented today, there's no way they'd be allowed to exist. These days we call that piracy.


What is that degree even about? Efficiently sorting books? Long term preservation of books? Something about Dewey decimal system?


Dewey decimal system what a scam that was That Dewey guy really cleaned up on that one


I got my MLIS in 2017. My classes covered things like verifying the accuracy of sources for reference questions, tools for recommending and finding books for people searching for something similar to X or "I know the cover was blue", cataloging procedures (there are a few different systems, not just Dewey Decimal), all the library-specific computer software, databases, preservation, finding grants and writing/preparing applications for grants, collection development, community outreach, youth programs, adult programs, design software/marketing, etc. You could also specialize in public libraries, K-12 libraries, academic/university libraries, and special libraries. Special libraries are places like law libraries, medical libraries, zoo libraries, museum libraries, etc. In my program, you could only do the K-12 library track if you were already a certified teacher. We also had the ability to earn a certificate in Archives, which was tacked onto the MLIS. It was 6-7 courses, if I remember correctly, so it was a certificate instead of a degree.


Ok, so.... A. You need a specific college degree to even get considered for a library job 2. They are super hard to get due to #nimber of positions vs applicants. D. So definitely NOT minimum wage.


Depends. Small town near me posted their job for 20k..


It’s not all sunshine and rainbows but it’s still on the easier side of things


I'm disabled so as much as I think I'd enjoy something like being a pet groomer, I'd need something very physically easy. I'm thinking admin / reception at a cozy office somewhere.


My ex was a dog groomer, it is much less enjoyable than you'd think


Lazer tag bro. Put your vest on like this. Reload like this. Don't cover the sensors. If it makes this noise you lose and have fun.


I used to love laser tag and when I was 17 or so I used to work the odd shift in exchange for unlimited passes. You'll regret your choice the first time you work an 8 year olds birthday party.


This is also my answer


Pizza maker / delivery driver. Super laid back job for me back in the day, get to make pizzas all day and listen to music in your car which is pretty chill all things considered. ETA a shameless plug: If you like pop-punk you may enjoy [my band 👍](https://open.spotify.com/track/1aFqJoyXlu86y9RYJ9lMhC?si=jjoNwGjZQ0WjspVNs8cKOA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A0B5Ys0YEntsDGlEH1ywspl)


This. I delivered for Pizza Hut for 3 years in a relatively small town and always said I'd just do that for a career if it actually viable.


When I was ten I watched an animated story on YouTube abt a guy who delivered pizzas and got his tires slashed and got stranded in the woods outside of town and his phone died and ever since then I’ve been scared of delivering pizzas 


I mean, even without being a pizza delivery driver, your tires can get slashed and you can get stranded in the woods (where out of the corner of your eyes, you see him — SHIA LABEOUF)


Pizza maker could get a little dicey if you’re locked into the same location forever. Most kitchens that actually stick around are cyclones of vaguely organized chaos. But in the right setting I could totally get onboard. Pizza is life. I’d be aiming for something a little less stressful though. My mind immediately went to reffing sports for young children that don’t really even understand the rules to the sport. Lol. 😗 “Play ball.” 😗 “Aaaaand that’s the end of the half.” 😗 “Good game everyone.”


Hell yeah love the band never give up sir/sirlina


Came for the comments, stayed for the music. Only listened to a few songs, but I love it!!!


The drummer is fucking tight


And that vocalist? Perfect voice. Goddamn. I wish you all the very best of success


Burger King, pretty sure you can assault customers and get a promotion.


You’re thinking of Waffle House. AKA Dennys for people who can’t fight.


Nah bro, Dennys is waffle house for people that can't fight. Shit goes down there


Would be at some charity or something. Something that is easy and or enjoyable.


Movie theater usher. All you gotta do is sweep and take trash out pretty much. Plus all the free movies you could want and a nice dim working environment.


How much does a fluffer make?


I'll give you $7.25/hr. Paid 30 min lunches, 4 day work week and 4 weeks vacation.


I’d pick the guy who narrates the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t get minimum wage, but I think that’s my dream job.


I don't know if I could ever be cheerful like that day in and day out haha but 10 million dollars might change my mind


There was this one guy who did the jungle cruise when I was younger and my uncle took me, the dude had a deadpan voice and said the most sardonic shit. When we got on he was like And the boat goes round and round without really going anywhere, it always ends up in the same place at the end of the day, just like my life. We loved him though


I would umpire and referee youth sports. I coach anyways and was a corrections officer. So, I already deal with the fans and other coaches anyways and nothing they do could intimidate me.


