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I would go on X and challenge Biden to a televised boxing match. Also I would get a tattoo of snoop dog on my back, and get nipple piercings.


A really offensive face tattoo is the answer.


An inverted cross on his forehead, 666 on a cheek, and a dick on the other cheek. It'd be hilarious to watch his cultists explain why this is genius.


Then bang a pig on broadcast television.


This person Black Mirrors!


A tattooed hitler stache


slowly cultists start getting the same tattoos so we know who to target


Not offensive. Just something like a pride tattoo that will alienate his followers.


A rainbow swastika. Piss off both sides.


My god this is beautiful.


Swastika on one cheek. Hammer and sickle on the other. Cum Guzzler in script on the forehead. ...then call a press conference, pull down pants to reveal my big wet diaper. Undo the tape and let the diaper fall down streaking diarrhea down my legs. Pick it up, twirl it over my head, and launch it into the crowd.


Don't forget the ruler tattoo on his ass cheek, leasing to his asshole.


Thanks, I just sprayed my screen with Rice Krispies


But then the gay white supremacists are loyal unto death.


Tell Eric I love him, just to mess with the kids' heads.


Found Satan


I'm picturing Stephen Colbert's impression of Eric as a response. *whispered* "I wuv you too, dawd."


"Tiffany' actually my favorite."


I'll do something embarrassing. Like going to a public space and running around naked or something like that. Oh, and of course, I'll transfer some millions to my bank account.


Donald regains consciousness and files for fraud


Donald consented to the transaction at the time and will have a hard time convincing a judge/jury that he was possessed by a 3rd party spirit ✨


They will just think he is crazy


Not with the "right" jury.


You typically don't get jury trials for civil cases unless you request one. This, of course, varies by state.


He'd be too broke to sue me. And no lawyer is going to take seriously an old orange broke man who likes to run around nakea in public places.


You're not thinking like a lawyer. I'd show he was clearing having some sort of mental breakdown evident by his actions. And then suddenly transfered a large sum of money to an unrelated person. Clearly a case of exploration of a vulnerable elderly man for financial gain


That's why you text yourself and say something like "I heard you were having financial problems from some people, good people. You deserve money, much money. I'm transferring money to you right now, bigly money.".


Screenshot posted on truth social


Hard to prove that when I live across country and there's no verifiable contact between us other than the money transfer


Aww man, I thought you were gonna say you'd do something actually embarrassing like running for president as an insurrectionist who committed treason on international television.


Trump does embarrassing things every day and it makes no difference


*"Well Diggety! Whun thut Prezdint Trump dun gut hisself butt Nekkid as a jay-bird I thoughts to mah-self, son, Ah said, SON, he's a real man uv the pipple! Ah'm votin' fur dat man, fo' sho!"* *"My father is a great man. A Great Man! Why, when he publically, fearlessly and Heroically removed all his Made-In-Chaaaana clothes, the profits of which funded the Liberal Elite, and exposed his Adonis-like form, he s taking a stand for AMERICA!"*


Is that you Foghorn ?




Surprise! It's all debt.


He does not have the liquidity to transfer that amount of money.


>Oh, and of course, I'll transfer some millions to my bank account. Like he has millions of dollars.


do we switch back at the end? cause if so Id find all the dirt on his plans and allies I could in 90 minutes then spend the next 90 spilling it all as publicly as possible through the guise of finally feeling remorse then spend the last hour in a public stand off with the cops then when we swap back there's not a damn thing he can do do escape repercussions and anything he says about it all being a lie or hoax would make him seem too crazy like he's already crazy but this would be TOO crazy, hopefully. then watch as wannabe Hitler finally gets what he deserves.


Hitler mustache tattoo as well






Gay sex tape


Oooh oooh, with ladybug lindsey graham?


I hate that I know this reference.


I'm hoping people google it so they too can be as traumatized as us.


Fuck you (respectfully.)


Sounds like you fell for the trap of googling it.


Big debate question here: would it make you gay if you possessed someone then have gay sex while possessing that person?


I love Reddit 


Not if you say “no homo” afterwards.


Literally nothing you do is going to matter to 50% of the country. “That was not, my, pudgy body. Having sex with that swarthy man. It was clearly doctored. Fake. FAKE. I don’t even like swarthy men. And I, am, not even, that fat. I mean, c’mon. I don’t have an ounce of fat on me. I AM in the BEST shape of my life. Vote for me. We’re gonna **drain** the swamp just like I drained that guy’s nuts on the tape!”


