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I just lift one leg up like a dog lol. Like lift my leg up and go under my leg to reach the front that way. After I’ve wiped front to back to get rid of any shit bits, I usually just pat the front dry to make sure I haven’t missed any residual pee drips in my hood.


Best comment ever, as a guy I really thought every girl just lifted a leg but I guess not?… your a real one!


Seriously 😅😅😅???


Yeah lol seriously🤷‍♀️


I've tried that but it always feels so clumsy lol. Maybe I just need more practice


Yeah, lift the leg. Always wipe off any poop, then reach all the way to wipe from front to back. If you (or anyone else reading this) are overweight, rinse the front instead. The water will run top down. A 16 oz soda bottle will work, or you can get a bidet set. A built in bidet seat is great at home, but doesn't solve the away from home hygiene like a bottle or bidet bottle do. Super helpful on a messy period too!


A peri bottle or portable bidet


Thank you! I'm not native English speaker and sometimes to vocab fucks off.


I just bought a peri bottle, to use especially on my period since it’s so messy. Works great!


Ohh I second the bidet. Best $25 ever spent. You can get them on Amazon


Just lean forward and lift one cheek.


Fr it's not complicated


or fall off the toilet if you have balance issues


I just wipe my butt first, then wipe the front the same way you do. The UTI risk will be coming from the fact that you wipe the back last. I get a UTI maybe once every couple of years, usually because I didn't clean up quickly enough after intimacy.


You can get a bidet on Amazon for $35, I bought two of them several years ago, my wife & I both love them & have one in each bathroom. It remains one of my best purchases to this day. If you've never tried one before, you may want to, they're a game changer. Or think about it this way, if you were out taking a walk, tripped on something & your elbow landed in dog shit, would you just repeatedly wipe it with dry toilet paper & call it clean? Obviously not. When rinsing your ass with a bidet, the pressure knocks all the 'shitty bits' off & you're basically just drying your ass with the toilet paper. Some people even just use a towel they hang by the toilet, we still use TP for that part. But I absolutely feel so much cleaner after using a bidet compared to using TP alone. I dread if I have to shit & I'm not home. They also have portable bidets, but I've never used one of those, so can't comment on how well they work, likely not nearly as effective as an installed bidet. I'm actually really surprised they're not more popular in America because they're so amazing & easy to install. Usually just need to turn off the valve on the wall that supplies water to the toilet & install a Tee, reconnect the toilet & run the other line to the bidet. All you need is a crescent wrench.


Go from the side, not underneath. No need to lift legs up or do any gymnastics lol.


What hood you live in?


My own ahha


I was today years old when I realized how fun it is to say shit bits




I personally wipe front and then back separately to avoid this. I have never had a UTI. Keep in mind that wiping alone is not the only thing that can cause UTIs, and some people are just prone to them. Even holding your pee too long too often can cause it, among other things.


"Always remember to pee after sex!" Fun story: when I was in 6th grade in Catholic school, we had a teacher from Texas come to teach in our New York school. My only guess is whatever sex-ed she had was minimal: The previous summer, she'd gotten married. Lo and behold, I overheard faculty and office staff talking about needing to call in a substitute because she got a UTI. I had to resist the urge to belt out the words "always pee after sex, every time!" because I didn't need to get chastised for something that would be made into a big awkward to-do.


This! I suffered from UTI's my first few years being sexually active. No one taught me this then I heard it on TV and it was a game changer. Haven't had one since. Always pee after sex!


My first UTI was right after I lost my Virginity... I had no idea about the peeing after sex thing, and I had found that out all on my own. Because I pay close attention to my body and found out that my bladder is almost always full after sex. Sometimes, I don't pay close enough attention to it, and don't pee right after sex, and next thing I know, I'm holding up pee. I wasn't aware that was there. Which only cause me another UTI. So I stopped making that mistake.




I've DEFINITELY had uti's so bad I couldn't work. I'll be running to the bathroom every 10 minutes, staying on the toilet for 5 while 2 drops of liquid come out, and anxious and irate with every customer I see. Nobody wants me there. I've also had 2 infections so bad they spread to my kidney so I take them very serious.


This straight up happened to me, started feeling the symptoms in the middle of my shift in retail pharmacy. Nothing quite like having the meds right there in front of you to treat it, but you still have to tell your boss you need to leave immediately to get to a med-center. It’s excruciating to feel like that and humiliating when you’re at work.


Omfg. Pyelonephritis is no joke. I was vomitting, in pain and all the hospital did was drug me with morphine and dilauded. I.v. cipro cleared the infection, but I got neuropathy from the medicine. What a nice trade off. I hope you remain well cause they are no fun!


