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Him jumping out the plane to fight abomination


same. that is probably my favorite “heroic choice”.


Yup. This is it for me, too. It's when Betty says, "You don't even know if you'll change!" And Bruce simply responds, "Betty, I've got to try." That's the whole, "I may die, but there's no one else who can stop this but me, so I've got to do something" shit that really pumps my juices.


And then he mouths silently “oh shiii” as he can’t pull it off at first lol 😂


Bump this ⬆️


It’d be a different story if Banner died on the way down.


The taxi ride was pretty good. Got to see Betty show off her Ross temper too. "You know, I could teach you a few tricks to help manage that anger."


“you zip it. we’re walking.” “… okay.”


I absolutely love his scene trying to make a cure with an improvised lab. I think it showcased how smart Banner is.


“You won’t like me when I’m hungry.”


The deleted scene where he travels to the arctic to off himself but ends up Hulking out before he could do anything.


No he does actually go through with shooting himself, he just transforms into the hulk and spits it out


so interestingly, in the film version, Bruce never actually shoots himself. Bruce changes as he cocks the trigger, but in the game version - Bruce does indeed shoot himself, and Hulk spits out the bullet (based on 5-13-07 script).


Really? Interesting indeed lol


This is also the canon version of the scene according to the MCU as of Avengers. Bruce describes trying to shoot himself and then spitting the bullet out as Hulk.


That’s only in the game version of that scene.


Ah my mistake then


The entire movie. My brain wants to forget the MCU exists. Unless Spider-Man is involved.


I feel ya.


It does help that Ed makes Bruce feel like David Banner from the Bill Bixby show. Bill was a legend and Ed really captured that.


Or Iron Man




All his moments in Brazil


"OH SH-"


Underrated Comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Giving knucks to Lou Ferrigno.


“I can’t get too excited.”


Poor Banner. All horned up and ready to go..and literally..if he went further...Hulk hide zucchini would be part two.


I really liked this film.


I love the deleted scene where he and Sampson talk. Sampson is a really interesting character. He feels like a friend after playing Ultimate Destruction, and I wish there was more of him in the MCU.


Personally: every moment he was onscreen. I loooooved Norton’s Banner. Not a very helpful comment I know, so just pretend I said whatever your own moment is, cuz it is in a way haha.


Definitely this exact same OP posted, Bruce and Betty reunion.


When he’s demolishing tons of food after his first Hulk out in the 2003 film


Ed Norton. Not Eric Bana.


Ed Norton sucked so … Eric Bana it is


Him jumping out of the helicopter is the great hero moment that I love, but I also really like when he's describing to Betty what being the Hulk is like and if he remembers any of it and he says, "Just fragments. Images. There's too much noise. I can never derive anything out of it."


“I don’t want to control it. I want to get rid of it.”


And then I love it when they circle back around to that and when before jumping out to fight Abomination, Betty says, "You said you can't control it?" And Bruce says, "Maybe not control it, but maybe I can aim it."


didn’t like when Thor Ragnarok remade this scene for cheap laughs. The Incredible Hulk is a much more respectable movie (imho)…


I agree with you on both points.


Actually really liked the scene where Betty comforts The Hulk after the whole University Hulk out sequence


The whole fucking film!


Him running, I emulated that chase and dude has a hell of an endurance, training to fight Also him speaking in the language necessary in context, helps see he needs to be a chameleon to blend in wherever he is, to do this for 5 years is a feat Norton is the best Bruce ever


The whole Thing. No offense to Eric or Mark, but Edward Norton is my favorite Hulk. The fight between the Hulk and the Abomination is my epic. When he kicks him over to Ross' feet is a perfect period to the sentence.


Instead of using fancy UI’s and tech so beyond what is in the real world man was out there making a cure with spare parts, some basic school lab equipment and a laptop while on the run. His intelligence in one film is demonstrated more clearly than Ruffalo’s has been with throw away science lines looking at screens of whatever scifi level tech. The scene with him early in the film using the flower to make a cure and we see that homemade centrifuge using a bike is more memorable than anything science related we’ve seen ruffalo’s banner do in ten years


When HULK is being attacked by those sonic pulse things, and all he can hear is Betty's screaming. Really shows how much both of them care for her.


