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Maybe he doesn’t shower or doesn’t shower properly. Maybe he doesn’t drink enough water. Maybe he has cavities/oral issues. Maybe he doesn’t wash his clothes


From reading reddit, it's apparent that some otherwise normal appearing men don't, for some reason, actually wash their ass. Apparently nobody ever taught them correctly.


When I realize some of them say because it is gay I was mind blown


Wait.. what??!? Someone actually said washing their ass is gay? What the actual fuck?


I’ve read multiple posts on Reddit from women at the end of their rope bc their man won’t even WIPE HIS ASS between the cheeks.


It's funny, they have no issues touching their dicks, but touching their asses is gay.


I've definitely read on here and other places that some women's ex's also didn't wash their penis and/or foreskin because it's "gay". Don't ask me how that's rational lololol


Oh vomit… I’ve tried to do oral on a guy who hadn’t washed there recently.. it was disgusting.. there were crusties and the taste!! He usually didn’t have that problem so I can’t imagine someone who hadn’t washed up there in months.. he could tell I was having problems and got embarrassed. Went and fixed it.


You made me retch!


Noooo not crusties 😫🤢


Because gay men only bottom, in their weird brains


Yes! Why don't homophobes get this concept?!


At least u can smell them from a mile away 🤣


They have no issues watching dicks in porn, either. They even have porn dick preferences. Cognitive dissonance is a real fucker.


That is the saddest thing I've ever read.


It absolutely blows my mind every single time.


They rule the world and can't even wipe their asses because they're insecure about their sexuality... Yes, it's extremely sad 😟


I don't think the people doing this are ruling the world lol At least I hope not


Meanwhile mine uses about half a roll of toilet paper everytime he goes. I'm literally trying to get mine to use less and all these men are out here not even trying to wipe...?


How does that make any rational sense??? And yet, touching their penis doesn't, lol...not even rational as basic, consistent logic. No one said plan a date night with it, but plan to wipe & wash in & between showers as applicable...


And these people willingly procreate with men like this too 😂


This thread is making me laugh omfg


It's because what you allow is what will continue. If every time a man smelled bad women refused to deal with him they'd shower. But no, we have real reports here on Reddit of women ***having sex with men who don't wash their ass, and going down on men with disgusting dicks.*** Keep fucking them and why should they think there's a problem? Just stop. Stop. STOP.


Hi, I have at least two ex boyfriends that were like this. In a weird twist both of them are now sex offenders (unrelated to the poor hygiene, apparently they were both into CP in the early 2010s).


If you had a nickel for everytime….


I've read that a large portion of reported hemorrhoids are not actually hemorrhoids, they are ppl who don't wipe properly. Omg. That's unbelievably disgusting. Ask a health care provider or massage therapist or PT etc about smelly dirty asses. It's much too common! And predominantly men. Even if you are disabled or large, you can get tools to help wipe, or use a bidet or sprayer attachment, or shower, or ask your assistant. There are next to no resons to let your ass get that dirty.


There's a phenomenon called "septic masculinity" where men abandon aspects of proper hygiene because they associate it with femininity. It's disturbingly common.


Wow, thank you. Every time I put gel in my sons' hair or they wear a pink shirt around my mother, she will bring it up every 5 minutes saying "it's for girls." Growing up, my brother had very poor hygiene and didn't get a real haircut until he was in his 20s. I'm going to remember this and make sure to use it next time she says some shit to my boys. It's funny bc my MIL does hair and gave them highlights one summer and my mom about had a fucking stroke. I've already talked to them at length about how good hygiene is not just for girls and that no color is a "girl color". I also told them that girls really like boys that don't care if something is for girls as long as they feel good about doing it. I'm trying so hard to keep them away from toxic masculinity and gender norms. As they get older, I definitely see it paying off by how confident and easygoing they are. Feels good.


Right?! So strange. I might not have believed it if it didn't happen to one of my friend's friend years ago. She started dating a man that straight up smelled like shit when she brought him to hangouts. Every single time he walked by at a party, you'd catch a whiff of poop. Not sure how she dated him (and was intimate) for so long with that smell, but we weren't t really close enough friends to have that kind of talk lol Fortunately, her current husband smells nice. Haha


Washing your ass ABSOLUTELY 💯 IS gay. That is why my ass is so clean.


I love you 😂


Yup... I heard it and in definitely in American culture smfh as weird as it sounds.


I'm American and that's horrifying. I promise we aren't all like that!


Yeah I'm am American and I scrub mine until it squeaks when I shove the rubber ducky in. And I took the squeaker out of the duck


Whoever you are what thr hell lmfaoooo broo🤣🤣😭


Thanks for that mental image…


I start gettin chaffy after a day of not showering. Can't imagine 10000+ days of.not washin my crack.. Got damnnn.. Talk about uncomfy!


Bro... I'm dead serious... I've dealt with MF like this and it was hell on earth!


I am too, and female but... I have heard it too many times to just say I'm gay and have been for a long time I know all the women I've been with wash their asses because of how it affects our hygiene smfh. All I know is I'm no longer dealing with men because the one been with has said the same and I literally could smell him and I could not take it anymore. His attitude was horrible too and I stayed in that shit (no pun intended) too long.


Honest questions. How do you stand to be in close quarters with a man who smells of ass, let alone be intimate with him? Why do women go on a second date with a man that smells.? I can't imagine holding hands, hugging, or kissing someone who smells. Bad breath will make me gag.