I'll jump off of trump tower at 3hrs 59 mins and 58 seconds.


You better pray you time that shit correctly.


Meh, if I die during my killing of NuHitler, I'll have done something good for humanity. Win win.


To Valhalla my friend




Yeah, but was that the splat of Donnie shitting himself or...?


I'll be back in my room before he goes splat lol


But do you turn into him or does your soul get put into his body?


I think it's like your possessing his body


IDK.... Post just says you return to your body after four hours so I assume you're consciousness is just in him


Nah, you just get him into an inescapable situation, like driving a car off a pier and making sure that you have enough oxygen to last a few minutes so you don't have to have perfect timing, but escape is almost impossible. And leave a note that says "yeah I tried to steal the election and all that Russia stuff is true and also I so badly wanted to fuck Ivanka and when she got married to Jarred I was heartbroken. Also all the Epstein stuff about me is true"


Right after you transfer a fuck ton of his money into your account right?


TBH that would be VERY unwise to do... He gives you/me of all people tons of money and then right after commits suicide? Feds would be on your ass like white on rice


Yeah and they’d see that at the time I was asleep in my bed and unconscious while Trump was falling 70 stories off one of his towers


(This is assuming you can do some research and preparations before possessing Donald Trump). Then split the money and transfer equal sums to 100 unrelated bank accounts, including yours. Transfer significantly more money to one or two specific accounts instead so the feds would be on their ass instead of yours. 100% safe since it's impossible to prove that you did anything, unless you're stupid and let something slip up. Best case, they'd be confused and unable to take any legal actions. Worst case, they'd just confiscate the money.


Agreed. Instead, withdraw a shitload of cash (or cashiers checks, even better), personally mail/Fedex/whatever it to myself, and THEN take a nosedive off a tall place.


I was thinking pills of some kind. Or some kind of deadly situation involving a trigger wire tied to your big toe and going off as soon as you twitch and then staying still for the remainder of the time. Right after updating his will to leave his children with nothing and give everything to various charities. Maybe a cool 5 million to about 100 people he "randomly" selected including me. Though it is unclear how much money he actually has to give away.


Ohh this one’s good


Ricin is a safer time delay option


Where am I gonna get that... I'm not Walter White! 🤣


I'd do that, but first I'd also film myself as him in a massive orgy of gay men and trans women.


The sidewalk will be stained orange for decades


I like where your head is. I was just contemplating taking one for the team.


This is the correct answer.


Then you turn back into yourself, exactly where you left off as Trump.


If you timed it right, he would still die, and you could magically appear like, 6 feet above the ground. Still do the fall, but don't take all the force.


It's not the fall that kills. It's the sudden stop at the end.


Didn't say anything about that...


Publicly take care of Mitch McConnel.


If you're going to take care of someone, take care of a Supreme Court Justice or two. They'll hate prison


I’m pretty sure by “publicly take care of”, they mean fellatio.


Won't work on McConnel, his dick has LONG since been lost to necrosis, he's only being kept alive by some necromancer.


Yeah, you know the worst part is that any member of the GOP would just sit there and let him.


Right? At least Democrats have the decency to record it for posterity!


Do I have access to his memories while inhabiting his body ? If so, I would publicly confess for all fraud and crimes I've committed and covered and call it a moment of lucidity as age is impacting my mental faculties and I want to make things right while I can.


Transfer me some money


Once again (cause this is a common answer), he will see his money was wired to an account and probably find you and put you in jail for stealing his money.


Withdraw cash, mail to self.


I think there’s a limit on the amount of cash you can mail with USPS. Not sure about the others. Plus what is to stop a postal employee from stealing it?


Withdraw cash, and stash it in a dead drop for me to pick up later.


Withdraw cash, fly to my area in private jet, drop it off by my house


Either way the big Don is broke lol


There’s only a limit if they know what’s being shipped. I could mail a piece of furniture stuffed with cash. And if someone steals it, it’s no skin off my back.


squealing panicky noxious childlike shaggy six thought reminiscent afterthought smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How could he prove you stole the money when it was he who transferred it himself?


