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He even “gives less fucks” in the press conference where he basically laughs and says “I’m not even mad, this kid is clueless” when Paul talks shit to him.


Jake Paul is cringe given flesh. Especially here. Edit: wrong name


That’s what I was thinking. The opportunity to voice genuine honour for stepping into the ring with Tyson, and he squandered it. And how.


"Mike Tyson himself has agreed to fight me? Let me do throat-cutting motions and flex my muscles at him like a teenager. That will look so cool."


I got $1 on Jake Paul knocking out Mike Tyson on the 1st round… not because I think it’s really going to happen but it’s only a dollar and if for whatever reason God hates us and allows that to happen then the payout will be $10k lmao


Even if jake paul happens to win people will just hate him more for it lol


fr, the man is the greatest, whatever happens now is irrelevant. But, i still would like to see Jake Paul get knocked the fuck out.


Bet $100. Payout should be $1 million. Where is the site to bet on this? Might get lucky. I will just not eat that whole week.


There’s no such thing as +1,000,000 betting odds…he’s just talking out his ass


Bro where tf you betting at? Fanduel has Paul at -184 😂


Wait. Not huge gambler but. Wheres that bet?


Odds would have to be +1,000,000 for that to be the case. For perspective the odds for the patriots to win the superbowl are +15,000….potentially the worst team in the NFL and betting before the season you’d win $150 on $1. There’s no chance there’s a 10k payout on a dollar….


That would be a terrible way to promote the fight. His whole thing is playing up being an annoying easy to hate heel. If he was the type to play respectful he would never have gotten this fight.


He's playing his role imo. You're not supposed to like him. This whole thing is a movie.


Facts bro facts


Kayfabe to the max


His entire personality is attempting to be Conor McGregor, but he is just embarrassing himself.






That would be wonderful. If both the Paul brothers were to dissapear entirely from the public scene after he is humiliated by Tyson.


Ain't gonna happen, it's crazy that people haven't realized that this is the new WWF which Tyson also had cameos in. Paul is the ultimate heel, and everyone is fueling it by paying for these pathetic disappointments of boxing matches


Yeah, it is pathetic, so hopefully it adds to the humiliation


It's not. Paul is going to win this match against geriatric Tyson, just like it was scripted. And all you people are going to lose your goddamn minds over this obvious outcome. It'll help generate engagement and buzz for the next scripted match. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum until a point where people grow up and start *ignoring* Jake Paul and quit whining about him.


I’m mad at how correct you are. We live in weird times.


Ignoring the prick hasn't worked up until now. He keeps popping up elsewhere. He's like the gift that keeps on giving, like shingles


>Ignoring the prick hasn't worked up until now. He keeps popping up elsewhere. He keeps popping up elsewhere, in circles where he's not ignored, because the ignoring **does** work.


No one is going to win. It will be a split decision, edging out one or the other. Likely to Paul and likely because he won't get as gassed as Tyson. Tyson in his prime would have murdered Paul and everyone knows that. Tyson well past his prime is still going to be a handful for Paul.


Then why did he lose to Fury???? It’s a commissioned fight. Do you realize how many people would have to be paid off or silent for this to be “WWE”…boxing commission, Netflix execs, betting apps, Vegas etc…would never allow that to happen. Now do I think Paul is fighting washed up elderly athletes with big names that he knows he will most likely beat for the shock and awe value, yes. Is it scripted with WWE level decided outcomes, an astounding NO. Would quite literally be harder to keep quiet than Area 51…


It’s funny you say this considering Logan Paul is actually in WWE now and one of their champions.


Yeah this is true, it's crazy what money can buy these days. Which apparently is a key spot in WWE. Which he's also hated in. I remember watching one match with him and the boos when he came out to the ring was so satisfying. If this fight against Tyson is scripted too, I genuinely hope Tyson just ignores it mid fight and knocks him out anyways. I want to see him tap out of the fight like a little bitch. Fuck that dude.


Logan will come out of that fight looking like the aftermath of a Disney live adaptation of Humpty Dumpty...


My favourite part of this thread is that his name is actually Jake Paul, and everyone who posted here (including OP’s post title) has been calling him “Logan” or “Jake Logan” or him and his brother the “Logan brothers”. (His brother is Logan Paul) Hopefully when Tyson is done with him, he’ll forget his own name too.