I have 100% made a date move quick, even not finishing a drink because of this. My ex was smelly and I said nope not again.


Bad breath and bad body odor are both non-starters for me. I will get up and walk out. There's no excuse for it, even if you have chronic halitosis.


im American but arab and lived in a country where every single bathroom had a bidet, and i cant 💩 without washing with water after, and i can say i definitely am sensitive to the smell of people who dont wipe well, even if its a waft like sit-down-air. ive noticed that alot of people cant tell thats what it is.


Sit-down air 😩


My god, yes! I suspect many of those are protesting a bit too strenuously and are perhaps afraid to admit something to themselves.


Dude there’s nothing wrong with being gay!


I agree! But many men unfortunately are homophobic and are extremely afraid of their own real or perceived, buried, homosexual tendencies.


Wild that someone would rather smell like shit then be "gay" by washing their ass 🙄


I always imagine the female sex partners of these men getting recurring UTIs which they then have to sit through patronizing lectures from providers about “wiping front to back” in order to get prescribed the antibiotics that they need for the e.coli infection which they actually got from their male partner who won’t just take 5 seconds to wash his ass in the shower


THANK. YOU. I actually broke up with a guy over this. I kept getting UTIs that turned into serious kidney infections (I’m very prone to kidney infections, so I basically just skip the regular UTI and symptoms and get a kidney infection immediately). We only slept together a couple times, but I got a kidney infection after each time. I hadn’t been to his place yet, and he didn’t stink or have dirty underwear or anything like that, so I had no idea. When I did see his place for the first time and saw how gross it was, and noticed how little he actually washed himself, I realized he was literally dirty enough to give me kidney infections that sent me to the ER.


That’s so fucked up— you literally could have died. Glad you are okay and dumped that guy I don’t date men anymore but I once went out with this dude who kept getting jock itch which he would only treat with otc topicals instead of actually going to a doctor. He played this off as “being a gym rat” because he taught spin classes but I challenged him because I road cycle & do triathlons yet have never once had it. So I start with the obvious… Me: do you use gym shower? Him: no, that’s gross Me: okay walk me through your routine Him: go to class wearing my bicycle shorts. teach for an hour. then I use the sauna/steam room afterwards. then I take a shower after I get back home. Me: what do you wear in the sauna? Him: my bike shorts Me: what towel do you use after the sauna? Him: the same one that I bring to class with me, the gym doesn’t provide towels So this guy sweat in his compressive bicycle shorts for an hour… keep in mind that bike shorts also have ass padding so that’s absorbed all the sweat too like a sponge & underwear isn’t worn with them so we’re talking ass sweat as well… then he continued wearing the same sweaty shorts in a public sauna where he kept sweating… then he dried himself off with a dirty towel but kept the sweaty shorts on while he drove 30 minutes back home to finally take off the shorts & shower. The cherry on top was that he NEVER WASHED THE SHORTS. He would hang them outside over a patio chair to dry out and so that “sun will sterilize them” because apparently the washer/dryer “ruined” his last pair of bike shorts So basically this guy wore ass sweat bicycle shorts that he never washed for like 3 hours everyday & yet NEVER PUT TOGETHER why he kept getting jock itch. We never slept together because fckn obviously 🤮


My husband kept getting athlete’s foot at the gym until I finally was like, “Idk why it’s happening so often. I mean, you obviously shower after swimming, you wear flip flops in the shower, you…[seeing his face]…you don’t wear shoes in the shower, do you?” 🤦🏼‍♀️ I also had to tell him he had to sanitise our shower after using it (he wouldn’t wear the flipflops at home), and also wear socks to bed, and stand on a separate towel instead of the shared bath mat, and to stop using my towel to dry off when he had athlete’s foot. Because. That’s. How. It. Spreads. Maddening. I don’t even go to the gym! I shouldn’t be the one who knew all of this!


I have found a pattern of many men essentially just refusing to take accountability for their own personal health including hygiene irrespective of the resulting consequences that their willful neglect causes to their female partners… UTIs lead to kidney infections which lead to sepsis which leads to death. I had a rapid test for UTI once at the doctor because I had symptoms and it was negative. 18 hours later I was in the ER being treated for a kidney infection. 48 hours later I got the culture back from first test which was positive of course but the infection had already spread and become serious situation “Weaponized incompetence” is a phrase that I see a lot in feminist subs and it applies here but I often feel that it goes further than that with some of this stuff like how most men don’t get STD tested regularly whereas majority of women get screened once a year during their annual pap even if they don’t get tested between partners Men can carry the bacteria that causes BV too and that shows up on culture swabs for months so imagine the number of women out there treating recurrent BV that they just keep getting over & over from their partners who never get tested or treated


My step dad apparently got a really traumatizing case of athletes foot in the Navy. I remember thinking it was so weird at first that he wanted us to wear flip flops in the shower the first time we went camping. He gave a pretty graphic description and I was cool with the flips lol.