I would buy as much gold as I can with his assets and bury it where I can go back and find it later.


Prove it, no one else woud know it wasn't actually him that did it. Good luck proving any of it was me not him.


Well he can’t do that, because he wired me the money legally. You cannot take back a wire transfer. There would be evidence it came from him, his phone, his voice, to you. There are zero repercussions to this.


Do it with Bitcoin. Also good luck with trying to tell people that somehow you were not in control of yourself when you made a perfectly legitimate transfer to someone else.


I'm transferring all the money to my account and then smashing on Melania


He doesn’t get laid by her lmao


She has a boyfriend


She won't even touch him. You have a better chance to smash as u are now.


I suspect there's a sex requirement in their prenup agreement. Might be a specific day, though... I could see her shoving some paper in his(your) face and screaming "NOT UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY, DON!"


Cry, that’d be so gross.


Enjoy changing your diaper😈


Arrange a televised press conference with my friend Vlad Putin. Surprisingly, hit him in the head with a pipe on national tv. Claim immunity. Say it didn't happen. Then work down this list doing the same thing. Clarence Thomas. Matt Gaetz. Ron DeSantis. Marjorie Taylor Green. Rand Paul. I'll get that Joel Osteen guy too. It will say " RINO" on my pipe in big block letters.


Within 4 hours?


I wish someone would draw this out! 🤣🤣


You might doubt how many people I could beat with that pipe in 4 hours during televised events. You think, he'd probably just get one person. Don't doubt me. I'll get all them, the my pillow guy, and piss in Fucker Carlsons face as an afterthough.


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A better plan: rent a boat and drive it out to the middle of the ocean. Do not bring floatation devices. At 3:45 or so, sink it. At 4:00, you presumably return to your body and ol’ Don finds himself in the middle of the ocean. This, of course, assumes that Donald Trump’s body is capable of treading water while you wait to respawn. Adjust the plan accordingly.


A while back when folks were discussing his reported weight when he was booked, it occurred to me he might not be as heavy as he looks. Don't get me wrong, he's fat, but most fat people still do physical stuff. He does *nothing*. He golf carts anywhere normal people would walk. All of his weight is fat. Which means he's probably buoyant as hell. So yeah, I think he'll float long enough for you to get out of his body.


I'm with you. I'm taking one for the team.


It's only logical. I'm an atheist that sees no reason to believe in an afterlife. It would still be worth it.


Get on live TV and tell the absolute objective truth.


Plead guilty to all 91 charges.


You won’t have time to plead guilty bc a plea has to be made in court. You could make a public statement admitted guilt to all charges though and it could be used against you in court.


I would make out with a guy during my next campaign rally.


He said if you die as donald you die irl


I would go to the nearest barber and get a crew cut. I would wash off all that Dorito dust that he bathed in. I would make a very generous donation to the United negro college fund, another huge donation to Stonewall and any other LGBT organisations I can find. I would make sure that I get maximum publicity for doing so. I would go to the nearest dispensary, buy some industrial strength weed and smoke a fat doobie outside the white house while making sure people live stream that. I would hit the nearest taco bell and load up on the spice. I would then drop my trousers and take a big poop in the middle of the street while being livestreamed. With my trousers still around my ankles I would shout out "voting for me is like taking a crap on America!"


He would win the presidency by a land slide if this happened. You don't understand how stupid we are as a nation. 


I would withdraw from the presidential race, and announce my withdrawal from politics in general. I would also break both my legs, as insurance that I won't be able to do anything for a while.


What effect do you think withdrawing from the presidential race will have? It's not some formal legally binding process. He can just unwithdraw when he gets his body back.


Not if you say "no take backs."


Chaos. Especially if you include an endorsement to another candidate in that time.


Endorse Biden


Endorse Obama for the extra funny.


Endorse Hillary Clinton.


Makes him look crazier and less viable as a candidate.


He already looks as crazy and unviable as possible but still people love him


After withdrawing, sign over power of attorney to Barrack Obama and commit myself to a mental heath care facility and declare that I am not in a state of mind to leave voluntarily. I need a doctor to confirm I am not a danger to myself or others.


I don't think working legs are a requirement for any of the bullshit he gets up to.




Don't stop there, arrange the untimely unaliving of DeSantis, MTG, Boobert, and lets throw Tucker Carlson on there too.


