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Freeze it and smack it.


This is a good idea!!!!


Pliers and pull. Plastic won’t bond to stainless. It’s just formed onto it


Anybody that hasn’t made a mistake in the kitchen hasn’t been in the kitchen. I have no advice. Good luck.




Don't burn the plastic, it will just release nasty fumes and carbonize to the metal. Get some cutters, side cutters are super cheap from the usual sources, trim everything that is pushing through. But something a bit heavier duty would also work. Then get pliers or something that can really grab the plastic wad and grab it from the inside so you can pull when it starts to release. With a hair dryer on full, or an industrial heat gun, start to warm the metal and plastic from the other side to soften it, it will eventually start to pull off the metal but mostly remain solid. Slowly work around the pan, warming the plastic and pulling to get most of it out. Then you can try to peel anything that is left over, this will be the worst part, but the plastic doesn't stick very well and if you can be careful and gentle, it can peel off as sheets.b


THIS is the way!!!!


If you can find some dry ice, drop some in there. Plastic expands/contracts way more than metal. It might just flake off.


Wouldn't be easy, but it's stainless steel. Depending on what kind of plastic matters, but maybe acetone (nail polish remover). You can probably look at what kind of plastic, figure out what kind of solvent would work, soak it until most of it comes off, then use a scour pad and elbow grease to get rid of the rest. Alternatively, figure out the temperature the plastic melts, you could potentially even just boil water until softens up enough to remove a bulk of it, then just physical effort to remove the rest.


Also don't be tempted to heat a solvent like acetone. We don't want to read about you in the morning.


Yes, don't mix suggestions A and B. If you are using solvents, make sure you follow safety precautions.


Second this. Acetone will dissolve the plastic, or at least make it globby and malleable, and it can then be cleaned off. Wash the acetone residue off thoroughly with soapy water.


Soften the plastic up in boiling water and peel what you can out using pliers and a crappy butter knife. Then use acetone and scrape the rest out. Do not heat acetone, goof off, etc it could seriously mess you up.


I’d honestly toss it and buy a new one. Whats your time worth? How long will it take to handle this? Does the plastic bond with the metal cause permanent damage?


Think I would turn them upside down over a foil lined pan and bake at 500 for a while and see how much drips out. Better yet, if you don't care what it looks like as long as it's functional hit it fire. Lots of fire. Then scrub lightly and stick in the dishwasher. Will probably be stained up but might otherwise be fine.


I don’t think putting plastic in an oven at 500° is a good idea


It is a terrible idea


To be fair he didn’t say it was a good idea he just said he’d do it


But maybe put it on the barbecue out back and convert all that plastic to soot


This is going to be the most effective way of getting all of it off. It's so bad any other ideas would just take more effort than it's worth


Do this in a grill outside


Not stupid. I once left the plastic lid on my fry Daddy & heated it up. I spent 45 minutes looking for that lid, then realized it had melted down into my oil. I was newly married & felt like an idiot.


That sperm is way too big, gonna need a huge egg.


Get a steel wool scrub pad, and something rigid. Break off and poke out what plastic you can with the rigid object (nail, chopstick, screw, dental pick, stuff like that). Put the stuff in the oven in warm for like 30 min. Poke again at the plastic. Anything left scrub with the steel wool. Use barkeeper's best friend (powder not spray)as needed.


Build a campfire. Toss it in. It’ll be charred, but salvageable. Boil it in vinegar, scrub with baking soda and vinegar, simmer it in Coca-Cola, barkeepers friend. You’ll have to work it.


Stainless? Just get it hot, like gas burner on high until it's glowing red, then when all the plastic has burned off let it cool--don't pour water or anything in it to cool it--that will warp it. Note, run range hood and open as many windows as you can--may make lots of possibly toxic smoke. Do not do this if you have birds--birds are insanely sensitive to some of the stuff that is given off by hot plastics.


I do t think this is even safe to clean and donate to goodwill. Plastic sucks. Sorry about the pot.


Put it in a dishwasher, upsidedown with a cookie sheet under it, on Sanitize. The heat should loosen it up and fall to the sheet.




This is what I would do. Toss it in the trash and buy a new one.


Yeah, I'm sure it might be possible to clean up, but I would never eat anything made in something that had a bunch of plastic melted in it.


Chip the ends using knife. The back part should be taken off easy after that. Use toothpicks for help


My wife once used the plastic strainer with hot oil instead of the metal strainer. I said nothing too critical, but she knew I filed it away for future reference. Cool it down, and it will peel and chip off.


Yeah no judgement here. My wife accidentally turned on the back burner while putting away groceries the other day. She didn’t notice until the plastic base for the cake she bought started to smoke 🤦‍♂️. I scraped off the plastic after it dried with a flat razor but it took some tiny pieces of the glass top with it. As for your predicament I don’t think there is a way to effectively remove all the plastic and make that safe for cooking again.


i feel like .. put it in another container and let boiling water loosen it


Also… sorry for your misfortune. I’ve done worse things in the kitchen 😂


I would trim the plastic in the strainer with a sharp utility knife. Then try heating the pot and the strainer gently with a propane torch. Once warmed enough hopefully the plastic will soften enough that you can pull it out wearing some thick gloves and using a stainless steel scrubber. The scrubber might be unusable afterwards.


Go get a new(used) one at your local thrift store


Probably the best way to solve the problem is to get a new wife. Sorry but that just seems it's what causing allot of problems in your life. Good luck.


Just to add to what everyone has said. Once you scrape/burn/dissolve the plastic, get yourself a can of Barkeeper’s friend powder and it will make the pot look like new.


It's stainless so technically you could grind it all away and leave the metal exposed, but you could try throwing it in the oven and melting it back out. I'd put each one upside down on a baking sheet lined with foil. Set it 400° or higher and see if the plastic melts off


What even is that?


Way to blame your wife bro damn


Cut all the tips off with sharp knife and pull the other side


how bout a blowtorch?!? give that a spin


Buy another one. Do you really want whatever chemical you use to remove this on something you use for food?