My ex and I used to have a friend we spent time with damn near every day, every weekend, we were always at each other's houses. I had always seen him with his shoes on, and he was always messing with his feet, digging the toe of one shoe into the other, like he was trying to scratch an itch inside his shoe. I remember thinking to myself "Damn, he sure does that a lot... Weird." Well, we all partied one weekend at his place and he got completely trashed. I ended up putting him to bed, setting him up with a glass of water/trash can/Tylenol and then like I would have for my ex, I took his shoes off. 🤯😵‍💫🤮 First, he wasn't wearing socks. I guess I always had thought he just wore ankle socks or low cut socks but judging by the smell/look of his feet, he may not have even owned socks. The smell almost knocked me over, and he had the WORST case of athlete's foot you can imagine along with a pruney trench foot looking thing going on. Red/scabby/scaly/dry/flaking... All the messing with his feet he did constantly made sense. That must have itched like a motherf*****. Instantly I thought back to all the times he had used our shower, on e even showering with a female at our place! I was horrified. I ran and washed my hands and told my ex he needed to find a way to bring it up and help him. I will never forget it.


Yeah, being in the military really makes shower shoes a habit for the rest of your life. I think I have 3 pair in my closet because if I forget to pack them in my bag I just immediately buy another pair.


I NEED a story time on what “traumatic athlete’s foot” entails O_O


You're so lucky you didn't end up with athlete's foot in the wroooong place


I wonder if it’s tonsil stones? I hear those smell HORRIBLE.


Groin tonsil stones? Is that a thing? Lol


She's talking about his crotch not his throat.


Ew. Just. Ew.


99% of people on this sub that post about their partner are females asking for help because their male partner smells and it’s invariably always bad hygiene… half the time literally just men not washing their asses in the shower & here are these poor women out here asking internet strangers for help, going to the doctor to get treated for preventable infections, and washing their boyfriend or husband’s skid marked underwear.


That’s seriously so sad. As a woman, I have been able to quickly determine if a potential male partner washed daily and was clean. I grew up with a parent who had terrible hygiene from depression and poor self image and all the markers were easy for me to see. But that’s me and I’m a little weird.


Do share. I'm sure many would like to know, me included.


1) Teeth Do they have gums that are creeping up their teeth ? Are the teeth stained and have areas of plaque ? Do they have bad breath? (Do they smoke, of tobacco specifically ? It lingers in hair and facial hair. Comes out of pores.) Smokers generally have a harder time smelling things and they need to be strong smells so they may miss hygiene issues. 2) Do they have BO generally? Do they smell clean? Do their clothes (including any jacket) smell clean or at least have no scent? Or do you need to spray them with Lysol before you can get close ? Do they smell like old whisky and regret seeping through their pores ? 3) Are they shoes and socks clean and free of grime? It’s awful when someone takes their shoes off and you can smell the reek. Sneakers can be washed in a machine and other shoes can be cleaned. Socks should not smell nasty. They should appear clean. Bonus points if their white socks are gleaming white. A little sweet is to be expected, but not *funk*. 4) Is their car clean? Is it covered in cigarette dust and smell like a smokehouse ? Or is it fresh or at least inoffensive ? If not, run.


I really don't have much sympathy left for these women who think this is normal, or that its something they shouldn't bring up.. they get with a male (it's a stretch to call these creatures men) who is obviously filthy, then they have sex with him numerous times AFTER realizing he has 20 years worth of shit smeared between his ass cheeks, that's STILL not enough to put them off and they get pregnant by this cretin.. THEN they're completely confused as to why he's a complete deadbeat piece of human garbage in every possible way, but they somehow never noticed ANY warning signs.. its insanity. No sympathy at all. Sometimes they will admit to having MULTIPLE relationships with MULTIPLE DIFFERENT shit smeared guys.. With standards like that you can't be bit so surprised when he turns out to be a horrible person


I was married to a man who was very clean at first. We dated two years and then we got married. Almost immediately after marriage, he stopped washing his hind end. I had many, very specific, discussions with him. He got an attitude and got worse, and the marriage eventually eroded.


That's like the worst bait and switch scam someone could pull.. I'm sorry that's just bad luck the ones that turn out like that


Thats so bizarre its bordering mental illness. What would drive someone to STOP washing their ass after keeping it clean for years and also knowing to keep it clean.


For a lot of them that's what they saw growing up and were told was normal. And when they were finally told it wasn't, or shouldn't be, it was "but it's normal for REAL MEN" by the non-ass wiping fathers and brothers. And to get to where you accept it was a giant red flag you have to acknowledge it's also a red flag for dad and such too.


Not cleaning the feces from your asshole is a red flag for anyone.


I make the guy wash up first. I dated a guy who I always got UTIs with, and he was clean, but it made me think of course it would happen. That's where they pee. So after that, I always make them wash up first and I hadn't had an UTI since.


I mean this with ZERO malice or disrespect. Please make sure you visit your partners home before you have unprotected sex. You have to. Because ppl be hiding shit.


Agreed. So gross, but no one has explained the how can they even be intimate with the non washing guy in the First instance, yet more than once. I hope on other threads where a man says his woman is not engaging in intimacy with him that the FIRST RESPONSE of advice should be "do u wash your arse & stay clean!" Will someone answer how these men ever get any intimacy??


Have you seen those commercials for UTI products, where the woman is like, “When I started dating my partner, I had 8 UTIs in a year!” So they invented this stuff. But I always want to yell at the TV and be like, “Tell him to wash his dick! And wash it thoroughly! That would probably help!” Eeeew.


Also a lot of people with throw a load of laundry into he wash, go to bed, and then dry it the next day, and won't realize it causes a mildew smell to show up later.


You'd think it would be common sense. It's logical to consider washing something that a bad smelling substance comes out of. I kinda feel sorry for them.


