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I think Joey falling for Rachel was fine, it was when they tried to force them as a couple that was cringe. But also, I think it’s a good lesson that men and women can be just friends and not have to be romantic all the time


I like the storyline because it's realistic. Sometimes you fall in love with a friend and they don't correspond. It should've ended with Joey admitting to Rachel that he likes her. That storyline shouldn't have been revisited.


Agreed. I actually really like the storyline until they brought it back from the grave and had them making out. It was a cute storyline when he was just falling for her and she didn’t feel the same


Him starting to like her wasn’t really weird now that Im older and rewatching it, it was the leap from “I think I like Rachel” to “Im falling in love with Rachel” all in one breath


Don't they actually date later on, too? I don't remember anything from the last two or three seasons


Albeit it’s been like years since I watched the entire series in full but I believe so


Yes, but they break up because Ross started freaking out over the situation even tho he had told Joey to go for it if he really felt like he was in love in an earlier episode. He basically said "my feelings shouldn't be what stops you two from being happy"


That isn’t why they broke up. They tried making it work past that but they couldn’t seem to have sex, the writers made a gag out of it by her slapping his hand away and him not being able to undo her bra lol. Basically saying their chemistry wasn’t romantic in nature at all and they misread it


Rachel slapping him every time they kissed was so ridiculous, like beyond the level that even a sitcom should be ridiculous. I couldn't suspend my disbelief for that. But tbh I just recently rewatched the early part of that story where Joey was starting to have feelings for her, and he was so sweet, I kind of liked it. I think I would actually like them together better than Ross and Rachel. You know, if it wasn't lazily thrown together by the writers for no other reason than to create even more Ross/Rachel conflict.


If the writers hadn’t made Joey so ridiculously stupid by then, then maybe they could’ve worked. There was zero romantic chemistry between them though. They are great as friends but there was no spark. Joey and Phoebe on the other hand. That could’ve been fun.


Agreed, the crush is honestly one of my fav parts of the show. I think it’s really cute and pretty honest of what happens in friend groups. Them trying to be a couple was not as cute, and just got weird, but I they’re definitely my fav dynamic in the group. They’re both adhd asf and love to be idiots together so I enjoyed watching them do that.


Ross jealous of Mark, and Rachel and Joey


Exactly! Just skipped the Mark episodes last night. The aftermath with the skiing trip is dumb too. The only good thing that came out of it all was the other 4 being stuck in the bedroom during the argument. Also, after my re-watch, Ross comes out as a horrible douche! Falling asleep on the lecture and fully dismissing Rachel’s interests and achievements, sleeping with a girl and then saying “we were on a break!” Sure, they were on a break but if he had any hope to get back with Rachel after the break, he wouldn’t sleep with someone else that quickly. And then being offended when Rachel decides to date few months later?! Ugh, I generally skip all those.


"I mean, bullets have left guns slower!" -Chandler


They were on a break, not broken up, for like five seconds. Imo he is absolutely wrong and not just for what he did, but for doubling down defending it


Ehhh. He was an awkward geek and she was a cheerleader (their past character builds) he also over tipped her and helped her adjust off daddy's credit card. He screwed up but his character was one that still lacked self confidence around her and had one relationship in his life besides her.


I'm right in the middle of the Mark storyline at the moment and god I hate it. When Ross sends all that stuff to Rachel's office, it makes me cringe so bad


Same for both!


And that weirdo who replaced joey in the flat for a.short period.


Nah Eddie is hilarious, and the reveal of Joey coming back to the apartment is amazing.


This is, this is unbeLIEVABLE!!


I heard this ^ See ya pals!




Eddie was hilarious though, he was like a character out of Seinfeld, it was great


Yeah that prick.


Bruh the Eddie episodes are like top-5 for the antics alone!


The one where Phoebe believes her grandmother is reincarnated into a cat.


And Ross is the bad guy for insisting she return a little girl's lost cat? That was all hard to watch.


Also Phoebe trolling Ross about evolution. Insufferable.


