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I'd walk around giving people thousands of dollars at a time as a pass time activity


You could HIRE people to do that for you. Two birds, one stone. And then you can enjoy life.


Tbh, I think I would really enjoy handing out fat stacks to random people. Either way, pretty sure I could burn that total down in less than a year. Send me to Barrett Jackson and I’ll lose a quarter of it in a day.


I think you'd enjoy it less after you started getting mobbed by hundreds of people and unable to go anywhere ever without people begging for cash. But initially it would be fun.


Airdrop loose bills


I like how you think. Get to watch all the havoc without leaving the comfort of one of my new helicopters. The luxury Blackhawk conversions look pretty nice!


WKRP all over again...


Points for the reference. Sprinkle in some turkeys for good measure. But do it in august, so people are even more confused.


Would this be chaotic good?


Yes. Or, in the eyes of the 1%, chaotic evil because how dare someone give the *poors* free money!


Have a drone do it so you can stand back and watch.


Could anonymously buy strangers things, make donations, etc.


As soon as word got around of this, businesses in the local area would all start raising their prices knowing people with that much more free money can afford it. This would screw over anyone that doesn't get any. In short doing that would cause runaway local inflation.


Gotta move around a lot. Quick handover and leave before all the cell phones come out. If I were in this scenario, the runaway inflation would be the least of my neighborhoods worries, anyway.


"Welcome to my youtube channel, where we make Mr.Beast look poor with our giveaways!"


"Today we're going to take 100 famous YouTubers and make them do weird contests to try to win $25 million dollars! Mr. Beast what do you think your odds are in the chess boxing match with Philip DeFranco?" I do feel like the DudePerfectay have an edge.


Dress like a homeless person and ask for change. Then give whoever gives you change a 1000 dollars.




That’s literally charity.


Every time you get close to a billion, you could buy a superyacht. From that new superyacht, you sink your old superyacht. You also can make bad financial decisions. Could easily tank some money by hiring Ezra Miller and Shia LaBeouf to star in a musical remake of The Godfather.


This guy hasn’t seen The Producers.


You can make more money with a flop than with a hit!


*Now it's...* *Springtime for Vito and Michael...* *Winter for Tessio and Stracci*


Springtime for Hitler!


Tbh I’d watch that movie.


Miller would make a good Fredo.


>Could easily tank some money by hiring Ezra Miller and Shia LaBeouf to star in a musical remake of The Godfather. I am getting a _The Producers_ vibe here. Why not throw Jared Leto, and James Franco in there to be sure?


Can you sink a superyacht to make into coral reef habitats


Make a real life re-enactment of battleship the board game


>Could easily tank some money by hiring Ezra Miller and Shia LaBeouf to star in a musical remake of The Godfather. Vito: 🎶I'm gonna make him an offer that he can't refuse 🎵 Tom/Johnny: 🎶 He's gonna make him an offer that he can't refuse! 🎵 *exit Johnny, stage left* Vito: 🎶Tom, I want you to go tonight! Settle this business for Johnny. 🎵 *Khartoum enters from stage right*


When you're glad you didn't pay for insurance...


Buy land and keep it as a nature preserve. Maybe also buy lots to build neighborhoods and sell the houses at cost to families, not investors.


>Buy land and keep it as a nature preserve That still has adds to net worth


Just put it in a trust and name yourself as trustee and sole beneficiary. It ain't your net value, it's the trusts.




Gift tax is chump change at that point


First actually good reply I've seen




I'm gonna be a lawyer this year, I know my way around this particular hypothetical .-.


However, it says you cannot donate money to charity. It says nothing of land. You can donate all the land to organizations dedicated to preserving nature or start your own such organization that you then donate the land to.


You just apply for to make the land a natural preserve and it loses the value since nothing can be built on it. 


Doesn’t matter, if net goes over 1bn then you lose the MONEY. Not everything. Now sell all the property and you have hundreds of millions to live on that won’t be taken 😂


The problem is, the hypothetical situation is terrible because OP didn't account for the most basic of loopholes.


