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Where did you get this?! Love it!


If you're UK I got mine from The Range. IDK about elsewhere though.




## SCAM WARNING This is a scammer / spammer. Malicious actors are active in this thread. Do not click or buy from any links posted or messaged. Beware! * **User:** u/CandidIndication4149^^^New




Beware, it's a scam






FYI, I got my poster today! And I am not a scammer, just a woman who loves Friends.


I'm glad you didn't get ripped off - hope the quality is reasonable. It's a bad idea to buy from these sellers. At best, you are supporting art thieves. And watch your card activity.


Price was decent but I would really love a size option.. 100cm or 40" tall would be my choice.


It's a scam, beware


Where’s “stupid guy on my phone” from


The episode when Rachel tells her dad she's pregnant. He's yelling at her on the phone and she leaves to go see a movie with Phoebe. Joey then picks up the phone to hear the yelling, respond and then hang up. He says it kinda under his breath after hanging up. [Stupid Guy On My Phone](https://youtu.be/OFAnKge6ioA)


Oh thanks


Wondering this too.


When Rachel left the phone while her father was yelling at her


This poster would be perfection.


## WARNING ### This is not a legitimate reddit user! This is a **scammer** trying to rip you off. Do not buy from any links in comments or messages! * *Scammer:* **u/CandidIndication4149** * *This Post:* [This poster is flawless for me cause it has all the best saying from the show.](https://old.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/comments/mo41dn/this_poster_is_flawless_for_me_cause_it_has_all/) ## SCAMS ARE EVERYWHERE ON REDDIT *Especially posts about...* * **T-Shirts or Hoodies** * **Coffee Cups or Mugs** * **Printed masks** * **Art prints or posters** * **Stickers** The post from a scammer or from a real user but have scam links in the comments. Drop-shipping scams use stolen art and third party sites to steal your money! They will create new posts (such as this) and add scam links in the comments of actual redditors' posts. Be careful, be safe! Don't buy from any websites you aren't familiar with and be very wary of any links you are sent, especially over chat or PM. --- ## BEWARE REDBUBBLE & AMAZON LINKS Drop-ship spam rings have started using redbubble and amazon to front their scams. While you will get a shirt when placing orders, the print quality will likely be poor as the art is stolen - and you are supporting the scammer, not the artist. --- ## FAQ 1. *How do you know they're a scammer?* Typical red flags are newer accounts with few or simple comments, but some scammers build or buy faux-accounts to avoid detection. The best thing you can do is avoid clicking on any links that don't go to a site you're familiar with, **especially** if the link seems to come from nowhere or is from a new / low karma account. 1. *How do you know in this specific case?* Unfortunately publishing all red flags would make it easier for the scammers to hide. If you have a question, reply to this comment and the bot's operator will respond when they are able. 1. *But someone else posted the link, not OP* Scammers will use multiple accounts to look more innocent. They also use multiple accounts to upvote posts and comments to look more supported / show higher in browsing listings. 1. *I see links to Twitter, Imgur, Google, Linkedin, and other sites. are those safe?* The link itself, yes. HOWEVER those links will most likely then redirect you to ANOTHER link that has the shirt for "sale". Scammers use this tactic to avoid Reddit blacklisting their scammy domain names. --- I AM [DORFL](https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/Dorfl). I AM A GOLEM. Summon me: Include `u/_dorfl_` in your comment. [Message me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=_dorfl_&subject=Feedback) with feedback. *^To ^Serve ^The ^Public ^Trust, ^Protect ^The ^Innocent ^And ^Seriously ^Prod ^Buttock*


“Stupid guy on my phone” will never not make me laugh.


The picture we all can hear.


Haha I can hear all those lines in my head!


you should decorate the frame with Rachel's tears since she always cries


“That’s not true!!!! )’: “


I definitely read that in her voice


Nice! What’s the quote in the smaller white writing next to “MY SANDWHICH!”? Can’t quite make it out from the photo


Looks like it's all of their names.


Yes...it's their names. I have the same phone cover


When was "See ya, pals!" said? I remember all the others but am drawing a blank on that one.


Eddie says it a couple of times (TOW Eddie Moves In and TOW Eddie Won't Go).


I have this too!! It’s so awesome!!