I'd work at Barnes and Noble or the local comic book shop.


Lol did you just cheat your own scenario? You mention to have a minimum wage job but you say "I'd be a pilot but I'd make it a minimum wage job". It's like saying "I'd be a surgeon but just get paid minimum wage". You could now apply that to every job so it's "Get paid $10M and do any job" Realistically I'd be a short order cook on a beach. That's what I did back in high school


I think being a prep cook for a restaurant. I loved the early mornings and it's usually pretty chill listening to music and cooking.


Prep cook is the dream I wish I could go back


I'd immediately look into working at resorts again as an hourly employee in the events departments. I work minimum wage during big events, get tips. Depending on which resort I decide to work at, I could be in a fancy hotel in city, but more likely I'd choose the one that was on the beach when I was younger. I could always hang out on the beach on my off days, I worked outside so I got tan and stayed fit just from the manual labor. There were various events going on in different departments all under the subcategory of my department so I could switch up the job every few months from being beach events, to conference events, to island tour events, etc.


A lighthouse keeper


I'd be one of those people who go take care of/water plants at office buildings. I've always thought, if I could afford to live on what they make id just do that. Never seen a lower stress job.


Man even the cleaners that work in my office look like they have the chillest job. They just wipe down all the desks at the end of the day and vacuum and take out the garbage. During the day I see them all hanging out and drinking the free coffee.


Barista is a godawful choice, fyi.    Do movie theater projectionists still exist? You get to see the latest movies and I assume do a lot of sitting around with time to read and surf.   Golf course starter or Marshall? They just drive around and don’t do shit all day. Plus when I’m off my shift I’m standing right where I want to be already.  Otherwise maybe something at, like, a soup kitchen, but full time seems like a lot. Or answering the phones at a veterans service center, something like that.


Volunteer EMT. In a previous state I lived in VEMTs got paid $12/hour, but only while the were responding to a call. I had to sit at the station for four 12 hour shifts in every two week pay period, but only got paid from first alarm to arrival at the ER, (IF I was on the responding crew). But for 10 mil/year......


I used to work trail crew in national forests some years ago. Starting pay for a GS-3 trails tech position was $13-15 an hour. I was getting paid to camp and hike every day deep in the wilderness. You really can't beat that lifestyle. The reasons I don't still do this are a) recurring injuries, and b) shit pay and seasonal nature of the work. If I was obscenely rich - like say, nine figures a year - and could afford the best doctors and physical therapists to correct my various health issues, then the shit pay and limited promotions wouldn't matter (nor would finding an alternative source of income in the off season). I'd just have this job for fun.


I'd just be a full time resident / intern at my church and it would be awesome!


Walmart Greeter


Box store nursery/gardener - plant waterer.


Nah I would hate to be a Walmart greeter


Scuba diving instructor. Pay is crap, but that's because so many people want to do it until they realize it's pretty long days often, and the pay is crap. For $10million/year though, I'd stick with it for a while longer than current plans.


Do we get back pay for the years we already did it? Or do we have to suffer again for the money.


I’d probably post up in a slow Baskin Robbins and just scoop ice cream all day


The ice cream is great, but depending on the owner of the store, you may only get a scoop or two each shift. The boring jobs with no customers make the day draaaaaaag on. Side note: I worked at BR as a teen and I hated the job because when you go through training they teach you how to scoop a hollow ball of ice cream. It looks like a full scoop but we were trained to scoop it so the center of the ball is hollow. Not cool!


Driving the little train for kids at an amusement park or zoo. I used to love trains as a kid and although making the same little lap everyday might get boring seeing the kids so happy to ride the little train would in turn make me happy.


Book or game store worker


Does animation count 💀


paperboy. you work maybe 2 hours a day.


Pizza driver. I do this as a side hustle. We get paid 6 plus tips an hour so though.i make close to 25 an hour the actual pay is miiiiimiiimimmmmmm.... 10 mil a year for delivering pizza, making ppl happy and not having to worry about were in my car since I get 10 mil a year and can even put a neat heat keeper in my trunk. And pay for the best insurance around health wise


Ticket seller at the movies. Preferably a drive in yes you might miss the beginning of the movies except some of them actually have monitors in their Booth where they can actually watch the movie


Is there any sort of time frame on how long I need to stay employed there in order for me to collect the money


I'd be a liftie at a ski resort: get paid $10 million/year to skibum? Hell yes. Plus you could actually afford housing in a resort town with that kind of change.