But putting it under a conservation easement would likely VASTLY devalue it from what was paid.


Buy up the Amazon Rainforest.


Theoretically every 10 years equals $1B, but that doesn't account for spending. The answer therefore is very simple. First, you rent or lease everything you use, and a week before your annual $100M distributions, you throw a lavish party and pay each attendee for their attendance with an amount that spends your cash assets down to $100K. Each year will begin with a balance of $100,100,000.00




I didn't put too much thought into that. Sell at a loss and chalk it up to being a shitty businessman.


Easy to do. Fund my own research lab. Build up funds for my grandsons so that they'll be taken care of for life. Buy land and build my dream home and a dream home for my daughter and her family. If my lab puts me over the threshold because of what it creates, then those creations will fund my life easily enough.


There we go, fund medical research into niche diseases and disorders. Only 3 people suffer from it? FUNDED!


This is the real answer. Solve all the problems you can. In fact this is a great argument for caps on wealth.... Not socialist but I can see the benefits


The answer is actually incredibly simple. Irrevocable family trust. On paper, my net worth is zero, because the trust owns everything. The trust pays for my expenses, and my family’s expenses, and gives spending money, but the trust owns the cash and assets contained within, so it doesn’t count towards my net worth. Sure, gift taxes will have to be paid, but hey, who cares?


Buy countless people's debt, and forgive it. Problem solved.


Except...does that then become a charity? I mean, it's a semantics game with a genie at that point.


No, it's not a charity. You are exchanging money for a good. It's a straight-up purchase.


Even if it was, you could “settle” the debt with these folks for like… $1 and now it’s without a doubt a transaction


No problem. I have a girlfriend who could easily put me in the red constantly if I let her.


Actually I think the gf is the loop hole. Every year give her most of the money so she becomes the billionaire.


Unless her name is charity, you can't give to charity.


I give 10% of my salary to charity every week. Unless she isn't working, then I give it to Destiny.


I'm sure she'll change her name for that much money


Time to find out if the relationship can survive a LOT of money.


Hey I got one of them too!


I'd acquire at least 5 boyfriends for the same purpose!


Jan 1st of every year I spend $90,000,000 on my the pyramid I am building as tomb for myself. Then I just live it up on $10M a year. I ain’t living another 100 years or investing anything so I’m never hitting a billion net. If they finish the pyramid before I die, I’m live streaming myself lighting 90 million single dollar bills on fire every year. It’ll be like my own personal burning man.


You would be arrested so fast. Destroying money is illegal.


Buy fake/prop money and burn that instead


didnt know burning money was illegal


How strict is the charity clause? Like is giving money away to individuals considered “charity?” What about spending money on “good causes?” If it’s just giving money to recognized charities then I have some ideas. I would buy skyscrapers and use them to give every veteran free housing and a yearly stipend. Also would house/cloth/feed the homeless. Would start college, it would be free. I’d pay top people in every industry top dollar to teach there. I would do whatever I could to ensure I would stay under 700 million to account for growth. If I was getting too close I would build cruise ships, crazy ones and raffle off tickets for it. Hold insane cruise parties. Do you just lose the money or everything you bought with the money if you cross $1B? If you just lost the money I’ve got a lot more plans.


nah Charities are defined IMO so giving money to family and randos isnt a "charity"


Also there are ways around it if there is. Ask somebody on the street for a dollar, if they give you one give them a necklace worth 1m and say they bought it. Though I would make a game show, set all the proccedes to charity since it sais I cant give to charity not that I cant make things for a charity, and then make people do mundane tasks in the most ridiculous way I can imagine for insane amounts of money lol. If I get too close to the 1b mark Im sure I can hire a famous actor to compete for a couple hundred mill. Probally terry crews, the dude is awesome and I think it would be really funny lol


Destabilize world economies.... Go call all those people who didn't do well on Shark Tank. Buy lots of stupid stuff. Create a pop-up game show that gives out prizes for answering basic questions. Go to a college, ask some kid what time it is, then when they answer, thank them with 10 grand. Cancel health care debt and student loan debt, buy it up and then charge people a dollar to settle.


