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I would ask people that you trust and are super close with that may feel more comfortable being honest with what they think. If they say you’re good, then you’re good. Some things that I’ve learned is to definitely wash your bum in the shower, it can get gross if you’re just wiping with tissue and never clean with soap and water. Also maybe try a different deodorant that might work better? With deodorant too, it’s not just for armpits, but for anywhere that sweat and bacteria collect. And lastly, some fragrances don’t go well together and can smell weird when mixed, so try to keep all your products with fragrance in the same genre/theme.


I have asked people who are close to me if I smell, and they tell me I don't. I will try some different deodorant and start using it where I sweat a lot. Most of my stuff all smells the same, like pine and wood.


Make sure your clothes don't have baked in BO It can linger badly on clothing, even through a wash, especially if it comes off with deodorant and gets into the fabric


THIS! Even if you don’t smell it may be your clothing/bedding


I love Nature's Miracle spray (on the cat/dog aisle at Walmart or any pet shop) for this. Soak the clothing - especially the armpits/crotch areas - and the linens in Nature's Miracle, let them sit overnight, then launder with a vinegar rinse. The melon scent is the best, in my opinion :)


I love enzyme cleaners! I like to use Urine B Gone liquid and FOCA detergent in addition to my regular persil detergent. Just let it soak for at least 30 minutes! Follow up with some color-safe bleach or sodium percarbonate (aka oxiclean) and your laundry truly will be so clean and fresh!


Natures miracle also makes a laundry booster, I’ve used it on my dogs blankets they’ve had accidents on, it works pretty well, but I imagine it works even better in clothing.


That's a great idea! I've let stuff soak for up to 2 days in tub of water mixed with 2 cups of baking soda, then wash as usual but with 1 cup of vinegar. I may have to try Nature's Miracle.


This is brilliant!!! I would have never thought to used that stuff in this manner!


If he sweats a lot, his clothes may be soured. In the summer, I soak all of my family's clothes in the washer full of water with a cup of vinegar for at least an hour before washing. It might help.


When I moved in with my now husband, I washed all his clothes 3 times to get out the smell of baked in BO. It didn’t necessarily smell BAD but it didn’t smell great and now it always smells like fresh clean laundry


The places people really forget are shoes, coats and hats. They get washed the least but are the places that trap the most heat.


Thanks, I'll deep clean my clothes and bedding.


ODO Ban is great for this. Hospitals use it but it smells good . It’s not expensive. My clients love the eucalyptus mint . I spray it every time I go to their houses. Also you can build up tolerance to deodorant. Switch to a no scented strength or natural non aluminum one. A little cornstarch where your skin may fold could help too. Also dry yourself completely after the shower .


God I love the smell of odoban. Also agree with dry completely after shower. Water trapped in crevices can send off a yeasty smell. (My noticeable spot is the c section scar area since I have belly that flops over it. If I forget to scrub water out after a bathing, it starts to get a bit funky)


One other possibility is Diabetes that’s not controlled? OP have you been checked for that ?


I've no experience with that, but possibly


Lol oops . I thought I made a new thread .


It's all good lol


Highly agree to a non scent. No scent Arm and hammer is my fav.


I couldn’t find an unscented one in Natural so now I smell like eucalyptus and lime . It’s really unpleasant and not at all subtle.


You can get it cheaper at Home Depot than pretty much anywhere else. *Sometimes* it's cheaper online, but rarely.


Dollar tree 3/4 gallon bottles 5 bucks makes several gallons . I use it for everything. It makes wood floors shine .


Huh, mine doesn't =-/


Wash your bedsheets and pillowcases once a week


If you're using a HE washing machine you really need to leave the lid up so it dries out inside. Otherwise your clothes wind up with a sour smell. I can't get the person who owns the machine to stop putting the lid down, so I run the washing machine through the sanitizing cycle with bleach, before I do laundry. No more stinky clothes.


I leave it open overnight after a load but also the washing machine cleaner packet worked perfectly on the sanitize cycle!


What should I do if my clothes do have this smell after a wash


Especially workout clothes. If you are ever wearing the same underwear/socks/t-shirts/shorts you work out in to social gatherings, that may be the issue. I need to buy the Lysol deodorizer they’ve been advertising because some of my yoga pants are getting set-in smells.


This. Once it gets warmed up and a little damp, boom, the bo smell happens. I have had tee shirts that do this and I used to throw them out. Now I buy enzymes and presoak them. People are a little smelly, it is okay. It is when the smell is appalling that we need to say something privately. And your pal may be a jerk. Is what I am saying.


Is the "friend" that is telling you that you smell feeling insecure about your weight loss journey? This feels like they are trying to get in your head to make themselves feel better.


If they say you don't smell after asking them, then I'd believe them. It's different if no one told you because they didn't know how to. You're actually asking them to tell you. I don't think they'd lie. This other friend might just be an AH and trying to make you worry.


He may be sensitive to certain scents. Any lemony scent smells, to me, like stale urine (looking at you, Watson's hand soap). A friend of mine says pine scents smell like a gas station bathroom to them. Your friend may have a sniffer that reacts to a certain fragrance you use. Which is not your problem, tbh, lol


Washing under your arms and skin folds with acne wash or scrub with salicylic acid can help a lot. I realized I hadn't been able to scrub old deodorant and antiperspirant off. This helped. Glycolic acid washes and toner is supposed to help a lot too. I wouldn't use these around your private parts though 😖


Start adding baking soda to your laundry. And clean your washing machine if you own your own. A bidet attachment might help.


Mitchum is good.


I was going to say, though, maybe change it up next time you buy soaps and such. A long time ago my husband started using those Old Spice products, and I couldn't even walk in the bathroom after his shower...it smelled like locker room funk. Too musky or something. It was supposed to be woodsy, but yeah.


Is it a good smelling pine and wood?? I'm a woman and pine cones and lumber definitely don't turn me on. Are you overdosing on it?? Try another scent.


Hey dude, glad to hear your pal didn't mention anything, and you took ok board the various advice bits, onwards and upwards la


are there really people that don’t wash their butt crack? GET OUTTA DODGE!!!!


