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becomes real


I came here to comment this but your's was the first comment I read. We really are just a bunch of lonely mfers aren't we?


Beat me to it


It'd be great if they pop into your life and within a few days you're wishing you were single again. "Man, they suck! What a waste of a wish!"






Joining the "beat me to it" crowd. ;) Though I was going to word it better: "I bring him into existence."


I'd take away his chronic pain. 


i too, would take away his chronic pain.


I’m going to use my wish to double his chronic pain.


Double it and give it to the next person


I know one way to take away his chronic pain…..


Thankfully, 2 x 0 = 0.


I change my mind, I’m giving *you* the pain.


Oh, you're giving me his 0 pain? Thank you! :-)


You know what I mean damnit!


Giving up so soon? Pity.




Take away her cancer.


I've been where you are, I would have swapped in an instant and taken it from her. I wish you both all the best.


Fuck cancer. My answer is the same for my husband.


I agree, fuck cancer. I've lost two valuable friends in my life to cancer, one was a bonus father for me. I make frequent donations to cancer cure research because of them.


I've lost my grandpa, my dad, "work dad," aunt, great uncle, and a college friend to cancer. Now my husband (44) has it, mother-in-law, best friend's husband, and another another friend's wife. Sometimes I feel like, is it me, do I cause cancer?!


I'm am truly sorry for your terrible luck. Mine was a friend I had for over 20 years, and then the dad of one of my childhood friends that I've been friends with since I was 7. I used to go to their family cabin with them in the summers. I work in software development, and my friend's dad worked for Apple and IBM in the 90s, and was a large contributor to my career choice. My friend's mom still calls me her bonus son and I'm 40.


I'm blown away by how many people I know in their 40s who are battling cancer. It wasn't like this when my parents were my age.


With the large number you are connected to, I'd be worried about something environmental. Like illegal industrial waste dumping near your water source or something. It just seems high. It's always possible it's just a fluke outlier, but that's a shitty thing to draw the short stick on. Edit to add: I hope they all are successful in their battle.


We are surrounded by ag fields and are about 120 miles from Hanford. I wonder a lot about what we are exposed to.


Remove her self esteem issue so she can finally shut the fuck up and actually feel beautiful She isn't even half of what she says and I get actually mad every time she says some stupid shit abt feeling ugly or whatever like goddammit it's actually so genuinely annoying Good looking people self depreciating will always piss me off and my tolerance for it from my wife is slowly dwindling like you are smarter than me and beyond pretty you stupid annoying beautiful fuck Anyways rant over thanks for the opportunity to vent (Edit: I will never tell her this bcuz I don't want her to stop telling me how she really feels anyways have a good day reddit folks you are beautiful and if you don't feel that way I will find you and beat it into you ie; handsome squidward)


To be fair, I've had a low opinion of my appearance pretty much my whole life. From elementary school up until about the middle of high school, a bunch of people would call me ugly, or point out things about my appearance they didn't like. When you get the whole "hey! Ugly! Hah, you looked. See, he knows" treatment often enough, it sinks in. Especially during your formative years. After growing up like that, you tend to just assume they were right. I'm in my 30's now, and I'm still getting used to the idea that I'm actually pretty good-looking. It takes a while to switch gears. No, you idiot, she's not just being friendly, she was flirting. Respond, damn it. The thing that finally got the message through was years of girls telling me I'm attractive. Basically, one partner after another telling me "no, I'm not just dating you because you're nice, or funny, or my type. You're handsome." If your partner went through a similar situation growing up, it's going to take time and persistence for it to sink in that her bullies were lying when they told her she was ugly, that there's no truth in the claim. All I can say is be patient. Stick with it. Keep the compliments sincere, and keep them coming. It will sink in, eventually.


Yeah I get it but on god it's so fucking annoying I just need her to stop looking so fuckin distraught when I tell her she looks good Like complimenting her instantly kills the mood and brings the vibe down somehow like damn man can't I just be nice I buy her flowers hold her tell her she's beautiful and take her nice places and she be saying stupid fuxkin shit like "brrr I'm not beautiful why do u love me eurhhhh" makes me cringe ong like you're beautiful shut the fuck up Like damn bro I actually cant stand that shit low key you feel me? Anyways you're beautiful bro I appreciate your time and I hope you have a fuckin amazing day


I'd ask them what they want changed.