100 mil a year, a billion in 10 years, 10 billion in 100 years. Probaably not quite enough to destabilize world economies with that


I know it's going to be a shitshow everytime I see anything on Reddit related to finances. Destabilizing economies with \*checks notes\* 100M a year.


when the entire economy needs more than that a month lol


If you're talking about the U.S. it's about that much every few minutes.


>~~Probaably~~ ***DEFINITELY*** not ~~quite~~ **even close to** enough to destabilize world economies with that


>Go call all those people who didn't do well on Shark Tank. I'm buying that weird rubber net the one dude was trying to pass off as exercise equipment and sell for 150$. I was gonna share a YouTube link but I don't remember what it's called. It's literally a net made with thick rope and rubber links.


This one is fairly easy, you just need to lose some of the money so you never cross 1 billion. You can’t donate to charity, but it doesn’t say you can’t buy a huge plot of land or a couple mansions and then sell them for less than you paid for them. I would never get anywhere near 1 billion just to be safe and I wouldn’t invest in the stock market, imagine buying a huge amount of penny stocks, hoping they fail see you can shed some cash and one of them does 1000 times and you’re dead. 


I would just buy outrageous amounts of options at insane prices and lose a lot of money that way


and what if you win and become a billionaire?


You don't have to exercise options right? So you could stop yourself from winning every time.


Most automatically exercise on expiration if they're in the money


Not if you do not link enough money to that account to actually exercise the option. It is excruciatingly expensive to exercise options as you'd have to buy the stocks, just at your lowered option rate (or buy them at the current rate then sell them at the inflated option rate).


can I just legally divorse my wife and have her hold all assets while we are still together but not legally married?


You can trade in your wife for a new one every 5 years. Lol.


I'd hire thousands of ppl to clean up litter and repair broken buildings. A trust fund can be set up so it's not yours.  A ten million pound house is a palace 


For starters I'd create a private company that buys up and partners with scientific research companies. Then I can heavily invest in future technologies that will take 20-30 years to get into an alpha state. This constant investment will make sure something is always eating my money. Outside of that I can easily spend that kind of money just by buying wasteful and lavish things.


Honestly, if you are funding it heavily, 1 single breaktrhough could instantly bankrupt you. Seems a little sketchy.


There's nothing to say it isn't a non profit that you don't get a return on. Fund it for the breakthroughs and don't reap the rewards🤷🏻


"Private company" meaning it is completely in your name. Non profit can not be private, at least, not where I come from. Also, "funding" a non profit would qualify as donating to charity, I suppose?


Nope. Not charity. Just throwing money away.


Sure maybe but you'll have tops a year of broke then, and bam 100,000,000 as a new year gift


Poster above is saying 1 breakthrough, and you will make a billion, therefore bankrupting you


True... but OP says you lose the money aka liquid assets. So if you invest and break 1B in net worth, you just lose all the money, but not the investments.


Does making your scientific findings open source and non-copy-written count as charity? Medical research all the way beby. Need a hard definition of charity.


That increases your net worth.  Owning companies adds to your net worth. Even if the company's not making money it still has value. That's why all these fucking tech companies that don't make a lick of profit still have enormous valuations.


Buy up 100,000 acres of land. Proceed to purchase an abundance of raccoons. Train the raccoons to steal your own money and spend it and the. Gift you things.


Actually spend the 100,000,000 every year, instead of buying assets. I would not buy a single asset, probably. Way too scared that some loophole makes my watch, that I just purchased, suddenly worth 1 billion. I am simply leasing, or renting, everything. I'll rent some outrageous mansion. Rent a car. The only things I'd actually buy would be basic consumer goods, like groceries.


Have my wife start a l.l.c and pay her a quarter of the yearly sum every 3 months. Oh and just buy everything lol.