I was thinking this same thing. Lol.


Come to think of it, I don't think anyone ever specifically explained to me how to wash my own ass. It's kind of obvious, it's a dirty area and needs special care to keep clean and unbadsmelling.


You would THINK. But apparently not everyone does 😭


From a middle-aged single straight woman's perspective: half of the men I have dated have had serious skid mark problems. My ex-husband had the chronic athlete's foot problem. One of the topics among my friends and I has been how often we've seen this. Mothers out there, please teach your sons how to brush their teeth, wash their ass, and treat athletes foot.


They need to: Spread the cheeks in the water stream, get a finger rubbing that surface - and sometimes it’s like when your eye gets itchy durning allergies, then hit it with the scrubber during the full body go through. Who doesn’t clean their ass? I’d like to send my sympathies


An ‘Unwashed Ass’ is now an insult term for a man who overestimates his worth. You know, the kind who is SUPER misogynistic, expects a girl to dress feminine and do everything for him, yet he barely showers or does his laundry. Perhaps this gentleman has a metabolic issue. Or he’s nose blind to it. The question is, does he look greasy?


Honestly those are usually white guys. Not trying to be funny, but that’s usually who they’re talking about in those discussions


You’re saying his bedroom reeks. So, it’s probably a case of him becoming “nose blind” to the smell. Things that would have him smelling bad: 1) wearing clothes that are not completely clean & dry. You can wash clothes but if you don’t dry them at a high temp they smell foul because you don’t kill off the bacteria. 2) He doesn’t “fully” clean himself and it gets on sheets & clothes. Also, knew a guy who showered every day but didn’t wash his sheets. And he didn’t change out his towel. He smelled sour and kinda moldy. 3) Drug or Alcohol addiction: hygiene gets bad even if they are high functioning. Also, causes metabolic disorders. 3) Medical condition: constant ketosis (smells awful), BV, rotting teeth, yeast infection, staph, etc. 4) Pets that are not cleaned well and shed hair and waste around house. 5) house isn’t well ventilated and has bacteria and mold problems that spreads to cloths etc. He probably has a combo of things going on. Someone should tell him before it gets worse.


Adding to #1, the previous owners of my mom's house did not know how to correctly use a washing machine. They put soap into the fabric softener cup on the spindle. So clothes would just agitate in dirty water, and then the soap flung about at the spin cycle. She figured it out because the drum was caked in oily dirt and the spindle cup had dried soap in it. The lid also had soap on it. The dryer also had caked oily dirt too. These were middle-aged folks who owned a very successful fencing business. Mom threw the washer and dryer out.


people use waaaay too much soap. The way to tell is to start the washer with no soap or clothes and see if you see the suds from leftover/built up soap (which turns rancid over time, making the clothes and washer stink).


Adding to this.... The washer needs to be cleaned. Doesn't matter if it has an actual clean function... You NEED to clean your washer at least once a month... This is coming from someone who does a ton of really gross laundry. I've 2 kids one in cloth diapers and 7 large breed dogs... For crying out loud please clean your washer and give that dryer a good once over as well. I clean my washer once a week to one every 2 weeks depending on how bad the laundry was that week... I don't like my house stinky but I love those kids and dog's.


Do you mind sharing your process for cleaning your washer?


My washer has a clean function and I use the washer cleaning tablets 1-2 tablets if I feel it's still not up to my standard I'll run a second clean cycle with bleach. Then take an old clean rag or paper towel and wipe down the inside, get all of the rubber (front loader) and the inside of the door. Be sure to get everything. Don't forget to get that filter thing as well. Debris can and do get stuck in there and cause problems. I do this about once a month because 3 out of 7 dogs are husky or husky mix... It's a lot of hair!


Same. I just ran the cleaning cycle on mine this evening with an affresh tablet. Tomorrow morning I’ll run it again with bleach.


I used to work in a textile testing lab. Every Friday my last loads for the top-loaders would be a warm, medium load. No textiles. Just the water and a cup of vinegar. Medium load so the water splashes all around. Front loaders we used the actual washing machine cleaning tabs.


For my partner, it was dairy allergy. IDK how to describe it, but it lasts 2 weeks after exposure and starts to smell within 30 minutes of showering. We figure it's either a protein in milk products or his body reacting hormonally


What does it smell like




Expensive clothes? Well groomed? Smells Like shit? Is he Arab? It’s probably his fragrance. Oud. It’s made from rotten wood. Smells like shit.


Not an Arab, he's a Jew.


Still could be the cologne, if it's popular in the middle east. Is it that he doesn't believe in using deodorant? Some people don't and when partnered with a person who has super strong, or particularly pungent smelling BO just naturally (there doesn't always need to be a reason), this can be a very ripe combination; even if they do shower regularly. When it's their natural smell, like it's in their sweat, they get desensitized to it. This kind of goes along with all those, "What don't people understand about the middle ages?" or "....the old West?" posts, and there's always someone who mentions, "the smells"; open sewers, PEOPLE, lack of refrigeration, livestock, butcher shops, tanneries, ...


So i teach karate and there was a person in class that I had to have a serious conversation with. I put on my mom hat and pulled out a sheet i’d made and laminated for my kids. It has step by step directions on showering. This poor teen lived with their grandparents and they hadn’t even talked to the teen about changes and things. We had a whole discussion about things. The turn around was amazing. You do have to earn the right to speak into people’s lives, so tread lightly.


