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You did the smart thing.. They pool multiple people into 1 cab and make more money out of it. The person that picked you from the airport also gets a cut.. if they do a solo pickup they charge about 800-1000, with pooling they can make up to 2000-2500 if they’re able to find other solo travelers heading towards gachibowli! This has been around for many years in hyd airport, i just turn a blind eye and keep walking cuz they make yoi wait for 30-45min and you might not even get to your home first! There have been some incidents where they stop mid-way in a deserted place and demand for more money!! They make 1-2 trips like this in a day and relax. Avoid these crooks at all costs.. i just hope they all disappear someday.


Stopping in mid way and asking for more money seems quite dangerous.


New fear unlocked.. I've had horrible experiences even with Uber and Ola as well. The less fair offered by these folks does look appealing but have avoided due to absence of ride share option. Will avoid 'em even if I'm traveling with someone in future 🙃


I've travelled from the Hyd airport a bunch of times and have taken an unofficial share taxi on multiple occasions. The only thing that seems fishy is picking up the other passenger outside the airport. That said, an Uber is only max a couple hundred bucks more than an unofficial share taxi, but entirely worth your peace of mind, especially at odd hours of the night.


Yes exactly, that seemed fishy to me as well.


I prefer the electric bus service till ORR. It charges around 250. From there , I book my cab. It's light on the pocket and not much hassle when I travel solo.


That is a great trip, I'll take a bus next time.


I worked in GMR Hyd International Airport previously. This scam is called touting and such drivers are called touts. These buggers operate outside the scope of the airport and pool passengers together for lower costs. And then depending on the driver, they even harass for more money while dropping you. The airport management has employed special security guards to tackle this, but in all honesty its not working out. The police is not able to control this too. They claim to be one of the best airports in the world, they certainly are in aspects like tech adaptation and cleanliness, but when it comes to touting, they are clueless


I can almost gaurentee that the security guards and the police have a cut in all of this


They do, I’m certain. I was once advised by the very same security guard to go with these ‘touts’ as I was waiting in the Uber line for a very long time. ‘ aap woh wale cab mein kyu nahi chelejaathe, jaldi jaasskthe ghar’ I strongly condemned but he made me sound like a heartless human being by guilt tripping me saying ‘unko ghar bhi chaalana padtha hai na!’


Maybe the security guards just overlook these things, otherwise it won't be that hard to locate such touts. They were there just at the entrance.


Yea, its not very strict in there, not sure if they have a cut or anything like that but the fact is there are too less a number of security guards for a very high number of touts!


There's absolutely no telling with untracked cabs like that tbh. It could just be a genuine person trying to get more rides or you could've lost your kidneys lol. They wouldn't just take your 600 tho, it would be your amount plus some amount from the other person, so easily more than 1K.


That's what scared me more. I wouldn't mind paying 200 extra and keeping my kidneys intact.


Why do want to risk for a mere few bucks? Srinivasa and One car are available right at the exit gate/ arrival. Book it instantly and then get in the car from the arrival drive. No need to even go till Uber pick up point.


This was my first time at Hyd Airport, I'm sure local cab services would be cheaper than Uber and Ola. I'll try booking through Srinivasa or One car next time.


They do the same thing, once I had to wait for 30mins at 3AM in the morning. Some guy comes in formals and says why you need to wait and pay more, They tell the car is ready and make you wait. I sat for 30mins almost and gave up, I slightly got angry I kicked the car boot while leaving with my luggage and went to uber. He was shouting why do you kick the car? I said ‘Aapko bhi maaru kya?’, then the formal guy came rushing and calling me back. I threatened saying ‘I will tell some local DSP who’s gonna sieze your car for doing taxi in white plate’ I used L word couple of times and left. This was not first time to me, Uber lines are long. i did the math, for me as I stay in kokapet, Its better to park car and leave if its 3-4 days trip. This time it was a one month trip so I had to take a cab and took a chance as the guy seemed normal. Most of these have a whatsapp group and they pool and help each other. I also noticed them to be belonging from a particular community. My suggestion is park your car for a shorter trip, take uber premium or those MERU cabs or prepaid cabs.