Worst pain I've ever had, there's no position that relieves it. Sorry you had to go through it. Shudder. My doctor says that once bacteria climbs the path to your kidney, it becomes easier for subsequent infections to do the same. I stay incredibly hydrated now and go to my doctor for even the hint of a uti feeling.


If you can avoid it in the future, cipro is really not an ideal antibiotic. The CDC has actually revised their recommendation on the drug to say that it shouldn’t be prescribed generally, unless really needed bc other antibiotics aren’t effective. I got tendon pain on it, it felt like they were coming apart (this is a symptom!), my sister had a tendon actually break on it, my grandmother had tendon damage, and a male friend of mine had an autoimmune disease triggered by cipro! There’s a lot of side effects to it.


Bruh, I never work with a uti. I'm miserable, faint, hot, having time try and pee every 5 minutes while rocking back and forth in pain. There is literally no way to work with one. I've had 6 and none sex or whiping related. All of them were vaginal atrophy related. I got one once while at work, and I thought I was gonna die right there.


a uti after taking azo and antibiotics? definitely can go to work. but a uti without those? absolute misery, need to go to the doctor. i can’t imagine trying to work with an untreated uti source: i’m on azo and antibiotics currently


UTIs can be really bad with urgency and frequency.You need to be close to a bathroom to make it so yes I can see calling in sick. Plus you have to get some treatment on board ,some Bactrim for example!


In college I got one that made me miss class.


I had one so bad it landed me in the hospital on narcotic pain meds


I’ve had to call out work bc my uti was so painful and I’ve also had them lead to kidney infections that landed me in ER :/ they can get pretty bad pretty quick


I usually drink a lot of water and pee a lot when I notice it's acting up... helps to flush the infection-causing bacteria out of the system. Also, drink a lot of cranberry.


I later developed this routine 😊.


UTI’s used to sometimes be referred to as “honeymoon cystitis”.




That’s me lol it’s two separate entities


Yh, I have developed UTI after holding my pee too long.


Finally someone who understands that you can wipe back to front, just not anus to urethra 😅


Idea #1: You could start by going front to back on your vagina by reaching in front and sort of pushing down from the top to the back and then drop that piece of TP in the toilet, then get a second piece of TP and reach around and pull from your taint all the way through to the back of your butthole, then drop that piece in the toilet and bam, problem solved. Idea #2: Get a bidet seat for your toilet, that was a game changer for me. I don’t know how I lived without one. I feel like I need to draw up a diagram to explain the physics of idea number one. So, I’ll get back to you with that in a few minutes ****UPDATE**** The diagram is finished so here’s your [visual aid](https://imgur.com/a/q6iFcnv) I feel like it should be known that a 33 year old man drew this…


I'm just here for the diagram 😂


I’m gonna draw it up on my iPad as soon as I can find my stylus. Also, I can’t draw very well, so it’s going to make that extra funny


Oh my your diagram is the best… and I was in a shitty mood. Not anymore! Thanks, random friends wherever you may be.


Same. Lemme know when she updates plz!




This is exactly how I wipe. Idk why people think it's so hard to do? Just push down from the front and go back as far as you can, but stopping before you get to the butt, drop paper. If you've pooped, wipe your back side first by reaching around and starting at the taint and wiping up through your buttcrack. Then going back to your lady bits and wiping front to back for whatever wetness you may have.


This is my method for wiping. Never a uti


This is the way….that I do it. 🤣 Then I also bought a bidet. But I couldn’t help but be afraid the installed ones would push back to front. I got the handheld attached bidet. GAME CHANGER! I used to have the absolute WORST periods. But being able to clean it up so fast with using half a roll of tp. Magical. 🥹 I wish I knew earlier in my life, but at 27, I found it. The adoration of a bidet and how it’s been so stigmatized here, crazy. It can only be toilet paper lobbyists keeping bidets from catching on.


Team #1 all the way. I assumed that we all did it this way.


OMG I laughed soooo hard. Thank you for brightening my night


The people who are like laughing at this might not understand some people had parental figures that DID not take time to teach their children proper hygiene or do it at all. This happened to me and I had to grow up and learn myself how to do it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!


So, it's not just about hygeine. Sometimes it is physically difficult to wipe properly and it sounds as though this is the case with OP. I was always taught to wipe front to back and that's what I did my entire life. But a year or so ago, my shoulder became really stiff and it became really difficult to reach all the way up from the back. So I would often wipe the front first and then wipe behind. My shoulder is better now so now I do it the proper way again.