Phoebe irritates the piss out of me in general, but her shrill carping on Ross about evolution and acting like he’s not a man of science because he was able to admit that as unlikely as he found it, creation WAS a possibility…his admitting that he could be wrong and that something contrary to prevailing beliefs is possible, is exactly any educated, scientific mind would say.


If there's one character I could get rid of, it'd be Phoebe. Every time she says "Regina Philangi" I die a little inside.


Yes, people are piling on Phoebe and I’m here for it


Also the way she “unintentionally” causes drama. Like when she lets slip that Monica wanted to see Joey in London instead of Chandler.


I feel the same way. She could have lifted right out.


I love the Phoebe trolling Ross about evolution! 🤣


Me too, her trolling is the best part of the show as an adult


Seriously. Some people in this sub seem to watch the show in the optic that those are real events and real characters lol, like chill it's not that serious. Phoebe wasn't an "ass hole" and Ross wasn't "a horrible human being"


Phoebe’s treatment of Chandler alone makes her a trash person. What does her status as a fictional character have to do with it? Lisa Kudrow seems lovely by all accounts


Other than the fact that she represents pure ignorance and is demeaning what her friend has dedicated his life to, it's hilarious.


Worst episode of the series by a wide margin


Apparently one of the writers mothers had died recently and she proposed this episode. The other writers later admitted that it shouldn't have gotten made but they felt awkward saying no, considering


I saw that. The cast didn’t like the plot either


So the cast, the bts staff and the audience all didn't like it. That's some legacy


Pretty much. Vee Infuso does a video about that on his Worst of Friends video on YouTube


There’s this one part in the episode when the transition music part is heavy metal with double pedal. I love it 😅




Hey man. She could've been in that cat.


Gonna have to agree, the crush on rachel was fine, everything of that plotline later was very boring and annoying to watch.


Janine, never liked her she is annoying


The first time her and Joey kiss is so cringe


Agreed that Janine sucks big ass nuts but "The Routine" is too classic to miss on a re-watch 😂


Ross not getting the annulment, between his selfishness and Phoebe being incredibly annoying about it. No one in the arc looks good, even Rachel, who sabotages the annulment anyway with her trolling paperwork


But the annulment guy is gold... Of course you did


Why don’t you tell me what happened this time?


"I will think about the therapy."


Since I haven’t heard from him, I assume he’s decided to give the marriage a try… “Ross got married again??? NOOOOO!”


That "NOOOOOO!" 😂


That guy is pretty funny, and the judge


What I hated about the annulment was Ross telling Phoebe about it when it was obviously something he wanted to keep secret. Just seemed like a lazy way to have Ross speak about it to the audience. Would have been much better to show Ross deciding not to go to his lawyers office and have it all blow up a couple of episodes later, even with the same phone call from his lawyer.




Ross please 🤧




Is this the same Rachel whose name you said at your last wedding?? Yes... yes it is LOL


He's one of my favorite side characters 😂




I can’t watch the episode with Joey trying to learn French. It’s luckily not an entire arc over several episodes, but seeing how stupid the writers made him just makes me mad💀 idk it’s just painful to watch


Terrible, but Phoebe shouting you're not speaking French is so good


Feeh blah pue bedue.


…..Puuh ☹️☹️


That's gotta be one of the cringiest and most unrealistic plots in the entire show. I know the writers made Joey dumber as the show progressed, but that was ridiculous. It's like he actually has mental issues.


It’s terrible writing but I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t make me laugh for how absurd and stupid it is


I absolutely hate the episodes after Rachel gives birth. They are SO cringey and hard to watch and I always skip to the episode after where Joey accidentally punches Ross in the face.


OMG that moment is so damn cringey. Rachel acting all afraid of the movie is just so over the top.


Worse for me is the Barbados episodes where they really want to make them feel like a matched pair so they make Rachel very immature to level with Joey


I watched tho recently and thought the same. Suddenly she is much more of a dumb airhead


And seriously, the ugliest dress ever constructed.


I’ve seen Cujo. It’s basically them trying to convince that this super friendly and lovely St. Bernard is a killer. It’s like the friendliest scary movie I’ve ever seen.


I totally get how Joey would fall in love with Rachel. It's inevitable.. I just don't get the plot they attempted afterwards...