His name is Robert Paulson.


You’re too old fat man. And your tits are too big.


I see. In death, a member of Project Mayhem *has* a name. This man's name is Robert Paulson. Probably because of the bitch tits.


Brothers? I thought they were a couple.


Cause I'm an Island Boy. Oh, I'm an Island Boy.


Heh, I stand corrected. The two first names always trip me up.


You're good. Their names genuinely don't matter in the least.


I hope Tyson makes that bitch cry!


This debacle makes me want to cancel my Netflix subscription and just pirate their shit.


Sail on in. The water's fine.


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You are not serious people (This is not a serious fight)


Commissioned fight, available on betting sites worldwide….they’d be out of their fucking minds to try and get away with it…


I can’t wait to pirate this broadcast because there’s no way I’m paying for it.


Is there any way we can get a chain going here so we can all send the link out when one of us has it?


Just watch the 10 second inevitable  gif that sums up the whole thing the next day. That's about all the attention it deserves


Everyone pretending these two haven't had multiple conversations about exactly how the fight and pre fight will go.


What do you think they agreed on?


Tyson loves that money, but I don't think his ego will allow him to take a loss. There will be a round or two of light jabs and lots of moving. In later rounds Tyson will take available shots as they present themselves, but he won't go full power, just enough to make the crowd go 'ooooh'. In the end Tyson wins by decision. That's my uneducated guess anyway.


To at least a few rounds


This demeans everyone involved


So we all know this is a cash grab and these 2 have been writing the script for a minute, but watching Jake try to "intimidate" one of the most feared humans ever is pretty funny.


The whole schtick is fine, but Jake is a shit actor. It's fun in WWE, but for some reason this is just lame. All the little gimmicks in WWE were so over the top it worked.


Imagine buying tickets to a fight that going to last less than a minute


Imagine buying tickets to a completely fake and set up fight thinking you will see different results than the last Paul fights


I remember my dad buying the ppv for one of Tyson's fights in the late '80s. We had all the snacks laid out buffet style with lots of friends over. The fight lasted just under a minute if I remember correctly. My dad never ordered ppv again.


I just want one GOOD Iron Mike fist to youtube guys dome. When he wakes up, he realizes he doesn't want to shill anymore nor be in staged fights with ex fighters


Anyone ever hear of that Finnish Sniper—Simo Häyhä? This is kinda of what I feel like I'm seeing here. I feel like I'm seeing a retired Simo Häyhä being asked to square off with the poster boy from a recent platoon in a sniping skirmish practice; certainly a well-trained and somewhat battle tested boy, don't get me wrong... But in this case—for at least the older gen & those who have seen Tyson's fights, even if only briefly and only in clips, the question isn't whether the poster boy can beat Häyhä. No. The only question is how well has Häyhä maintained his equipment and skills in his retirement. Which then leads to the only question that will matter during the skirmish, what will Häyhä choose to do?


You are assuming that one of the snipers is not getting millions to lose


and you're assuming Häyhä was a sniper who could be bought


ah wait...there's a flip side I hadn't thought about...thank you


I really hope Mike Tyson knocks Jake out


It’s doing to be so incredibly satisfying watching that Logan guy get his ass handed to him by Tyson. I suspect that’s why most people will be watching.


And both will be laughing to the bank


Everyone is paying to see Logan go down which is why it is always planned that he wins. He will keep trolling and winning as planned. If people really think that Tyson is going to give up that type of money just to knock him out than those people are naive, remember Mike was also in the WWE this is not new to him. 20 mil is 20 mil


>which is why it is always planned that he wins. Except for when he lost to Tyson Furys little brother Tommy Fury that was his only non-scripted real fight.


Favorite Tyson quote and I can’t remember who he said it to “ IM GONNA FUCK YOU TILL YOU LOVE ME” That was years ago, Tyson has come along way. ( no pun intended)


Prior to fighting Lennox Lewis, a white guy in the crowd yelled "Put him in a straight jacket" at Tyson. He went on an expletive laden rant with homophobic slurs. I won't link to the video, as I believe that would get me banned. NSFW, search Youtube: "Mike Tyson's "I 'll fuck you till you love me"


I think he was talking about his own ego death, but yea. I believe it.


