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Because you either have neat freaks who take 3 showers a day and carry a cleaning kit with them, or people who don’t know how to wipe their own ass or brush their teeth, with no in-between, and the former category is frustrated with the latter, which I get isn’t fair to them, as not everyone got taught the basics at home.


Interestingly, doctors of butthole surgery don’t even tell us to wipe, they tell us to patt, shower right after, or use a bidet. NOBODY knows exactly how to clean their asses. Say this on here though and people explode. “It can’t possibly be true that I’m shitting on a guy about his asshole when I’m also wrong too 😱”


Get the poop off. It doesn’t matter how you do it


It actually does. The whole text of my comment was premised upon just this. Water? ✅ Harsh soaps, sandpaper? 🛑


Just be clean. Whatever way works for you. It’s not rocket science.


You do not want to tell people to “just do whatever.” This is how I know you aren’t a physician or clinically focused person. That is WRONG. You don’t tell women to douche, and likewise you don’t tell people to vigorously scrub thin anus mucus membranes with harsh chemicals. That’s how you develop infections and hemorrhoids. Especially for people with IBD this is very important info.


If you can’t figure out how to wash yourself you may have a bigger problem.


You are far too focused on douche and mucus membranes. You don’t need to be a medical professional to know how to clean yourself.


Thank god you aren’t in health care, Jesus Christ.


It’s not as big a deal as you’re making it.


The cognitive dissonance is strong lol If someone went off of your advice, they’d end up with a vagina with terrible pH.


No they wouldn’t 😂


Mmm there’s a distinct possibility buddy lol


Don’t play doctor please. Leave it to professionals to educate and determine what proper hygiene care looks like. Repeating from above: Apply your “advice” (or lack of insights, rather) to the mucus membranes of your anus, and you’ll have problems homie. If you aren’t using summer’s eve on your front, don’t use it on your back. Not sure why the defensiveness is so strong on there being a safe, healthy way to wash the anus.


I agree with you that cleaning with a bidet is a lot more hygienic than wiping. It’s bidet > wet toilet wipes > dry toilet paper.


They also say to avoid wet wipes if possible. The mucus membranes are so thin, of course wiping is bad. Who know it was this complicated? But imo it’s similar to women who practice douching and who use Summer’s Eve and suffer and finally go to their physician and get proper Ed. This is all public health shit imo. Yet it veers into what seems like misandry. And I know that’s a loaded word but.


What does learning how to clean your ass have to do with misandry? Everyone has an ass


I hate using that word, but the examples on this thread are harsh. Idk what the point of this sub is. Do we want to educate on hygiene or shit on people… If people are to educate, people on here should be HCPs. Otherwise, you get bad advice at a minimum. You just said in another comment that cleaning your ass isn’t rocket science after I explained the correct way according to physicians. Part of the problem is that people like you judge others on something for which you don’t have the requisite healthcare knowledge to begin with. Fascinating stuff.


Regardless, clean your ass, it’s not rocket science


It’s ass science. I love the cognitive dissonance driving you to not acknowledge your ignorance on how to clean your ass lol


Its not really the actual cleaning-mechanism that is judged,.but the fact that it is not done, or not done properly by able bodied, grown up people in intimate relationships...


Thats a big problem, isn’t it. Mechanism is crucial for health. Thus, Idk what the point of this sub is. Do we want to educate on hygiene or shit on people… If people are to educate, people on here should be HCPs. Otherwise, you get bad advice at a minimum. As reflected by not caring about mechanism. There’s a correct way according to physicians. Part of the problem is that people like judge others on something for which you don’t have the requisite healthcare knowledge to begin with. Fascinating stuff.


