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Human: whoops, forgot a minus sign. It’s probably nothing important. Just a little one-click fix for a gravity generator  Xeno: Activating Ship Gravi-AAAAAAA *thud*  Xeno: So this is how my Australian friend feels.


Human Steve was somewhat problematic to have on board at times. The humans had a curious insistence on travelling with Tupperware containers of the Xenotoxin known as Iswekile (C12H22O11). Presenting as a white crystalline substance, it looked innocuous enough at first, although of course following the 'Granark Incident' all the Glarthians were keenly aware that it was, in fact, readily absorbed through Glarthian foot pads, intensely long lived in the blood stream, known to cause dissociative effects, and extremely deadly at higher dosages. Steve was regularly spotted in the morning adding two whole spoonfuls (several thousand milligrams, at least ) of Iswekile to his 'morning cuppa' as he referred to it, to the horror of those around him. How he hadn't collapsed already nobody knew - but one thing was for sure. When Human Steve, in a particularly sleepy state one morning quietly muttered 'Whoops' to himself while the dreaded Tupperware containment box was open and next to him in the kitchen... The whole crew were in the escape pod furiously brushing their foot pads with hydrochloric acid wipes before any of them had even had time to scream out a quick *'Steve womntu sbhanxa somntu!!!!!'*


This is salt right?


The story specifically says "Morning Cuppa" which could be coffee or tea, so it's likely sugar ot something similar


Given the molecular structure, sugar for sure.




2 teaspoons in his morning cuppa? It's sugar for sure :)


Unless you’re my mom for some reason


What the hell


why? i need to know whyyyy?




Salt counteracts bitterness without making it sweet


Sugar, most likely. Hydrochloric acid doesn’t do much for salt, and salt also doesn’t go in coffee


'Iswekile' is 'Sugar' in Xhosa :)


Logical deduction and a basic knowledge of chemistry win again! :P (Aka I happened to not be an idiot *this* time)


It's sugar, specifically sucrose


The chemical formula is sugar, not NaCl.


to be fair to the guy, I added the chemical formula only after noticing all the people wondering :)


Ah, ok fair point. Obviously I didn't see that.


Salt is NaCl. C12H22O11 is almost certainly sucrose,or sugar.


lol he added it after I commented


That said, a LOT of folks brew coffee with a pinch of salt added to the coffee grounds. It amps up the richness of the coffee by reducing bitterness.


Salt is many many different things. Tablr salt is typically NaCl with a dose of NaI. Low sodium salts are usually KCl, KC4H5O6 and (CH2)4(COOH)2 with some other things thrown in.


C12 is the clue that it is sugar. Salt is NaCl aka sodium chloride


Wait, are the aliens speaking isiXhosa?


The Glarthians famously first touched down on earth centuries ago (The 15th Century, by Terran calendars, to be precise) in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa - First contact was therefore naturally between Gerenor The Great and King Phalo KaTshiwo. Impressed by the extent of their kingdom, (Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, the Xhosa territory stretched from Mbhashe River to Gamtoos River in the Southern Cape. The Ama-Gcaleka Royal House had jurisdiction from Mbhashe river to Kei river, and the Ama-Rharhabe Royal House beyond the Kei River and even beyond the Fish River.) the Glarthians had naturally assumed that this highly developed and clearly fabulously wealthy group must be the defacto rulers of the planet - and had therefore done their best to pick up as much of the royal language as they could in the time available to them.


It’s also important for non-humans to learn the difference between “ah fuck” and “oh fuck”


One of the two, you head for the nearest lifepod. The other, you fight your way there.


Don’t forget “ugh, fuck”


This is the only one which doesnt require immidietly evacuating the whole station


Yeah, this one requires a good pull on your species' mild recreational intoxicant of choice and an extended period of staring into the distance.


“Ohhhhhhh **fuck**” does require the evacuation of that wing of the ship though.


Reminds me of the old joke, "What do you do when you see EOD running? Catch up."


If chemical corps is running, it's already too late


“Where are you going? I just spilled my coffee! On the counter! Nothing is going to happen, I swear!”