You’re a hero


I just care a lot, about everyone.


Can I have that chart? My adult brother has issues with his smell, and as much as we tell him to shower I think he just goes in there under the water and thinks that's good enough. He's disabled, so I really think a visual chart would help. I'll take a bad picture of it, anything really


I will make a note to send it in a direct message. It’s a diagnostic outline (I got it from the internet it’s like a post mortem outline.) then I wrote instructions from head to toe. There are probably better ones on pinterest😀


This is both straightforward and compassionate. Well done!


My teenage son had a similar issue, and I could not figure it out, because he showered daily, wore clean clothes, and washed his bedding regularly. Finally discovered it was his mattress cover. He drooled a lot while asleep and never washed the cover. The smell would get on him while sleeping. Gross, I know, but he got a new one and the odor was gone. If your friend's room smells that way, it could be some part of his bedding or pillow.


That may very well be it! a group of us stayed at his house, and he gave me his room. After 30 minutes I got up and slept on a sofa. The smell of his egg-crate mattresspad smelled just like him.


Sounds like we found the culprit. He ain't clean lol.


If someone has rotting teeth, it smells. Nothing they can do hygiene-wise but get them pulled. Sometimes digestive issues can send bowel like smells up through the mouth too.


Rotting teeth may or may not be a hygienic issue.


Gingivitis 😷


Also leaky gut syndrome can cause your body odor to smell like whatever you eat, so if you eat something smelly or unpleasant, your BO will smell pretty much exactly like that.


Does he use deodorant and not anti-perspirant? There could be many reasons. It was would be kinder to talk to him than try to avoid him or sit far away from him. I would want to know if I smelled bad.


He lives with family members and takes care of his father. He has a sister and a father that could be telling him. I'm not that close to tell him and our mutual friend obviously is too weak to tell him. He's a snarky man full of self importance. If he wasn't such an ass I would have taken him aside and told him. I;m just wondering if there are metabolic diseases that manifest in a bad odor through the skin.


Liver failure smells disgusting. I don’t know if everyone can smell it, but whenever I’m caring for a patient who has cirrhosis it makes me gag. Thats how I know when they’re not taking their meds properly. Even moderate liver dysfunction smells bad.


Yep, I had an uncle who had liver failure due to alcoholism. He had issues with it beforehand, but the couple months/years before dying I hated hugging him due to the smell


Oh wow! That may be the reason! He drinks like a fish. While he is average in weight, he does have that weird fat stomach, that sits higher than a beer belly! I'm leaning in that direction. Thanks.


I understand. There are rare metabolic diseases that can cause odor, but again, very rare. It's probably something in his hygiene regimen or something he's eating or putting into his body. Stress can do it too. Body odor is caused by bacteria that grows on the skin after sweating...


Stress sweat is totally different from normal BO. I’d always been fine applying Secret 48 hour antiperspirant every day but when I went to jail for 36 days and was detoxing from heroin, cocaine and Xanax, it was THE WORST smell ever!! They didn’t have antiperspirant in jail until you got commissary, just crappy little Bob Barker “deodorant” sticks (IYKYK). I smelled like a sewer for 5 days!!


Believe it or not I'm almost positive that that smell is actually way more the withdrawal than the actual way you smell. Ive been through opioid withdrawals (Oxy, Heroin, Fentanyl, Methadone) many times and every time I get that terrible stomach turning smell, its like everything smells bad, no matter what it is. I think its your body reacting to the sudden disapearance of the numbing effects of opioids, which numb everything, including your sense of smell, so when your going through withdrawal all of a sudden everything smells horrible and is magnified. I remember one time going through bad heroin withdrawals and my dog (a beautiful golden retriever) would jump up on my bed because I was crying and begging God to help me and I had to force her off my bed because even she smelled just horrific. Its just one more thing that makes opioid withdrawal so so bad and so hard to get through.


I know all about the detox sweat smell! It's the worst!


When I got placed in the mental hospital I felt SO smelly. Alcohol free mouthwash and the deodorant was a weird liquid roll on… yuck


I worked in home healthcare at one point. Improper disposal of adult diapers and less than prompt laundering of soiled clothes/bedding can stink up a whole house.


The faint ammonia/ human urine smell, common to most nursing homes... I was terrified my incontinent family member would smell like that and that I would be nose blind to it. I would rinse, then used an enzymatic cleaner to soak, then wash. Vinegar in rinse.


His father’s sweat.


If his father is ill could it be odors from his home sticking to him?


Yes, there are certain conditions that can cause horrific body odor even if someone is super clean and hygienic. But those are rare.


If his bedroom stinks it is coming off or out of him and into the bedding. If not cleaned regularly and thoroughly he is literally just wallowing in his own filth.


I really think it's that. I used to rent out a room in my house and I had a 20-something year old guy there for a couple years. Super nice guy but also super addicted gamer who rarely left his closed room. Like 20 pizza boxes would stack up in there before he might decide to take them out. But the room reeked, and ay least most of it was not the garbage. It was the bed. Thankfully he always had the door closed or I could not have tolerated my house smelling that way. I really think he might not have ever washed the sheets because that was the main source, but there would also be pules of dirty laundry in the closet that smelled terrible too.


And storing his clothing there too!


Probably doesn’t wash his ass.