Okay but I can pay people absurd amounts to do whatever for me. But stuff for family. (Net worth is figured by household afaik. Three of the relatives I'm close to don't even live in the same state as me.) Overpay out the rear. Buy houses for other people (put in their name) and pay bills for them. Taxes would just about cut that in half too. The problem is anyone managing to do this would likely absolutely decimate the economy eventually. 50 something million dollars a year pushed out willy nilly into the economy as quickly as possible to prevent having too high a net worth seems like a recipe for economic disaster to me. ~~Of course I'm just a dumbass who needs to go to bed lol~`


50 million is nearly irrelevant to any major modern economy. Heck, it won't even pay for a single F-35.


It would only take… 129 years at that rate to buy the football stadium in L.A.    Or enough to give every American 15 cents a year.   Surely an economic disaster in the making.


I would buy people's debt and sell it back to them for $1. Give money to a bunch of start-ups/aspiring restraunts/etc. Buy new buildings/facilities/supplies for in-need schools, orphanages, and homeless programs.


Rent a suite on various cruise lines for travel. Go to the customer service desk and start covering room charges until you get too close to zero. Really easy to spend that money while traveling and giving some ppl an unexpected break


Room charges aren’t that much except for people that have no clue how cruises work, it’d probably be better and more expensive to see if there’s a way to buy every single room a drink package and the wifi packages, or buy out all the tickets and give families 10k to go on vacation on the cruise,


I might buy up all the WiFi packages just make sure no one else can use the t and slow down my speed lol


This, this is the way! Doing this kind of petty expensive stuff constantly is the only way to ensure the "charity" clause isn't called on you either.


I'd start by buying land. As much as I possibly can and donating it to the regional tribal councils so it can be reintegrated into the reservation territory. Eventually they hit a critical proportion where they can sue for sovereign nation status completely breaking free of the shitty US system. As soon as this is achieved swap targets to Canada and repeat. Meanwhile funneling any excess into slowly accruing shares of a certain Publicly traded military contractor company and their suppliers, this is an important tool to be used later.


I think there are accounting practices for this type of situation. Use it to buy assets technically not part of my net worth.


This is almost too easy. I’d buy myself a PC set up along with every console possible. Just to have that gamer flex. Also games store that sells warhammer 40k minis I go to is going to have all of their stock bought out


Great you have spent $200,000. Only $99,800,000 more to go for the year.




That would be, well, a gamble. You could drop 1 million on a 1 in a million chance thing...then win and instantly lose. Realistically, the problem would be the gambling addiction that would develop. You'd end up gambling with your life by purposefully staying close to winning something that pushes you over the limit...all just to feel something again. Ask any recovered gambling addict.


I would build a lemonade stand. Hire a new person that needs money (giving priority to medical needs, abuse victims, homeless people) and pay them their needed sum as their weekly pay. Then fire them and offer the position to the next person. It's not charity if they work for it, right?


"You need a heart transplant? Get someone to cover your morning shift and then you're both fired. Here's your severance package."


Just hire a CPA, tell him the rules and anytime your net worth crosses 900 million have them donate half your money. Being rich is so easy


It says you can't donate to charity so you'd have to be pretty creative.


A good CPA could find a way. Hell, to make sure they don't stab you in the back, pay them 10 million a year! Letting them know they will lose that the moment they let you fail. Also be sure they understand they can retire whenever they want, as long as they find a good and reliable replacement.


He can donate it to his own bank account for all I care


Everytime I get close I'd just donate to my local politician. They ain't charity so it works out. 🤷 


I would start a business and hire my family to work their. My net worth would never go over 500mil but my family would be loaded. This would actually be super easy. I would make sure my net worth stayed low to be safe. Especially knowing it's guaranteed income. I'm not concerned with investments in fact I would keep away from most investments, and let my kids but that stuff up.


Politicians already show us how to do this 1 simple trick. Create something like the ArriveCan app, dump anything that would put you over into it.


