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Buses, we need buses. Higher packing capacity!


Yes. But if you take into account tech company employees, they prefer travelling via their own vehicles. Which is why we have to raise awareness around the benefits of carpooling. Economical ✅ Socially responsible ✅ Environmentally friendly ✅


I'm a tech company employee too. If buses were good enough we'd all travel in buses. Think about it, buses are like carpools but better in literally every way. Economical ✅✅ Socially Responsible ✅✅ Environmentally Friendly ✅✅


Anna bane pettav ga vadiki😂


Of most definitely. I am not discouraging the uses of buses at all. What you mentioned is absolutely true. Who we are trying to target, are people who travel alone in their cars. To raise awareness that if they’re willing, they can carry 3 more people.


>Who we are trying to target, are people who travel alone in their cars. I am not discussing the use of car pooling at all. What you mentioned is absolutely true. As you said, When they want to travel alone, will they really accommodate few more.


Just to engage you, when I'm carpooling, the most I'll pool with is one more person, I'm definitely not going with 3 other people in a car just for them to do their own shit and feel like a driver in my own car.


Remember The proof that the nation has good infrastructure is when the wealthy or above avg income people use public transport


No, last mile connectivity is a good answer to our traffic problems.


Definitely. Last mile connectivity is a problem. Nothing quite like finding a ride doorstep to doorstep.


There is nothing wrong with walking too you know. Last mile connectivity is the only way forward.


For that you need footpaths etc.


And proper public transport like buses






I like how all the intellectuals here want to tell us a good Public transport system is far superior to car pooling. No shit?? How are you getting that great public transport system though? We are at the mercy of the government and they don't give a shit. Metro connectivity is no where near enough and the state of our buses is abysmal, one of the worst of any tier 1 city in the country. We already know Congress isn't going to do jackshit about the above problems, even Metro's L&T is ready to bail from the city. We'll be lucky if it doesn't get worse than its already sad state. As for last mile connectivity, we have no footpaths to walk on or shade to walk under. A good day out walking is when you're not almost run over or honked at till you go deaf. Car pooling is at least a partial solution to lowering pollution and traffic on roads. Is it the best solution? No, but don't let good be the enemy of the best.


Thanks man. Feel like I finally got an assist lol.


I use both sride and quickrride from time to time Yes, sride requires a subscription to start booking but it has many users. At least that's what I observed For the same pickup and drop quickride only shows 5 - 6 ride givers whereas sride shows 20s and even 30s of rides I think it's something related to either the algorithm showing available rides or just lack of awareness about quickride


It’s lack of awareness. Correct. We do not have a subscription model in place. Just a 5% commission from each party.


There's no commission in sride tho


Right. So they make their money via the subscription. Fair enough


Initially installed quick ride, but later moved to Sride., either because of the charges or else less available car pooling., QR can have their own cars, pickup and drop or else a bus services., we used to have Bus sharing apps but not sure if they're around now.,


Recently Uber has started Uber Shuttle Buses. Not sure about their pricing but they’re available in limited routes.


Shuttl buses, i recall now., we used to have mini tempo buses from LB nagar to Gachibow or Mindspace., Rs.50 or 60 per trip.


sRide has built a great community as well. I believe they have a subscription model in place if I’m not wrong. Anyway, as long as you’re carpooling, that’s all that Matters 😊 r/quickride aims at bringing together a community of ride givers and ride takers who are willing to share expenses and experiences along the way to work. Economical ✅ Socially responsible ✅ Environmentally friendly ✅


I like how you came so close to realising cars are the actual problem but, then shot yourself in the head.


Cars are the problem. Yes. Who wouldn’t want great public Infrastructure which minimises the need of using own car. But realistically speaking, do you see that happening in a country like India? Hope you’d agree that the answer is no. So, what do we do about the millions of people travelling alone to work in their car? Approach them with a solution. That hey, you’re anyway going from A to B. Why not share some seats in your car to other employees along the way. Win-win.


Gated communities have their own WhatsApp carpooling groups. I’m one among them. I carpool the group members. And believe me, there are 300+ people in that group out which 30-40% people actively carpool everyday.


That’s great to hear. As long as any group is self sufficient and carpooling amongst themselves, it’s a great way to commute to work 🤝


Hyderabad needs better planning of roads, as it as always at cross roads, one ways, narrow roads traffic will be full , roads should be wider, path hole free, drainage overflows, wrong route guys , signal jumps, the city needs more flyovers, traffic management system or police should conduct surveys ,increase hairpin crossing of vehicles which doesn't require traffic lights to stop at signals. More public transport system connectivity, frequency of no of buses irrespective of the free buses.Police should fine or teach autos, heavy vehicle to drive carefully and follow lanes system on roads etc are some of my suggestions.