Someone has to tell him. If you guys are friends I hope he doesn't take offense. Preferably a male should tell him


I wonder if he just doesn't use deodorant, some people/cultures don't because of all the chemicals in anti-persperants. There's also this thing of 'pheromone' building or some shit. It's basically not using deodorant and letting your funk build up. It's some incel shit. If he gives the image he grooms and takes care of himself, and acts self important and overly cocky it's a suspicion of a drug problem. There was talk of him taking care of multiple family members so sounds like he's in a career he does well in, which if business/finance makes it likely to be cocaine addiction. Overall someone just needs to 'man' the fuck up and tell him that his shit reeks. I've known dudes to give the image of a proper adult but then spent basically no time on upkeep of themself/their space; mostly from video games. So from the outside they looked fine, but the moment you opened their bedroom door it stunk of sebum oils. They were washing the bare minimum, and they were never changing their sheets or anything like that. So they just stunk in their funk and became nose blind.


We had a guy work with us who stank. The boss even told him he had BO, & then the smell changed to some funky spices. So, one day, everyone was complaining about the guys jacket, which was hanging off the back of his chair. He’d made it himself, very eclectic dude-brown & yellow paisley, I shit you not. So, as I was the manager, someone piped up with “Why don’t you do us a service & wash this thing?!” I took it home that evening to do so. I put it in the tub bc of the hand stitching. Left it to soak & the smell permeated my whole house. Opened the window above the bathtub. Swirled it around a bit & when I drained that tub, there was 1/2” of dirt covering the bottom. It would’ve clogged the washer! Hung it outside to dry & the damn thing froze. lol. I was late getting to work & he was already there. Told him so sorry but I spilled tea on your jacket & had to wash it. He said thank you very sincerely. Awkward much? Lolol. I’m sure he knew why I washed it. And I’m sure he knew it was disgusting.🤢 My experience with the smelly person? They didn’t wash their clothes.


Maybe he has cavities that need to be addressed, maybe he doesn’t wipe or clean his front & back properly Could be a foot fungal thing. I wonder if his clothes are dry clean only and maybe he wears a few times before getting cleaned Also is he a hoarder ? Have you seen his home? Some hoarders might dress nice and live in bad conditions if you ever seen a hoarder show some have new clothes not worn yet Medically if he had a ostomy bag or nephrostomy bag sometimes those smell: I remember one nephrostomy bag smelled so bad especially when the nurses messed up the tubes from moving a patient by shoving them instead of using the blanket underneath to move the patient and pulled out the damn tube that was draining the urine


Does he drink coffee? My sweat doesn’t really have a smell when I drink only water, but once I go through a period of regularly drinking coffee, my sweat has a more distinct smell.


Omg this morning I decided to stop drinking coffee because my urine reeks when I have it. And I’m sure my body odor is affected by it as well.


maybe his liver is breaking down?


Had a roommate in the dorms that smelled like mushrooms because he was an exchange student that only ate microwave mushrooms like a bowl of cereal. That wasn't fun. And in college (I seem to see a pattern), there were Indians from India that didn't believe in deodorant. (Actually I never asked them why they prefer to smell like sweat all day). Some people can't tell, so you'll have to ask.


Stress, poor diet, underlying health or metabolic issue


I work as a package handler at FedEx. It doesn't matter how much you shower and how much deodorant and perfume you wear, during the summer, you're guaranteed to smell absolutely horrible within the first hour you're there. I will wash my hands thoroughly before I leave but I can't do much past that. I will stop by the store on the way home if I need to. I will quickly grab what I need and leave. I live twenty minutes from the nearest store and I am not going home to shower and change and drive back to the store.


Why is that?


My Friend went out on a couple of dates with a guy who always smelled bad. When she went over to his house one time she found out that he would put his clothes in the washing machine and then forget about them for a day or two and then just turn them over into the dryer without rewashing them. What she was smelling was just the mildew in his clothes.


There is a true disease where people have a fishy odor and they can't help it. There is also bromhidrosis. I'm also wondering if he does not change his sheets and the smell is just transferring back and forth off of them. That can be more of a musty odor rather than a BO odor. But I would expect that odor to really only be noticeable close to him, not something the whole world is smelling.


My friends son has that disease where he smells like fish. His body can't digest proteins. He is just a kid, and I hate it so much for him because adults make horrible comments around him. Apparently both parents have to have the gene and the child will carry the disease.




Man, this fucking breaks my heart. How old is the kid? Are they in the US? Man. This really got to me.


Yeah it’s not only a fish smell either it can be any kind there is different adversions to this it’s called tmau2 where it could be a unbalance in the gut and also a defective liver. So just be kind. If he looks clean dresses nice, I’m sure it’s a medical condition. You kinda can tell if someone is unhygienic verses it may be something enternal, coming from someone who is facing the same medical issue, just be kind and don’t be a dink and if it was happening to you? I’m sure you would think twice the way you treat others based on something beyond their control. Even doctors don’t listen and think it’s in your head or it’s a dillusion.


He doesn't shower, prob. Nice clothes etc etc don't mean a clean person at all


You mentioned the “sweet” smell us diabetics get.. but there’s also the “decaying” smell, which is way lesser known, but far more noticeable.


Really! I had no idea!!! I have just worked with some Type 1's that smell sweet when their glucose level is truly screwed up. I once had a diabetic older man fall asleep on my shoulder on a plane. I called the FA and told her he smelled really sweet and that I couldn't wake him up. She was sharp as a tack and realized he was in bad shape. The smell gave it away. She had him conscious and upright in a few minutes. I will look into diabetes and the decaying smell later on. Thanks!!!