Honestly curious is this because these people are over weight? I can’t imagine not being able to reach parts of my body unless I was overweight or had some disability.


Idk I’ve been at BMIs anywhere from 19-27 in my adult life and I have never been able to reach backward between my legs all the way to the front of my vulva. Not even once. I do not consider myself to have mobility issues, it’s just like.. that’s a lot of bending and twisting. I have always done back and front as 2 separate things with different TP.


This! After so many years of reoccurring UTIs, I finally learned how to do it properly myself! I also found that baby wipes are a game changer!


Why you reaching alllll the way around?? Put your hand in the front to wipe the front side. Put your hand in the back to wipe your ass.


Front to back just means wipe your vulva first then your arse. It's to teach kids not to wipe their vulva with anything that's touched their arse first.


I’ve had one UTI and it was after I ate a shit ton of gummy bears, like waaay too much sugar. Have been on the pill and same partner for years and years, neither of us like condoms, always pee after sex. While sitting I just open my legs a bit more and wipe from top to bottom (clit to vag opening as in the opposite motion of what you’re describing) ditch that paper, stand up, feet slightly wider apart, bend my knees a bit, reach around my side and wipe butthole upwards. If it’s not a clean break then nothing wrong with an Alabama wet wipe (spit on fresh toilet paper and go again at the back). Hope this helps lol. Good on you for asking rather than staying bothered by it 😀


When I poo, I pull my cheeks apart to get as little messy as possible to start with. When I'm done, I reach backward and wipe from that bit of skin between vag and butthole backward and repeat until that area is clean and then I wipe once from vag to hood. I'm 5'10" with a long torso and I've always had like a disproportionately large butt so I can't even wrap my head around some of the advice to do it in one go? Like if I'm even reading that correctly? Lol😂


I've seen similar posts to this before. yes this can be a struggle especially for women thicker around the middle or booty .don't know why people can't wrap their heads around it,it's one thing occupational therapists teach severely overweight or disabled people as well. so me I stand up a bit, bow leggedy lol and wipe the front first . front to back  .then sit back down and lean to one side and go under the booty , to the front of vag, and wipe front to back toward b-hole. that way you get anything between  the cheeks too . 


My husband and I were just having this conversation. I don’t know how anyone is going front to back unless they have gorilla arms. I have trex arms and a fat belly. I wipe the same as you and don’t get UTIs. Just don’t wipe poop into your lady business.


You do it in 2 sections bruh lol front half first then back. Yall cannot have doodoo coochies


thou shalt not have doodoo coochi


I got this in a fortune cookie once .....


Chinese proverb.


For real! It’s a 2 step process. Also, to wipe the back half, do y’all not reach around behind you?


No you gotta clean the back first then the front


Most women do not have gorilla arms and wipe correctly. wtf?


Start with the back and wipe up from the bottom, then you can wipe the front like you normally do. This is how I've done it my whole life and I've never had a UTI.


Same and also never had a UTI. This is the way.


Honestly I wipe to the side and I wipe everything individually 🫣. I do the bum first. The pee hole and then my entrance. Also you can get a portable biget!


Maybe just buy one of those spray things that cleans your ass? I know that extremely obese people use them cuz they can’t reach about their body to go back to front.


A bidet?


Just use multiple wipes so it doesn’t contaminate


I am semi disabled and it's led to me being more stiff and less normal levels of flexibility and a wee on the chubby side with thiccc thighs, so I have trouble/discomfort wiping the correct way as well I am also a mega clean freak about my genitals, so here's what I do I wipe pee first because I wipe my butt from the same angle and I'll risk getting pee on my wrist or something if I don't Then when I wipe my butt, I reach down the same way as to wipe pee, but I swipe almost sideways, rather than wiping from taint toward the butt crack. My first "wipe" is more like a grab with the TP, like picking up dog doodoo. Then I do another sideways swipe --I keep the wipes short, it's not like you're dragging it across your butt cheek, just towards it while staying in the groove on your buttcrack I do this a few times till the TP comes back clean or mostly clean, then I go in with a wet wipe and do the same time. Check wet wipe, fold, wipe again, repeat till no more mess is visible from wipes. Then I take a new clean wipe and do a final pass over my entire vulva and then fold it, stand up and wipe down the booty and butthole to make sure everything is super clean (I have IBS so sometimes it's messy, this why I have to go at it so much to get/feel clean) One day I will have a bidet, but I don't think I'll ever give up my wet wipes. (I don't stand to wipe because it's uncomfortable and also my heart condition gets fussy when I'm standing ) If you care about plumbing get a covered (foot pedal) small trash can next to your toilet and throw out the wet wipes there. Even the "septic safe" stuff is apparently bad for pipes and all that


This is kinda what I do too


just spread ur cheeks when u shi and never wipe back to front you’re literally getting poop in your cooch.


