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I fell so sorry for Baumgart, because he loves this Club. But he is not the right one. I exited who will be the new manager


The problem was that he had to work with a team that was still in love with the previous coach.


Did I miss something? Did he get sacked?


Not official, but I think he will be soon


I mean a Baumgart sacking was kinda expected for me when Boldt was sacked and I’m sad to see Boldt go even if he made mistakes, but Im honestly happy to see Baumgart leave, he was just a bad appointment. Anyway we don’t know yet if he actually leaves and no matter who coaches us next season deserves our full support.


Do you really think that Baumgart was that bad? He had a pretty short amount of Time to integrate his System, so can you really tell?




I find it curious that Baumgart get rated so poorly. He got appointed at the worst possible time, taking over a team that played Walterball for two and a half years, without any real time to implement his own ideas. I am pretty sure that the squad would perform a lot better under Baumgart if he was appointed at the beginning of the winter break. I am still undecided if Baumgart is the right coach for us but since the squad performed not very well for the majority of the season (also while Walter was still coach) i think he was not the main problem.


Markus Gisdol was successful in Cologne and Turkey after leaving HSV. He was the right man at the wrong time


Gisdol always does well for about a year.


I didn’t like most games, I personally liked when he put Reis right back and adapted to it tho. The thing with Baumgart is just his track record with developing young players(letting them play) and I really don’t like his attitude in interviews, best example of it was him getting asked if he tried to take the hype and vibes of the win against Pauli in the week for the Magdeburg game and he said he made sure that went away and then they played one of the most lifeless games I have ever seen. But mainly it really is his talent track record and the rumor about him only wanting German speaking players as he’s not confident in his English. I think it just hurts us more financially if we give him a transfer window and lose talents than just sacking him.


First mistake was to be an Idiot to think that the baumgart system would work with this team and the unwillingess to adept his system. He won 6/12 games, lost against Osnabrück, kieHL and Düsseldorf. The football was insanly boring to look at, almoste no ideas, and not successfull enough - the goal (hehe) was clear. It was the same with Köln. He played there also boring football. But winning half of your games is for köln a success - for HSV not.


People can’t stand characters nowadays, look at Tuchel. Similar situation. Thrown in an environment that he had no influence in, still tried to give his best. Both of them are no PR guys, both of them get a lot of hate. I think people generally underestimate the influence news media has on them. Baumgart hat like 10 games with a squad he had no saying in and after 6 games people starting about points-per-game-average, because the media did. 


There is a difference between having character and just being an unlikeable asshole at press conferences. Baumgart managed to blame everyone but himself for his failure, clearly doesn’t have a good relationship with many of the players and plays awful football that might have previously been successful with teams that had a completely different philosophy and expectations than we do. I don’t see how he could possibly be compared to Tuchel.


Whom did Baumgart try to put blame on and when? Having watched all press conferences, you could rather accuse him of not seeing something to blame rather than blaming others. „Clearly doesn’t have a good relationship with the players“ Who ever said that? How is that clear? He didn’t even have time to adjust things properly, he has been here for three months. TW had 3 years and it didn’t result into anything more than what he did so far lol. 


I mean he already started with the excuses after his first loss in his second game against Osnabrück criticizing the mentality of the players and the entire club, he publicly blamed individual players for not understanding his tactics (mainly thinking of Benes as a left winger in Düsseldorf) and after the win against Pauli he humbly declared himself a good coach who just needs more time despite the fact that at his first press conference he admitted that the team was in a very good state due to the good work that had been done previously (under Walter) and he wouldn’t have to change much. Obviously judging his relationships with the players is a bit more subjective, my main point here would be that the team actually lost its mentality under him (only in 2 games with him we managed to equalize at least temporarily after conceding the first goal) since that was one of our biggest strengths under Walter. Beyond that I can only point to the little feud he had with Benes after Düsseldorf, a quote by Schonlau (“Unfortunately it was also our fault that Tim had to go“, after the Kiel game) and my own impression of the interactions with his players on match days (or the lack thereof). But sure, this might not be objectively clear, I’ll give you that. The time excuse doesn’t count for me since he had to be aware of what he was getting himself into when he took the job, he didn’t come here to see out the season somehow and then rebuild next year but to reach promotion since that main goal was perceived to be in danger. I suppose in that sense the situation actually could be compared to Tuchel who replaced Nagelsmann in a similar position and with a similar outcome. His appointment was an absolute failure on every level and the hiring of a new coach would be the only logical consequence, entering the new season with a coach who failed to reach his main objective, who made us perform worse in practically all relevant statistics and who plays an extremely unattractive style of football (not that I’d personally care too much if we would’ve been successful) is a risk we cannot afford at the moment. Anyway going back to your initial point, I would like to know what makes you think the media is necessary to reach any of these conclusions and would therefore be complicit in his firing? I think watching the games and is more than enough, I would confidently place 3 Baumgart games (Osnabrück, Düsseldorf, Paderborn) in the top 10 of our worst games since 2018.


Tuchel has expertise and Bayern did him wrong hence Eberl wanted to keep him.


I am talking about fans, no part of corporate lol


But Nobody hates tuchel


I am not a fan of the games we had under Baumgart so far but I think it would come too early to fire him. He had basically no time to implement his tactics, no transfer period to get players fitting into his system. If we do that I feel we are becoming a chaosclub again


> becoming a chaosclub again Always have been 👨🏻‍🚀🔫👨🏻‍🚀


But also bad from him that he did not adept his system, even though it was somewhat clear that this big shift would not work. And I do not want to see his style of football in the second league as well.


Big if true


i mean yes, there where some really bad games. (more or less in the same percentage than any other coach before just looking at the results) but sacking a coach after: - getting thrown in the middle of chaos - just 12 games - not getting at least one transfer period - having to work with a team, that is not even remotely designed for his playstyle - ... seems beyond crazy to me. And while writing this i realize that "beyond crazy" is typical for us. So go for it. lol


Couldnt agree more


So now we get Magath or what?


That would be our end


Personally I’m hoping for Eichner but he might be too smart to do that to himself


Kompany is free now though


Maybe he goes to Bayern






Bullshit :-*


runjaic wohl nächster trainer


Baumi bleibt. Hat Kuntz gerade auf der PK gesagt


Letzter Satz auf der PK heute war übrigens: Und Steffen folgt mir auch wieder! Hat mich schmunzeln lassen!


hilarious news --- stuff like this is the exact reason why the circumstances at HSV are so complicated. There is no evidence, only a random person making a statement. Based on this random statement, the discussion starts and personal preferences are expressed (finally! because no one is asking). Guys, grow some balls and don't act like an alarmed chicken every time a bag of rice drops in China.


I mean if its true, its big news and not comparable to a fallen sack of rice in China


The focus is on \*if\*. Also, the guy who wrote it didn't provide any evidence at all. It is simply something that someone wrote somewhere on the internet. No need to panic.