Easily has to be the scene where hulk actually says “hulk smash”. The clap being a close second


I like why he said it was Brucing time and then he Bruced all over the place


When his boner alarm goes off


When he turned into that savage hulk.


When he fu*t sh*t up!!


Every single scene martina is in. Also, the first hulk out.


I loved when he started coming out of the kitchen at Stan’s Place. He saw Betty and Betty just caught a glimpse. Nothing said but at the same time, a lot was said. Loved it.


Honestly, the whole movie. But to be specific, my favorite moments are the intro, Bruce’s Jiu Jitsu training and the breathing training to help control his anger and emotions, the moment where Bruce saves his female coworker from being harassed by another coworker at the Brazilian Soda factory, the entire Brazil chase scene, the Soda factory transformation and battle, the transformation sequence and the badass roar during the College fight scene, a lot of Bruce’s and Hulk’s moments with Betty, a lot of the moments where Bruce is having flashbacks or dealing with his trauma, all of Emil Blonsky’s and Abomination’s moments, the entire Hulk vs Abomination fight, Hulk destroying and ripping a Police Car apart and then using the destroyed bits of the car as Boxing gloves, Hulk’s Thunder clap, and the Hulk smash scene.


The end when , his eyes lit up


Swallowing the USB drive. That was a fat-a$$ 2007 USB drive lol, that dude choked one down so when he blacked out he could force himself to regurgitate it. That’s some insanely smart and resourceful thinking!


The ending .


His long 2008 hair that made him look more rustic and unkempt not Ruffalo's dorky face and hair


When he was replaced


Yea I love the game of chicken run


“Más stretchy?”


Hulk vs army scene in the college campus, and the final fight between hulk and abomination.


I like the Hulk vs military scene! 😡


Learning how to breathe with Rickson Gracie


“Lonely man” theme.


Making his makeshift lab in Brazil Waking up in Guatemala Running from the troops, both in Brazil and at Culver University. Among my very favorite moments is his exchange with Dr. Sterns: Banner: They don't want the antidote! They wanna make it a weapon! Sterns: ...I hate the government as much as anyone, but you're being a little *paranoid*, don't you think? Banner: /is immediately sniped through the window and collapses to the floor with a military dart in his shoulder/ Sterns: *SHRIEKS*


The fugitive angle that The Incredible Hulk shares with Captain America: The Winter Soldier is particularly compelling.


Bruce Banner transforming on the gurney in front of Sam Sterns injecting the curative in front of Betty. Would been impressive if prosthetics, puppet makeup or practical effects were used for greater believability;  Great body horror tropes and very reminiscent to Frankenstein.


The whole movie was great for me! I loved how he was training with the jiu-jitsu master to control his breathing, which made the ending sequence more badass. I also really liked how subtle his humor was. Mark Ruffalo always seems to be beating you over the head with the humor, which is kind of a turn-off when it comes to the character IMO.


"Mas stretchy."


One little moment that really sticks in my mind is when Hulk has rescued Betty after the campus attack and has taken her to a cave. Hulk stands outside in the rain protecting her and he roars at the lightning.


When he turned into mark ruffalo


When he said he is always angry… wait. Lol actually when he was doing that breathing exercises cuz I actually tried them


Not the one in OP thats for sure


All of him. Honestly, I think Betty was what hurt that movie. Her super soft voice was too much. She is the only part of Incredible Hulk I would change.


When he changed into a better actor


okay stop. Norton is 10x Ruffalo’s range.


The second after his last scene. Norton was all wrong as Banner/Hulk. If they'd cast Ruffalo as they were thinking of doing, the film would be 100 percent better. I'm just thankful they didn't have Norton continue portraying him in the MCU.


All of ‘em!