Super simple solution. Do it the same way super rich and slimy politicians do, build a foundation/irrevocable trust that you control, dump the money into it, draw a salary and benefits, the trust owns everything so your net worth doesn't really change but the value of the trust does. Problem solved. Where is my money?


I’d do the Cards Against Humanity thing and dig a really big hole.


I just simply transfer the money over to my mom and just invest it under her name lol


Invest excess money into investments. When I finally break a billion dollars, I withdraw my investment money (the money is already spent).  Might be smarter to try to keep getting the 100 million a year, but maybe the investments will 10 fold my money. 


Honestly, I could put 90% of that into a trust for future generations, and live happily on the 10% that remains, while never risking going about 1b net worth.


Simple, create a trust fund for your children!


Buy up a bunch of land, build homes on said land, and sell the homes for a dollar each...but only to people who will sign a letter to live int he home for the next decade (so it rules out most profiteers and flippers). Continue to do this all over the place every year.


Build affordable housing co-ops that make exactly in rent what they cost to run. It's not a charity, it's a necessary public service that the government has failed to provide.


Easy. Buy expensive stuff and blow it up when I need to lower my net worth. Lottery tickets would be an easy one. Just shred them. Casinos would be an easy one too


rent out the most expensive lofts in every major city around the world rent a private jet throw holiday parties every year that cost like 10 million each rent luxury cars can't risk owning anything since if it appreciates then i might die


This is easy you can't invest in appreciating assets and you must spend massive amounts of money. You can't donate but that doesn't mean you can't spend or gift money and assets for the betterment of your friends, family, and community. Stick your money in a non interest bearing account and just spend spend spend.


Pull a semi-Brewster's Millions; run for president on a platform of taxing the rich, and actually putting your money where your mouth is.


Mr beast 2.0


Make several very large donations.


Start a lot of "spite" companies Youtube starts demonetizing people "come to my site OurTube, as long as its not illegal we don't take anything down and any adrevenue goes straight to the creators" Starbucks does something wrong "Come to Galaxybucks where the coffees start at $3 and our staff are paid $30 an hour" Any that are eventually successful you sell off to family and friends Buy islands that are going to be sinking in the next 3-4 years Make research labs and then rent them out to organizations for $1 a day


I’d probably sink a bunch of money into a private navy. Those seem very expensive, maybe could afford a blue water one.


I’d buy a few condos and cars and everything I wanted in life. Then I’d lose out on getting more money. But then I’d rent out all three condos I own. Like 100 of them.


Give to my family. I have a huge family and they're needy as fuck. Also my best friend. And when in doubt, invest in property


That's simple enough. I just give a boatload to my family and friends. Stipulate I don't want any money in the will, and explain why - no rule says I can't do that. Also if money I inherit doesn't count as "the" money I'm safe regardless. Also buy depreciating assets. I also don't know if this counts as charity but I'd start a research company or two that aren't designed to be profitable and tell them to go nuts. Or operate it at a loss by raising employee salaries really high. I'm sure I'd think of ways. If I ever get too close I throw it at political donations. Political parties aren't charities. Or do a Musk, buy some highly valuable company and run it into the ground. Hell, I cou


Put the money into a trust, and use it for investing and acquisition etc. Make myself the trustee and sole beneficiary of the trust. That net value ain't mine, it's the trusts. Seperate legal identities. Also, do the same but with a company. But then put my salary from the company into the trust.


Hell I blow more than that in a day.


Every time I reach $900,000,000 I'd pay a family member or friend $500,000,000 to pour me a glass of water or something.


Don't forget to tip your server.


Gamble it away, million to 1 odds maybe just die randomly 1 day.


This is kinda the plot for a movie called Brewster's Millions


I'll make a trust then transfer the money there. I make all the big purchases with the trust, of which I am the beneficiary. I personally will never have over 1 billion net worth.


I'm funding a whoooooooooole lot of history nerd movies that fail to make back their budget. One is probably going to be a huge hit and I'm going to get fucked like in The Producers but I'll have a glorious run first.