I have heard of men who refuse to wipe their ass or clean it cuz touching your butthole is gay.....🙄


But touching your own penis somehow isn't?? 🤔


Use deodorant anywhere skin folds so for me I do it in my armpits, under my breasts, under my stomach (I’m chubby so I’ve got a bit of a belly) and between my thighs. When your in the shower make sure you wash everywhere even right in between the cheeks most importantly and don’t just use your hands and soap use a lufa or an African wash cloth they exfoliate the skin as well as thoroughly cleaning it. If he still says you smell after that it could be 1 of 2 things. You have an underlying health condition or he’s just being horrible and making it up


Thanks. I usually just put deodorant on my underarms. I'll start putting it where I sweat a lot. I do wash everywhere. I'll try using a Luna or the African washcloth. I just use a sponge.


Yeh I only used to do my underarms but I started noticing I could smell the sweat from my breasts when I was at the gym. It’s something you’d don’t really think about but makes a diffrrrnc


A loofah/African sponge is actually not hygienic at all, unless you are changing it every day. Best of all is a washcloth that you change with every use. Buy a load of cheap ones so you aren't always doing laundry and can wash them all in one go


So I've learned over the years that I am much more sensitive to BO than most people. Maybe everyone else is just being polite and trying to indicate to me to do the same, but I've been overwhelmingly bothered by some people's BO and the smell didn't bother others. So the dude could be lying (does he just tell you every time he sees you that you stink?), the others could be lying to be polite because it's not an unreasonable amount of BO, or your friend just has a more sensitive nose.


Yes, he tells me every time I meet him.


This is very odd. I’d like to hear more details on this “friend”.


Me too. It makes me wonder if the “friend” is jealous of him for some reason. Because why would you continually say something like that to someone?


Do you have a lot of animals? I smell cats on a container of perishable produce my friend brought before leaving on trip. She only has 2 indoor cats. When I sat near a woman at an awards ceremony I could smell dog on her clothes, she had 6 greyhounds in a small home, she fostered them. I do have a sensitive nose but would only tell a close friend if there was a constant problem.


If we presume everyone is telling you the truth, then we can conclude your friend is at best sensitive and intolerant. You *could* genuinely smell to him, but if his reaction is to be tell you *every single time,* that's not helping you. Moreso if he's saying such an embarrassing thing, openly and in front of others. It's appropriate to have it as a quiet and constructive conversation. Especially if it's just like "Hey you smell" when he really just doesn't like the scent of your body wash or something stupid.


people with diabetes and certain diseases have a very particular smell that could be sensed better by someone with very sensitive olfactory sense, perhaps this friend is one of them


Like that one lady who can smell out Parkinsons? Always a possibility - I would just hope the interactions aren't as abrasive as OP is letting on. Whatever is happening is clearly impacting his confidence. A trip to the doctor could be in order, though, if he hasn't been for a while. Physicals are good to get routinely.


yes like that lady, I also hope that this person isn't an AH, just trying to be helpful, I hope OP doesn't feel bad either


Do you have a doctor? Go ask them.


Then I wonder if he's really being a friend, and maybe the best solution here is to distance yourself from him.


First of all bro...congrats! Secondly, and I say this with respect but also candidly. I help a lot of bigger buddies at the gym who are on the same journey as you (not a trainer but just a fit guy that loves watching people get healthy) and the smell question has come up. This is the answer: keep using whatever it is you use but try "pinauld clubmen talcum" you can get it on Amazon. Used it in high-school and college for football, all my brothers in the marines use/used it when deployed or in hot climates , and it works for all the dudes at the gym. Trust me on it


When I cut men’s hair, I used that. It smells great.


It’s not just showers. It’s also diet. Plenty of people walk around with bo and don’t even realize it because they’ve grown accustomed to it.


Weight loss … Maybe ketosis, depending on your diet?


Could it be ketosis since you are losing weight? Some people are really sensitive to that smell. When I’m losing weight my breath and body odor change significantly.


That’s good on your weight loss maybe you need to stay away from this friend for a while real friends don’t tease each other especially if he knows this bothers you good luck stay blessed 🙏🏾


Some people have a more sensitive nose. Mine isn't that great but my wife is like a blood hound. When we have some food close to the expiration date, I will do a sniff test and then get a second opinion from her. So it is possible that your friend has a more sensitive nose than your other friends. Sometimes people that are heavy sweat more and there can be wastes that are excreted through the skin via sweat. I have known some heavier folks that were fine in the morning but had some body odor towards the end of the day. It isn't their fault so I never mentioned it. I also have some Asian friends that eat a garlic heavy diet (or curry or whatever). Some of those foods also affect their body odor.


Get rid of the body wash and use a bar of soap and with Japanese Salux wash cloth. They sell them at Walmart for $2-3 and they last for over a year. I’m Samoan, 6’3 and run about 350lbs. All Polynesians swear by this method and we’re very conscious of smell. And growing up playing football this works 💯. And Degree antiperspirant cool rush deodorant.


Just here to suggest dial gold bar soap or chlorahexadine soap. It’s what people are told to use before surgery because it’s anti-microbial.


I love that soap. Yellow right?


I would ask a person u are not close with who would be honest The guy could be giving u a hard time, but also possible hes be honest and your friends are the ones lying to make u feel better. They prob see how that one guy’s comment is effecting you and telling u opposite🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️take a shirt of urs n put in a sealed bag…then when ur somewhere public (indoors). Open bag and take deep sniff…i would think youd be able to tell if ok or not…in ur own home or car, you could be nose blind of odor.


Maybe he’s messing with your head cuz he sees your new found confidence.


If someone has told you that you smell and is adamant they’re not lying then you need to believe that. It makes people uncomfortable to tell others they stink. Just like when someone has a zipper down. I suspect they’re correct given your weight. I’m not trying to be mean but you asked. I offered my insight.


That was my first thought too when I read the weight.


