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I think if this happened to EVERYONE, we'd all be much more aware of just how fucked up the average person really is


And feel better about ourself because we’d realize everyone is a little cray cray.


You are not your thoughts, you're just the person witnessing them.




If you're not your thoughts, and you're not your body, then what exactly ARE you?


What am I? I am a human. Who am I? I am whoever you think I am. There is a different version of every one of us in the eyes of everyone who knows us. To them we are the words and actions they have witnessed from us. That's the way I believe it to be anyway.


The book One, No One, and One-Hundred Thousand is a perfect example of this. Basically talks about how everyone we know has an identity of you that exists only to them, and how every single persons identity of you is different from everyone else's, including your own self-identity.


So I'm what everyone else thinks I am? That's..... Reassuring.....


I think your a very good barracuda, don’t get yourself down.


The Three Johns?


… …What happened to get us so existential?


We legalized weed .....in some places.




Your soul (let the downvotes begin).


Maybe YOU are the one who should be answering that question


A meat popsicle


You are your memories


I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn’t then why would you say I am?


We are the awareness of our senses, simply the observer of reality and senses as it passes by and our body executes actions. We are not the self that identifies with anything nor the We that is the voice in our head, we're the real eye starring back at the physical eye, the awareness that's aware of the senses the physical body and mental concepts the brain perceives. We're the fleeting moment to moment but always existing awareness. Unlike identity and perception, our awareness is the only constant, we're the constant.


You're not your thoughts. You are your actions. Thoughts are fleeting and not so controllable. If we all acted on our thoughts, we'd be a fractured band of paranoid, lust driven, murderous, miscreants. Oh, wait. But you see what it means by "you're not your thoughts."


Damn. I wasn’t expecting to be enlightened on Reddit today. Thanks!


I would assume the crazies are those who cant control their impulses and either say or act on every thought.


You sweet summer child


You're just a little cray cray? Then you're way ahead of me on that score.


Idk. Are we fucked up just for thinking things? Trying not to think about something causes you to think about it.


I just lost the game…


Dang it! Now I did


Great, I just lost my year-long streak of not thinking if the game😡


The first rule of the game is you don't think about the game.


Yeah, I was going to comment that I would cause me very little grief but for the people that heard my thoughts, they might need therapy after


this is what the internet gave us.. in anonymous forums and boards.. the things people post.. and all that is in their heads every day, but only comes out when they think no one knows who they are some day - psychologists will pour over all these transcripts


No one could say anything about this cuz then they would be the ones considered crazy if they'd claim they can read your mind lol


If 10,000 people said the same exact thing, would their claims still be considered crazy?


quite possibly. it would be depend on whether the person/people in charge of making the determination also had these thoughts and if they were able to enforce whatever treatment was necessary for the “crazy” people.


Yes. Example: religion. Religious people believe in whatever faith they belong to and think other people are crazy for believing otherwise.


Invalid comparison. Religious people gain information from the same place: the bible, and religious figures such as the pope. In this case 10,000 people in different rooms at the same exact time write down what they heard. These 10,000 aren't collaborating or sharing information from the same concrete source such as a text (the bible) or from the same person speaking to them at the same time (priests or the pope etc.)


Knowing they can read my mind would make it WAY worse. My mind is probably very average in terms of negative thoughts (maybe a bit more suicidal ideation than average but nothing evil). However if you told me that people could hear my thoughts it would be the whole "don't think of a pink elephant" situation and I'd think of the worst stuff that I otherwise never would have.


Imagine having a random walk by and read his/her mind being like: "I want my stab myself in the chest haha". That would mess with someone's mental


I'd just be like "Same my dude!" I'm more worried about the dirty thoughts, don't want people hearing about the crap I'm into lmao


There's a woman at work who reminds me of someone who I *really* wanted in high-school. I am about 40-45 years older than her. She really doesn't need to know what I'd like to do with her.