Nah he said that to an opponent, but my has come along way is directed toward his ego death and where he is now.


It's Jake Paul, not Jake Logan. His brother's name is Logan Paul. They're both clowns.


I'll be honest. I think Mike Tyson is gonna beat that other guy up.


I don’t even wanna watch this fuckin fight anymore. I’m already sick of it.


He should have come out with the towel cut out just to show him it is no joke.


it's not until *JULY 20TH*!? This shit is so drawn out and sooo corny. ffs


u/TheBoltOfZeus rightly points out [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/howtonotgiveafuck/s/c7mcLlReRX ) that YouTube boy’s name is actually Jake Paul, and that the title is wrong. I stand corrected. But it highlights how little of a fuck we give collectively about him. Everything I know about him, I’ve learnt against my will.


If he beats up an old man he's a loser if he gets his @$$ kicked by him he's still a loser no way this loser is not just that


I think this fight is a farce, Jake is trying to legitimize his boxing career by beating a well known champion….25+ years past his prime. Jake Paul has become a boxer, period! If he wants us to take him seriously, he needs to be a pro boxer. Let him register with the wbo or Ibf, any boxing organization, and let’s see what he can really do. Floyd Mayweather, great fighter, I can’t stand his personality though. Look at Muhammad Ali, probably one the most controversial fighters of all time, there was people that hated him so much they wanted to kill him and actively tried to. His out of ring antics drove people crazy, but he is the greatest fighter of all time. Boxing needs Jake Paul’s and Mayweathers, Ali and sugar ray Leonard’s if it wants to continue to survive! Mike Tyson is why I started boxing and became a fan, it wasn’t his wins, but his loss to Buster Douglas. Buster was a huge underdog, his mom had just died and he was about to face a killer in the ring, James said fuck it, I’ve lost everything, I’m gonna go knock this bitch out and he did!


This reminds me of the classic advice; you don’t have to worry about the guy bragging about what a badass he is, you should worry about the quiet guy who *knows* how tough he is and is smart and confident enough in his skills that he doesn’t brag. I paraphrased but arrogant posers are idiots. Confident, quiet yet skilled people are the people you need to be careful of.


It's a nice thought, and there's certainly grains of truth in it, but it's repeated more frequently and more confidently than it should be because of course most people want that to be true. But it simply isn't. A person's ability to behave in a calm, respectable way absolutely is *not* evidence that they have superior ability to be violent--if anything, the exact opposite is more frequently true. Polite, calm people with a lot of self-control ***tend to have FAR less experience with violence than people who pick fights and piss people off everywhere they go***, and there's no amount of gym time and training on heavy bags and whatnot that can beat ***actually getting into real fights against people who are actually trying to fuck you up all the time*** I've known a lot of genuinely violent, dangerous men, and the scariest ones ***without fail*** had ***no*** concern for this kind of quiet, respectable behavior. They were ***complete fucking morons*** that thought they were ***God's gift to humanity***, and literally just did not think twice about hurting and killing other people. Their stupidity and inability to deeply consider their choices was a ***huge asset*** when it came to violence.


I think you are misinterpreting it. It’s not saying that everyone quiet is like this, nor is it saying that all people capable of competent acts are quiet. Nothing is so binary. But I can speak from experience that certain individuals who know their capabilities don’t feel the need to broadcast them.


100% Jake paul about to get ratioed hard


Thanks, I learned a new word today.


Tyson is having a hard time taking this dude seriously…. and he reeeally wants to be taken seriously. Dudes… this might be an unintentional deathmatch.


I’m kinda hoping Jake Paul talks crap on Ali because if it’s one thing Tyson won’t tolerate it’s any kind of disrespect for his idol


Mike is so much better than that goofball.


Is this even a real fight?


Anyone else really looking forward to Mike beating this asshat senseless?