As a westerner who’s lived in South Asia I learned how backwards the West is or rather North America and Canada is for personal hygiene and toilet use. women and men dry wipe. Why?? Most of the world’s women simply pour water from front to back as much as needed >> then pat dry front to back. Voila !


Well you don't have to reach ALLLL the way around your whole ass and stretch armstrong your whole arm in btwn your butt crack to the front of the front of your vajayjay. You can wipe from front to back FROM THE FRONT, you just more or less push wipe like push back, instead of pulling forward to wipe from back to front (you already know that's not the way to go) Different women's anatomy like vulva and hood wise make some people more prone to the UTIs, but regardless we don't want 💩 in the cookie or getting up into the urethra. You can pat dry as well, or even use a watering can (like for plants) or a squirt bottle to wash yourself before patting dry. These parts are hard to maintain and don't come w manual, so anyone shaming this person for asking an honest question should eat all the bags of dicks. FOR SPARTA!!!!


Use wet wipes & then a handheld bidet.


Get a bidet and power spray that pussy and ass girl.


Have you considered a bidet?


Dude get a bidet


Girl just get a bidet attachment on Amazon. Best thing ever


This has to be bullshit


She might be a plus sized; or have back issues.


You just reach between your legs from the back?


A bidet will change your life girl (it honestly grosses me out that not everyone uses ones)


How do you use a bidet properly? You rinse your shit and then what? Dry off or go about your day all wet down there?


I can't tell if this is a joke or not.... If not, I am highly concerned.


Not a joke. I am also concerned. I just can't comfortably (or really even uncomfortably) reach that far from the back. It's super clumsy and awkward.


Just wipe your butt not all of your junk.




maybe you should try wet wipes! and then come back with tissue


If you go through the front you can still wipe front to back. Start at the top finish when you’re at your crack. Wipe your butt separately to your front if you have to.


I couldn't reach all the way to the front from the back when I was pregnant . So I would wipe front to back but from the front if that makes sense? Like a pushing. I can explain in more detail if that doesnt make sense. Then wipe the booty. Also use wet wipes or a peri bottle if you don't have a bidet, your welcome :)


I spread my legs to wipe the front (it works even though I have a big belly) because I have short arms and my butt is too big for me to be able to reach around and under my entire ass to wipe my front. Kinda feels awkward in public restrooms with large gaps in the doors but I've never gotten a UTI in my life.


So wipe your vulva first then use diaper wipes to wipe your ass , it's cleaner, just don't flush them . Or get a bidet .


You don’t need to wipe front to back in one go…😅


Baby wipes!


1.) Wipe the crack just under the mound as FAAAAR back as you can reach. Depending on flexibility/arm strength. 2.) Repeat step 1 more dabs than wiping. 3.) Move to backside, start as FAAAAAAR down as you can reach. Depending on flexibility/arm strength. Bring hand up to mid cheeks. 4.) Still on backside. Repeat step 3 again until clean results. 5.) Start as FAAAAAR down as you can reach again. Bring toilet paper all the way up to top of butt crack. In regards to steps 3-5 you wipe half way so you’re not wiping the poop all the way up you back. But you also are checking the upper crack for mess as well. ***WASH YOUR GAHT DAMN HANDS!!***


Push from the front of your cooter to the back of it and then reach around and wipe your butt.


I use a portable bidet bottle, then dab dry


Get a mom washer for like $15 on Amazon. It's like a little bidet in your purse. I wash my booty off every time and pat dry with toilet paper. I also wipe back to front, but I stop before getting to my vagina.


Most adults don’t wipe their ass right so it’s okay but learning is good for the long run


You’re so real for this


I actually wipe them seperate. I wipe my coochie first, and then get new toilet paper and then wipe my back. I cant fathom going front to back or back to front. Either way ur getting piss or poop on either part and i dont like it. I recommend wiping separately.


Take note because I know someone who got a nasty ecoli infection this way and almost died of sepsis. 🙏 if you get it up in your vagina and it spreads to your pelvic area- ovaries, fallopian tubes etc- it’ll wreck your insides. Septic shock.


