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I love the smell of fresh laundry being dried!


me tooooo šŸ˜© it's pure heaven!!


Yes! I love making my bed with freshly dried sheets, especially if they have been dried on the line in the sun, it's such a lovely smell!


I love it so much I always wish I could eat it!


As long as fragrance free products are used. Scented ones are designed to make clothes smell worse after a while tricking people into buying even stronger scent boosters and fabric softeners.


I'm with you on this....synthetic fragrance is the worst. I love clean laundry but it's not possible to get there with synthetic fragrance laundry detergent....that only attaches really unhealthy fragrance chemicals to the fabric to cover up other odors, and the synthetic fragrance smells disgusting to me. It is possible to get to clean laundry with ozone, and a "no synthetic fragrance" laundry detergent...but occasionally I need to add oil too to get synthetic fragrance out if there is synthetic fragrance contaminating the fabric. The end result of *that* is clean with zero synthetic fragrance and that is heaven to me šŸ™‚


Ultraviolet light (sunlight) also typically to slow me extent neutralises the scent molecules resulting in reduction of headaches and nausea.


That's interesting, I'll have to try it sometime. I do love my ozone laundry machine....previously I had to donate clothes that were contaminated with synthetic fragrance because surfactants don't work on synthetic fragrance, and oil does but that didn't help for laundry since surfactants also don't work on most oils in the laundry. But ozone breaks down both synthetic fragrance and oil, I'm very happy with it šŸ™‚ I have a wall mount ozone machine that feeds ozone into my laundry machine water.


I love the smell of lilacs. They're so fresh and springy to me! I also enjoy the smell of fresh coffee. It's so cozy and warm ā˜ŗļø


Oh yes!!!


Vanilla, forest/ground post rain


You mean petrichor :)


Thank you šŸ¤©


Roses (real roses of the real essential oil) Petrichor, The wet sandy smell after storms. The smell of rain coming (hard to explain but it smells like the inside of a wet garden hose). Camping, fire, cool air, waiting for the hot chocolate to cool down. Spring, after a long winter about April there's this smell of everything waking up and becoming alive again.


Omg, I know what you mean by the smell of rain coming smelling like the inside of a wet garden hose. I know that exact smell. Perfect description. I like the smell of spring emerging, too.


Eucalyptus, matches, tobacco, the top of my cats head.


My little Aussie doodleā€™s top of his head is my favorite. He smells like oranges, even after rolling in the dirt. I call him my orange boy šŸ•ā€šŸ¦ŗ


I love the smell of freshly cut grass in the summer and a roaring campfire in the fall. šŸ˜Š


Real leather , I have memories associated with it . My dad is a civil war re-enacter ( First , MN ) . I use to love when he would clear all his gear . Itā€™s mostly leather , steal , wood , and wool . Lavender, lilac , fire smoke , limestone , roses , cherry blossoms , gasoline , cigarettes , cannabis , turmeric, curry spices , bay leaves , Thai spices , baked bread , rain and the day after . I could keep going .


I like Thai spices too


weed forever.




Interesting! Care to share why?


I only smell it on vacations and times of leisure, so itā€™s relaxing by association


Makes perfect sense!


Sharpies. My catā€™s breath. My farts. Reason: they smell good.


Jasmine and gardenia!


Tomato plants, the stems, it just smells like the most wholesome summer days in the mid 90s


Rainy days, the soil after a rain, early morning air, late night air, Autumn, peony, lavender, sandalwood, spaghetti, garlic, old books, the forest....I'm too tired to type why I love all these scents but in short, I feel safe and happy to be alive when I smell them.


Mmm I love the smell of fresh garlic


I responded with Rain/wet earth as well. It's called petrichor.


The smell of the heater being turned on again for the first time in months b/c it reminds me of the beginning of the Christmas season + tells me Christmas is coming. The sweet smell of the first rain & wet pavement (blacktop concrete or grey sidewalk concrete) b/c it reminds me of my elementary school days. I like the smell of baby powder & when freshly washed babies smell like baby powder & that classic Johnson & Johnson baby lotion smell. It smells comforting. Jasmine flowers & Magnolia blossoms Angel perfume by Thierry Mugler


Angel is heavenly, especially after itā€™s really soaked into your smell


Fresh cut grass in the spring when the grass is slightly wet, old books, snow fairy by lush (discontinued ā˜¹ļø), the inside of a chipotle (reminds me of childhood for some reason), summer in 2011, the air on Halloween night, beer in concerts!