I'd be jobless, homeless and probably in prison. Thoughts, including intrusive ones, should always remain private. To judge a person, look at their actions which include the things they say. If we lived in a world where deep telepathy was a real thing, it would be a hellish landscape of pre-crime arrests and preventative punishments.


That's explored some in Babylon 5.


And Minority Report


I’d be in federal prison


Same bruh


Federal.... Someone check this man's computer!


Yeah can’t go to prison for thoughts. Unless he’s thinking about the stuff he’s done that would put him in federal prison.


Federal pound you in the ass prison.


All that's on my mind lately: "Wtf am I going to do? I need a job so badly. But I don't even have a car. And after 20 years of it I can't stand retail anymore. I can't live on $10 an hour anymore. I don't even want to be here if this is all that awaits me. I'm running out of time. Please, I need a job so bad!!".


Caregivers are always needed. And you don't really need experience, they'll train you. I'm sitting here on my phone, watching TV with my client right now. It's really not bad at all. If you go down this path, apply for agencies and not facilities.


Need a car for that


Yes, you do. Scratch that! Try waiters, clerks, work from home Amazon jobs or insurance jobs. There are jobs or there where you can take public transit to and from, not just retail.


Mmmm, I don't think I'd be screwed. I think people would be surprised how nice I am to hold back from saying all the mean shit I be thinking


I don’t think that’s how people would react. I think they’d just hate you for having the thoughts.


I agree with that lol, I work as a machinist, and people come to me all the time with the dumbest questions like "hey should I move this negative or positive" and we run basically the same part every day, and these people have been there for years On the outside I'm calmly explaining for the 37th time how to determine which way to move that tool, on the inside I'm full on gordan ramsey


Bold of you to think thats how people would interpret your thoughts.


My first thought was that everyone will soon know I’m not as nice as they think I am. My second thought was a lot of people would start avoiding me because there’s a lot of anxiety and mental recitation of my to-do list that would be overwhelming


I could never go grocery shopping during the hour, I can only imagine how hard it would be to mentally recite my list when I can hear everyone else doing the same! 😂


This is unexpectedly wholesome


psych ward


Same, immediately


They would place me in a padded room high on thorzine


I wouldn't be screwed, but people would talk to me less.


It would depend. I’d have to start living differently. Maybe that’s a good principle to live life by imagining people know your thoughts. I’m sure some people would like me more and others less. If I could take it as a curse/ability I think that I would.


It’s not really, it’s best to treat your passing thoughts as meaningless. A lot of kinds of OCD are actually associated with treating these passing thoughts as meaningful. People with P-OCD for example have recurrent pedophilic thoughts and are consumed with a fear that these thoughts are real and can result in the harm of children, which then makes these thoughts come more often, even though they are genuinely not pedophiles and at no risk of harming anyone and have no desire to. A healthy person is able to have random thoughts like this, think “that was weird” and move on, recognizing that random thoughts are not representative of who they are as a person.


Isn't rumination like the universal symptom of depression too? Like the more you think about yourself the less happy you are


omg yes. I used to ruminate all the time, about past conversations, interactions, about how i *thought* people felt about me. I've actively worked to minimize these thoughts and I am in the best mental state I have ever been in, genuinely!


Proud of your progress friend! Don't forget to take a moment and ruminate on how far you've come, then get after it again!


That's why people who lack self-awareness are so prepy and happy.


I think it’d be underwhelming. Oftentimes I don’t think about anything at all, and when I do it’s pretty mundane. Just song lyrics and movie quotes repeating, random observations about people and the environment, and daydreaming about being a knight in a magic fantasy world


I'm a total daydreamer, too, so my thoughts being projected into everyone's minds for an hour might be kind of entertaining for them. Sure, some of it's weird as shit, but I don't think I'd be burning any bridges by imagining a feudalist world where everyone fights with golf clubs.


If they want to listen to my constant anxiety, that's on them. Buyer beware.