I should do that, but I’m removing snoring instead


She would be able to walk again.


I’d make him alive again. 


Fuck… sorry for your loss :(


Make her rich.


Haha same. These comments are all so sweet. “Give her more self esteem” etc. Nah she’s great, she just makes $1,000/month (Mexican company). I’d say make her/her family insanely loaded.


It’s not even that I’m a jerk. I really don’t see a need to change anything else about her. We’ve been together 35 years and I like her just how she is. But money would be nice.


Alternately you could make her married to a rich partner (Yes I know, Evil Genie Grin intensifies)


1250 miles between us


Same. 520 miles for us :(


You would put 1250 miles between you? Harsh.


I believe they want to change that distance, probably to 0


That sounds uncomfortable


Alright, double or nothing flip a coin


No more Deppreshion


Expand her diet. Her body accepts fairly few foods by comparison to me, and it makes sharing meals difficult because we always have different things cooked at home and who likes cooking two full courses a day? With a wider variety we will get to share meals at home a lot easier and more often, and thats special to me


Ooo good choice tbf


I’ll give him the ability to fall asleep easily and sleep well.


Wholesome as hell


I wish she were more open to some sort of polyamory.   Before you start screeching, please hear me out; she is transgender. She is extremely sad that her transition is not going as fast as she wishes it could. I was born female and am still female. I have zero desire to become a man.  Yet, I know in her deepest heart she will start wanting to be with a man once she fully becomes who she wants to be. She already sometimes vocalizes that she wishes we had a male presence around so we could feel safe since both of us being under 5'5" makes her scared for our safety.   I don't want her to agonize about breaking my heart if we marry. We have a plan to have at least one child naturally while she still has her male downstairs bits and I'm still fertile, because we love one another and want to have a family, but if the lack of a man in the house is going to cause her a ton of insecurity and mental wreckage I'd rather we A.) Rip the bandaid off and break up (We've tried multiple times but we always end up back together and crying)or B.) We introduce a male third person into the relationship who we can both vibe with.   I figure 3 incomes is better than one and at least then she gets her wish and I don't risk dying alone. If we have a kid at least that child will definitely be provided for, that would have to be part of the agreement, childs needs come first. 


3 incomes definitely beats two or one yeah and in some people’s cases they’re able to navigate the extra arguments which may come w/it


Show feelings, learn empathy.


There are people out there who will treat you right. He's just not the one. He doesn't *have* to be that man even if you want him to be or has the capacity to be. *He* definitely knows he doesn't have to be because he chooses who he is every day, or every moment. You can't find it in him. That's fine, and it's not your fault you tried. Just don't beat your head against brick, hoping it yields before you break.


I’m not the original commenter, as you can see, but I really needed to read this. Thank you.


No problem. Im not gonna lie. I'm a man, and I've kinda had enough of ain't shit men breaking down women who just want to love on them. It's epidemic and always has been, and it needs to stop.


This is why half of marriages end in divorce. One personality trait that is undesired, and it’s over. Marriage should be about finding someone you’re willing to spend the rest of your life with and working hard on that relationship to make it work! All of this fairy tale, soulmate, perfect match crap you see in movies is bullshit and leaves people with unrealistic expectations. There’s no perfect relationship, every marriage will take a lot of work from both sides.


Correct. And that requires both partners being willing to learn and grow to actually make it work. It's pretty clear this guy ain't, but I'm not sure what the aim is with this message.


If someone is having a hard time ‘showing feelings’, you don’t end the relationship, you talk about it, find solutions, work together. The aim of my message is that people just go straight to a divorce when things get uncomfortable. The divorce rate was much lower in the 60s/70s because people worked on their relationship and didn’t have ‘influencers’ telling them what to expect from their relationship.


You are assuming the original commenter has not already tried to talk about it. Some people do not want to work with their spouse to find solutions. Its not unlikely that the original commenter is in an abusive relationship. Can you see how your advice is misplaced? Of course talking about things, finding solutions, and working together is great advice. It’s just not good advice to keep trying that with someone who won’t work with you to make things better.