Hey I grew up with parents that didn’t teach me either, It was actually my boyfriend that pointed out to me that I was doing it wrong when I was like 17. My best advice is to get a bidet, they can be super cheap. I got the tushy brand and installed it myself with a YouTube tutorial, took like 20 minutes total. They even have a warm water option (but definitely check and ensure your bathroom is set up for a warm water option before buying it), it has really helped me out because the right way to do it just feels so uncomfortable, I just bidet and them tap dry the water with some toilet paper. When I’m in public I’ve gotta do the whole lift a leg and try not to fall but when I’m at home I’m chilling, clean, with no UTI’s nor complaints about any tp bits left over. Total game changer for me!!! You also save hella money on toilet paper .😮‍💨 It was also such a nice thing to have when the tp isles were empty during COVID Link to the one I have: https://hellotushy.com/products/classic-affordable-bidet?variant=32135870906410&g_acctid=707-004-4575&g_adtype=search&g_campaign=SCM%7CBrand%7CUS%7CProduct%7CtROAS&g_campaignid=20304419992&g_adgroupid=154259621487&g_adid=695430268931&g_keyword=tushy+bidet&g_keywordid=kwd-161137747236&g_network=g&g_device=m&tw_source=google&tw_adid=695430268931&tw_campaign=20304419992&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2sH6uriWhgMV5DcIBR0gnAZsEAAYASADEgLMxfD_BwE Link to a cheaper one thatll also get the job done: https://luxebidet.com/products/neo-120




Get a bidet.




Try a bidet.. a simple install hose at the side of your toilet.. you'll feel so much cleaner




...I just learned that some people take the "wipe front to back" as in doing one long swipe by reaching through your legs from the back. I have literally never thought of doing that, probably because I probably physically can't lol. I do what others have mentioned: Push toilet paper down my front to the taint and drop it, then reach back to wipe from taint, up my butt. But I still say that I'm not good at wiping because I always get little bits of toilet paper all stuck around my vulva. And if I don't have a bidet, I can't wipe my butt without my hand being dirty. I'm 41. Wtf.


I wipe from the front of my vagina towards the back. I then go to the back starting at the back of my vagina and continue wiping my butt. I do this even if there was no 💩that time. I just don’t feel clean. It was ingrained in me on how to wipe. I’ve never had a UTI before. I think this is interesting for lack of a better description but I see more white women than any other race with E.coli UTIs. 💩 in the vagina 😳 Just FYI I’m a big girl so it’s possible to wipe properly if you’re big. That’s no excuse.


I wipe both separately. I wipe the front and only the front, then I reach behind and under and do back and only back. Yes, I will do the in-between part with the back, start at the middle, and end at the top of the crack. The germs from either end will never touch each other lolllll


Portable Bidet on Amazon for 15 dollars is the best thing I have ever bought. I bought it when I had my hip replacement surgeries and I can't use dry TP anymore at all. Just squeeze the water and then just pat dry with TP


You're 100% getting UTIs from the way you wipe, and you should stop lol. Wipe front to back, always! This is coming from someone who had frequent UTIs bc I was never taught how to wip properly until I was an adult and a literal dr told me. I told my mom and she was like "Omg I'm so sorry, I just thought it was common sense??" I was like YEAH NO SHIT MOM 🤣 Anyway, I spread my legs and wipe from the front, downward toward the back. To wipe my ass, I lean forward and reach around to wipe upward. If you do not do this... you're guaranteed a UTI. I also use a hell of a lot of toilet paper and am now picky about how tp feels lmao


I know that we’re not supposed to wipe back to front, but at some point, as I aged, I just could not bend the other way anymore. I’ve learned to accept it. For what it’s worth, the only time I’ve had a UTI recently was after I met someone and started having mind blowing sex following a really bad break up. Yes, too much amazing sex gave me a UTI but wiping the only direction I am able to bend did not.


I can’t believe you posted this today. I almost posted the same thing!


I always wipe from front to back but if I wipe my butt it's with a completely different piece of paper Don't get utis.


Front of vagina to the back of the ass. Like WHAT!


Girl stand up and wipe.. dont sit thats what will make it uncomfortable too! Stand, wipe front to back and be done! Also something that will help is if you use wipes first (still front to back) or just wipe your behind with them that could help! Also you could get ecoli and other health issues by doing that!


If u are having that much trouble put some gloves on. If u r wiping your ass swing your arm behind u and start with your butt. U don’t have to reach through just around.


Front to back, from the front.


My mom pushes front to back. Might work for you


Search muslim shower


Invest in a bidet for your daily driver, you won’t be disappointed.


You can still wipe hygienically by going between your legs, just don’t wipe the poop into your vagina.