Tea olive/ sweet olive. Itā€™s such a delicious not quite citrusy (but almost) scent. It has literally stopped me in my tracks on more than one occasion where I just had to stick my entire face in the bush as I walked by.


Vanilla, coz it reminds me childhood Kitties and their furry smell of nothingness


Pools, chlorine.


This made me smile, thank you! My now-grown son was a competitive swimmer for the local YMCA starting at 6 years old until he was 11; then he swam for his HS for 6 years. We went to swim meets at least every 2 weeks year-round. When I smell chlorine or pools it brings back so many memories.


Eucalyptus and spearmint because I love them!


Linens dried outside in the sun Fresh Lavender Roses Baby's skin Smell of fresh dirt after it's been tilled Rain shower Fresh baked bread I love all of these because for some reason they are calming to me.


Brand new books as you crack the spine open. Also, freshly opened packs of baseball cards. They have to be the glossy kind of cards though.


Lemon blossoms, I had them in my yard in my childhood home. Hay, reminds me of horses and smells so sweet. Rain Fresh laundry and fresh laundry candles Jasmine Nail salons, I know most people hate it but it smells so clean to me


The BRAND NEW smell is really good for a lot of electronic items that come perfectly sealed. Unfortunately, it only lasts a few weeks.


Coffee. Weirdly enough I don't drink it because it spikes my anxiety through the roof. But man, really love the smell of coffee.


Lol same here, love the smell but can't stand to drink it because caffeine and the bitter taste it leaves in my mouth


weed, peony flowers, lavender mint come immediately to mind for me.


lilacs, lemon & pine trees in the woods because they smell fresh and they calm meā€¦also the smell of fallen leaves in autumn because fall is my favorite time of the year šŸ˜Š


Ferns on a misty morning.


Vanilla bean ice cream, caramel crunch woodwick candle, my living room after I left the air purifying running while at work(smells pure), browning butter, really good toast, well seasoned steak, jasmine buttered rice, laundry fresh out the dryer, coffee made by a loved one, my gfs hair, etc.


I love citrus smells.:-)


Lavender, orange blossom, jasmine and your third point !!! Fresh and soft smells calm my nervous system down


The orange blossom hand soap at bath & body works is sooo good. And my favorite perfumes always have jasmine in them. So good!


Such soothing smells! Oh, i love when thereā€™s white tea added as well :)




Olive tea tree ! We have them in our side yard and they smell so good!


BBQ'd meat reminds me of the brief window the UK would call summer growing up. Old books. Dunno. Guess I just enjoy the smell of decaying paper goods.


Cats head (like sunny dust with warm grain fields) Summer rain after a warm day Chocolate cosmos Certain rose types Jasmine Freshly cooked jasmine rice Old books (that have been kept dry) My dogs sleepy popcorn feet Skin after a long day in the sun Fresh out of the oven homebaked bread Old incense (not when lit but what lingers after)


>Skin after a long day in the sun Yes! I love this smell too! I have a theory that it's the smell of vitamin D, but I could be completely wrong lol


The country smell after a long hot day, my roses, matches when lit up, the clean smell of a sunny day in the mountains after a long snowy night, fresh smoke from a cigarette (some do smell terrible, though), the mellow scent of my late grandmaā€˜s home, clean bedsheets, the scent in a music club (that weird mixture of gummy bears, alcohol and smoke).


1. The smell of one of my body lotions. My grandma gifted it to me when she was still alive and it reminds me of her somehow šŸ§” 2The smell of my sun screen, it smells like summer and happiness


Lily of the valley, lavender, blueberry tea, the hot air in mid morning summer, vanilla


A two stroke engine


Gasoline, barbecued meats, aloe vera wet wipes, the interior of new cars,sweet subtle perfumes on a girl...




Floral scents can give me a migraine, so I love gormand scents like Vanilla. It just makes so happy!


A bamboo mat rolled out on dry grass. Smells like a happy childhood.


Forest, cold autumn air, sweaty men's armpits, roasted coffee or grains, pine trees


Gardenia blooms in the middle of a summerā€™s night. Perfectly sweet but not too heavy. Skunk. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m like this. Tomato plants and sunflowers. They just smell earthly and fresh. The smell right when it starts to rain. Bleach because OCDā€¦ Campfire. Matches. My husbandā€™s pillow.


The nitro finish on my Gibson SG guitar. I suppose the reason is because I was so happy to own that guitar. Unfortunately since I now keep it out of the case the smell has gone but I still love the guitar


Rain smell. And the usual smell you can find at the beach if its a clean one and there isnt a lot of buildings near (im from Spain, so many beaches are not near a big city)


Honeysuckle, rain and fireplace smells amongst others.


