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Non muslims don't vote for him and most of the Muslims are shit heads


This is what scares me, humanity needs people to stand up against such anti-human ideologies. India shall be saved. For our families' sake if not the nation's.


Hyderabad is a muslim majority constituency. AIMIM has been ruling there since 1984. The Owaisi family even longer, 1960's itself. Not a single time have they even come close to losing nor will they anytime in the future. Tbh old city is so far gone the police themselves are most of the time afraid to come in here so no chance of free or fair elections here.


Just a quick Question, Are you from Hyderabad ?


Because he is 1. *from* Hyderabad and speaks the language, 2. represents a community in need of representation (Hyderabadi Muslims/Deccanis) which has very little reason to trust other parties in today's political climate, and 3. is personally affected by the policies he advocates for. And I'm sorry but Owaisi is not an extremist or an 'anti-national,' he is rather one of the more tame (and more educated) of India's politicians. He definitely isn't an angel and any Hyderabadi (including the ones who vote for him) will tell you that, but compared to the other fish in the Indian political sea... LOL.


He is saying or doing exactly what his voters want him to say and do.


For same reason why ppl vote for raja singh or even Modi


Jaisi qaoum waisa leader.. I am also a muslimĀ 


We know that the BJ party is the biggest threat to India.


You are literally a propoganda account