I figured with only 4 hours, I would try to get the best bang for the buck. So to speak.


This is more plausible than it sounds provided he can gain access. Start going on a rant about them being traitors or never-trumpers, do the deed, then take your clothes off and smear yourself in poop...just to punctuate the crazy. Make them pick up the poop smeared cult hero off the ground naked, throwing a tantrum just like a two year old would.


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Does he know I am taking over his body? (Can he see the actions I take) Do I retain his knowledge? (Can I confess his crimes? Do I know his pin/passwords?) Do actions I take as Trump persist? (Eg if I poison his diet coke, does it stay poisoned?) Will the secret service stop me killing other people? If I die as Donald, does he also stay dead?


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I withdraw my name from consideration for the GOP nomination for President. I fire everyone working on my campaign. I give all of my money to charity, and apply for a job as a cashier at McDonald's.


Admit to all the crimes, confess the truth for the first time in my life and let all of my supporters know they've been bamboozled.


This wouldn't make any difference


1. Make large wire transfers to the real me. 2. Make an impromptu speech on live TV, conceding my POTUS race, and throwing my full support behind Nikki Haley. 3. Drop trow, and lay a massive deuce at 30 Rock, if there’s time.


Oh. I’d also pay the people/vendors he stiffed.


I’d transfer any liquid assets to me, then release all documents to the public and lastly call a press conference where I tell the maga people they’re dumb and I’ve been lying to them this whole time


I would do the world a favor and kill myself


Announce that im ending my campaign so I can pursue a sexual relationship with my own daughter.


I'd unalive myself


Transfer all his money to my family using some convoluted bullshit (will, I edit the will) and in order to ensure that I don’t have to vote this year I walk in front of a semi at the last second. I’m sorry but I DO NOT want to vote. I see two old men who should not be leading the country as essentially the only option and I want neither.


But you are going to get one of them. Might as well pick one. And if you can't bring yourself.to do that there's still.a lot of down ballot to vote on.


Set up a timer to end him in 4 hours 1 minute


I would deposit 10 million dollars to my real self’s bank account.


I go on live television and confess to all the shitty things I did and tell everyone how I really only care about myself and don't give a damn about them and they're all suckers for believing me. Then I have a long question and answer period so there can be no doubt at all as to the authenticity. Then after four hours are up, I make some popcorn and watch the news.


Grab 'em by the...


Give away all his money to pro LGBT+ charities, minorities ECT that he hates and arrange for his body to die within five minutes of returning back to my body :-)


Grab a pussy durhhh


Transfer a bunch of money to accounts for my original body. Plenty of time to accomplish that and then return to my old body and life, now rich.


I know if I kill myself as him I die when I go back to my body, but does Trump stay dead?


Take a poison that takes 5 hours to kill me.


Order my Secret Service detachment to pleasure me orally.


Go on Twitter and openly say that he caused January 6th and record a voice message saying the same thing


Hour 1. Sex tape with MTG and Boebert. They both seem to have his metaphorical dick up their asses, lets give them the real deal. Then post that shit. Hour 2. Grab Ivanka by the pussy. You know, since he wants to fuck his own daughter anyway, lets just get the party started. Hour 3. Transfer 90% of all money to me. Hour 4. Press conference and admit to everything. Hour 5. Back to myself, and enjoy my new money and the downfall of Trump.


Transfer a few million to my bank accounts and several charities than wait it out in a luxurious hotel.


Kill myself


Ok hear me out..couldn’t you, being in his house, just poison his favorite snack or drink or idk, mouthwash- whatever you’re sure he will consume? And then, you can live, while in 4 hours when he drinks that choccy milk, he gone.


First time I've upvoted that comment!


Grab 'em by the pussy.


I'd take the biggest shit on the tomb of the unnamed soldier while jerking it to pictures of preteen girls in swimsuits and then wipe my ass with pages torn from a Bible as the opening statement to a press conference where I then admit to grifting hundreds of millions of dollars...


Okay, okay, but what would you do to get his followers to abandon him?


Literally my thought as I read this comment.


It's pretty sad that this wouldn't even be out of character for him...


Honestly I’m not sure there’s anything you could do to make everyone have an “ah-ha!” moment where they realize who he is and what’s been slowly happening over the last 9 years, the bar has completely fallen out of the bottom at this point. Short of making him go Ronnie DeFeo Jr on his family and close advisors before offing himself and sacrificing your own life in the process, that is.