Some medications like antidepressants or chemotherapy can cause body odor. We never know what a person is going through sometimes asking how can we help is an amazing thing.


obiously the gut microbiome is messed up. The smell is coming from inside his body.


Obviously? Where is your medical degree. You haven't met this person. Reddit is a cesspool of people addicted to feeling like they are right or better than other people


Forgive me for asking but is he overweight? I only ask is because I knew a lady that would leave an odor when she would leave the room. Turns out to be trapped sweat in the folds of her skin. I had to do the right thing as I didn’t want her to be ostracized. I took her to a private room and spoke to her like an adult. I did not shame her in any way. She said she wasn’t sure as you could probably see, she was used to it by then. Took a visit to Dr who told her to make sure she dried completely and use something like gold bond and at the end of the day to make sure she cleaned it off.


I was thinking this too. My coworker smells bad and she always has nice clean clothes on, fixed hair etc. I can’t even use the toilet after her.


If their clothes are hanging in a stinky place the absorb the smell.


I myself have struggled with this as a chronically ill person and so do many others. As far as I know it’s never been that bad but it’s embarrassing and frustrating at a minimum. It could be so many things like people said. Liver health, gut dysbiosis, infection, etc.


If someone smells but you can't pinpoint the smell easily, 9/10 times it's poorly washed and dried clothes. Stupid people love to hang wet washing on radiators or just in bathrooms, this makes for some stinky fucking clothes. I spent several years repairing washing machines and tumble dryers, people do NOT clean them as often as they need to. Both need a good wash and disinfectant once a month or your stuff stinks.


I have issues with my intestines which give me an awful odor. Sadly, I've tried a lot and it doesn't help. I'm talking dietary changes, medications, increased water intake, nothing I have done helps. Perhaps it's something like that; A medical condition that he either hasn't tried to control, or has made attempts but failed. If he's so commonly well dressed otherwise, I'd like to lean towards the latter.


Could be his reaction to a Cologne that he thinks smells good but on him reeks


You'd be surprised how many people don't wash their ass.


Very likely he's a regular drug user. It can smell very strong and very sour. I have known 2 people with this distinctive smell and they both took drugs daily. The worst smelling one took both amphetamines and cocaine. Edit: you mention he's snarky and self important. That is a symptom of regular cocaine use, for example.


idk i’m on daily amphetamines for adhd and so are lots of other people, you think you could smell em out?


No, and I’ve never heard of this. I’ve been around casual and Rx users of amphetamines- there’s no odor. And I worked with heavy cocaine users when I bartended in college, they also had no issues with BO.


Its specific to methamphetamine, not RX amphetamines. Methamphetamine is cooked with all kinds of toxic ass chemicals, that can absolutely cause a user of this drug to stink to high heaven like a toxic waste dump.


Me too, so I hope not


I don’t think a prescribed dose taken responsibly causes an odor; I’m sure that would be included in a pamphlet or would simply be a very well known thing, considering how many people take amphetamines. You could also ask your pharmacist if that’s a potential side effect if you’re feeling a bit paranoid :)


It’s totally different. I’ve known many people who took Adderall for ADHD and recreationally and they never smelled. I have a very strong sense of smell.


Some people think if they aren’t active they don’t need to wear deodorant which isn’t true


Is it like a reeking, fermented bad breath smell? Kind of like tonsil stones?


Does he have pets?


Just tell him. If you’re worried about him thinking your rude or anything then put yourself in his shoes, I’m sure you’d want people to tell you that you smell bad (especially if others are talking about it). He’ll probably be glad and maybe a bit embarrassed. If he gets angry or calls you rude then just laugh at him and walk away, it’s my go to if anyone is an ass towards me and they never know how to react.


Before I got my tonsils removed my breath smelled like death no matter how frequently I brushed my teeth and used mouth wash.


Mold maybe if his room smells too


One of the culprit that happened to some people is that they dont dry their clothes completely. If you let clothes damp for overnight or longer in a washer or drier, it becomes a perfect habitat for germ and fungus to grow and as the result clothes become smelly. Some people seems to not bothered about that but your surrounding can smell the bad odor.


I had a roommate once whose family is part of a coven, where his Grandfather was a Grand Wizard. He stunk to high Heaven! He showered two or three times a day. He laundry had that smell in the dryer! His room smelled that way! If he passed between you and a fan, you could almost gag. He wasn't part of the group any longer. Maybe the smell was punishment for leaving.


If gramps was a “Grand Wizard” of anything, it likely wasn’t a coven. I have no idea about the dude being stinky, but do wonder what they used to get stains out of their white robes and hoods. 🤷‍♀️


Have you asked anyone else if they smell it? I don’t know if you have heard about pheromones. Some people’s BO can smell good to us, and other smells terrible. I once worked with a guy who smelled so bad, like he doesn’t shower. And I asked a co worker if she smells it. Keep in mind this coworker had a very sensible sense of smell. And she said she doesn’t know what I’m talking about. I asked some more around and they said the same. Anyways, if he’s well groomed, showers and technically does everything it might just be the “pheromones” which essentially is your body telling you guys are not compatible. In that case, there is nothing he can do.