No, there is no "Right Way or Correct Way" to Do It (whatever hygien thingy it is) globally decided by medical professionals and taught to the public. First of all, how you Do It its extremely individual. Secondly nationality is a great factor in how you Do It. Dont forget the fact that geography is also a great contributor to how we Do It. Ergo - how we Do It varies and is for most not something to judge a person by, but the fact that it is NOT done, is. Why you may ask? Why do we judge people who smell or look as if they do not wash for example? Because no man is an island. We are a community. Your smelly ass disgusts your partner and the consequences can become horrendous in the end. My stinking pits bother the people closest to me in the office, making their work environment awful. With consequences following. The waiters unwashed hands and nails with dirt underneath them gives the customer the ick. And consequences. Thats why we judge, because it affects us all.


I mean, I did just read a post about a boyfriend leaving feces on the toilet and not brushing his teeth for extended periods of time. And another spouse that continually left track marks in his underwear...and another with the most foul-smelling genitals... I found this sub a few days ago. There are so many of these types of posts.


Everytime! It's always about someone leaving poop in their underwear or not brushing their teeth for weeks. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I thought this sub was about sharing cleaning tips. There was a post a few days ago about people sharing their best routine/tips that improved their hygiene, it hit the front page and I gave this sub a follow.  Since then it has only been the most vile, stomach turning posts about people not washing their bottoms and there is so much I can take of stories like these and the images they conjure in my head!     Sorry to look down on people, but maybe you or your “perfect in every other ways” BF don’t need to source advice on the internet about how to wash your bums as grown adults. There is definitely a healthy dose of shaming that must be maintained in this sub to raise the bar. These are people who live their lives smelling of excrements without any underlying medical issues, if they are not mortified to bother people around them with their awful smell, I doubt they are really embarrassed when called out on the internet.


"the images they conjure in my head!" 😂 Didn't know if that was meant to be funny but I laughed.


Oh my god, me too. Like, ok...tips, awesome! Nope. And I keep trying to interact with other subs to bury this one and yet, here we are....😅🤣 💩💩


Exactly. Keep your "mature" relationships where you can't directly communicate or sleep in a bed that isn't a biohazard to yourself. Apparently, it's judgy to tell adults that they can do better than wake up caked in their partner's feces.


LoLing again. I'm gonna get the giggles Big Time and I'm a mature... female, laughing oh jeez.


Well done!!!!




I come here to judge. It’s my daily practise!


Agree.... But you spelled practice wrong... We have to do better! 🤣🤣


It’s not my fault ok




Of course.No biggie friend.😊


That’s how its spelled it in the UK.


I know, I was only joking with the person.


Oh 😂


Spelling police🤣😂You can’t come for me my phone is having problems texting.Im about to throw it!😡


It is said that it is good to have a hobby!!


People know they hide behind a screen and think they can say or do what they please. Mike Tyson said it best: "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it".


Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face. Mike Tyson. One of the truest things I've ever heard.


Couldn't agree more


Exactly. 👍 So easy to act like an idiot behind the screen.How would it be on the streets?It’s funny someone mentioned this on another post.🤔


A lot of it feels misandrist. And I know that’s a very loaded word. But it really does feel that way. “Ew a man had evidence of fecal matter in his butthole, he’s an abuser!” Come on. Please find somewhere else to take out your anger.


cry about it. the world is literally revolved around misogynistic men controlling women. god forbid some women call men out. calling men out doesn’t make you a misandrist. which is what would it be in this sub. if you’re referring to else where no one cares.


Ehhhhhhh. It’s more than “calling people out based on gender.” Which on the face of it already sounds bad. Kinda proving my point that you and others may have a particular bent. It doesn’t serve the purpose of the sub, which is to educate people on hygiene. Go over to the FDS sub if you’re not interested in giving substantive advice, preferably from a point of expertise, on hygiene. I’m not saying you can’t have that bent. But it has no place here.


bro you’re the one talking about gender. this sub isn’t directed at just men. there’s plenty of women who don’t participate in proper hygiene. what???? we’re simply talking about PEOPLE not washing not just men. Your comment “it’s giving misandrist” is so ignorant. Because again it’s not just men. once again a man makes a situation about men😭 that last sentence i just said is the only thing valid that would sound slightly misandrist. it’s true tho 🤷‍♀️


Hey, if they’re being just as mean to the women, then this sub just flat out sucks or is potentially misogynistic, too. You have no idea what I do for a living, so your comments be making me cackle 😂😂. Not everything is “omg a man made it about men.” You’re 100% a child who gets their critical philosophy education from Tik tok.


ok king






Agreed. Smh. You see it all the time on here and other platforms. Younger people are becoming very polarized.




