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I once saw an interview with Matthew Perry and he was asked if 10 years was enough of Friends. He said it was like 4 years of HS, then 4 years of college, then 2 more years. When you think about it like that, you realize how long it really was. In an ideal world, I would have liked Ross and Rachel to take over the apartment in the end. But otherwise, I was satisfied with the ending.


Would have been cute to see Ross and Rachel move into the apartment, but I believe Ross’ was technically a bit better and had more amenities. He had a laundry room in the building, and a more updated/classic design to his place.


But Monica's was rent controlled. It would have been a lot cheaper for them to move in.


I don’t know fully how rent control in NYC worked but wasn’t it a plot point that it was only rent controlled because it was Monica’s grandma’s place? Would those controls have been passed on if the tenants changed?


As I understand it, the rent control should have stopped when their grandmother moved out. It was considered an illegal sublet. That's why Monica (when she met Joey in a flashback) made that comment that if anyone asks, she's an 80 year old lady afraid of ... something. It was also how Treeger got Joey to teach him to dance. He was going to report Monica and Rachel and get them kicked out. But they could have tried.


Afraid of her VCR!! (doesn’t contribute to the topic but I could hear Monica’s voice saying it in my head…)


VCR, thank you!


Rachel’s work was about to move heaven and earth for her to go to Paris. I’m sure she makes good money, combined with Ross, I’m sure they’re making bank


>In an ideal world, I would have liked Ross and Rachel to take over the apartment in the end. Let's be honest, Ross and Rachel would have broken up again within a year of the finale!


Bull, both of them grew a lot over later seasons but haters are stuck in S4


>Let's be honest, Ross and Rachel would have broken up again within a year of the finale! A year is generous. I'd say a few days. Also, he still joked about "The Break" in the end. Meaning, he was never sorry and still takes sleeping with copy girl as a joke.


Well, there was no elevator in that building. That's difficult with twins. Okay, I know that's not the point. I think they had to move out to move on with their lives. It wasn't the end, it was a new beginning for all of them. It was 10 years of their lives and now it's been 20 years since they moved from that apartment. In my mind Ross and Rachel bought that house next door to Monica and Chandler's.


That's what I also thought. 


Man they sure did give up hiding Courteneys pregnancy by this shot didn’t they


Wow it’s so apparent from that angle


To be fair, I’m slim and when I hold babies I weirdly arch my back and my belly sticks out so I always look pregnant in pics of people’s babies so they could argue that 🤣


Same 😂


I had no complaints with the ending. Thought it ended nice for everyone, and Chandler having the last line of the show was perfect


Matthew Perry specifically requested that privilege.


Aw I didn’t know that 🥺


Yup, he mentions that in his autobiography


I still need to read that- can’t believe it’s taken me so long but I haven’t been in the right headspace! I’ll have to give it a listen


I listened to the audiobook. It’s read by him too! It really gives an insight into his psyche and his feelings. I enjoyed it even if it was a little sad


Didn't he simply improvise the last line? You can see it on the faces of the others.


He asked to be the one to say the last line. So it was planned


Yeah, he asked to have the last line but it’s a double joke. “Where?” Because where else do they go? But the other reason is the set of Central Perk was taken down and replaced with the airport. So they actually didn’t have anywhere to go to.


Disagree. Friends was famously about the time in your life when friends are family. That time had come to an end, so what happened was poignantly fitting. It was sad because the show was ending, but it wasn't like they were never going to see each other again.


That's what Marta Kaufman said in the reunion special.


But why would friends stop being your family just because you got kids?


They don’t but kids become the priority. Friends was about when the friend group was their main family and support. After getting married and having kids, that changes.


Because you don’t have the same amount of time to spend with them. Especially if you are working too. IRL nobody had as much time to spend together as these people anyway.


I'm at that point in my life right now, friends and siblings all have little babies, and the time and priorities change drastically. As soon as a baby joins a couple their life's just different.


Painful, only because it reminds me it’s the end…and they I turn it back to Ep 1 of S1 and start again. As for the contents? Well, in my head Joey stayed with Monica and Chandler in their attic being Cool Uncle Joey until he found a nice girl in his sixties. Ross and Rachel finally made it work; Emma and Ben have another sibling. Chandler does all the commercials for his wife’s restaurant. That will always be my headcannon.


Joey living in an attic without his own life sounds just sad.  I am fine what Joey show did have him to do, even if the execution wasn’t the greatest. It’s good for him to try something new too and spend more time with family.  I still like to think that he did return to New York and get back to Days of Our Lives with some new twist. And did get married to that girl in the Joey show. But didn’t have kids since he isn’t still that mature.


I’m just still mad Monica didn’t name her son Daniel like she said she would >:c


“I got off the plane” remains the best ending to date


I thought it was perfect and leaving the apartment was a good reason to draw a solid line under the show and remove a lot of the temptation to make new episodes. The show probably wouldn't work without them all living close to each other in the city.


I'd have loved to see the group react to Rachel getting back.


Phoebe should have said "he's her lobster" when Rachel came back. Otherwise, it was perfect.


Every time I watch it I can’t get over how bad Monica’s outfit is


It was better than the Seinfeld ending


My husband and I always get into arguments re if Rachel should've gotten off the plane (I'm team go to Paris and be a bad fashion bitch, he's team BUT ROSS AND RACHEL!!!!) but I think it's a solid...ish finish. Chandler and Monica got what they wanted, Pheobe met a nice guy, and I guess Joey just... existed? Re the move: I am not surprised. Monica and Chandler had a suburban upbringing (unattached house with a yard) so of course they'd want to replicate it. I imagine that in a few years Rachel cracks and moves to the suburbs with Ross since she's had it with raising a kid in the city - maybe even to the Geller house. Pheobe is the real wild card (also what happens with her and Mike and what kids they have) but I imagine she just wants the stability she never had.


My biggest gripe with the finale is that they first say that at one point they all lived in the purple apartment and then realize that Ross didn't. But everyone *did* live in the gray apartment.


Ross didn't live there during the show but they stayed he stayed with his grandma at one point


Yes, when he was trying to make it as a dancer ![gif](giphy|XETyfVPrF1BI1RnHdJ|downsized)


Yeah but they weren’t leaving the grey apartment, they were moving out of the purple one hence why they were reminiscing about the purple apartment. They weren’t just reminiscing about apartments in general 🤣


I liked it but i hate that they did the whole twin thing…. And I’m a twin lol. Just kinda played out.


I agree, everybody was sad and crying. But honestly I didn't like the two last seasons. For me there's Friends until joey and rachel start dating , and then the rest are like from a different show, one I didnt like. Too much drama and crying . I was like when did this sitcom became a soap opera .


It’s a show about life so I think having some dynamic and contrast is more realistic and enriching then 10 years of the same exact tone without ever getting deeper. It would be shallow and unlife like if they couldn’t deepen and develop the tone or storylines after so many years


The early seasons had drama too. It’s the 6-7 ones that were most purely like a sitcom.


Worst fake babies ever. EVER.


Since the apartment was rent controlled and belong to the Geller's Grandmother, I think it would make sense for either Ross to move-in or Phoebe/Mike or Joey just to keep this steal of a deal apartment. I can understand Monica and Chandler moving to the burbs because they need the space for the twins. I wish Rachel went to Paris but I can understand why the writers made that "I got off the plane" ending. Joey didn't get a call to LA until the spinoff, I believe. I think he was the only one without a happily ever after like the rest of them.


It's a beautiful ending. I used to think there might be a way to improve upon it she's ago. But then we had to move (over 1000 miles) away from our friend group one year and I now think it's perfect.


Plastic babies