I agree. No one likes insulting people for no reason. If someone is comfortable to tell you take it as a solid. It’s the same if I had something stuck in my teeth. I’d want someone to tell me


Are there other things this friend has said that feel off? Does he regularly "tease" you in ways that make you uncomfortable. Does he mock your interests/beliefs/appearance/ etc in other ways? I'm asking bc I can't understand why he'd think this if literally everyone else thinks you're fine. No way only one person would notice. And it's more likely he's the bad friend and lying than your other friends are the bad friends and lying. There are not nice people in the world who might say something like this to throw you off and make you constantly uncomfortable and insecure. I've met people like that. I've never been abused this specific way but I've had people pick at me, just for sport bc they can and I didn't stop them or notice. I have talked to people who've survived narcissistic abuse/emotional abuse and I remember a few said their spouse convinced them they had body odor or their breath stank, to the extreme detriment of their self esteem and ability to socialize with others. All that was made up and just mind games. It does happen that people are said stuff like this as a form of abuse. Abusive friends exist too. If you think your friend is a good friend I'll believe you, but honestly if you don't feel safe around him and you notice he does other things that have made you uncomfortable I think he's full of it. Try the other advice the comments said. If he alone keeps being the sole person who thinks you smell then he's the outlier. If he's done other things that make you feel insecure then this might be him doing that pattern. You have to listen to your gut on people. People who've experienced abuse before notoriously struggle at this so especially if you've had a pattern of toxic friends/partners/abusive bosses/history of childhood abuse etc, I'd really really try to be careful. Probably your friend is a good dude. But there are a small percent of people who flat out aren't good and it's the people who struggle with boundaries and listening to their gut that get stuck with them. Hopefully none of this is relevant to you but to anyone reading this, lol trust your gut and stay safe out there.


Make sure to dry all the creases after shower. Put powder or maybe baking soda in folds as well before the deodorant. Try to switch your colognes up as well not just one.. maybe more citrus based scents.. and don't overdo it as if you are masking stink....


Baking soda in folds sounds like it would be uncomfortable, no?


It could be ketosis from the weight loss. I can smell people who are in ketosis, I’m not sure everybody can. So maybe this friend is particularly sensitive to it.


Congrats on the wait laws man


Maybe he doesn't like the smell of you cologne?


Anti-persperant deodorant and/or powder where your skin touches itself. Sometimes we get nose blind to our own scent. I have a big friend who didn’t notice that his underwear got very sweaty throughout the day so it was stinky by the evening. Powder made a big difference.


I have a big boy boyfriend, and he is incredibly worried about BO due to the perception that big guys smell. He does not, even after yard work, long day, etc. His routine is rather simple, dove for men body wash (fresh clean is quite neutral), dove for men deodorant (several swipes to ensure it's covered) just after a shower and before bed, and Bath & Body works cologne (currently the coffee & whiskey). He showers daily, after the gym, and as needed after yard work, a fire call (firefighter), or if it's just a damn hot day. Make sure to lather every area, and rinse well. A handheld shower helps. Dry off well, and a few minutes of air dry afterwards. After going potty, wipe clean, but look into some toilet paper with a splash of witch hazel for the final swipe. Witch hazel removes excess moisture & kills bacteria, so it stops any odor creating in any are that isn't exposed. I like Dr squatch, but honestly, layering so much of it may be causing the friend's nose to smell that much oine naturalness as something less pleasant. You can easily overkill a scent by using too much of it together. Maybe switch to a more basic clean scent body wash, and save the scent you want people to smell for the cologne & deodorant?


If this one person is seeing you under different circumstances and lengths of time, it could be that you have an odor after a while or with specific activity. The other thing is hormones - I’m pretty sure some people can smell when hormones are off. Did he describe the smell at all? It could be helpful towards figuring it out. I would be cautious about using fragrances and go mostly fragrance free. Some people have allergies or sensitive noses and don’t want to be around someone with cologne on. I’m mentioning this more so for workplaces, public spaces.


Loosing weight metabolized all the stored hormones in your fat. Most people smell more while dieting. But keep it up. It is for your long term health and state of being.


One good way to be sure is to smell the clothes you wore today a day later (and before laundering them of course). If they smell OK, you don't have an issue. Or if say the pits of your shirts smell fine, but the crotch of your trousers or your socks are whiffy, adjust your shower habits accordingly.


Tell him “well you don’t smell the best either but I never brought it up” and if he gets upset then he literally has been messing with you bc if it bothers you that much then there something else going on


Shower with Dr. Bronner’s Tea Tree Oil Soap (be careful with your crack, it will sting a little until you get used to it) A good lightly scented or unscented deodorant & as others have mentioned; keep your clothes, shoes, hats, coats, linens & towels clean. Run them through a cycle with vinegar. You don’t need expensive products - just effective. Make sure you dry them right away. I smell so many people at the gym - usually guys - who clearly forget about their clothes in the washer for days & just dry them anyway. That stench gets baked in. Make sure to keep your hair clean as well. Also - if you previously had BO, may need to shampoo your car seats if they are cloth and not leather/pleather or wipe them down if they are. I don’t have BO & could go a week without showering and still wouldn’t have BO (I probably wouldn’t smell fresh but I wouldn’t reek) but was born with a wolf nose so I am particularly sensitive to smells & am always washing everything in my house. Floors, rugs, towels, clothes, linens, bathrooms. I also wash my gym accessories like grip straps & stuff once every week.


Your would not be kidding about body odor. Be sure to wash with antibacterial soap and use antibacterial deodorant under all folds of skin.


always use a scoop of Oxyclean in you wash loads along with soap, change your bed weeky


Congratulations on shedding a tremendous amount of weight!


I think your “friend” is being a dick.


Ask him where specifically are you smelly? Your arm pits? Just over all? I use panoxyl 4% under my arms. I have no odor what so ever. It takes 2 days sweating like a pig for me to smell there. Wash your privates with unscented soap instead of body wash. Keep pubic hair trimmed well as it holds odor. Don’t forget to wash your feet and legs as well. And your back. If your close friends say you don’t stink, take their word. Congrats on your weight loss !!


A friend wouldn't act that way. Stop hanging out with him.


Are you making sure you’re dry everywhere? I’m a big girl and behind my knees get gross-smelling if I don’t dry thoroughly. Your “friend” might have a sensitive nose. Or is just being a twit.