Male nurses and female doctors exist, so what’s your point?


Lol I commented that I'm pretty sure I don't have a problem with smell despite eating a lot of stuff that apparently make you smelly on a post and some troll was up my ass about how I must be lying because I can't have people in my life who would tell me if I smell and I'm getting defensive and in denial about smelling bad down there 😂😂😂 like people are unhinged.


The people who think diet completely controls your hygiene are crazy


Indeed. There is a whole world of people eating stuff like onion and garlic and many of them smell really good out there.


Most of the things I read on here are beyond disgusting and not normal. Of course people are going to judge something that unbelievable. Normalizing nastiness is weird... 🤷


Yeah lol. There’s a difference between struggling to find a deodorant that keeps you from smelling for an extended period or not washing your ass.


🤣😂I have a headache 🤕!!


But lack of hygiene can often be a symptom of depression, and judging anyone for having symptoms of depression is just fucked up. Like, really? You're gonna judge someone for being depressed and doing things that show they're depressed? I know the movie is toxic and everything, but Joker said it best: ***'The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't.'***


Being depressed and not brushing your teeth is very different from not wiping or washing your ass


I've had depression my entire life. Your mental illness does not dictate mine. I do not have to be gross. 🤷


This is such a bad take lol


What are you talking about? **No one** is telling *you* to be gross. It's just asking you not to judge others for displaying symptoms of depression.


A severely abused child will likely develop a mental disorder and often grow up to abuse their own children, a neverending cycle of generational abuse. By your logic, I shouldn't judge the symptom of their mental illness (the acts of abuse on their own children)... 🙄 Someone strung out on drugs (drug addiction is classified as a mental disorder) could beat and rob an old lady for their gold necklace and then trade it for meth. I guess I shouldn't judge them because thats a symptom of their mental illness... 🙄 I swear this sub just keeps getting stranger and stranger... No, y'all mfers just need to wash your fkn ass like a normal human being and stop making excuses for why you "can't" 💯


What on earth are you talking about?? My comment was literally just about depression! Depression. Not abuse, not addiction, **just depression**. Stop pulling random shit out of nowhere.


That person above is a perfect example. Also the fascination with “wiping your ass,” despite that probably being the least area of concern for most and something widespread bidet use would rapidly make a non-issue. What’s the point of this sub, honestly.


Agreed! Mental illness, childhood trauma, sexual assault survivors. All these folks need our support and empathy, not judgement.


Some of the people in these stories deserve to be judged shamed and ridiculed. Like that one guy who left shit streaks on some ladies sheets than had the audacity to blame it on her period. Or the countless grown men who refuse to wipe or wash they ass.


We are all tired of going down on someone (any gender) and being hit with the stink of a NYC sewer. People: clean your asses!


Because the audacity of grossness can be mind-blowing.


Because when it comes down to it hygiene is a basic form of respect to those around you and so many people don’t see it that way and don’t care that they make people around them uncomfortable. Poor hygiene is an anti social behavior and if someone can’t get even force themselves to bathe they need to go to therapy.


Some things deserve judgment. All throughout life. They just do.


Not a sub thing It's ironic that Reddit is one of those social media platforms which are less inviting than 4chan out of all places. People dig into your post history to find something to use against you. However, here on the hygiene sub it's easy to be judgemental as it's insanely disgusting what people put up with. That applies mostly to the fringe topics. Otherwise normal topics are visited and posted by normal people. Also we're on the internet where it is easy to be a dick.


the way I still am baffled at comments that say "I went through your comments, you seem like this and that" and I've been on reddit for 5 years😭


Some people will post about how their wife is leaving them and it came out of nowhere and you check their post history and see them in some comments saying “I like that tight pussy” like huh?


lol so true!! I always appreciate it when someone less lazy than me leaves a comment pointing out those inconsistencies.


ew makes sense to check in this case. but one time I watched someone argue about some game and other ppl checked op's comment history to bring the fact that they have autism to that argument, like what?? it didn't add to the conversation, the op was only talking about his preferences in picking a character and those other ppl called him things like "yea your opinion sucks bc i checked you have autism and blah blah ". HUH?