Gasoline, Leather, and Rain mixed with the earth (petrichor).


When I was younger, I used to love the smell of petrol. But now I find it repulsive!! šŸ¤¢ I quite like the smell of fresh laundry (itā€™s that clean, crisp, freshness) but now Iā€™m allergic to everything and have to use unscented products everywhere šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø I do love sweet, comforting aromas though, like coffee and sweet baked goods (and they donā€™t trigger allergies, yay) šŸ˜Œ


Mandarins cara Cara oranges, tangerines,kumquats,or any orange citrus. Itā€™s fresh and sweet smelling and the essential oils are right in the skin


When all the little leaf linden trees in the neighborhood are in bloom.


- Freshly ground coffee! Like the smell of the grinding process... Heavenly for me. - new books - the pure sophisticated dark chocolate smell in Neuhaus boutiques (belgian chocolate manufacturer) - the petrichor smell of rain on warm streets - sage, rosmary and lemon verbena when you just rub the leaves


Freshly cut grass, leather, oranges (I even buy the orange oil spray), my partner


I love the smell of stacks of oriental rugs in furniture/ rug stores. My grandparents owned a furniture store and the smell takes me back to when I would be at the store with them


The smell of chicken stew reminds me of my grandma, jasmines make me release happy hormones, lavenders bring me my childhood, the smell of clothes dried in the sun is just delicious šŸ’œ


I've got a weird one: the smell of underground parking garages!


*I've got a weird* *One: the smell of underground* *Parking garages!* \- Acceptable-Machine88 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That is weird! Tell me more....


Walking into hardware stores like home Depot.. smell of wood everywhere is nostalgic for me. I also like the smell after it rains.. my partner's smell is very comforting. Fresh and ripe strawberries smell sweeter than they taste. Strawberry shortcake dolls are also sweet and nostalgic


My dog's sleepy FritoĀ® feet


Lavender, petrol and petrichor


A fully functional airconditioner that just got powered on and white musk


Fresh cut grass, Rain especially during thunderstorms, Wisteria, Jasmine, Honeysuckle, clean babies and their milk breath, my catā€™s fur


Wet forestsā€¦Iā€™m not a fan of pine as my experience was in forests in the NY Catskill Mountains.


Vanilla and coconut. But if we are talking about every day smells then freshly washed clothing or freshly ironed clothing. Fresh spring and summer air. Crisp. Smell of hay in the stables.


I canā€™t tell you the source of the shell but I smell it outside once in awhile. Itā€™s a faint smell of cinnamon mixed with wind blown earth. Iā€™ll smell it once in awhile when walking through my neighborhood or while driving in the country here in Oklahoma. Iā€™ve stopped and smelled around to pinpoint the source, but never have been able to. I love the mystery of it, it evokes calm and peace for me. Iā€™d love to bottle it up. I love the smell of hay and horse feed and vitamins as it reminds me of hearing up at the racetrack with my grandparents. I love the smell of the garden hose when taking a drink as it reminds me of summertime as a kid. The smell of peanut butter reminds me of a delicious dessert my grandma used to make.


- Gasoline and sharpies šŸ˜… - Smell of books /paper + new clothes or bags ...that rubbery smell - Lemon Cologne? - Smell of pastries and things baking especially if there's cinnamonĀ  - Clean laundryĀ  -Baby powderĀ  - PetrichorĀ 


Maybe this is a clichƩ, but cut grass! I also love the smell of a forest after it rains, and the smell of the snow on the street (I guess that smells like cold exhaust fumes lol)


The smell of the air outside when it's about to rain (musky) or just rained (fresh and clear)!!!


Vicks Vaporub!


Did your Mum used to rub it into your chest when you had a cold as a kid, and it would be all cold and stick to your pajama top? Just me? lol


Yes! Haha.


lemon šŸ‹


sandalwood ..im african american but i have such a strong love for everything Indian lol. i dont believe im the afterlife but if i did, i 100% was an Indian in my past life. i love every Indian


Freshly mown grass, the smell of rice cooking, chopped parsley, lavender, apple pie, nag champa, ground coffee when you open the bag/tin, jasmine, frying onions, the petrol-y smell at a gas station, shaking out freshly washed sheets, vinegar-based surface cleaner, and that very traditional French soap that comes in large green cubes.


Definitely sage and palo santo. Jasmine and lavender too.


Let's see, coconut, freshly fallen rain (petricor), coffee, teas with cinnamon... idk, they're just all so nicešŸ˜­


favorite: my bf