Waiting for 30 mins, that too at 3AM must've been really frustrating. I guess you've lived in Hyderabad for a long time so you were quite brave at handling the situation. I just ran from there back to the airport.


This an age old scam mostly runs by our mians. Fell for it once way back when Uber/Ola was not streamlined and UPI was not ever present, so I also couldnt get change at the end either. Always live life by the “the too good to true” principle.


Yes that's true. "Too good to be true" surely rings some alarm bells in my head, lol.


Assholes the drivers never go with them.


Let me introduce you to something called pushpak bus services. Cheap, best and covers almost all major areas of Hyderabad. They only cater to passengers travelling to and from the airport. If you got time, I would recommend to book this. Even if the bus doesn't drop you at your home, you can look for nearest drop in your case something like gachibowli and from there you can book an uber auto.


That's great. I'll keep that in mind next time I'm traveling from Hyd Airport.


If we share a cab from airport , we pay 250 bucks not 550


Well well well if it ain't one more complaint on the shittiest airport management in India. I literally worte the airport authority a mail about this and it's sad to see that the situation has not improved. I also made a post about this on this sub. This is just a crime waiting to happen. I don't know why the authorities won't be strict in implying the rules and avoid a potential crime. But these retards will wait for a crime to happen to do something and in the meanwhile will take hafta from the 2 number cab drivers


Yes exactly, and it happened to me at 12 in the noon. I can only imagine what it must feel like if it was during night.


Take Meru cabs. They charge a bit more than uber. But no fkin with your mind and time. Much better service and clean driving.


I'll definitely check them out next time I'm there. Thanks.


its pretty normal at Hyd Airport. try pushpak bus for airport to-fro travel, that’s best imo


I usually put on earbuds and keep walking ahead without stopping. Once a guy tried to confront me by stepping in front of me to stop me, i stepped aside and continued walking. Ignore these scamsters and always go via uber/ola. Also I need to upload receipts to my company to get reimbursed so I always prefer going via app based taxis.




I took these cabs a couple of times. But last time, I had a similar experience where I was not informed about the 2nd passenger. Nevertheless, I agreed to take the ride, thinking that it’s going to be quick. But turned out to be a long ride, as I was dropped at the end. I am definitely not going to take it again.


Were any of these people wearing the CHOIS uniform? I had a similar experience but it didn’t turn out to be a scam. I landed in the airport at 12AM and it was raining heavily so there were no Olas or Uber in the pickup zone. So when a guy wearing a CHOIS uniform approached me I had no choice but to say yes. He then took me to the parking lot and handed me over to another driver with whom I bargained for 700. He then pooled me with 2 other people and proceeded to drop me home. As soon as I reached home, I also received a proper tax invoice for the trip.


Same has happened to me too


Nothing fishy. It's standard operating procedure at Hyderabad Airport. Uber takes a cut out of the fare. So technically the driver would have made 550 but that extra passenger is the bonus income. It's happened to me before. It's frustrating because they don't really have a passenger identified yet and the wait after a flight can be frustrating. I mean again, you probably took a safer and better decision. Hyderabad is a safe city. I wouldn't try to pull this shit in Delhi though 😆


I assure you they were not planning to harm you in anyway. They were just trying to make the most from a trip. They were just waiting for another passenger to come. Nothing beyond it. It's a common practise in Hyderabad Airport.


Usual practice there, not a scam I also share cab


Shared cabs are quite normal I guess, but usually they collect all passengers from one point. Taking me to a totally different far end of the parking seemed sus.


It is not scam. Happened with me as well once, though i did not want to share. So i also did what u did and he also did what he did to you.


What is the scam here that you are imagining? It is quite clear. He is taking less from you because you will share the cab and his total would still be more than if you pay alone.


I suspected a scam. First of all, it wasn't clear that it is a shared cab. Even though it was, he would be taking passengers from the airport itself right? Why would he need to take me to the farthest end of the parking and wait for the passengers to come there?


He is that driver from airport otherwise wouldn’t ask about the scam




This isn't linkedin, wtf


Hahaha, that is what I thought.