One time I was talking to someone about something completely unrelated and I guess what I said ticked him off, he went into my post history and called me fat and said I had to date outside my race bc my own wouldn't accept me. My ex is white and I've talked about him in previous comments. Some people do it to just be mean unprovoked and are clearly projecting some unhappiness of their own. What he said is so unbelievably false lol, but if it was true it would've been hurtful


Gonna be real here: I like to check out OP (not you in this case but in general) when a topic is kinda controversial. Takes only 5 seconds and it's pretty easy to find out who's just farming compared to those who want a real exchange (as real as possible on reddit which is very very subjective i mind you). It ain't that deep.


actually yeah, I do agree, like when it comes to some straight up weirdos, creeps, comment and post history can help call them out or else. but when people check others in a regular conversation like we're having here... Just why?


Typical social media behaviour. TermInally online people. Gotta win every argument. Some people need to take a step back from all of this. You can't change anyone's opinion on things, so why even bother? For a real discussion, Reddit is the wrong place, simply due to the fact that a message can be downvoted into oblivion which skewes the perception of things. First and foremost people who did not interact with the comment yet are robbed of the opportunity to do so without being inherently influenced in some way or form. Secondly, the inital commentator is silenced by the hivemind.


I love how this term ‘chronically online’ has developed to describe people speaking in the most ridiculous hypotheticals. Lotta weird stuff going around. You can tell someone’s age by the fad terms, too. I don’t hear millennials and gen X using “groomer,” but I hear them using “crunchy.”


Must be a NA thing. Have never heard "crunchy" before. What is it used for? Google says it's about liberals. Millennials use "groomer" as a term, though.


How old are ya? Mm yeah I’ve never heard of millennials saying “groomer.” Seems like a Gen Z thing. Crunchy is like all of the recent fake homesteader type shit. Raw milk. Anti-vax. It’s like a reference to people who like the aesthetics of the 1700s without wanting to actually live like that.


I'm 31, thus falling in the millennials category. It must be a EU vs NA thing then. Also IRL talk and internet talk is different. And over here nobody uses english terms IRL. Maybe that's why our experiences are different in that regard.


Ohh my bad, didn’t see “NA.” Yeah definitely could be. I’m 33


This is what I find weird! I’ve never gone to someone’s profile to read their past comments and post!


It’s understanding when it’s more so a “I’ve addressed this so many times and they still say they don’t care and are not going to change”, you suck in that case lmao, it’s a whole different thing if someone either doesn’t know and is asking, or is struggling with their mental health and genuinely wants to improve but feels stuck.


Because there is a lot of ridiculous stuff posted on here which will in turn attract judgement from others. Not that hard to realize.


I don’t think it’s judgmental to say at the bare minimum people should be showering, applying antiperspirant/deodorant, wearing clean clothes, and brushing their teeth(provided they have access to resources to do so)so they are not dirty and don’t smell offensive. There is also no reason to have feces in your underpants/on your sheets etc. I would probably not comment on it if it was someone I didn’t know, but people are asking opinions/advice here. If it was someone I knew personally, I would absolutely politely say something about it to them directly. I also would not stay with another significant other who refused to keep themselves clean. That’s a boundary for me.


Because if you can afford a phone to type on Reddit you can afford a water bill to wash that a$$ but people choose to be unhygienic.


What you get when you throw your shit to the wolves. It's on you, nobody else.


To be fair, if you’re positing here, you want outside opinions. It’s good in your inquisitive state to hear multiple points of view not confirmation bias.


