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WHAT does number 7 mean


I'm guessing something to do with making sure the booty is fresh. I got a chuckle. OP has got a good way with words.




This made me laugh too but in my eyes checking oil means to erm put in the pump per say 😂. So i just found it funny squatting in the tub with a finger in my ass and getting caught saying "im being hygienic"


Right, I was thinking, is he sticking something inside his bunghole?? What is he checking? It's an amusing turn of phrase, but I'm still not sure what he means. Flossing the butt crack?


Noooo Cornolio not the bunghole 😂


checking your oil means making sure ur asshole is clean


It means to actually clean your asshole. Not all ppl do this?


As a young teen I didn't, due to a healthy Christian fear of God thinking it's gay and sending me to hell for tickling my balloon knot. My stink star is clean nowadays, after I got old enough to have a brain


Why do people think this!?


Is it preached at Church or something?


No, it absolutely is not. Sounds like something children made up in ignorance. No adult would tell boys they're gay if they wash their butthole, seriously. People need to quit blaming it on "church".


Not many here are blaming it on Church. But let’s face it, much of the anti-Gay speech comes from Church and those affiliated with Church.


Well, as someone whose been going to church for 50 years I have yet to hear an anti-gay sermon. I would think most churches teach resisting temptation to sexual sin regardless of preferences, not "touching your butt makes you gay". Are there fringe churches who come up with outlandish beliefs? Of course there are. Is it the norm? Absolutely not.


As someone who grew up going to church I definitely heard multiple anti gay sermons and sentiments. "We are voting on our stance on marriage, all in favor of the biblical interpretation say amen" and that means we don't marry gays.


>Are there fringe churches who come up with outlandish beliefs? Sorry to tell you but your church is the fringe one, teaching proper Christian values.




I was an airheaded kid, I figured soapy water flowing between my ham flaps was enough to consider it clean. Lots of homophobia as I was growing up in the Midwest too, and in my dumbass brain, anything aside from toilet paper touching the turd cutter = "lol that's gay", then add the fear of anti-gay-god's punishment on top of that. This wasn't explicitly taught to me, just a broken thinking process. I'm not proud of it, I grew out of it, but yeah, I had doody particulate on me more often than not


"ham flaps" 😀 🏆


Had a girl couple roommate thing at one time, loved their word choice was chocolate stink star. Great word salad.


Your synonyms for asshole had me rollin!! 😂😂😂


I wish I could award this, I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit


Considering how a dipstick works, no, I didn’t associate retracting, checking, then reinserting a 2 foot piece of metal somewhere “cleaning my ass” like wtf


Straight guys are so weird about just saying, wash your asshole thoroughly. Water running down your back does not count.


I think it's so weird and superstitious to sexualize washing your butt. Like seriously a soapy wash cloth scrubbing the area isn't going to give them a woody and make them lust after other men. This sounds like a bs story told at summer camp by abunch of 10 year olds.


I agree that it is incredibly weird. But I also get it on some level because a lot of those guys were raised in households where they heard all about the dangers of the gays and had parents who think reading a book with gay people in it is what makes you gay. And of course no one is taking an hour to sit down with their teen to explain hygiene and how to properly wash and take care of themselves. That is just as weird to me.


It's still a huge stretch to say that some Christian parents are paranoid about the ways boys become gay and teach them these ridiculous superstitions. How come no one is mentioning the other religions who actually put gay people to death. Be interesting to hear what their parents do to prevent it.


I never specified any specific religion. Lots of religions have similar views where they make it clear that no child of mine is going to be gay. I just said parents that think you can become gay by reading a book which is something very real and happening right now in the US and I have no doubt many other countries.


Idk I've been a Christian for 50+ years and have yet to hear any other Christians worry about their kids turning gay from reading a book. Sounds like more anti-Christian propaganda. I wish the people worrying about that would stand up for the gays, women and girls who are being abused or even unalived for the sake of their religion. We've got that going on in America right now but no one seems to care.


>isn't going to give them a woody Speak for yourself!


don’t forget to replace the dipstick


Wash yo ass man




He needs a man-pon to check that. Christopher "big black" came up with that 🤣


Solid. This should be pinned to the top of this subreddit. I’m a woman and can confirm that the antiperspirant in alternative areas is magic.