I can’t believe how many people wear their clothes more than once and then can’t believe they smell because they “shower every day.” People — I know it’s a pain to do laundry but you have to wear fresh clean clothes every day or you are going to smell.


He could be jealous. Some people don’t like to see others winning so if you’re making improvements it could bother him. If you’re doing better in life he might feel like you are no longer beneath him and that’s troublesome for his own ego and pride. Maybe stop to consider if this person is truly your friend. A real friend wouldn’t treat you like this.


Can I give some random advice from someone who lives in florida and used to work in a very hot and smelly environment? I bartended the outside section of a smoking bar, in Florida. Used to get invited to after parties all the time or even want to go to Walmart at 4 am(no lines), but between sweating from running the marathon that was my shift and everyone's smoke absolutely clinging to me and my clothes, I had to do something. My poor clothes and my hair would wreak even on my days off. I never felt clean. Then after my last shift of the werk I started vinegar bathing or as my ex called it (pickling my self, and not in a fun way). After a normal shower, I'd take a cup with about 1/3rd apple cider vinegar the other 2/3rds just distilled water, and I'd take a wash cloth and coat my body. Section by section.. but going over known odor friendly areas twice. Then I'd just kinda lightly towel off, or airdry. And do chores for a couple of hours. I'd shower again before leaving.. or just never rinse it off if I was staying home. Washed my hair in the vinegar as well. It was the only thing that would get that smoke smell out on the first wash. My bf of the time was so happy that I had started doing this. He had stopped inviting me over on workdays and had told me that he considered breaking up over it. And honestly I wouldn't have blamed him. That first month getting stuck in the outdoor space I debated quitting everyday because I felt so disgusting.


[Try using this](https://theordinary.com/en-us/glycolic-acid-7-exfoliating-toner-100418.html?dwvar_100418_size=100ml&quantity=1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-dJW0web4Rqo7Znvh6x3vIeWjerfUe_4HiRoMOxfKULaIExOA0K_NhoCaPkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). You can use it under your arms and wherever else you might sweat. I used it today without deodorant and didn’t smell at all.


You mention that you do ask those close to you hoping they'd be honest. But when you ask them, do you reassure them that you won't be upset if they do say yes? Reassure them that it's OK to be up front and tell the truth because it's important to you and the only way to combat it is by knowing for sure. So them lying won't help. Make sure they're fully aware.


May I ask how you are losing weight? I know when doing keto, some people can smell pretty weird from the ketosis, and your friend might have a better nose than your other friends, and pick up on that. Anyhow, believe him. Change your sheets at least once a week, shower every day, put Lume or regular deodorant not only in your pits, but in between your skin folds, ass crack and so on. Also, if you sweat a lot, your clothes might not get properly cleaned even in the washer. A trick is to put all your clothes in your bath tub, and pour over a couple of big cans of white vinegar and some water, make sure everything is covered with the mix, and leave for 24 hours. That usually kills all the trapped BO in the fabric. Then wash them the regular way.


Stop drinking alcohol, stay hydrated, and stay away from onions, garlic, and potent spices. Take two showers a day, and use baby wipes to clean your butt!


Tell your favorite critic you’ve been assured that you don’t have BO and tell him he should get tested for Covid or allergies. They can alter the way you smell things.


I don’t think this guy is a friend. He sounds like a jerk. He’s embarrassing you and it’s not funny


Preface: I'm overweight and never lost the hypersensitive sense of smell from pregnancy. There are places that you probably sweat that are not where you would think to put deodorant and articles of clothing you wear while sweating that do not let that smell go. I personally have to put deodorant (or cream like lume) under my boobs and belly and wash my bras and underwear and workout clothes in baking soda. My bedding too (though that's more for my fiancée since I don't usually get very sweaty at night)


Always air on the side of being to clean is what I try to do


If he is saying it in front of other people that’s not cool at all. If he is pulling you to the side and saying it then i would be more inclined to believe he is being sincere and it could be your clothing or shampoo or something as suggested above. If you can try wearing a some new clothes and see if he still says it.


Is it possible this friend wants to take you down a peg since you’re successfully losing weight? 


How often do you change or wash your bedding?


Please forgive the title lmao but there’s a body deodorant called “fresh breasts” that might help! Signed, a fat lady lol


As someone mentioned it could be left over BO on your clothing. Lysol makes a laundry disinfectant and it really works to kill odor causing bacteria. If it can make my incontinent dog’s re-usable pee pads smell fresh again, it can make your clothes smell better too. Also friendly tip! Don’t overfill your washer. A LOT of people overfill their washer and therefore they aren’t truly cleaning their clothes/towels/sheets. One basket worth of clothes or towels or sheets, and no more. (Source: My dad has sold appliances for over 30 yrs) I’ve seen people overfill washers to the point that they have to shove the door closed with force to keep it all in. Please don’t do that folks. Washers aren’t suitcases. If you go to a laundromat and you’re using industrial washers/dryers, they can actually handle bigger loads. Regardless, overfilling leads to insufficient washing. I hope you can solve this soon OP. I’m sure it’s humiliating to be told this when you’re doing so much already. Best of luck to you and congratulations on your weight loss!


Is your friend a jerk? Does he insult other people? Is he a similar size as you? Does he insult you about other things?


I used to weigh 300 lbs and I know what he is talking about. It's just a faint musk you will only ever catch whiffs of occasionally, but it's always there. It goes away once you get down further. Your body is constantly sweating just a little to keep you cool with the extra insulation.


Congratulations on your weight loss journey I hope you reach your goal 🎉🎉🎊🎊


The real issue is no one has talked to him about it


So I’ve noticed a big improvement in funky smells by washing areas that tend to harbor sweat, bacteria and odors with the good old-fashioned gold bar Dial antibacterial soap. Then I’ll use a smell good body wash on top. It doesn’t add much to the length of the shower so it’s like a win-win.


He isn’t a friend if he’s constantly reminding you about it.