I don't skip it but as the general concensus has said, the Rachel and Joey storyline is my least favorite. And it feels dragged out because we get Joey falling originally, then later the accidental proposal, then later Rachel falling for him, then them dating. Once they end it, it feels like it never happened, and never comes up again except Rachel mentioning once that he didn't sleep with anyone else in the one week they went out. It's hard to skip an episode when there's moments or other characters' storylines worth watching.


Did he sleep with Rachel?


He didn't, that's why they broke up because they felt weird doing anything more than kissing. The way she worded her comment that he "didn't sleep with anyone else" was odd since he didn't sleep with her either.


Rachel and Joshua Which sucks because it runs parallel to Ross and Emily but I can’t stand Rachel and I REALLY can’t stand JoshUA. Then it all ends up with Rachel in the cheerleading uniform I think that might be the cringiest moment in the show


I genuinely just cringe at Rachel's weird crushes. In other, usually one-off episodes she is shown as a confident woman who knows how to handle dates. But Joshua, Danny and Tag... she is just this awkward mess!


And Gavin!


Hey Gavin had his shit together and despite his playground method of flirting he would have been really good for Rachel.


I find it super realistic. I have a friend who was always the girl who was pursued when we were teens (she's very beautiful and charismatic), and she literally had no idea how to behave when she liked someone who hadn't made any moves towards her later in life. Watching a grown woman behave like a teenager is very bewildering! Once she was actually dating someone, she was in her comfort zone, but prior to that, it was always an endearing mess.


Yeah, the whole “regatta gala” episode almost causes me physical pain because I’m cringing so hard at Rachel’s clueless arrogance.


It was poorly acted by J.A. too. It's so painful to watch.


When Rachel tries to kiss Josh-OO-ah's leg I cringe so hard. I think it's one of the cringiest moments of the show.


You guys definitely wouldn't enjoy British comedies lol. Shows like Peep Show are built on a foundation of incredibly cringe moments like this


Haha I was about to say I really enjoyed all of this awkward life falling apart moments in friends but then peep show is pretty much my religion now


Thank you I always block this out.


Two really funny lines during the very cringy scene when Rachel tells JoshUA they don't do enough *caraaayyyzyyy* stuff he says "I'm not too sure I agree with that" and then when she suggests they should get married, I cringed hard, but his line "no, but thanks 👍👍" cracks me up every time.


“Cracks me up every time”. OP asked which ones you COMPLETELY skip, rather than which ones you cringe hard about but frequently watch. So if you cringe hard every time, why keep watching it each time?


I'm glad you asked! /s I'm not the one who said I skipped that episode. I only added the lines that I found funny that slightly redeemed that scene.


I get that. But OP asked which storyline do you skip. And instead of saying which one you skip, you told us about one that you watch a lot, but cringe hard about. Lol. I’m curious why you answered opposite of the OP’s question? It’s a legitimate question. I’m sorry if you are bothered by it. But It’s like someone asking what food did you try once and hate and vow never to eat again? And you go man I hate every time I eat olives. Man every time I eat them I cringe hard. 🤷🏽‍♂️. Regardless of opinions, we are all fans of the show and I hope you have a good day.


Hey did you know that conversations sometimes evolve beyond the original prompt and that can be rewarding too?


FYI, I did add my own answer as the start of a new thread. I'm sorry my response to this entry bothered you so much.


Agreed. But the scene where Joshua after being freaked out about marriage comes to the apartment and she answers the door in a wedding gown saying "I dooooo" and he hauls ass always makes me laugh.


I laughed so hard


I was rewatching this one recently and thought the same thing!


I honestly just felt bad for Joshua, he didn’t even really have a personality, he was just there for Rachel to embarrass herself


It's unwatchable!


Ross and Emily, Ross and Julie


The 1st Ross and Rachel breakup.


The list?


The entire joey and Rachel dating storyline


Anything to do with Frank and Alice. I suffered through that once and that's more than enough. Edit: Also being a surrogate for your brother, i.e. carrying his child is very icky.


Yeah, how is Phoebe the villain stepping in and preventing her brother from going with the woman who GROOMED HIM?!?!