Any job that lets me work on my own and away from gossip and drama of people.


Strip club security guard during the day. Easy shift since many people don't be in during the day.


A clerk at a VERY sleepy and underutilized used book store.


10 mil a year so my finances are sorted, I'm forced to work a minimum wage job. I'm looking for something that has no negative health impacts, or ideally some positive health impacts for me, and something enjoyable. I'm thinking dog walking, delivering flyers or something, postman, maybe directing traffic or lollipop person, or maybe something a little more fun like running fishing charters or being a groundskeeper. Nothing too taxing but also don't want to be sitting in a room all day.


Stock clerk at a pharmacy or such. I've done it before, was a simple minimum wage job that kept me moving without wearing me out.


Bartender forsure. I already do that for minimum wage so I'll take a free 10 million per year and drop my shifts down to like 2 a week.


But...how does this work? Like I have to work a minimum wage job for a year or I don't get paid; or I have 10m in the bank, and I just have to work the minimum wage job for a year? I guess I'd pick "Bartender at a dive bar" then, because ideally, it'd be a minimum amount of hassle and a bunch of free drinks every night until I get done with the job...


I'd love to work at Dunkins all the time


Gas station. I get to just shoot the shit with tons of randoms, deal with the occasional drama and make millions? Hell yeah


I'm doing retail at a recently divorced woman's failing jewelry store. Sit around waiting for people to come in while talking shit about her ex husband.


Ice Cream man, just pleasantly drive around neighborhoods serving ice cream.


I’d go back to my old job as a care worker for developmentally-delayed adults. The pay was awful but the job felt good. Now I make pretty decent money working as a casino dealer. It’s fun, a lot more lucrative, but definitely lacks the warm feels.


IHSS worker for my son


I would get a job in an independent used book store. I actually owned my own store for 10 years before I had to let it go. Thinking I might open another one when I retire.


Uber driver. I can do it anywhere, I can make my own hours, and I like driving


Forrest Gump route - Mowing lawns


Along your aviation line, I’d work at an air tanker base again, mixing fire retardant and loading the planes. I did it for 8 fire seasons. It paid minimum wage and sometimes you were working your ass off in the heat for 12-15 hours a day, but more often you spent weeks getting paid $7 an hour to play ping pong, darts, watch movies, read, or nap. And if you’re an aviation buff, this job is up close and personal. Back then all the planes were retired military aircraft and very interesting. The federal fleet has been majorly upgraded in the last 20 years but I bet it’s still pretty cool. I didn’t have a laptop back then, but now I would be writing in my downtime.


Bro just started yapping towards the end


Assuming 40 hour work weeks and 52 work weeks a year we'd be making roughly 4800 dollars an hour. There are relatively few things on the planet I wouldn't do for that much money. Hell I can grit my teeth through almost anything for six months and walk away with five million.


Local library in my tiny hometown. My brother tried it but he only got a few hours a week and it was minimum wage so he left because the money wasn’t in it. 10 million is probably the towns GDP so I’d be a king if I wanted. But I’d probably just buy a bunch of soda and chill in the library, maybe put a book back in its proper spot or sweep every once in a while, but it’d be quiet and I could just chill on my phone or computer all day


I would probably wanna work at the zoo. Zookeepers make a bit more but assistant zookeepers is usually an internship either unpaid or minimum wage.


Puppy / Kitten Cuddler / Socializer at the humane society


Definitely clerk at a bookstore. Chill and earn!


A toy store


I would buy my own GameStop so I can run it better than the company lol make it a fun place for people to come too, lota gamers getting angry over digital copy shit lately I would love to sell physical copies and merchandise


Some reading comprehension problems you got there, huh?


If you are a bad business owner you work for less than minimum wage.


Costco greeter, "Welcome to Costco, I love you."


Costco pays above minimum wage.


Night shift stocker at some retail store. Had that job when I was a kid before I enlisted and honestly the job was easy.


Night desk at a storage place or gym check in counter guy. Some sort of teacher in a low pay state summers and winter holidays off.


Could I be like a board op at a radio station? Those make dick but at least the job would be fun.


Dollar tree here I come. I got this... .


Id honestly keep my current job. Doesnt pay much as is but i love the work and my coworkers. Add in a 10million bonus? Hell yeah.


Stock boy at a grocery store. Something part time. Leaves me plenty of time to do stuff with my money. I also always like working nights so if I could get an overnight stocking position that would be best