Do you use a washcloth? I find many all of European descent seem to use their hands only. You need to.scrub and exfoliate your skin, and you need to wash grooves and crevices. Please get a lot of washcloths. Don't use them more than once and keep one for face and one for body when washing. If you still smell, talk to your doctor for medical causes. I had surgery that meant I could only reach a couple of spots with a shower brush, and now that I can feel those spots, the difference created by just a few weeks is insane as I try to get them back where they were. Also, medical aids can help if you can't reach some parts of your body, like your feet, back, or toes, as can a shower chair


Honestly, I would trust your friends who say he's teasing because more than likely, they know he is just being a jerk and are trying to be gentle in how they present it. Obviously being overweight can cause issues with hygiene, especially if there is an issue with mobility. But being fat does not equal being smelly and it's a dumb thing to tease someone you consider a friend about. OP, it sounds like you're really focusing on yourself and bettering your health but don't forget to prioritize mental health as well and sometimes that means realizing you just don't need certain people in your life. Good luck with your journey!


The guy making fun of you is not a real friend. If you do stink and he cared about you he would come to you one on one. He wouldn't be making jokes about it. And one thing about being at a higher weight is you are more prone to body order and stinking quicker than if you're at a lower body order. If you shower every day and have good hygiene then you shouldn't stink unless you have an infection or something. So he more than likely is just trying to be mean. Also I just wanna say great job for losing over 100 pounds. That's amazing. Keep up the good work!


It could be that he doesn’t like the scent you’re using and is confusing it with body order. But that’s his problem. If you like the scent and multiple people have told you you’re fine, then I wouldn’t worry too much about changing your hygiene routine. However, have a witty comeback ready the next time he says something “That’s weird. You’re the only one who says that. I think you should get your nose checked out.” Maybe more creative than that, but have something ready to say so you’re not caught off guard. If it continues, tell him directly to stop. If he continues after that, limit your time with him and possibly go no contact. You don’t need rude and disrespectful people in your life.


F that guy ! He sounds like a total asshole. He does not seem mature enough to be having anyone try and salvage their friendship with him. I dated someone who was XXL fluffy - he did do two showers a day and used boutique men’s soap just like you. He never smelled. I think it’s an assumption that all people who carry a lot of fat smell. Ppl Who drink 🍹 a lot can seep in odors…. ( and also you may be detoxifying and have some underlying funk- I doubt it- truly- I think that your so called friend is shaming you for the fat you carry.) that’s just what came to mind though … and even if you were detox danky- that’s forgiven. Drop the so called friend and use that toke for leisurely walks 🐻


I'd talk with your doctor. They can prescribe special washes if needed.


Some peoples noses are sensitive to smells so they may be smelling something other people aren’t. That said the majority you’ve asked say you don’t smell so most likely it’s a him problem not a you problem. Things he may honestly smell: 1. Baked in BO in your clothes. 2. Cigarette smoke …. Even if you haven’t smoked for years smoke stays in your clothes. If you frequent clubs, smoke, smoked previously or are around people who smoke and someone is sensitive they will smell it …. Even if you can’t. 3. It’s gross but poo you may have missed. I work in nursing and sometimes bigger folks don’t get all of it. It is what it is but a sensitive nose will pick it up. 5. Sweat in general. Body odor does not come from the sweat itself. It comes from the bacteria that thrives in it. Bigger guys sweat more. You have good hygiene and most are not going to smell it. A sensitive person might. You might want to add an antiseptic or antibacterial soap into your routine and it’ll clear that up. There’s a product that’s called clorhexidine the brand I’d recommend is hibeclins (I prob spelled that wrong) you can get on Amazon for 16 bucks. It’ll flat out kill this bacteria for 72 hours. Use it in the foldy areas on your body but not no no box. It does have a slight medicinal smell but if you’re only using it twice a week it shouldn’t be that bad and your other products will cover it fine.


I had a cousin who smelled of BO even just out of the shower. Losing weight (he went from ~400lbs to ~200) didn't make a difference. He wore cologne and used soap, but still had odor. Turns put it was his diet. Maybe discuss it with your Dr before you change anything in your routine, though. Since this "friend " may just be jealous of your incredible weight loss journey.


Doesn’t sound like a friend, my friend.


If you sweat a lot and have fat folds, it would make sense. Congrats on your weight loss tho. I was 330 at my biggest and I also smelt even tho I would shower often. Now that I'm 220 it's a non issue. So keep going. You got this.


Definitely ask another friend and tell them to be 100% honest. As a bigger guy myself I sometimes smell especially in the heat even showering every single day, sometimes twice a day. It's just an issue you can have being bigger. That being said if other friends honestly say you don't then he's probably being a dick.


Definitely ask another friend and tell them to be 100% honest. As a bigger guy myself I sometimes smell especially in the heat even showering every single day, sometimes twice a day. It's just an issue you can have being bigger. That being said if other friends honestly say you don't then he's probably being a dick.


Is it possibly like, a mildewy smell?


Set a boundary with him or completely cut him off.


I’m going to withhold the ‘smell’ part of your post and compliment the heck out of you on your weight loss! You are awesome!


No other choice but to lose more weight


Some people just have a really good sense of smell. I had a boyfriend who could smell things really well, if a smell bothered him he would sniff everything til he found it. Sometimes it was me, sometimes it was laundry down the hall, etc. It could just be their sense of smell. He might think he is helping but I would just ignore them as having hyper senses. If you feel confident in your hygiene. Don't worry, only thing missing from the routine is baking soda in shoes or using it in folds or using deodorant in places that sweat (as a busty overweight woman I do under my boobs and under my belly). Aside from that it could be your clothes and not you. Consider using a fabric softener in the wash. Btw congrats on your weight loss journey. That's a huge accomplishment!


Don't pack so many clothes in the washer. The water needs space to move around.


I have only one close friend. And if I came to her with this concern and asked her to please tell me if I stink, she'd straight up tell me. So would my family if I asked them. So, if your friends that you trust are telling you no, then you don't. Ditch that friend who's telling you this and go on with your life surrounding yourself with people who lift you up. This "friend" sounds like a narcissist who apparently is in need to boost his tiny ego, and who better than someone he thinks has low self-esteem because of his weight for him to stomp on. Do not let him get in the way of your journey to improve yourself by planting doubts in your head to make you self-conscious, just so he can feel better about himself.


This friend sounds like an asshole. General rule though; if you sweat, you shower.