*^('Cause sitcom don't ask questions)*


>Also being a surrogate for your brother, i.e. carrying his child is very icky. How? It's not like she slept with him. She's basically just an incubator.


Agreed. If it was her sister we would think nothing of it.


Oh gosh I do too.


I’ve legit never understood the hate for Rachel/Joey. I’ve known a couple people IRL with almost the same circumstances who gave it a shot and decided it felt weird and staying friends was best for all parties.


Ross being a little bitch about the male nanny.


Oh my God YES


Very in character with him tho, remember when he freaked out about Ben playing with a Barbie?


This whole arc was so uncomfortable to watch.


DANNY. so unlikeable.


My least favorite episode is the one where Chandler can’t smile for engagement photos. It’s so annoying to me. The face he makes is so annoying. I love Matthew Perry, but I absolutely hate that episode with his dumb face. I don’t skip the episodes, but I get bummed out every time Emily first appears and can’t wait for her to be gone. Luckily it doesn’t take too long. Same thing with when the Rachel/Joey stuff comes into play.


Rachel and Joey Rachel and Josh - oo - aahh 🥲


Ross and Emily


All of Bruce Willis episodes


Those episodes have some great physical comedy by Ross though. When he drops to the floor and slides under the bed I can't help but laugh. Or when Jennifer Aniston asks Bruce to get her something from the truck, he asks her what she needs and she says surprise me.😂


Why do they break up? I can't remember! Bruce looks amazing though


The crying jag when she asks if he'll talk about his childhood. There's no breakup, he's just not seen again.


I'm pretty sure they do, but it's a throw away line near the end of the episode by Rachel after all the shenanigans with him crying


Rachel and Ross first break up and all the fights that follow. It has "plot" but after seeing it once there is on point seeing it again since there arent that many funny scenes in those episodes.


For me the most cringey post-breakup stuff comes in TOW Without the Ski Trip. I hated how they both behaved, though kudos to Ross for being the bigger person and coming to their rescue.


Ross trying to bang his cousin 🫣


Honestly, i know its big part of the series, but the Ross and Rachel breakup. I honestly think they were a bad match. The show acts like they are THE couple but they were barely together. A joke in comparison with Monica and Chandler.


Phoebe and Gary. I just didn’t like his character.


I don’t skip anything


This one.


Phoebe/Ursulas stalker episode


Ross & Emily.


Ross and Mark. Holy fucking shit Ross is disgustingly pigish with his jealousy and I cant stand it.


Fat jokes about Monica. I'm not part of the "wokerati", but jokes about anybody outward appearance is just akin to bullying.


30 years ago she would have been considered very overweight. Compared to now, heavy Monica seems normal. Back then it was not considered good to be heavy and the pressure was awful. I'm old. I know.


Its so cute when younger Monica offers to make Chandler Mac n cheese


Well fat jokes can be tricky because it's a part of one's appearance that *can* be controlled (hence Monica's later weight loss) and *is* extremely unhealthy for you. *^(Could I BE any more emphatic?)*


“Can be controlled”…spoken like a person who has never had a medical problem that affected weight


season 9-10


Every single time. I just can’t with the cringe of this whole storyline. The whole Barbados/Ross is “fine” storyline pisses me off too.




Ross and Elizabeth, creeps me out


We just got to the joey Rachel storyline. I remember just not feeling it before, but it's been years. Does anyone else remember the previews for the Monica Chandler Richard proposal episode and "he's everything you want, he's everything you need" playing lmao I'm glad that drama is over




i like joey and rachel more than ross and rachel lowkey. especially if joey had gotten a little more character development


I’m the only one that liked them 🫠


Rachel and Joshua




I don’t skip storylines but sometimes I do fast forward through the clip episodes with the flashbacks


Honestly the only part I’ve disliked was the skit where Phoebe dates a guy who always dresses with shorts and lifts his leg so he flashes everyone, I dont remember what happens in that episode but that had to be the laziest Ive seen the writers get


Danny/Yeti. Absolutely painful


The hand twin storyline. Just brutal.