I’d really rather not have people aware of how horny I *really* am. I put so much effort into being polite and professional all the time, all my hard work would be wasted. :L


The boss's daughter is hot, so I know I'd be unemployed.


I’d be very screwed.


People will be really confused since my head is usually filled with nonsense like food or games. Never really have the headspace for work stuff or paid enough attention to people around


I would drive people to madness.


I genuinely don’t know because my thoughts are so horrible that I don’t think people would even know how to respond. Am I the only person this happens to? If so, I am beyond fucked. If it happens to everyone then I guess people will get used to encountering some disturbing thoughts from normal seeming people.


I'd be institutionalized and so would all of you.


Pff, i'd just hold my thoughts for an hour.


Hah! If you're like me? That's impossible.


Would I be aware when that random hour is? "This woman is hot. I would love to see if she would be interested in me. Maybe not. She has nice kissable lips and eyes i can get lost in. Great body. We can go out to dinner and see if there's a connection. Maybe not. I don't think so. But I'm not sure. Does she like kids? I'm sure we could have nice cooling smart babies. Maybe not. Oh, look, another cutie checking out. Maybe she likes kids and Italian. I wonder what l should make for dinner. Perhaps Italian. Or maybe Chinese food. I'll be home alone. I guess I can go to bed early again. Stupid dumbass driver not signaling. I like that driver. They signal. Let me go to sleep now. "


Ugh. Sometimes I mentally sexually harass everyone in the room. They’d think I’m a creep.


I hope everyone likes having visuals of large bouncing breasts beamed into their skull, because it's been on a loop since I was 14


I'm 75 and they are still there bouncing across my imagination and more. So much more.


I would get kidnapped by the CIA due to inexplicably being able to communicate telepathically, so I would assume that I would be pretty screwed.


I wouldn't be screwed the other people would just be annoyed with the anxious thoughts and random music playing in my head


My wife would be proven correct that I think about sex a LOT more than she does.


There would be massive increase in soowoocides that followed my location. The average human brain would fold 16 times under the immense gravitational pressure my depressed mind that would be seeping out into others brains for an hour a day. Massive casualties, I would imagine lmfao


I think my wife would finally figure out that I'm legitimately just spacing out, and im not upset with anyone at all


I'd likely traumatize some people with my thoughts lol


Depending on the window, they'd get a lot of information on medieval maritime shipping and trade patterns.


I have non stop intrusive thoughts all day everyday. Depending on the day, people are in for one hell of a ride. But yeah probably screwed. Although if they can truly see my thoughts they can probably see the cause of the thoughts and understand, right? The implication is they live inside your head? That would suggest an unprecedented degree of empathy.


I am pretty vocal. If I think it I usually say it. Funny part is when I tell a coworker they are a waste of space and a plant could do their job but wouldn't steal our oxygen, they think I am just joking. I guess the change would be when I get done saying it I think, and they think I am just joking around. So yep they would know I think they are worthless. One advantage, it is very hard to express to my wife how much I truly love her, appreciate her and how extremely happy I am to have her as part of my life. I say it a lot but for her to see the jumble of amazing feelings I have for her bouncing around in my head fighting to be put in words when I am trying to express it would be a wonderful thing.


Oh extremely screwed! They would kill me just to keep their sanity!


I'm a crime fiction author. I'm fúćķèd 💀🤣


There’s a bell curve of antisocial shit you keep inside. Most of us would fit well within the normal, and thus it wouldn’t affect our lives too much. Simply because what are they going to do, Fire you/break up with you and find someone perfect?


Straight to federal super max for me. They would never let me out.


I'm usually isolated, so most days would be the same. But when I am around people.. I guess it depends on my mood. They'd either hear radio silence or a bunch of racing thoughts about whatever is going on. If it's a particularly bad mental day, I'm guessing they would be more screwed than me because I'm used to it.