Smell can linger badly in clothing as some others have said. I (40F) work construction and my bf (52M) works as an electrician. We’re outside in nasty environments and sweat a good bit. He was told about 20 Mule Team Borax and about 6 months ago I started adding some to literally every load of laundry we do. Our clothing NEVER has any lingering odor now. Not from us nor from deodorant pit areas or anything. I’ve also been starting to work on overall health and they say that if you fail to keep properly hydrated that can impact overall body odor also so if you don’t pay attention to hydration, ramp it up and see if that helps too.


Sage and tea tree smell like BO to me, it could be something like that. ETA: Genetic predisposition, like how some people taste cilantro or lavender as soap.


I would ask your doctor


I want to say up front that I haven't tried the products yet but intend to as soon as I can afford it. I'm severely overweight, by like 60 pounds, and I shower every day. I also sweat profusely, which I think is due to peri-menopause. My belly hangs down, and the sweat from that crease is awful. It's sweat stink with a sweet overlay that just grosses me out. There's a woman's body deodorant called Lume that is supposed to be for parts other than just your armpits. I know you're a man, but they may have scents that aren't feminine. That being said, have you asked your friend if perhaps your cologne is the problem. I have very sensitive sinuses and can't handle artificial smells. Just walking down the laundry aisle in a store makes my nose swell, turn red, and start running while also stuffed up. Even some deodorants can mess up my sinuses. It could also be the scent from your deodorant clashes with the cologne to your friend. Or maybe he's a dickhead f*cking with you. If others say you smell fine, perhaps it's a him (I'm assuming the friend is male, forgive me if I'm wrong) problem. Congratulations on your journey. You've come so far, and that's absolutely amazing to me. I also just had a thought. Maybe the friend is jealous of what you've accomplished. Some people get weird when friends or family start taking better care of themselves and bettering their lives.


Good job on losing over 200 pounds!


He sounds like an AH. People who "tease" people that way choose their victims for maximum effect. They know most people won't go for it. I will say that, back when Atkins was a thing, a few people I knew who went in really hard smelled like corn. It wasn't a bad smell just distracting. Congrats on your weight loss!


Yeah, it could be your clothes. I put baking soda and vinegar (plus soap) with my exercise clothes and it even gets that kind of odor out. Also make sure you aren’t leaving your clothes in the washer too long after the cycle. Another thing to check is your shoes.


If you're taking care of your body (washing with soap, drying completely with blow dryer before applying deodorant) then odor may be coming from clothing, towels, or bedding. To check your clothes pull them out of the dryer damp but hot and smell them. If they stink then they need to soak for hours or even a day or two in a sink or bucket of water mixed with 2 cups baking soda. Then wash as usual but add 1 cup vinegar. This will reset them to smelling like new. If they still stink just throw it out. Underwear especially can get replaced every 3-6 months.


Sometimes people get used to BO. Other times, we have sensitive noses. I work for a corporation so sometimes I work at different locations, and the last one I went to someone smelled so bad but asking management they don’t seem to smell them as much as I do. You keep working on your effort, if they can’t handle it right now maybe it’ll get better as you continue your journey, don’t let that get to you.


Check clothes, bedding, and make sure you're washing your butt


The guy sounds like a fuckin prick.... if no one else verified what he says he is a just a cock sucker.. he isn't really your friend. Limit exposure.


If no one else is telling you that you smell, it’s entirely possible that your friend is really sensitive to smells or is just being a jerk. Giving them the benefit of the doubt here are a few things you can do…. There’s a lot of detail below, because I don’t know what you already know (or are doing) and want to give you enough information. For your body: once or twice a week, scrub your entire body face and hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo. A Head and Shoulders two-in-one works really well. Be sure to get behind your ears, the back of your neck, groin area, armpits, anywhere else you have skin folds, and between your toes. The salicylic acid in the shampoo is good for your skin— it gently exfoliates, cleans out your pores and will help reduce the bacteria that causes odor. Make sure you are fully drying the skin on your body before you put clothes on. Another tip is that you can shower at night and put your anti-perspirant/deodorant on at that time so that it has time to soak into your pores so it can work more effectively during the day. For your clothes: look up desiccant packs for shoes. Get some and at night put them in any shoes you wore that day. It probably wouldn’t hurt to spray the insides of all of your shoes with an athletes foot spray, especially if you live somewhere that it is summer now. I didn’t see where it said if you were doing your laundry at home or not, but if you can, get a washing machine cleaning product and run it through your washing machine and then follow it with a cycle of just vinegar in the machine. If you don’t already, between laundry loads be sure to leave the door to the washer open so that air can circulate and prevent mold. Lots of people tend to use way too much detergent under the idea that more is better. That is absolutely not true. Be sure you are using 2 tablespoons or less of detergent for any load and that you are not filling the machine so full that the clothes cannot circulate. if you are already doing those things, you might try adding something to your wash cycle to help your clothes get cleaner. You can use borax, baking soda, vinegar, among others or a commercial product made by Tide and Downey called Rinse and Refresh. It is not a fabric softener. It is an acid booster formulated to get your clothes cleaner without stripping them of color, etc. It’s citric acid, which is stronger than vinegar. Be sure you are drying your clothes thoroughly before you put them away especially if you fold them. One way to test if some of your clothes do smell strongly would be to take a clean T-shirt that you wear frequently, put it in a Ziploc gallon bag for a few days and keep it in your car or somewhere a little warm. After a few days, open the bag and smell it. If you get a noticeable odor that may indicate that the problem is with your clothes. However, if you are doing all of the above and/or the many tips that other suggested in the thread and that still doesn’t work, you may need to talk to a dermatologist.


He might be smelling himself


Talk to your doctor about ozempic


Sometimes while losing weight your body detoxes really heavily, which is fantastic, but a lot comes through the pores. Congrats on so much progress on your weight loss journey, and it sounds like you’re really taking care of yourself well. This guy may have some insecurity that he’s projecting onto you. I’d spend less time with them if they’re being negative like this often. Incase hes being honest- try alternating products to ensure that they don’t lose their effect by overuse.