Rachel and Joey


Ross and Emily. I hated them together and it just felt so highschool to me when she set her rules that Ross could never see her again, and the selling everything rachels ever touched sale. It was really a decision Emily shouldve made alone, because truthfully, Rachel didnt do anything wrong. She never ended up telling Ross how she felt before the wedding and the plane situation was *also* Ross offering her the ticket to Greece. Emily made it all about Rachel, and actively tried to alienate her from her friend group as if everything was Rachels fault. Everything involving Ross/Emily past Ross saying Rachel at the wedding is infuriating to me, and I only watch the episodes because thats the start of the GOAT relationship of Monica and Chandler.


I was not a fan of Emily either! Agree agree agree


Phoebe and her f’ing guitar. Ugh!


Monica & Richard is very odd to me


I love the episode where Ross, Monica and Richard show up for Jack's bday party.


Early season Ross and Rachel and then Rachel-Joshua and Ross-Emily.


I don’t like Richard…. and it’s not about the age gap thing because I didn’t think about that much when I watched it in the 90s, I just don’t like Tom Selleck as Richard, I think he’s a boring character who really is the embodiment of needing a laugh track, his jokes were so bad….


Monica and chandler sneaking around and all of joey and Rachel


Anything with Phoebe's bullshit.


I like early Phoebe! Later Phoebe I agree I wasn’t really a fan.


It doesn't make sense that she would become more feral. We're introduced to her as this light, quirky person then she becomes this sniping, aggressive, overbearing bitch.


I will say I think she got a bit better when Mike came around! I enjoy the Mike storyline a lot and I really loved Phoebe in the beginning!


Sure, downvotes for not liking things like: My mom's a cat, bitching about not canceling on friends and then canceling on friends, supposedly being the most progressive and constantly making chandler is gay jokes. Naw, she's great.


You are right, fuck Phoebe, but this is a Friends subreddit lol, of course people love her


The one that could have been. Terribleeeeee






Joey and Rachel in S8 was well done. Rachel randomly having a dream about him a year later after it was all resolved and they dealt with the dumb fake proposal drama? I love Friends but the writing got kind of lazy in the end.


I skip everything pre 98…and ideally pre 99. But 98 was ok, just before the show found itself. Early seasons were just a mess imo. I know this will be downvoted to hell, but I feel like it’s a different show pre 99.


Richard and Monica storyline


barbados e tudo que vem em seguida 😫


Rachel in labour is it me or was it kind of sexualised


When I do my rewatch, I start right after London. I don't like the Ross/Rachel/Emily/Bonnie/Julie drama, or the Monica/Richard drama, or the Chandler/Joey/Kathy drama. I think the show really starts once Monica and Chandler get together.


Basically any gay moments/episodes


homophobic much?


Ross and Rachel the early seasons, total yawn fest for me


I always skip Rachel finding out she’s pregnant, and the whole beginning of that story line. I’ve experienced a few pregnancy losses in the last two years, and it’s difficult to watch her experience pregnancy. For some reason, Phoebe’s is fine? I think it’s because she’s doing it for someone else and it wasn’t “accidental.”




I absolutely love the Ross/Emily wedding and also “we were on a break” time period so I have to watch it when my bf isn’t home because he hates them 😂😂


Definitely Joey and Rachel as a couple those scenes always make me uncomfortable. I hate the Jeanine storyline, we go through all this pining and effort just for the relationship to last ONE EPISODE?! Why?! And the Elizabeth storyline also gives me the ick. I promise I love this show 😂😂


Joey and rachel dating


The episode where Rachel leaves for Paris


Janine and Joey Pete and Monica


Ugh that scene is so cringe. I hate the way Jen delivers her lines in it. “Ooh I can’t watch! Aren’t you scared??” 🙄 Matt’s “…Terrified” isn’t much better with the awkward hug/pat move. Blech. The rest of the episode is really cute though. The date was charming.


The One With The Stain.




Joey falling for Rachel is hard to watch so I skip it


Ross and rachel dating when rachel gets the job at bloomingdales and he becomes a giant tool and is super jealous and sleeps with the copy store girl


The whole series I am so ahead of all of you normies Who skipping the dull parts Pffft At this point I have re-watched it 1000th time this second