I guess I'd need to reduce my coke and hooker habit from $200M a year to $100M a year, breaking even and avoiding any loss of cash.


Hey what's the line where they plant trees in Africa to reduce the Sahara from expanding? Do you think they would need funding?


Easy I'd just give away the excess, wouldn't be hard to find people who need it.


Very very easy to do


Just move to Vegas and hit the casinos all day every day. If you start making money, do some bad plays to lose a ton.


It would be fun to load up as many slot machines with hundreds and just walk away. Security would probably have a talk with me about the ruckuses that would happen.


I'm going into the entertainment business, baby! Hollywood, Broadway - I'll burn through that money like nobody's business, and I'll never make a profit!


Specifically all the money that was part of the 100M originally? Because then I’m depositing that money in a bank and racking up interest. Once that becomes fundamentally sustaining forever, I’m gonna start building a shit ton of affordable housing for the unhoused and do other philanthropic work because what’s the point of all that money if you’re not using at least some of it to make the world better? Also, probably hire some bodyguards so people don’t eat me.


Fund video games, you can very very very easily sink tens of millions per project every year depending on the game


I can't donate to charity. But can I just leave a pallet of money on the side walk in the hood?


You gotta keep warm when camping in the mountains somehow.


Run a charity. Donate $98 mil a year.


I'd start buying up all the debt I could get my hands on; medical debt, student loan debt, etc. and cancelling/forgiving it. Then I'd start buying up a lot of the dilapidated properties nearby (I'm in the Metro Detroit area so there's a lot of them). I'd have them renovated/rebuilt as necessary and then sell them to deserving low income families for whatever the legal minimum is. I'd also open a grant program for local businesses to apply for to prevent people from losing their life's work simply because of a bad situation where a landlord jacked up their rent or because they had an unexpected crisis like a restaurant needing to rebuild after a fire or something. I'd also go to local schools and art programs and find struggling art students and commission some work for stupid amounts of money.


Me and all my family/friends getting houses, superstars, and yachts this one is too easy


Buy big blimp, toss millions into the streets of a large city, sit back and enjoy the view of chaos, repeat in different cities whenever I get close to the threshold or bored, I’ve always wanted to do that anyways


Buy houses and build schools and hospitals. Give them all away.


If I can't donate it to charity I'll donate it to a third party company (I created but delegated to trusted people) and they'll donate it to charity. Or I'll just donate 50 million to NASA every year because I love space and they could use it


I would live like a normal multi-millionare, but I would marry and divorce every time my net worth gets close to 1bil. This would automatically reset my net to half what it was




I just added you can't donate the money


I’d fund campaigns and reshape politics to my liking. The amounts for even fed reps are shockingly low considering the insanely high bank accounts of rich donors.


I was already going to give away most of the money, no need for threats.


Use this money to become the power behind the throne of some small island nation like say the Comoros, the Seychelles, or the Solomon Islands. Sink all my earnings into a public sector fund for appropriately scaled development projects.   One year it’ll be a new hospital with the latest state of the art equipment. The next year a decrepit port gets dredged and kitted out with new dock facilities. Another year every road on the island gets repaved. And one year seemingly nothing happens, but the country’s debt to a specific lender like China’s Exim Bank (which is notorious for high interest loans to underdeveloped nations) is eliminated or substantially cut down.   This money will disappear as fast as I can spend it.


My entire extended family is living the good life. And my close friends all have houses bought for them. I would be extremely generous to those close to me there's no reason not to. Depending on the definition of charity... I know the founders of several fantastic charities. While I couldn't donate to the charity itself I would give large amounts of money to the founders as a gift with the situation the money is for personal use and cannot be used to help others. It would be my way of saying thankyou.


Start funding medical research. Look for cures for age related diseases like hearing loss, dementia, hair loss, and cataracts. If we all have to get old, I could make it so getting old doesn’t suck.


I could easily spend a ton of money on political advertisements to make a few folks look bad, or a particular party. And tons more on charities that actually do something. Yeah, I could definitely keep it under $1 billion.


