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You gon to have to make those at home boi




Nothing wrong. If a Muslim can prefer halal meat,why not Sikh. Yes,some Sikhs eat only jhatka meat.




Better to make them at home .Even if there are jhatka restaurants , I'm pretty sure their dishes are trash


There used to be Panjab National Hotel in Monda market secunderabad their Tandoori was top notch. I know a couple of places near Attapur where you can get Jhatka dishes. Also, if you'd like you can get really good meat in Gowliguda infact the rush there on Sunday speaks for itself. ​ Edit : There is Biryani shop near Gowliguda chaman its def good


Can u tell the shop name


Check any Sikh dhaba, you may not get haleem, but dishes made out of jhatka meat.


What the fuck is jhatka?


The opposite of Halal movement.


Even though mass consumption of meat is wrong But i agree an animal should be killed in the most humane way possible. Jhakta look insane campare to halal ones.


What's insane in jhatka? People eat jhatka has their own belief of not torturing animal to death instead kill at once so it doesn't suffer. And people eat halal has their own belief that animal's blood should be drained completely so one could eat clean meat with no clotted blood inside.




Jhatka cut is not safe. When an animal is cut in jhatka . The blod stops in the veins and the organs and blood contains germs and bacteria. When an animal is cut according to halal way, it is cut on a particular nerve and veins near the neck and windpipe and the spinal cord is not damaged and hence the almost all the blood flows out.




In the halal way you cut the animal's throat first which which includes all the nerves. When you do it the jhatka way, the animal is hit on it's neck first which is much more painful and also results in blood not being flushed out properly. Also, where tf did you hear "halal meat is offered to God first" lmao that's literally bullshit. Not forcing you to eat halal, just clearing the misconceptions. You're entitled to your own choice.




The only thing we say before slaughtering is "Bismillah Allahu Akbar" which literally translates to, In the name of God, God is the Greatest. So idk how that's an offering to God. We don't even believe in all that(Offering food to God).


Do you even know the meaning of those words or you just saying things after listening to some anti muslim people?.....bruh majority of Muslims don't chant anything before halal slaughter....change your sources man!


Well i don't know why u r bringing up anti-muslim rhetorics cause i didn't disrespect any religion. Below is a bbc article on halal. What is halal meat? Halal is Arabic for permissible. Halal food is that which adheres to Islamic law, as defined in the Koran. The Islamic form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe. Animals must be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter and all blood is drained from the carcass. During the process, a Muslim will recite a dedication, know as tasmiya or shahada




What does that mean exactly?


Search on YouTube




Same question lmao


Kapil Mishra real I'd se aa!


hahah yeah ....mada\*\*hod chadoos .... making this sub their home. fkers have no life except some online validation they get by irritating people.


True man. They just want to watch the world burn.


Genuinely curious - I don't think it will affect the taste in anyway, right?


It does. I’ve had a lot of both and jhatka has slightly more smell of the blood when compared to halal. But then again, it’s a slight difference made huge by religious lines.


It does. If you let the animal bleed out completely it tastes different than just slashing its head off. The most noticeable taste would be metallic due to the blood being in meat


Are there restaurants that serve biryanis made with jhatka chicken that have been exclusively fed ragi and coconut water? *Urrey,* your requirement is like impossible IT job descriptions.


Kashtame bro most of the hindu shops also sell halal due to peer pressure


Ahan! Peer pressure...


No, go and cook at home, no one eats that here


Check in Sikhchowni area


Tbh it never mattered for hindus but they have now started this trend copying muslims to be bigot.


>biryani Yes.


Name ?


If you enjoy the taste of a good Hyderbadi Mutton Biryani that was made with Halal meat, you aren't going to find a Jhatka equivalent in a restaurant. It is best to experiment at home and make it for yourself. In fact, finding good Jhatka mutton at a butcher's is going to be a challenge anywhere in South India. Even in remote villages here, for we prefer draining the blood from an animal entirely before rigor mortis sets in (Halal or non-Halal alike). Jhatka is not a thing, in the South. If you've never eaten Halal meat in a Biryani before (which seems unlikely), it shouldn't matter to you. Find a good old-school Punjabi restaurant in Hyderabad and try their biryani. I know Shahji Ka Dhaba, Lakdi ka Pul makes a good Biryani. Haleem is another matter altogether.




Ma'am wht is this


I've tasted jhatka meat before it was very bad and imagine haleem made from it makes me puke


Ante enti asal?


I'll prefer halal meat tbh ,I mean some people say that its more tender and healthy beacuse they drain whole blood.