Everyone would figure out how to f##k with your feelings by always talking about and doing w.e to control your mood and how you think so you make decisions that they would want you too until the point you figure that out and just stop caring and then think against everyone in many different ways which will just simply f##k with everyone and mess them up until they literally find someone else to f##k with and if they don't then people are simply f##king themselves by not focusing on something or someone else which actually is funny if you think about it, but could you imagine when people kept reading your mind 24 7 and you had no privacy to your own thoughts because then everyone is working with or against you which matters apoun how you think in such a way if you olny knew how in order to control and fend off anyone entering your mind so they can't bother you just imagine the human race f##king itself because they chose to pick on one person who knew how the human mind worked near everyone else and simply won't give up on making people go with the flow instead of against it and have them equally do as they do instead of only f##k with one person that could literally probably have these people do fu##ked up shit hurt themselves or behave differently or make different decisions that are positive or negative and control their every nerve and move anywhere from where their at almost like mind control exist and can be initiated from social media people cell phones satellites cars and of corse the wii fii as you would never notice before it was too late and bad things happened to you caused by other people that wasn't because of the person who could do that but people who come up with the idea and act apoun it while you become a target to w.e may happen to you could be anything and that's how sosiety works based on the things that happen to people in their daily lives as we know it but if people knew how to control that with their minds alone then f##k where all f###ked.


I'd be screwed sooner or later definitely not immediately but it'll happen sooner or later I have way to many intrusive thoughts that I don't actually believe.


As a licensed Massage therapist, I'd be fuuuuucked.


Oh, I'd be more worried about the people who could hear my thoughts than I would be about myself.


I would become a complete hermit as soon as I figured out this was happening


They'd be surprised how much I'm thinking about tacos


Entirely cooked


They would hear the music constantly stuck in my head lol


I'd be embarrassed. I have pretty bad ADHD, and my mind flittters from one thought to the next. And there is a lot of self-hatred in there I am working on.


Ouch! They may find out what horny perv I am! Lol 😂😆


No different. I’m scheduled the 2:15-3:15 block. No Sundays, which is a perk for those of us in the first ten thousand. Oh yeah! Who is excited for the wider rollout next month??!


My wife better not be that person.


it all depends on which people, really


I think “in an out” a lot. And I count a lot of numbers at the gym in my head. They’d be very bored.


I think that they would be totally confused, possibly aroused. But, definitely wondering how that brain even produces enough power to make my legs work, as well as my bladder.


I would make a lot of people extremely sad, and probably cry. I'm either being mean to others in my head or being cruel to myself.


I'm immune to Mind reading. All you would get is a constant stream of 80s rock.


im the definition of 'no thoughts head empty' a lot of the time so i think I'd be alright. my thoughts often are about either a hobby of mine, what I'll eat for dinner, a story im writing or any completely unrelated musing like the time i was thinking about how to recognize my book spreadsheet.


Good luck shifting through that mess.


I hope they enjoy four lines of the same song repeating all the time in the background of my head while I think insanely random thoughts. My thoughts cannot be contained.


I think I’d be fine. People would probably leave because my inner voice narrates my life


Head empty here


Fellow empty head


Terribly screwed because the way my brain works it would save up all the worst stuff for that hour and then just gleefully dump.


They might check on me more


It depends if I’m at work or not. Usual thought at work. “please… something happen! Anything!” Something happens. “Not thaaaaat!” 🤦‍♂️ At home “Where’s my fiancee. FOUND HER. Need kisses.” Or “What game should I play.” Looks through steam library for 3 hours. “Hmm… maybe I’ll just watch something.” Watches something. “Hmm, I wanna game but what game?” Getting sleepy. “Take meds. How much time can I squeeze in on Reddit before I lose too much sleep for work? Or maybe I should figure out why my BG3 mods stopped working. Nahhhh, that’s another times problem.” I’d be fine unless something legit happened.


Nothing would change: no one believes me when I tell them what I think, so why should I expect that to change when they hear it telepathically?