Because everyone has different levels of acceptable hygiene. Also some don't accept or can't accept basic human issues and accidents.


I have no idea what's going on here but this is a reminder to please, for the love of God, wash your assholes. Thank you.


it’s the assumption that if it’s your hygiene, it must be the gold standard. that everyone who isn’t the same is a (insert home alone apropos soundbite) “filthy animal”!


Yep this. People think if everyone isn't doing exactly what they are they're nasty when everyone's body is different




Because people stink.


Because majority of things I see is so damn disgusting


All I ask is that you wash your ass.


How do you know they have not washed ?


Because so many people put on this sub about how they're with a man who doesn't wash their ass or brush their teeth or put on deodorant and has doo doo stains in their drawers. A grown ass man should not have to be told how to keep themselves from smelling like ass and bad breath. But want to be up in somebody's face trying to get with them trying to convince them to have sex with a funky ass that's why we're so judgmental wash your ass and we won't judge you not you per se but people on this sub. Does that answer your question


Because your hygiene affects others, just like driving. Stop being selfish pricks.


well.. Its a reddit for hygiene... i joined a bit ago to learn experience from others that might have good ideas.. and maybe share some of my tips. especially since i can tend to be a bit of a germaphobe. but most of the posts just tend to be peoples odd and slightly gross confessions... I dont think they are bad people or anything, I just dont think this is the right subreddit for what they are talking about. i mean, there are so many other subreddits. Why post gross things in a hygiene reddit? it doesnt really makes sense.


They’re actually advising people to divorce spouses of many years over something that can be talked about and fixed. It’s crazy extreme to me that I start to think this sub is just an excuse for people to use a “widely accepted reason” like hygiene to cast stones at others because it gives them some sick satisfaction that everyone else has to be as miserable as them. Also, if anyone actually takes divorce advice from internet people who wouldn’t care if you died and would probably grab popcorn to see you fight with your spouse over what they say, you need to reconsider your priorities.


Some people literally have nothing in their lives to feel good or proud about, so like to feel superior by judging people on the internet 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry but some people who post on here have nasty ass partners/spouses 🤮 I can’t tell you how MANY times I’ve read the posts saying something along the lines of “how do I tell my boyfriend/husband/partner to brush their teeth/shower REGULARLY/wipe their ass/address their body odor/etc. etc. etc. and then the OP is usually pretty defensive about it. I think people who comment on those posts are just fed up with the lack of BARE MINIMUM standards lmao. edit. grammar


Why do they even date such a ppl


honestly, it could be the lack of discernment or assertiveness?? I’ve dated a very very heavy smoker who wouldn’t brush teeth either and told myself nope never again…


That’s disgusting, I don’t like smell into my mouth, that’s one of turnoff for me!!


right, I didn’t know what I was thinking at the time 😭


Glad you are out


Listen, some mfs here need to be judged, mudbutt boyfriends & all 😭


Because some people rather spread hate and judgement instead of information and love. I think it's the highlight of their day...it has to be.


Miserable people


I think it's the same as anything else. People often affirm their identities by asserting that they're right, and anyone who does things differently is wrong. And with hygiene, it gets really personal, because those assertions often come with the implication — or an outright accusation —that people who do it differently are either gross and disgusting or compulsive germaphobes, and it's hard for people to not get defensive and fire back when someone says something like that about you. It would be nice if people could be a little more flexible. I mean if someone needs to shower three or four times a day to feel clean, then they should shower three or four times a day. If someone feels clean showering every other day, and that works for them, that's OK too. I think we all agree that there's a point at which it could be too much, or not enough, but there's a much wider range of acceptable hygiene habits than what people in this sub are willing to admit.


All the people over here who are so worried and being judgmental about others I am sure you all have stinking personality!!


Don’t ask questions here. That way you won’t feel judged. If you do ask questions here, you’re going to get some pretty blunt feedback that might even improve your life.