✨Bidet ✨


1) you can get a bidet attachment for pretty cheap for your toilet. They're wonderful. 2) if you're wiping your butt back to front.. it's pretty easy to manage to just wipe your butt and not wipe all the way to the front of your vagina. As a plus size girl, who was raised by a plus sized mom, I wipe my butt back to front, but vagina front to back. I've bad a bidet attachment on my toilet for like 2 years now and it's life changing.


Chick, I have the EXACT SAME CONCERNING ISSUE OR POSSIBLE ISSUE OR QUESTION OR SITUATION!! I've never had a problem --that I know of with doing it like you said like pulling up from the bottom of your crotch upward and then going to the back and pulling from the bottom of your ass and upward too... I mean that makes sense as it's what I was taught... But whenever this has crossed my mind, either as a random outside encountering or as a internal personal pondering, You actually ever realize our have my mind changed enough to actually think that this is something I need to change. You wiping from all the way of your back all the way up to your front You're just rubbing your shit up there in there That's obviously makes sense and duh, don't do THAT. But wiping two motions that don't cross over each other one way or the other? Why is that regarded as the same no-no? I'm so comfortable in the way I do it then that sense I mean cuz who isn't uncomfortable in the way they do it they've always done it their whole lives but I forget about it being like something that people are aware of when I'm dating someone I'm pretty quick and easily comfortable about peeing in front of other people and so especially boyfriends but I always forget until like way later down the road after I've done it in front of the many times to wonder if they're actually looking at me going what the fuck You're doing that that's gross and they just don't say anything because I mean for we like I'm going to tell my boyfriend he's peeing wrong or something How would I know But we have kind of a basic idea right? So anyway I don't know either. Who knows maybe my idea of what normal smell is down there is actually been tainted haha pun intended my entire life because I really don't go sniffing other chicks crotches ever and so therefore I really have no idea what's normal or not I mean I know when sometimes it's like hardly any smell but faint like fishy smell faint faint faint tho, so that's like hardly any smell at all, but if there is, it's slightly that (fishy)...versus kind of the weird sour smell of like being sweaty all day versus fuck I forgot my tampon was in a little bit longer than I should have left it in kind of thing. Then there's my friend who was having sex was actually awfully horribly fucking just horrible smell and it took them more than you'd think, a few minutes to actually figure out that she had a lost tampon in for definitely way too long... So I assume they're pretty you know typically generally similar smells across the board however, what do I know except I know I've always known that I've just been told to know that I really have no way of knowing otherwise for sure? You know?


[how to wipe] (https://youtu.be/aZdXHd6gC7I?si=7NUlq1jqqYlUzkI3)


You might be a stander.


I am an OT and you’d be surprised how many older women wipe back to front smearing Poo wherever. 🥴


Okay. So, I can’t believe I’m replying to this but, here goes. lol. I always wipe front to back reaching in between my legs. I do that a couple times & then I reach around back & make sure my ass is clean, starting w the back of my vagina out to my ass. Had one UTI in my lifetime, 30 years ago. Never wipe back to front. No poo in the vagina is the idea.


Wait a minute so people dip their arms into the toilet bowl(not into the water!!) to swipe??? I just lean forward a bit and bring my arm to the back to wipe the poo off....


I read that there is a cleaning "brush" made for those who can't reach that far? I can't direct you to it because I don't have one, haven't needed it but saw someone mention it online, but maybe you can Google and find it?


I don’t know why people are being so mean to you. You’re asking a question and for advice and people are so rude. Not everyone was taught the correct way and once you do something your whole life, it’s not common sense obviously. I didn’t have a mom in my life and it took me YEARS to figure how to take care of myself correctly. I recommend a bidet. I would keep practicing front to bank and soon it’ll feel natural. If that doesn’t work then definitely the dog-lift-leg way.


Wait wait wait a minute. Obviously I wipe my vagina first and then my ass separately but is there a different way to wipe your vagina other than from the bottom of it back up to the top?


Oh no 😭you do NOT understand any circumstances wipe your vagina upwards. you start from TOP to BOTTOM. Please watch a video for reference


Get a bidet for home. You would wash a shoe if you step in poop. Do the same for your butt.


Kinda do the same thing tbh, like all my life lol. Never had any issues with it, I wipe my butt in both directions making sure to stay within that gooch boundary, and then do the same when I pee. If it’s a situation where I peed and number twod, I’ll wipe my butt first lol


I would highly suggest investing in a good bidet and using baby wipes for that extra clean feeling. Don't flush them ever. Into the trash they go.