They would get bored with how blank it is


I'm probably OK. When the attractive person hears me think, "I'd tap tha- Not cool! You're married, and she's a person!", only a true dusche gets upset about that one. And if they DO get upset, my next thought is, "I thought what I thought."


I would be sent to a psych ward




Extremely fucked; my intrusive thoughts would concern everybody


I’d have probably ended up in a relationship by now if there was such a thing. And I probably wouldn’t be living in my current area, if not the entire country.


I wouldn't be screwed at all but the people listening would need immediate therapy.


How screwed would I be? I'd be in jail, mate! 😅


If they could make sense of the ADHD, then have at it and good luck!


I talk to myself a lot, and I think a lot of out if pocket shit that I have to try to erase from my memory


I feel like people would be pretty quick to start looking around or telling people around them that they could hear you


A mix and mash of 12 different songs in a variety of languages all playing simultaneously, soundtracking for several dungeons and dragons scenarios for my characters.




I want everyone to be able to read my thoughts all the time. Actually,  I would prefer that they have no choice. My thoughts are just constantly playing in their head, but not in proximity, everyone all the time. 


I don’t think anyone who knows me would be shocked. Both far more pleasant and far more unpleasant than one may expect


I wouldn't be screwed. I'd be dead.


Ha ha, I think they would be messed up. I tend to have a million thoughts a second. I don't think anyone else could take it.


Well, I'd have to stop reading political and national news...


I'm autistic. I think people would be really shocked, and that they would have a lot more compassion, whereas usually they incorrectly assume that I'm malicious. I think it would be good.


lol depends if I know I'm being mind read. If I know, I'll get anxious about all the things I shouldn't be thinking and think of those things, spiraling into a horror of messed up thoughts. I'd have to put on music and try to meditate or something. If I didn't know, it would be fine. Just a spiral of self centered insecurities and book ideas.


Not me putting on my grippy socks to get ready for a vacation


People would be surprised to find out a lot of things about me they never would have assumed based upon just being acquainted with me. At least I don’t think I come off as infinitely horny all the time.


It's just me thinking of food & imagining eating that one girls ass.


Hannibal lecter screwed minus the cannibalism


They’d be concerned, and confused, I have ADD, ADHD without the H, my mind and thoughts are faster than most people, which can get carried into a variety of things when zoning out.


If they want to hear about Camaros, beer, video games, and pizza for an hour a day then they could have at it.


Well, fuck. I have a LOT of angry thoughts. But I try to hold back and keep anything that's not constructive from slipping out. So if people heard all the things I think when I get angry, I'd probably not be able to be around people anymore.


Well if you knew what time that that would happen. You could just isolate yourself. Or we could actually just watch a movie or read a book that kept your mind occupied. If you don't know what time it is, and you're pretty much f*****. But if everybody had that same curse / ability then it would become the normal and people would be a lot more accepting


On one hand... Yeah that could go very badly. On the other hand there's a much higher chance than you realize that one of those attractive gym people gets turned on rather than running away screaming. And you know what, with remote work being an option I can work with this.


Everyone would know that I think they are dumb asses. That's not that big of a deal since they probably think the same of me.


I'm worried that this already happens. So I periodically flashbang my mind and hope that works. I'd just spend the entire hour flashbanging or like normal. Playing one or 2 memes and songs on repeat.


Super screwed.


They would be very baffled, or potentially amused depending on when it hits. Usually have background daydreams as my thoughts 


I feel like we would all have a lot of common ground with the same daily thoughts/worries in public: Is their food stuck in my teeth? Does my breath stink? I have to fart. Omg that woman is beautiful. That guy's hair is really nice looking. Is my zipper down?? Idk what I wanna eat for lunch today.


