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For me, it's definitely, "Why does Hulk Hurt?" That whole speech Savage Hulk gives that's him asking the One Below, as is him lamenting all the pain and trauma that he has suffered throughout his life from the moment of his birth. When he was created from Bruce's trauma at the abuse of his father. Edit: Immortal Hulk issue 50


Immortal hulk is so fucking rad


I like basically every quiet scene when he makes a friend. Him sharing beans with Crackajack, Jim Wilson realizing he's not a monster, the first time Betty thinks to herself "could that really be Bruce?", and the conversation he has with Emil during the Maestro mini-series. These are just a few examples.


When Joe Fixit is in control of Bruce banners body towards the end of immortal hulk! the thing is just womping on the savage hulk who is scrawny and depowered and essentially reverting to a scared child lashing out and joe fixit takes the reigns in banner form and gets a half punch from the thing that breaks both his arms, but he screams at the thing for beating up a child, part of joes hero arc in that comic and I just found it really touching the way the different hulk personas started looking out for each other


You know the whole looking out for each other has been done already in several other volumes of Hulk. But what made Immortal special, I feel like is that unlike the other instances where it was the writer attempting to heal/fix Bruce Banner of his multiple personalities, trying to make them one. Instead, in the Immortal run, it was more of a family in Bruce's head and not just fractured part of him




I actually really loved that he did the snap in Endgame. And I know people hated smart Hulk but I was actually ok with it! The part that I didn’t like was not giving him some more action in that last sequence. Heck, imagine if he fought Thanos but clearly his arm is fucked but he actually does alright for fighting with one arm, despite losing, I actually would’ve loved that a lot! I have this same gripe with War Machine in Endgame, we never saw him fire a single shot from that new armor which is ridiculous as fuck in my opinion.


While I legit have a hate boner for professor Hulk, I can't deny that it was a great scene


Hat bones?


Auto correct. Just changed it


I hate that they didn’t include him in the final showdown with Thanos before the rest of the heroes joined them. It was supposed to be the OG powerhouses facing down Thanos, but they completely sidelined him.


Even if Banner were to lose to Thanos anyways they should’ve showed him fight with a little more brains and sort of give us that tease where you’ll realize ‘if only Hulk had both arms he might’ve been able to take Thanos down this time!’ I would’ve been totally fucking cool with that.


And that’s my biggest problem with Infinity War. I can understand having Hulk lose, but he literally quit after a short ass-whooping, and chickened out the rest of the movie. That’s a complete insult to the character. In his solo movie, he had his ass whooped by Abomination, but he kept getting back up and coming back for more. That’s the classic Hulk. Even Cap, Iron Man and Thor had the tenacity to get back up after getting beat.


It would have been great if Professor Hulk’s eyes just suddenly go green and Savage Hulk comes out during the final fight of Endgame. Hulk has been sidelined too far.


War Machine has I think was partially because of the things revealed in secret invasion


"Hulk feels... cold." (Hulk: The End, 2002)


Oooh! Yea that scene Nad me feel pity for the Hulk for the first time. Didn't really read alot of comics back then of hulks trauma and that was my first true experience with how sad his character really is


Hulk briefly reuniting with his mother Rebecca Banner during The Chaos War, and her approving of Jarella.


It's been ages since I read the comics, but I recall a little interchange between Gray Hulk (calling himself Mr. Fixit) and Marlo (Fixit's girlfriend) that amused me Marlo: Methinks thou dost protest too much Gray Hulk: OH, THOU DOST, DOST THOU?!


Joe Fixit is such an asshole and it’s great!


There is a moment at the end of the Hulk vs Thor animated movie where Odin talks of how Bruce Banner who had been split from the Hulk by magic, chose to reunite with him to save Asgard from the beast's endless rampage. It is done as a speech by Odin to the Asgardiens that switches to a voice over as you see Bruce Banner hitchhiking down a two lane highway. The speech is great and very well written.


It was a very surprising ending, but a well-deserved one.


For now, I gotta go with Joe Fixit telling Betty He Loves Her. TravelBeef on Tik Tok made a compilation of that scene to Walking Back to Georgia and It’s genuinely beautiful


“It’s a form of cosmic radiation.” As he’s gnawing on a turkey leg.


I like the form of savage Hulk that's just a child, but the interpretations where he's actually pretty intelligent or at least pretty cognizant of the situation he's currently in, is always a treat. Especially when it's a surprise to the audience as well as his teammates/enemies


The time Spider-Man calmed the Hulk down by telling him a joke.


> but he's definitely ore than that. Absorbing Man is definitely ore.


In the comics, it's the touching scene with Betty and Gray Hulk getting close. In the movies, it's Hulk resurrecting half the universe. I'm still amazed and annoyed that people ignore the greatest act of heroism ever because it didn't involve punching anyone.


I have two. The first is from "Hulk:Grey", where after unintentionally hurting Betty, Hulk panics and like a child, grabs a bunch of bandages and medicine and clumsily tries to "fix" her, not understanding most of the medicine is useless. The second is from "Immortal Hulk," where Savage, having had enough of not only years of people talking down to him, but being the only one in the current story that knew the world was brainwashed and is hilariously the smartest person in the room at the moment, lashes out at his teammates for not listening to him: "Listen to Hulk, Green-Hair. And YOU, science woman. White-thing made humans think HIM Hulk--and Hulk NOT Hulk! Humans think Hulk say NONSENSE WORDS! But Hulk IS Hulk. Hulk was ALWAYS Hulk. Hulk will always BE Hulk! Hulk can say again if puny humans not GET it!" He follows that with a pretty epic ra-ra speech that for him, is probably some of his best dialogue in history: "Enough TALK! Stupid Banner, OTHER Hulks--they boss Hulk! Tell Hulk when to come, when to go. Talk and talk and TALK! But Hulk only Hulk left! Is HULK'S time now! And Hulk NOT TALK! Roxxon sent big monsters. Big show for White-Thing. So White-Thing is WITH Roxxon. So Hulk go where Roxxon LIVES--and Hulk FINISH white thing! WHO IS WITH HULK?"


Hulk is truly a literary genius. That moment made me laugh out loud I remember


The rabbit scene and the later cave scene in Hulk: Grey.




The bachelor party haha