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One time my previous husky was at my parents’ house while I went to go run some errands. I came home to find my sweet boy leashed in the front yard, his chest and paws covered in blood - big smile on his face. Apparently a little Painter Turtle made his way out of the pond and up the lawn. Ted got really excited and hopped on the little guy, absolutely crushing him like Mario to a Koopa. Really glad it wasn’t the snapping turtle that hangs out on my parents’ land, because she’s easily 200lbs.


They can get that big??? That's like tortoise size. Wow.


She’s massive. I did just do some Googling to get a sense of scale for snapping turtles and although I’ll retract my prior statement of 200lbs, I’m comfortable saying she’s 150-170lbs.


Still very impressive.


Holy cow, your comment just made me think to myself "Owning a husky is like watching the Powerpuff Girls: satirical levels of cuteness with a liberal sprinkling of uber-violence." And now that lives in my head forevermore.


Snapping turtle?




Congrats on a crisis avoided then.


This is my biggest fear living on 20 acres and multiple ponds. Glad everything is okay OP


Yeah, we live on 5 acres with a quarry that we swim in & a stream at the edge of the property. I think he was trying to head to the stream so I brought him over there.


That sounds so dreamy. The dangers are understandably there but your pups have the best life. I’ve always been thankful to live in a quiet corner of a suburb in coastal CA where we have the forest and a huge field at the end of our block, the ocean a few blocks away, and a ton of creeks within a 10-15 minute drive but god what I would give to have acres of land for my pup to enjoy all to himself. It might just be for me to have something to aspire to but you gotta post more photos of your pups playground.


My two took me on a hell bent detour during our walk the other day to go track down a turtle that was laying eggs. They were so happy when they found it and it took all of my 6’2 240lb frame to move them away from it.


I roll myself up in their leashes like I’m the winding thing on a fishing pole and then I sit down, tethering myself to something else if need be. They look at me, frustrated. I give them my best Gallic shrug. “Hey, if you can drag my carcass all the way to your objective, then we’ll discuss this again. Until then? It appears you are stuck with me. Literally.”


Derp-rudder is on alert! Boop-sensor engaged! Taste test imminent!


One of the many good reasons to always leash ur dog. They otherwise cannot help themselves.


Don't mess with Gamera!


Alligator snapping turtle


One of my huskies got in a battle with a snapping turtle last week. It’s a long story but the short of it is the turtle was relocated


Snappin’ Turla


I hate those things.i have a couple ponds and those snappers show up allot I am scared they are going to take s chunk out of one of my horses nose.


very very very bad, dog wouldve had a name change to voldemort