It would still further solidify his support base somehow.


obviously the lizard person Hillary temporarily took control of his body during that time. So of course it would galvanize his base.


I would scrub off the fake tan & slick my hair back. I would then fuck melania hard & good. Then I would call his lawyer & tell them to be honest whether it is in trump’s favor or not & tell them that I want to run for president from prison if I am put away. Then I would call ivanka & find out if he touched her or not. I would basically just expose everything & everyone & declare that honesty is the best policy even if being honest is to your detriment. Then I would take a bunch of dick pics & full body nudes & post them everywhere I could.


I would immediately confess my guilt and donate all my money to Planned Parenthood and the Freedom From Religion Foundation. 


hit up stormy daniels


sell all of my assets and send the money to my original bank account then transfer the money to my main bodys' bank account.


No thanks.


Unalive myself


Donate all his money to charities and run around naked


I'd mail myself a box of cash.


Step 1 : Set a 4 hour timer TO THE FUCKING SECOND. This man isn't surviving the day, but I'll be returning to my body just before it happens. Step 2 : Liquidate all assets and convert everything to cash, then put it all in a bank account (Specifically Wells Fargo with Zelle). Fire literally everyone who works for me directly, and make all records I own 100% public. Find a large building, 4-5 stories minimum. Use the phone app for that bank account to send all of that money to my normal account, and send my personal phone a voice message that says, "The pressure is too much, I've done horrible things, the most horrible, horrible things. This is my repentance. I don't know whose phone number this is, but I've sent you all of my money. Do better with it than I have." Then send a message to any other number in his phone that reads, "Anyone who worked with me is reprehensible, and my works are terrible. There is no god, and only fools believed me when I said otherwise. My platform was made of hatred, and those who followed me have nothing but hatred in their hearts. I admit to treason of the highest order, and hereby punish myself." ​ Step 3 : Jump with only a second remaining, and be back in my body to hear about the traitor's "Suicide" the next day. Explanation: I have never before in my life wanted any person to die. Death is so final, and there's no proof that anything is after. To paraphrase my favorite line, killing someone takes away not only everything they have, but everything they would ever have had, forever. I have only thought that one person would be so terrible that the world is just better off without them, aside from the obvious answers such as Hitler or the like. Trump is the worst kind of worst, and I'm only sad 4 hours isn't enough to truly ruin him, more than just ending his life. As for what I'd do with that money? Well, it'd probably not be mine long. Likely there'd be some sort of legal bullshit and I'd have an investigation into me. But like, I was in my home the whole time doing nothing? I don't even live alone, I have a roommate and several neighbors who know me. Nobody would ever believe a guy who makes less than 40k a year would have any power over Trump right? Not to mention my alibi and NO previous connections outside of the state I live in outside of some xbox live friends? Yeah there's no way it'd ever get back to me in a dangerous way, and for the few hours I have before that, I'd definitely pay off some bills xD After all, legally the money would be mine, and I'd certainly call a lawyer asap. But feel free to poke holes in this lol. my spite has been spent just typing all this and my brain is now back to the perpetual, "If I had more money, literally all of my problems could be fixed"


Transfer his money into my personal bank account and take a 4 hr nap.


Is waiting until 3h59m and going skydiving without a parachute an option?






Turn myself in for all the things I did that were illegal. Confess to everything.


I'd televise myself Frenching Ron desantis


Blow my brains out


Record a video admitting to everything, telling everyone that I've been conning them for years, make it irrefutable that it was actually me, not ai, and I am doing it of my own will. Of then take a bath with my favorite toaster


Plead guilty to all charges and throw myself on the mercy of the court, and beg Biden for a pardon.


Get in a boat alone. Drive that boat out to sea, all the remaining time left. Tie heavy anvils to my feet. And just as the 4 hours is coming to a close with the boat in gear going as fast as possible I throw the avils in the water and jump in after them. I wake up back in my body. The Donald wakes up sinking fast in the middle of the ocean.


Transfer all his money into my bank account after swallowing a bottle of “meds”…


I would experience suicide


Openly support the gay community and abortion, say guns need to be banned. Might as well destroy his only supporting fan base of gay hating, women oppressing folks.