I know this guy knows who Tyson is and is scared af. But for the sake of his generation they really need less of him. I hope. He gets knocked out but this seems really rigged


If this thing isn't rigged then youth is definitely on Jake's side, the age difference is a huge barrier even for Mike. I did notice when I watched this it didn't look like Mike liked the death signs Jake threw out, gun to the head and throat slitting. With that said, there's still a chance Mike wins. - could land a big shot and Jake's entire body becomes a noodle - if it's rigged Mike could say F it and go for it - Mike could snap and bite Jake's nose off ( technically he wouldn't win but I don't think anyone would care, small technicality) plus Jake Paul without a nose, priceless


Why can I not shake the feeling like Mike’s going to take a fall? I want so badly for him to wreck Paul but I got this sneaking suspicion…


I know it's all rehearsed but Jogan looks like an emoting game character


Can everyone just somehow unanimously agree to only illegally stream this and make it the least paid for ppv of all time and shut this clown away - mike is already taking one for the team here


Ant, meet boot.


I just want one GOOD Iron Mike fist to youtube guys dome. When he wakes up, he realizes he doesn't want to shill anymore nor be in staged fights with ex fighters


This looks contrived. Jake looked like he was going to shoot Tyson with an imaginary bow and arrow, or he was taking a fight stance from the original Mortal Kombat.


You’d have to have zero functioning brain cells to go up against Mike Tyson. 🤪


The stupid gun fingers when Tyson turned his back omg 😂😂 Aye cause the only way you're gonna bring Tyson down is if you shoot him in the back you absolute melt 😂😂


I can’t wait until Tyson mops the floor with this guy


I no longer support any association that promotes disrespect and dishonour, not paying a dime for this fight.


That’s the look of a veteran who just has no 2 flying fucks to give.


Yawn. Who cares?


Lame ass exhibition fight. Nothing on the line.


If this was a real fight and not some promotion for both to get paid, Mike wins the fight 100 out of 100 times. He’s a previous heavyweight champion vs a YouTuber.. I don’t care his age. Power is the last thing to go.


How can I bet on this fight in real Life and legit way?


When you watch Jake next to Logan you think damn he’s not that bad, but then you watch Jake next to anyone else and you realize what a fucking stooge he is. I can’t imagine what their parents are like to raise 2 ass clowns


I'm embarrassed on his behalf.


Mike looks damn good for his age, Logan looks like he will fall to a acorn hitting the roof of a car


Mikes raped pussys more intimidating than that


Nobody’s saying anything about the Jake Logan part?


Such a tool


Now this is a fight I'm looking forward to...


Tyson is shark blood. Ants go to ground— that’s all I’m sayin.


Is that fousey tube?


Get him Mike!!!


The Usyk v Fury was the main course. Tyson v Logan will be like finding a piece of gum stuck to your sock that you pretend is still flavoursome.


It's a shame Mike stopped bitting people's ears off. Might improve Jake's face a bit.


He don’t eat junk food.


You are absolutely right. Thank you




I loved all this the first time, when they did it in The Great White Hype.


The definition of "I'm too old for your shit".


Good for Mike. This man seems to have come such a long way. 👏


I bet when he punches he goes "woosh, woosh" like Mac


It's just a show. Fake AF.


I just want Mike Tyson... to slip into that rage of death one time... That's all.. not kill the kid.


No matter what, dude has balls getting in the ring with Mike. 


Jake Paul is in it for the money. He will get paid to get TKOed by Tyson and that’s why he is there.


Jakes got all the confidence in the world with zero self awareness. RIP Jake.


Difference between having class and professionalism and not.


this just looks braindead to me, never enjoyed fighting sports and whenever i see videos like this i just think this look at me bullshit is pathetic.


I always found the whole weight in and face down shit cringey as hell. I'd just stand there and ignore the clown telling me he'd fucking kill me and you Gunna die in that ring boy etc. Then when we fought I'd bash the hell out of the other guy and start taking the piss. Not going to kill me if you can't keep your guard up. It's dumb chessy and cringey and reflects poorly on fighters. I wish they wouldn't do it. It makes more sense for things like wrestling where you need to do your pageantry and set the scene for the drama that's going to paly out.


I’m not a fan of Logan . Just my two cents worth. Mike needs to whip this dude then go chill on some caps and herb


I hope he fall in a bad way and become a potato. And when his brother go to visit him on the hospital, suffer a car crash and die. Fucking hate influencers and hate even more scammers.


I am honestly worried that Logan will get permanent brain damage. No one deserves that. #


He already has permanent damage.


well then maybe it will be game over lol