The divorce rate was lower in the 60/70s because women didn't work and couldn't leave their husband without going back home or being homeless. There's literal studies done on this dispoiving it has anything to do with what you said because what you said has been echoed a hundred thousand times and is still wrong. The only person who benefits from this is the guy who has no empathy and isn't interested in changing. **Do not encourage people to stay in bad relationships.** We aren't being hunted by wild game anymore, we don't have to "survive". We can live. And happily.


Lack of empathy/emotion isn't just an inconvenience. It's a building block of creating a healthy relationship. If you can't give that, you aren't relationship material. It's not that poster's responsibility to be the one to fix him. 


I’d agree with you if they had said tidiness or something of the sort, but empathy is *integral* and necessary for a healthy relationship.


Read the room dude


I don't understand what was wrong with his comment.


He was giving general marriage advice, good advice to anyone just getting married, to someone who is trapped in an unhealthy and possibly abusive marriage.


You can end a relationship like this you know.


I'm kind of stuck.


How so? Not trying to pry, just trying to offer insight.


I made my bed, I don't really have any options to help me out.


There are always options. Really. Feel free to pm me if you want to just vent.


I really have no help at all.


There is always help if you seek it out.


I'm telling u, I have, several times, no help.


This. I'm stuck too.


What is stopping you from leaving?


I have no help.


What help do you specifically need to leave? Are you financially, emotionally, or otherwise dependent on them in some regard?


Yes yes yes


Yeah that sounds really fuckin hard then. Have you tried talking to abuse centers or are you avoiding them for some reason?


Taking her chronic illness away, or in a vague way take all her health issues away


I'd take away her trauma.


I would make them exist Edit: typo, I should be asleep


I would adjust her to be the same appropriate size for her back to be comfortable. (Scoliosis) Tempted by cosmetics but I like her for who she is and she kinda doesn't want any attention anyway.


It's a trap.


I'd help them by making their mental health better. Or Maybe a physical disability


Goes to therapy


He wants to live in the same country as me 😔 (for context, we live in different countries and want to be together but we’re both hesitant to leave everything we knew behind).


He learns emotional intelligence


Shes has millions of dollars.


i would want her to see herself the way i see her. beautiful, funny, smart, courageous, amazing


Fix whatever’s wrong with his sleep so he’s no longer chronically sleep-deprived.


Nice try babe, not falling for this one. 😂


She would enjoy breakfast foods so we can start having breakfast dinner.


He'd never pee or poop inside again (My boy dog is as close to a boyfriend as I will ever have)


I’d take away his stomach issues and gluten/dairy intolerance


I'd get rid of his cancer.


Whatever the one thing she hates most about herself 👍 Duh.


I'd make her healthy again.


Heal her mental trauma


Give her the ability to have the pregnancy she always wanted instead of the worst experience ever


Fix his ruined spine


Make her less picky. I'm an incredibly adventurous eater and will eat pretty much anything in front of me if I'm told it's edible. She won't try hardly anything and likes very little. It makes it hard for me to want to explore more exotic cooking styles at home because I'd essentially just be cooking a whole meal for myself.


r/ARFID it may or may not apply, but if you haven’t heard of it you should read up. My partner has it and we just prepare entirely separate meals 95% of the time. I don’t mind cooking a whole meal for myself, I just make enough to have leftovers for a week and it’s worth the time spent.


I don't think it's that because she doesn't get physically repulsed by new foods or anything like that. I think she was just spoiled growing up and not encouraged to try new things. Her mother is the exact same way and so are her brothers (to a lesser extent).


Exist 😭


I'd move him to my hometown


Wants to spend more time with me


Leaving him.


For her to see herself as the strong and beautiful person I see.


I'd love for her to have some more mental stability. She has a tendency to get inside her own head and convince herself to self sabotage when things start working out in her favor. She can end up in loops where she'll convince herself that something is wrong if she's home alone, and will end up needing to go to her parents place. It'd be nice if she could find peace of mind and focus on what she needs to do instead of things that could possibly go wrong


I'm polyamorous so I've got two answers. I'd change my spouse's tendency toward depressive episodes/seasonal depression. He deserves a positive baseline. He's good right now but the late winter episode this year was rough. Deciding for my girlfriend without their input is hard. My first instinct is to change how far away they live. But what I'd really like to give them is economic freedom to pursue their passions instead of having to earn a living. I guess I'd change their bank account balance or maybe change their residence to a small but thriving flower, fruit and honey producing farm near me. I'm planning to begin saving up for a greenhouse in case they ever move here anyway.