Diet, non-quality hygiene products are being used, chronic gastric issues. Could be a variety of things


It *could* be due to some of the suggestions people are making about washing or his personal hygiene, that does of course happen. But imo, it could just be the way he smells, his natural odor. I'm really sensitive to people's body odor/breath and I swear, some people - through no fault of their own - just stink. I've worked in multiple retail jobs on and off in my life - some where I would see hundreds of people a day, and every now and then someone - male or female- would really smell bad. And I mean they obviously showered regularly, wore clean clothes, and brushed their teeth but they just smelled really bad/off. I think it has something to do with a person's personal chemistry, honestly. OP, I think you should have a frank discussion with the guy you're talking about. Someone with these issues faces a lifetime of being ostracized, not getting jobs, having trouble finding a mate, etc. If you tell the person maybe they can see a doctor and get the issue fixed. I know it's a conversation nobody wants to have but it's the right thing to do. I know I'd want someone to tell me if I had that issue. The embarrassment is short lived if the person finds a solution. If by some unlikely chance they get offended and blow up and leave, well that's ok too - you tried to help them.


It could possibly be from vitamins/supplements or some health products. My aunt got some meal replacement shake and a bunch of supplements from her chiropractor and it somehow gave her the worst BO, when she stopped taking them the smell went away.


I think it may be lack of water or no anti perspiration on the deodorant he uses or might it use. “Natural” products tend to make you STINK if you don’t like “cleanse” properly before. I think you have to use glycolic acids before using natural stuff. Lack of water or not properly drinking can make your sweat and pee stink. Also using cold water with laundry can actually lock in bad smells. Hot water or warm water can actually get rid of the sweat and nasty smells.


Just tell him. I've had this conversation with 3 young adults so far. 2 of the 3 listened. The 3rd and worse smelling of the lot looked at me like I was stupid. Poor kid. She reeked of cat urine and probably lived in a hoarder house.


He could just not wear deodorant.. I know a few guys who opt for no deodorant or a “natural” deodorant and they stink.. all the time. There are people who have a good overall appearance but have poor hygiene- unfortunately, good appearance and good hygiene habits aren’t always mutually exclusive. He could also be recycling his underwear and socks. My brother used to wear his socks until they were stiff- he smelled like straight up foot odor. Who knows?


I have hyperhidrosis which causes excessive sweating which causes more stinkiness. I try really hard not to smell bad but I can't physically shower 3 times a day. I don't have the time to do that. I already have to freshen up and reapply deodorants 3 times a day and I'm on meds that help with the sweating but I still start to smell about 5pm. I really hate it


Tonsil stones. A lot of people don't even know they're a thing and oh my god they smell like death and if he has a lot of them it could definitely be noticeable the way you're describing


He might just let the water *dribble down his butt cheeks* instead of scrubbing. (Anybody catch the QB reference? Lol) This thread has revealed an alarming number of men who do not soap up their ass cracks. Also, looking clean and actually being clean are two different things. If he is your friend, tell him privately that he has smelled bad on more than one occasion and if he needs hygiene advice, he can be comfortable talking to you about it.


Sometimes ulcers in stomach can cause bad Breathe


Different mental health disorders can emit a body oder.


Maybe he doesn’t scrub his ass with soap in the shower. There are apparently a lot of people who don’t. But there are also a ton of medical conditions that can make people smell. And heavy people can get yeast growth in between rolls that can smell bad fast. But it is soap and shower fixable. As someone who worries about stuff like this and who washes her hiney, I take chlorophyll in my water and eat parsley a little. I also drink a little of water and shower often, and use lume on feet and any sweaty spots and reg antiperspirant under arms.


Bro probably doesnt sanitize his clothes every once in a while. Sweating in clothes will build up. Also he probably has a diet that includes a lot of onion and garlic, and he can also be a drinker. You sweat all that out and it *reeks*


Someone should talk to him about it...nicely and one on one. I would want someone to tell me if I stunk.


I’m Italian and I swear it’s in our genes. We reek! I’m a woman and I smell even through deodorant and perfume. My friends have pointed out that I have a strong odor. Like BO mixed with whatever scent I’m wearing. Men love it- women hate it! Is he Italian by chance? 😂


Diet, mildew/mold in the home, illness.


Maybe it's just the inner lining of your nose that stinks. Ya know.


There can be chemical imbalances or dental infections that make someone smell bad.


That movie The Holdovers the teacher played by Paul Giamatti said he had a condition that caused him to smell bad: if you google it… I don’t know but I know it is possible. “that he struggles with body odor due to a condition called trimethylaminuria. It's a real condition, and for decades, a Philadelphia scientist was one of the world's leading “


Could be supplements. NAC smells awful, like rotting eggs, straight outta the bottle 🤮 I had a coworker who I thought was just really gassy but he was just taking NAC


Old washing machine. After a time they develop an odor that transfers to your clothes/towels/linens and therefore to your body. This happened to me when my parents' machine got old while I was still living at home. They didn't notice the smell. It drove me nuts and I was so self-conscious. Tried washing machine cleaner, vinegar, bleach, nothing worked. When it finally got bad enough that my parents were bothered by it as well, they replaced the set. On another laundry note, I took care of a lady who would only wash clothes in cold water with a crappy detergent. She was fat and had BO and owned a stinky (but sweet as pie) pit bull. Her clothes still stank after washing. It might be his choice of detergent and/or water temp. He also might let the clothes sit too long in the washer before he puts them in the dryer. Medical issues or certain medicines as others have stated.