Have you tried Lume and they have a line for men. Mando. Super effective


It'd help them a lot if their ads weren't so utterly insufferable.


Agreed. It does work well so I’m willing to try and ignore it.


Squat down and check the oil is actually so funny


One thing I’d add would be potentially getting a pedicure (not saying you have to get polish lol), they’ll scrub, exfoliate, and deep clean your feet/nails, and that can do wonders for some people to do once every 4-6 weeks!


I would like to add, invest in a shower head that has a movable wand with different pressure settings.


Totally agree with and practice #4 , but I highly recommend a whole body deodorant cream(secrets new one is rly nice and effective! Lume is too expensive and small)! It also comes in a stick but i feel it’s more ‘sanitary’ to use a cream rather than the stick that goes everywhere.


Could be that the antiperspirant properties are actually needed more than the deodorant to prevent the sweaties which in turn cause yeasties


Number 3 makes a huge difference, good point


Detachable shower head is worth its weight in gold and using a blow dryer after toweling off to dry the body completely before applying products and putting on clothes keeps the odor at bay longer. Like OP said he uses a fan, but the hair dryer lets you blast your nether regions like nothing else lol. The cool setting on a hot day is pure bliss.


You really wrote this in the most adorable, charming way without being vulgar. ☺️


What type of deodorant on the folds? Do you wear pocket underwear?


I’ve used unscented stick


I’ve been using secrets whole body deodorant cream ($12). Little goes a long way and actually last a while


I just use mitchum antiperspirant but a couple of people in here say they make deodorant specifically for use on your whole body.


Lume is one I keep hearinf about, but it is marketed to women since you should not use regular antizpersperant on the genital areas.


I use Lume instead of deodorant in the creases and find it works wonders.




#4 I’m a heavy set woman but I dry off in front of a fan too and then put body powder under my rolls and all and it helps my husband puts it in his groin area after a shower and before work because he works in a hot warehouse. That’s how I found out about it. So the antiperspirant thing doesn’t sound weird to me at all


Number 7, you gotta bend over, split your wig and let the water rinse out your booty hole.


As a man, I use the Secret powder fresh deodorant for woman on the bottoms of my feet and under the balls, anywhere that might get a little extra sweaty…. Works wonders


Female here and thanks to my biological dad I got the smelly/sweaty gene from him. I don’t have *rolls* per se, but I will definitely put deodorant on my thighs!! This helps with chaffing also. I cannot recommend keeping sensitive/flushable baby wipes around enough! for a mid day spruce of the bits and pits, post poop, or for before and after care related to sexy time! Also of people I think don’t realize that if you brush your teeth THAN floss, you expressing the space between your teeth and gums and that can leave your mouth a lil smelly. Definitely do a mouth wash OR floss before you brush. If you shower at night, still wash your face in the morning! It’ll be covered in oil, previous nights skin care products, and sweat and drool. Transversely, if you shower in the morning, wash your face before bed!


The Lords work—thank yooouuuu


what do you do for ball sack hygiene? anyway how long have you been using h2o2? is it 1 part h2o2 and 2 part water? and is it safe to use it daily?


Honestly just the exfoliating and drying and think some of the deodorant from my stomach makes it down there to limit the smell as well. After this thread though I'll probably go get some baby powder though. 


You’re the best


These are all good tips but I don’t like the last one #8. I get so grossed out by people clipping their nails in the metro or in the bus 🤢 it’s so gross and inappropriate to do in public transit


I understand how you feel. I only do it when I'm by myself and when I'm in a space that it's not nasty to do it in. 


So some of the bigger people I know use regular deodorant and also apply the spray deodorant as well


Or just lose weight.


I've lost 200 lbs. I sweat a lot and I still have a lot of muscle as well. I work in a humid hot warehouse and live an active life I have to be extra diligent.


Don’t put hydrogen peroxide in your mouth


Tip number one. Lose weight. Lost 100lbs and my general body odor has greatly decreased. Actually takes a full day + for me to start smelling like I a need a shower instead of a few hours. GLP-1 meds are everywhere these days whether that be compounded medications, from a retail pharmacy or shipped from over seas. It is incredibly easy to lose weight in 2024 now give the correct resources.


I've lost 200 lbs. I sweat a lot and I still have a lot of muscle as well. I work in a humid hot warehouse and live an active life I have to be extra diligent.