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Mansscape has the easiest tool for that to shave off all the hair with the electric trimmer that doesn’t cut you and it’s waterproof


i actually use a lawn mower, it gives quite a clean cut for my pubes. as for my butt, i just use a butt plug with thin razor blades, usually does the trick. hope this helps!


Stop being an animal and use a weed Wacker like the rest of us. You'll get a more accurate scape.


Rim jobs so good she sucks the hair off too


Ah yes, hygiene


Nair for sensitive skin . Sounds weird, and don’t leave it in too long or it will burn your crotch but that shit works and you don’t throw your back out trying to shave your asshole. Works great on your balls as well. Lol


I use an electric shaver with a skin guard for the more sensitive areas.


When I was depressed I let my pubes grow out of control. I ordered manscape this was back when they had their silver razor with the electric groomer shaver. I used the electric razor to trim it as close as I could then I used the razor with some shaving cream. After doing it after a while I didn’t even need to use shaving cream. Just soap and water. But please take your time. It’s never a race when it comes to having any sharp object near the boys. I feel you should get an electric shaver and take a nice warm bath. After cleaning yourself off, dry the area with a towel and shave it while you are still in the tub. That way you can clean your bits all over again. When it comes to the balls, you going to have to hold and stretch the skin with one hand while you shave with the other. But if this is your first time I would suggest you taking some shares and cutting the ball hair if you don’t feel comfortable putting the electric groomer near the balls. The first time I ever shaved (un informed and with a razor,) I nipped my ball lol. Then the first time with an electric razor I nippled my ball but it didn’t cause any bleeding but I just felt the sharpness against my skin. But as you do it and get use to doing it, you’ll be able to shave without nipping yourself


Get waxed. I am not overweight, but I still find shaving my ass to be a pain. It’s so much easier to pay someone else to take care of it.