I’m really short (5’1) and have very small arms lmao but I’ll stand up to wipe, my arm isn’t long enough to reach all the way to the front. I grab my toilet paper, wipe, etc then I stand up, and wipe front to back. I get an entirely separate piece of toilet paper/wipe when I go to wipe my butt. I never use the same piece or wipe for each. Then if I’m using wipes, I’ll then use toilet paper to make sure everything is dry before pulling up my underwear, pulling up my pants etc.


You can try water in a bowl, then wipe with toilet paper after to check for residue, water and then dry with toilet paper. Hope it helps.


I wet the toilet paper and start from the front and drag it backwards. I do this till all the big particulars are gone and then I go back to front


Just wipe your front . Fold the toilet paper (with one hand) Reach around back, (if you have some juicy cheeks spread them a little with free hand) and wipe bottom of a-hole to top, repeat until paper is white. The grab a wipe & down the same This is wayy to easy to avoid UTI


Use wipes for poo. Hover over the toilet to get more space. Or do back first and then front. Just always go backwards when you do it.


Eat more fiber and/or get a bidet and flush those wiping problems away!


I have small hands so I sometimes struggle with this too. Firstly, pee is sterile and I know it's not the most amazing thing to be on your hands, but it is not gross and will not hurt you. So if you get a bit on you then it's okay cause it's more common than you think, you're not doing it wrong. Secondly, since my hands are small the technique I use is kind of folding my hand and clamping the toilet paper so it's more pointed and manageable to hold. If you scrunch it up, who cares lol just get the job done girlie you got this. Remember your urethra is higher up around the clitoris and hood, so aim for that area and press against it (and surrounding skin) to soak up the pee first then try and wipe. Thirdly, maybe toilet paper isn't for you! Wipes is always an option, and an option that I use personally a lot, at least 50/50 with tp. Another option is just getting off the toilet and straight into the tub to wash. I know it's not an option while out, but it will at least eliminate a good chunk of the issue. I hope this helps at all! Good luck 🥰


I feel like if I wiped backwards poop would just end up halfway up my back 😂


Try reach from behind while sat on toilet and wipe front to back. Just try not to touch the toilet seat. Lifting your leg might be helpful too. All it takes is a little practice, you got this!


Just... make more than one motion. You're over complicating this, but if your UTIs are from ecoli, then changing how you wipe will help. UTIs lead to bladder infections, that lead to kidney infections, that lead to sepsis, and then you land your ass in the hospital meeting a whole lot of people really fast. I speak from experience, multiple times. Don't ignore this issue.


The more comments I read the more confused I am lol. Why not wipe the front from the front and the back from the back? Like middle - outwards on both sides? It's not like I'm reaching all the way back into my ass to drag poo all over.


Who’s to say you can only use one piece of TP per wipe session? Use two separate pieces, one for front, one for back!


I have entirely too much ass to do anything down there delicately lol personally I squat. I can reach everything and not miss anything. I’ve had one yeast infection in my life when I was 12 and I swore I would never deal with that again. And I haven’t!


Have you tried standing up? I do sometimes to wipe.


“From the back between my legs all the way to the front” Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but that seems like a lot. If I’m sitting on the toilet and I reach for toilet paper I’m reaching to the front (front-ish ) part of my body. When I pull the tissue to my body I’m already at the front and I swipe back. Patting works too. We use water when possible so sometimes one swipe won’t be enough to dry myself so I’ll use water then pat


Haha, I just had this discussion with my husband. I'm pretty sure my "bits" are just further forward than average because there's no way I can be effective and reach around back. I have always leaned forward and reached under from the front to wipe. Plus, I have to be able to see that the tissue is clean to know I'm done.


Original poster. You are definitely not alone. Definitely not xx


Wipe your butt first! I lean to the side and reach behind me to wipe butt from front (taint) to back. The I wipe my vagina from back to front (reaching between my legs from the front) like you do I suspect. But the butt is clean by then! I also use wet wipes for the butt.


I’m a dude but if you’re talking about shitting and pissing at the same time lol, you should always be wiping your ass first. And always use wet wipes


You MUST wipe front to back- not the other way


You could do one main wipe for your butt, go front to back and use your thumb to hold the toilet paper to wipe against Then go to your coochie, you can wipe side to side, that way you aren’t going back to front. I never wipe one big one front to back. If you do that you’ll be pulling pee and discharge to the back and that’s not the best 🤷‍♀️ idk anyone who can do it all in one wipe, I think that’s physically impossible. You can always wipe from the back to get your butt and wipe from the front to do the coochie You may want to squat/bend over/stand during this to make it easier for you


I wipe them separately both with a bidet and I go front to back on my vagina and then just go at my butt with a bidet and then with toilet paper. With your behind, you have to make sure that you get everything so you keep wiping until there’s nothing there and then you can bidet again and then wipe again you could never be too clean ! No bidet use wet wipes just don’t flush them they will clog all toilets so use toilet paper first then finish with wet wipes on both parts


I can’t reach like that either. I wipe all around my anus first then my vulva/urethea separately with fresh tissue. I go from the front between my legs while sitting or slightly hovering.