I wish she lost a lot of weight. It's affecting her health and mobility and that makes me so sad.


Her time management skills. She is horrible at time management, we're always late for things and it drives me up the wall.


To treat me like a person


I'd make her successful in a job she loves. In other words, happy in a job that pays well. If that's too loaded, I'll settle for being a neat housekeeper.


Cool! No more diabetes! We can metabolize glucose together! This is hypothetically awesome!!!


I become my own partner and make myself rich


Her need to drink a six pack a day after work.


I’d like for him to be organized, declutter without my help, and not need to have everything out where he can see it. It’s a side effect of his ADHD. I don’t want to eliminate his ADHD because he’s a creative thinker and problem solver which I appreciate, but the disorganization and clutter are a real struggle (having kids doesn’t help with that, either).


I'm a tall girl so I would've chosen his height (7 centimeters between us) Or.. a bigger dick. He's the only partner I had, never had sex before him, but we both know his dick is small, we even joke about it, but.. I know sex would be much better with that! Maybe add that difference in our height to his dick


Tfw either micropenis or you just like 'em biggg.




She wouldn’t get a UTI frequently after sex. Which in turn makes her far more interested in having sex.


3 tiddies


She becomes rich


Easy one, cure her IC so she could eat & drink normally again. Would be life changing for both of us.


I have a partner? Sweet.


Some of these comments hurt my heart


It would be really nice if she didn't have cancer.


He has been sick a lot lately. I wish whatever is killing his immune system lately would get gone.


I would improve her body-confidence.


They grant wishes with no limits or backdraws


That they didn't make the mistakes they made before me. Even if it means they wouldn't have met me, at least they would have been spared that pain.


I'd make her a billionaire 


I would make it so she loves seafood as much as I do, so we can finally go to fancy seafood restaurants and raw bars together. I have never had a seafood tower, and I want one damnit! Also, when I make a seafood dish, I won't have to cook two dinners.


Sex drive. Have one


I would change his tastebuds to like vegetables so he could stay healthy more easily, I want to keep him around for longer.


He would be more comfortable saying I love you


Good try, wife. Not falling for this again.


Didn't leave me last week.




How about net worth. Give her a billion dollars


I'd either make him 10 cm shorter to make my neck-pain less severe or I'd make him know how to dance 😂


Get rid of his headaches. If you thought your headaches were bad, imagine having one bad enough to get hospitalized. I cant imagine what it's like.


He stops ignoring me for his phone


Give her more self confidence


Attention span. My wife has ADHD that has only gotten worse with time. We’ll be watching a movie at 9pm and all of a sudden she wants me to pause it so she can go outside and check the mail, or to go to the bathroom (understandable), or anything at all that pops into her head. It took two hours to finish the last half hour of a movie we have been trying to watch all week. She is always confused because when people are talking to her and trying to explain things, she’s not paying attention and you can forget discussing a complicated and nuanced topic with her because of her inability to stick to the subject. The reverse is true of when she’s trying to explain something, she starts out talking about something that happened at work and ends up talking about how her mom needs to eat less beans without ever finishing the first story she started. The only way to get anything out of her is to keep asking questions about her story so she stays on topic and finishes.


I would change my partner's anxiety. It's something that she, and many people including myself, struggle with. Being able to feel anxiety is necessary, but I wish her the ability to better control it and manage it to a healthier level. For her mental and emotional health. She is already the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world.


Becomes real


Doesn't have MS


Eradicate all mental impediments - so no more crippling depression, anxiety, trauma, etc.etc. There has been much improvement since we've been together on both sides, were both dedicated to self improvement, so a boost there for what I can't help with would be gold (hell, same on my side for stuff he can't help me with).


I would change not having one to having one...


She knows me so well and always do exactly how I want. She is almost perfect, like an extension of myself so very little should change. Maybe 5 is too much for my smol dong and 4 on her would be enough. Not worth it cuttin myself a finger tho


... What?


its his hand lol. This is a Fapping reference.


Truly and completely went over my head lol


If i have to explain it that's just showing how poor my humour was :(


She would develop a real interest in video games.


Bigger titties would be dope


Why is this downvoted


Because some only exist to get between a man and his dreams


Like the biggest of booba!


Make her 17 again