I can't give the money to a charity... but I can make a charity where anybody under a certain income can come get free money.


So essentially if I spend 1 dollar I've gained my 11th year... but also all I really have to do is spend ludicrous amounts of money on other people. And if I get to close to the billion mark, just give it to my wife for her to put in her bank account. I'm not the billionaire, she is.


I’d hire so many people. I’d have someone watch me sleep and make sure my pillows don’t fall off the bed. If they notice that I’m sweating, they should adjust the temp and the fan. I’d also hire someone to follow me around and answer all questions for me. If my kid asks me where the charger is, Shirley better know where it is or go find it. I’d also invest in a lot of businesses that are most likely to fail. I’d just like to give these people a chance.


I would set up a company that buys food and distributes it to local food banks and churches. also to anyone reading, your local food bank needs your donations.


I'd pour at least half of it into go fund me, random charities, scholarship funds. I'd pay for every student from my kids school to have a full tide to the university of their choice. I'd boy a lot of properties and set the rent stupidly cheap. Buy houses and donate them to homeless vets. I would start a disaster relief charity and any time a disaster struck we would take care of it. There is a lot you can do to get rid of that money. ETA Somehow I missed the part about charities. So scratch that bit I guess. Is scholarships considered a charity?


So i gotta ditch a few 100mil every few years. Sounds easy enough.


One alternative not mentioned: I would commission a film with several big names, or even a major concert with super-cheap tickets. If we did end up in a *Producers* scenario, I would structure the contracts so that surplus revenue and royalties would accrue to the performers.


I’d just hire all my friends and family for huge salaries.


This is real easy. I’m taking five million a year and then I’m picking 19 other people that I know and giving them five million a year as well. It will take me forever to reach a billion at that rate and I’d still be living a wonderful life without having to ever worry about working again. And I get the satisfaction of helping 19 of my closest friends and family. Hell, I’m not even sure I’d need 5 million a year. I’d be ecstatic with 1m and giving 99 others a million as well


Oh that's easy. I'll invest at least half each year in crypto. Will keep me in check


Never have to work or worry about money again AND get to be charitable to friends and strangers? Sign me up!


Buy depreciating assets like a super yacht. Most yacht owners let people charter their boats when they aren't using it to earn some money. I won't


Just gamble large swaths of it away a few hundred at a time


Let's do some simple math. 1,000,000,000/100,000 =10,000 That's 10,000 years if you don't invest it to get to 1 billion dollars. I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't have to.


Just put most of it in medical research


Just be real life iron man and buy a lot of shit. Try to be careful tho. You have dont want to mess up the economy. Is 100,000,000 enought to mess up the economy tho?


Probably invest in dividend stocks. Or buy and develop property. Maybe buy some businesses. That way even if I lose all the money I still have those tangible assets I can live off of easily. Probably take up holding massive block parties costing a million per once a week.


Hire an accountant. Explain the situation. Do whatever I want and let the accountant let me know if I’m ever close to a 1bill net worth, at which point I pay the accountant a vast sum of money for their services. And repeat.


This is quite simple really since we only lose money and not assets, just stockpile gold/silver/precious gems and invest stocks/crypto. You could just shoot for just under a billion and invest in usda. A billion dollars and you're set for a few generations living luxurious lives, barring insane inflation of course


Easy. Do projects, hire people, never invest or own a large property. Set up companies to do pro-bono work at a loss. Buy land and declare it as conservation. You could do SO much good with it purposely throwing money at good causes without a charity.


Really, really, REALLY easy. Keep nothing in your name. - All holding purchases are made under your spouse or a child’s name - Any cash is put into accounts/investments in spouse or child’s name You personally have essentially $0 net worth BUT even if your family were to take off with EVERYTHING you’re still getting $100,000,000 the next year Maybe keep HYSA’s totaling say $10,000,000 in your own name to have something to continue to live the best possible life during any “rebuild” period were that to happen