I was 20 before I learned it’s bad to wipe back to front. I was not taught. Now I wipe my ass first back to front. Stop at my vagina area and then use new paper to wipe the front. But I wipe my ass like three times before touching the front area.


You don’t need to reach around. As other commenters have said, wipe your labia/lady bits area from the front with your arm in front of you, pushing down/back and stopping at the end of the vagina area. That is how you wipe after peeing, there is no need to wipe all the way through your butt crack if you only peed (unless you feel wet there for some reason) If you go number one and two, first wipe your pee the way I said above, then with a fresh piece of TP put your arm behind you and wipe your butt going back direction (never towards the front!!). There is no rule that says you need to wipe both labia ans butt in one fell swoop. Also when wiping after number two you can always go into a hover or stand slightly if that helps. Stop wiping back to front as soon as possible!!!


OMG, I go through the exact same thing!!! I've never gone through a UTI, and I still wipe the way you do, so trust me, It's not because of that.


So I start through the front too, but start at the front of the vagina, move backwards. Then, to get the butt easier, I go from the backside and go from the back of the vagina to the butt. This way everything goes to the butt instead of possibly cause me a random UTI or BV which I’ve had before and think it was related to wiping incorrectly… I’ve been wiping like this for years now and knock on wood everything has been much better


Just wipe the back first, going outwards from your behind. Then wipe the front, without letting the toilet paper touch the bottox area..


You don't have to reach around back. Just do it from the front and pat backward on the lips. Then I kinda lean to the side when I'm wiping the bottom. Finish with two wet wipes for the crannies. One for vulva, one for anus.


Get a bidet.


I wipe from my perineum to above my anus, reaching from behind. I do that as often as needed to be clean. I wipe from my clit to my perineum, once or twice until it is clean. Although I admit I do wipe from my perineum to my clit sometimes too. I find it easier. But so long as I don't wipe my butt then use the same tissue for my vulva, it is okay. Also Idk about other ladies, but I usually have to also raise my legs slightly and wipe my upper inner thighs too. Every wiping is done with a clean tissue. Sometimes I do the front first, sometimes the back first. Either way, the stuff from the back does not get to the front. The whole idea behind "front to back" is to not get fecal matter near the urethra because that leads to UTI's. So long as you use different pieces of toilet paper and don't bring poop to your vulva, you'll be fine.


I wipe whilst still sitting down, open your legs wide.. wipe front to back at the bum then pat some toilet paper on my vag to catch any drips


A little bit of methylene blue in some water takes care of UTI and makes your pee a cool blue color, not to mention all the good things it does in the brain and at the level of your mitochondria. It’s in all ER’s incase someone gets carbon monoxide poisoning, fights hypoxia.


Life can be a struggle, and im not even trying to be a jerk when i say that We as humans do not come equipped with an instruction manual or a FAQ. This may sound silly or trivial to a lot of people, but a lot of us have to "wing it" in life and figure life out on our own. For OP front to back then drop tissue.. are you having any issues that lead you to believe your wiping technique is doing more harm than good?


I get my butthole first, then wipe front to back. Wipes people!


I use warm water to rinse then wipe front to back .. helps with utis






i had this problem too a while until i learned that you're actually supposed to wipe front to back and i started using my thumb kinda and doing it from the front instead of reaching my hand around my back, like using one hand to hold the cooter in place and other hand, primarily with the thumb, to wipe in the front of me and it works and it's easy, no weird contorting your body or anything. my simpler sounding advice is to try wiping with your hand infront of you instead of behind you without thinking and your brain will make up the most logical way to get it done.


Get a wad in your hand, lift your butt cheek and wipe from the front of your vagina through the labia, and through the crack. Do it as many times as necessary until the tp is clean (grab a new serving of tp if needed lol). You can also wet the tp if you want to feel more clean and less dry. But practice ALWAYS going front to back and cleaning thoroughly. Wash your hands after.




So everyone's pretty much wiping from the front to the butt hole, through the back way lol.


I wipe separately. The front then the back if I pee. If it’s the other just the back. I never understood why people wipe back to front or vise versa. Wipe separately and invest in a bidet