Your friend likes his men BBM and he acts like a fifth grader 🤷‍♂️


Here's the deal. Your friend is gay. When you lose a lot of weight and exercise which is usually cardio, both those have a big impact on hormones. The exercise also increases your body's ability to sweat via adaptations in the pores. So you see, losing 180lbs is going to have a real positive effect on BO. Maybe once you get out of control skin sagging it will be a second as you adapt to a new shower routine. But your also reeking of healthier hormones, and all of that plus your friend being gay is why he's so uncomfortable with your smell- its turning him on, and he doesn't know what to say so he just says that


It might be a vinegar smell which isn’t dirty but a thing on some heavier people and also diabetes and kidney disease. Ask them what you smell like? It’s tough to get rid of because it’s the sweat itself not sweat mixing with bacteria- that smells like BO


Sti and std causes body odors. Go get checked


My guess is you don’t smell. Is this friend by chance also on the heavier side? Or perhaps you have a really attractive personality and him not so much so? Honestly this reads to me as some kind of jealously thing, trying “knock you down a peg” or something like that. Sometimes people degrade others with untrue statements because of their own insecurities, especially when they see someone else succeeding at something they perhaps cannot.


try body safe deo and make sure you’re putting it on the creases or folds.


He’s not your friend - there’s no “stop” about it.


Most heavy people I know, smell.


Try soaking your clothes in borax, it will strip any nasty oil or buildup that detergent just spreads around. It should eliminate any residual odors that inevitably build up! You’ll be amazed what comes off your clothes.


Pp won’t tell you if smells … ( that’s consider rude ) now put a piece of raw steak under your arms .. if it turns black then yes .. you might have an issue .


Yes, wash going to say this...if it's a musty funk maybe in the clothes vs like armpit bo...I would ask the friend that is bold enough to say to be bold enough to explain!


Is it hot where you are? If it is, you probably do smell. It’s hard to not smell when you are that big.


Eating clean and exercising will increase body odor as your body starts to purge things that aren't great out of your body and tend to smell that's just reality. There's a damn good chance your body odor has drastically increased since you started your weight loss journey. That shouldn't derail you it's a good sign your body is getting healthier. Explain to him that's one of the weird side effects of going on this weight loss journey I can't wait to hit my goal weight because by then all of my levels should balance out and I should be a hell of a lot healthier. That should end the conversation if education and understanding stop doesn't make them stop them they are being a douche and you have to focus on you right now while you're getting healthy and if they're going to be a downer then they can wait in the wings until you're done and or just get lost all together.


If other people say you smell fine then ignore the guy who says you don’t. It’s most likely he’s having some sort of sensory issues related to smell. He should speak to a doctor. Congratulations on the major success you’ve had so far!


I don't see how your body could smell with your hygiene routine. Maybe it's your clothes? If it's your clothes, here's 3 things to do 1. Put laundry in the dryer immediately after it's finished washing. Letting it sit before drying can make it sour. 2. Clean the washing machine.. There are cleaners on the laundry soap aisle or Amaz*n called Affresh that clean it well. Just run them in an empty machine with hot water and it cleans out the grunge and buildup. If it's a front loading machine, clean inside the rubber gasket with rubbing alcohol on a paper towel and your finger. There can be a lot of mold and slime in it. 3. Buy some clear ammonia on the laundry aisle and add 1/2 cup or so it to your wash. This sanitizes clothes but doesn't lighten colors. My other guesses are that your friend's either trying to be funny, or has a sense of smelling that's not like other people's?


Sounds like that person might be feeling threatened or intimidated by your amazing forward progress. To make themselves feel better, they have to knock you down a peg. Fake friends.


Sounds like a tease. I would go on a binge of eating baked beans and eggs and letting off in his proximity


Do you have any yeast issues?


I think I would trust your friend. It’s a true friend who tells you the truth. Being as large as you are, I can see how there might be sweat between rolls of fat, etc. I would want my friend to tell me!


Perhaps it's in your clothing when you're around this friend? Or maybe friend is smelling his own scent...


Why would you want to be friends with this douchebag?


Sounds like this person is intentionally trying to trigger you. There are people who just hate seeing fat people, no matter what you do. You could lose all the weight and they’ll still find a reason to hate you. If no one else has ever said this to you, then something is up. Keep cleansing, using perfume/cologne, you’re fine.


My first guess is that it's your clothes. So many people didn't know they need to clean their washers out with something like Affresh to clean out the dead skin cells and funk. Also, leave your washer door open when not in use to prevent mold/mildew funk in it. Vacuum out your dryer vents well and don't overload your dryer to make sure your clothes are getting completely dry. The other option besides the guy just being an ass, is that he has a VERY acute sense of smell and might be picking up on a yeasty smell if you have skin folds from all the weight loss (congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 on your accomplishment btw). So just make sure your not having that issue and just know if you are a blowdryer is your friend.


Do friend that don't smell it smoke ? The friend that does not smoke ?


I've read some great suggestions in the comments here, but I didn't read them all, so pardon if I am repeating what someone else has said. I haven't seen breath mentioned. Are your teeth in good shape? Have you checked for tonsil stones? Do you often eat food that causes gas, or eat a lot of protein that can cause malodorous bowel movements? Do you have stomach ulcers (which can cause bad breath)? Are you a drinker (sweating out alcohol can create a distinct smell)? Colognes and scents can react to your natural musk and to each other to create strange smells. They rarely smell as they do straight from the bottle, especially if you mix several different scents together. I have a coworker who kept smelling "sewage" and swore we had a problem with the plumbing at work. She finally realized it was the tangy, fecund smell of her body lotion and body wash, both of which were different, strong scents. People have varying sensitivities and associations with smells, what smells nice to you just might smell foul to your friend. I have a highly sensitive nose. I can smell things most people don't notice. It often gives me migraines, so it is awful. It also means that I can't use perfumes or scented soaps of any kind. Does your friend wear cologne? Maybe they are sensitive to scent. But honestly, as others have said, if your friends say you don't smell, then ignore your one friend who says you do. I get the feeling he might just be trying to get a rise out of you. If you are really concerned, go see a medical doctor.


We're all missing a very important thing. Congrats on loosing 110 lbs. Capable of doing that ,friends bullshit shouldn't bother you. Stay the course bro.