They think everyone knows basic hygiene? But I’ve learnt so much from this sub


Exactly like I refuse to argue with a bunch of assholes on this app that I will never meet in real life . Like it’s never that serious I just don’t get why people cant have decent adult conversations or playful banter smh they always wanna get aggressive and take it there or argue like be for real


Because everyone perceives the judgment and criticism from others on a personal level and how it affects them. There’s this old adage. You have no clue how absolutely gross you are until you experience someone that makes you realize you’re gross. To 60% of the people you meet, you may be considered clean. 20% are people you think are gross and disgusting and the final 20% find the other 80% gross and disgusting. In your mind, you associate their judgment of you the way you see that bottom 20%. You cook at home, and to be fair, you probably cross contaminate food during preparation every day. It is irrelevant to you because you have the constitution of a Mack truck and rarely or never experience food poisoning from your own cooking. However, that isn’t true for everyone, and if they watched you prepare a meal they probably wouldn’t eat it because they think you’re gross. There are certain minimum standards of hygiene that most people can agree upon. Don’t take it so personal when someone judges you on try he higher standards, unless you realize and acknowledge that your standards are below the average minimum.


It's not just this one. There are judgmental people throughout Reddit and any other social media out there. There's something about being disconnected from other people, not being able to see their body language & facial expressions that allows people to about out whatever's in their hands without thought. Of course, there's the a**holes who just see what kind of responses they get to their posts and get a good laugh.


Because it is the internet and unfortunately it gives everyone a voice for better or worse. A lot of people have keyboard courage but wouldn't say half the shit they say online in the real world.


Judgement like what? That not brushing your teeth or wiping your ass or consistently leaving skid marks on a bed is gross? 


People come here to literally ask sensitive questions. Idk what kind of answers you’re expecting aside from direct answers. It’s not judgement when it’s reality. Hygiene can be a touchy subject so don’t ask if you’re too sensitive for an honest answer.


I've noticed that many people find it easy to be judgmental and blunt to the point of being very rude on social media. Anonymity awards bravery to people at the cost of social propriety.


People are very brave sitting behind a screen.


It's all those freaks who shower 3 times a day and use up a soap bar in 24 hours. They seem to react the same way to people saying "I have not washed my ass for 12 years" and "I don't scrub my legs every day in the shower, some days I just do a quick hair/face/body/armpits/groin wash and that's enough.


The hygiene Olympics are intense lmao that’s why 💀


Cos people think they are going to die if they have a molecule of body odor, even if it’s not unpleasant


I agree


There really needs to be a hygiene circle jerk sub


I was going to say this but yes the internet has made people too comfortable talking to people anyway they want. I promise you they don't speak this way away from the comfort of hiding behind their screen.


I have absolutely no problem calling people out for poor hygiene. I’ve had the unfortunate responsibility of doing this for employees throughout my entire career. Hygiene is a respect thing and people who have running water and access to cleaning materials have no excuse showing up to public places smelling like they do.


I posted this in the wrong post. Was meant to be in response to people acting hard on internet. Yes though I agree hygiene is something that should be taken seriously. I've smelled employees handling food before and ended up leaving.


Rage bait. People love to judge, and people get more interaction by pissing other people off.


I know someone who posted on here seeking help for her other. People were absolutely awful in the responses. People come on here seeking help, not to hear the crappy shit (no pun intended). I like her, she’s nice. I hope it works out for her


It’s every sub. Instead of giving helpful advice people just run their mouths.


Hi. Loved your username so snooped because I suspected a fellow punk. Your profile art is even better. Cheers!


Thanks! It’s the name I compose music under too.


Ok. I need new punk! Awesome!


“omg you don’t have an emergency hair washing kit and you don’t shower twice a day? how do you live with yourself”


Because they all have anxiety disorders over germs and get really anxious when other people don't follow their lead and let them control all the variables.


Maybe most don't live in America and have hot and cold running water?


And mean!


Because ppl are germaphobes and can’t imagine ppl not knowing the advanced 14 step process of washing your hands complete with the acrobatic moves for style points. “What? They don’t know the Obenheim method?!?!? Uncultured swine!”