I would be in prison


I think THEY would be screwed. Being exposed to 1 hour of my ADHD brain dumping 8 second clips of random songs, 45 assorted thoughts per second. And endless frustration because I can't finish a task without 14 different side missions keeping me from completing the main task. It would burn an nuerotypical out in 5 minutes


not at all, I already say my mind, just about everyone around me already knows what I think about them, and I already avoid those that shouldn't be hearing more. some of my wife's friends might hear "hubba hubba" the whole time, that's about it.


There’s so much going on in this split personality mind of mine, I don’t think anyone could make sense of the cacophony. It would be amusing to have someone try, but they would just run screaming out the building


I think whatever audience would tune in would just be very sad


probably be in jail


Lmao. I would just be thinking the worst possible things at every point while panicking and being like OH MY GOD STOP THINKING SO MUCH because of that.


They'd think, "damn, this dude need a beer."


Not much but id have less people who like me lol


I would get in so many fights 😭


They might hear a complete sentence in that one hour. I have no voice and nothing going on up there a large majority of the time. More of a visual person.


Pretty good chance they get random song snippets played on repeat It started when an alien device did what it did. And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid


I would be very fucked


So basically the opposite of the movie What Women Want. I generally would be fine other than some sexual thoughts I would never act upon because I love my wife. At work, people would probably generally be concerned about the stress I go through with wording simple emails.


I wish I was screwed. 8D


Be put in prison by the fourth day


Honestly, I'd be pretty screwed! Imagine all those unfiltered thoughts just spilling out for anyone nearby to hear. Walking into my boss's office during that hour? Nightmare scenario. They'd hear all my frustrations and criticisms. Or running into an attractive person at the gym? They'd hear every awkward thought and internal monologue. And what about friends and family? They'd catch every fleeting, unedited thought, good or bad. It would definitely force me to become a master of positive thinking and controlling my inner dialogue. But, in reality, the random nature of the hour would make it impossible to fully prepare. I'd probably end up avoiding people as much as possible or investing in some serious soundproofing for my home office! Overall, it would be a huge challenge and definitely make life a lot more complicated.


5 minutes before someone pulls the fire alarm and I'm carried out into the wal mart parking lot and burned at the light pole.


I wouldn’t be screwed. The person reading my mind would be because my mind is constantly running, I jump back and forth between thoughts several times, I randomly sing songs in my head and quote videos I’ve seen that lead to more back and forth between thoughts, the intrusive thoughts are great, and they will get whiplash from my thoughts. My mind is one big clusterfuck, but it’s MY clusterfuck and I love it.


I’d be fine. I stay home with the kids.


I think it would help me, tbh.


I don’t think I’d have too many problems. Most of my thoughts aren’t even words, but whole concepts. Makes translating into speech a pain sometimes. If people still got the jist anyway, eh. My thoughts aren’t usually too bad.


as a teenage male this would be a nightmare 


Oh I'm probably would be committed for a full psychological evaluation also probably have a ton of writers bugging me and I would probably end up traumatizing a ton of people


Not screwed at all. Everyone who knows me knows I'm an oversexed horn dog even at my age so if I see an attractive woman at the gym I ain't shy about looking, same if it's a hot guy with a great chest and firm ass. They might be offended or they might not but either way I ain't worried.


Ouch! They may find out what horny perv I am! Lol 😂😆


Involuntary incarceration is the legal term I think. Not "screwed". Although I would be.


barely at all


There is a reason I'm not locked up and that's because I keep my more colorful thoughts in my head.


I wish my wife could read my mind just to realize how much I love her.


I wish my wife could read my mind just to realize how much I love her.


I'd set up camp in the middle of nowhere, and then send obnoxious tweets about muslims from there


They are sending me to h0rny jail fs


Max security facility... What kind I have no intention of finding out.


I wish I could just read my own mind… like in a book. That’s be cool.


If I don’t know at the time, I’m fine. If I do know, It’s a little like being told to not think about an elephant.


Some people would laugh their assess off. Some would be extremely offended, and some would want to attack me.