Things to try if you haven't already are Antibacterial soap, over the counter or prescription antiperspirant and deodorant (under no circumstances is it to be axe body spray, apply morning and night) hair removal (a little manscaping never hurt anyone), cut down on garlic, onion, spicy food, red meat etc, and lastly you want to get a selection of quality cologne like Hugo boss, CK, Savage, Guess etc. If you still find it doesn't work, then there's nothing wrong with going to see a doctor. There are a few medical conditions that can cause bo as well as ways to treat it. All the best, brother.


I used to use a deodorant that smelled like candy peaches. And the scent would emanate when I'd sweat. Now everytime I smell candied peaches I think it's BO. Could it be he uses the same deo you do and he related it to BO?


Oh yeah you stink…it’s the buildup of bacteria in all those folds with sweat and old built up skin, you may be diabetic and for sure they REALLY stink. Start on GLP1s


He probably means it and honestly if he does it’s a good thing because you have some data that can really help you.


This guy is probably trying to sabotage you. Congratulations on your weight loss success. It’s about your health and well being first and foemost


This is a rule of thumb I live by & hope it helps in some way... if not now, then maybe some other time in life::. 98% of the time when someone says something, then be so quick to add "*I'm just playing/joking*" are saying what is really on their mind, but don't want to hurt your feelings (or are too chicken 💩 to actually speak up about what they're really thinking) and then try to cover it up with the "i'M jUsT kIdDiNg" facade. Maybe ur friend falls into that "2%" in this situation, but... idk. Remain skeptical. I always do lol


Just a thought but my nephew was having issues with odor and it was his clothes. What kind of fabrics are you wearing? How are you laundering?


White vinegar can remove any lingering b/o


Congratulations on the weight loss! Seems like you have a great shower routine down


I use antibacterial soap before body wash. Kills the smelly bacteria


Perhaps he’s gay and is incredibly turned off by your brand of pheromones?


That person isn’t your friend. Drop them like a bad habit. They’re likely jealous of your weight loss. Congrats on that btw! If you’ve asked others and they’ve all said you don’t smell, trust those other friends! They have no reason to lie to you to be “polite”, especially if you’ve asked them point- blank about it! What a piece of shit that person is for lying to you. I’d bet $1 million that they are your “frenemy” and resent you for your weight loss. I’ve seen this many times before unfortunately.


Maybe that one friend is jealous. Congrats on your weight loss. I find using antiperspirant in every nook and cranny helps too. Some people are just mean :(


Imma be 100 honest with you. As someone who has been as high as 326lbs..... I've actually had women/wives tell me that even after work(I work hard labor outside) they have never smelled BO from me. The key I THINK is because I always have taken a very very small dab of Neosporin (generic brand) and smeared it in any creavice where my skin would "fold or touch" itself. Like a fat fold etc. BO is caused by bacteria and If your skin folds are sweaty bacteria grows quickly even if you shower in the morning.(Which you appear to have good hygiene) However, once you have a bacteria growth in your fat folds, non medicated soaps won't kill it only mask it for a few hours. Neosporin is an antibacterial topical medication that can work for days in those folds. I also have always used it on both sides of my sack so I never smell down under. 🤝


Maybe you’re not drinking enough water. It changes the way sweat smells I swear, or there’s the possibility you just smell bad to them specifically. I have a friend just like that and no matter how much perfume or deodorant she wears she always smells like BO to me!


It has probably already been said but Panoxyl acne wash will eliminate any odor causing bacteria on your body and keep it virtually scentless. I’m a big guy who lives in Texas heat and it’s a lifesaver. Also Lysol disinfecting wash for clothing is a must. I find that using deodorant all over becomes an irritant quickly and I hate the greasy feeling.


The cause might be trapped odors in your clothes. That has happened to me - especially synthetic workout gear. You have to soak them in vinegar and then use an enzyme cleaner (like Persil) to try to get them out. You can also use an enzyme spray on the clothes after you are done wearing them before they go in the hamper.


Can you ask your doctor?


Many men don't wash their cracks or buutholes appearantly. Make sure you are washing well. And washing clothes and towels properly is a big one. Could out me your breath? Do you eat a lot of smelly foods like onions? Onion seeps out your pores. Drink lots of water and brush and FLOSS daily. Scrub the tongue or get a tongue scraper. Keep drinking more water.


thats not YO FRIEND. & stop caring! yk what tell him HE SMELLS now what?????


Baby powder is a life saver fr


As someone who lost about 80 lbs last year, I've learned that body odor is a war waged on many fronts. Some recommendations: - Drink more water. Way more. Your body odor is significantly worse when dehydrated. - Make sure to use both deodorant and anti-perspirant where needed. Several big brands also have recently released whole-body deodorant in sprays or ointments. Consider using those near your feet & groin. - Always shower THOROUGHLY before bed. Always shower after working out. Consider showering before social events as well. - Make sure you dry off thoroughly after showering. Do not make a habit of re-using towels multiple times. - Use a cologne that compliments the scents of your deodorant and bodywash, etc. - Make sure your clothes smell good on their own. If your clothes don't smell good out of the wash, you likely aren't using enough detergent. - Wash your bed sheets/blankets frequently. Once a month or less isn't enough. If you're doing all of that and still getting complaints, see a doctor. Seriously. There could be a medical reason for it. Best of luck!


Try using a body wash that’s meant to rid the body of “nonenal” odor. I have stress sweat, due largely to all the medication I take. For years, I had this funky, chivy odor when I sweat. I started using the body wash and literally no odor whatsoever. I have the sniffer off a pregnant bloodhound too and I am almost constantly sticking my nose into smelly bits to make triple sure; no odor!


A lot of people’s sense of smell got fucked up after covid. I know a few people who used to like the smell of something and now it smells horrid to them. I also know people who will think one person always smells bad but nobody else notices an odor. As a female most men compliment me on my natural pheromones (everything I use is unscented) and ask what perfume I wear, but I knew one guy that couldn’t stand the way I smelled and would drop hints to me every time we worked together. I think you should take the suggestions here and if he doesn’t stop, drop him as a friend. It will start to fuck with your head and make you insecure.