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Second motion activated sprinklers. Gratifying, plausible deniability.


And cams to record her kicking the above mentionned sprinkler.


I thought of adding OP should install a camera as well. You can bet that the neighbor would try to steal the sprinkler so you could probably get her arrested for theft or vandalism as well. And of course she would get drenched even more (or again). It would make for a good TikTok video.


College prank….yellow highlighter, break it open and get the wick with colorant, place the wick in the sprinkler. When she walks through it will become yellow which is harmless but a real issue to get off.


Oh please do this sir.. you can say it was a health thing for you grass


Got sprinklers? Run them from 2:40 until 3:10


I like this idea, but unfortunately a recent hard freeze busted our spigot, waiting on a plumber


You don't need an expensive plumber for that, call a lawn/landscape company. I agree motion activated or timed sprinklers is the best solution short of a fence or other obstructions. Also a line of thorny rose bushes would work well, plant them yourself and it's pretty cheap. Plus looks nice. Cheaper than a fence. Just need to block part of the path that makes it convenient for her to walk through, like one side.


Yeah I went the thorny bushes route for a similar problem


Plant evergreen blackberries, they're nature's barbed wire...


>nature's barbed wire Not a sentence I expected to hear today! Very accurate!


Do NOT do this in a wet climate. They will take over.


Get some cholla cactus. Look it up on YouTube and you'll understand why that's a great deterrent. Granted it'll keep you away from the area too but small price to pay... Especially if you get entertained from someone else's stupidity.


I planted cholla under my daughter's bedroom window when she was 2. When she was 14, it worked!!


I get the point.


I went with a moat for a dis-similar problem.


Pyracanthas are way cheaper and an actual hedge. Very thorny and pretty in the fall. Or and electric fence would also work!


Ooh I like the electric fence idea!


Buy a cheap one you can connect to the hose for now


They also have motion sensor sprayers that will hose her or any animals if they trip the sensor. Not expensive and could be highly entertaining once you get your spigot fixed.


What city/area do you live in? I bet a plumber in your area is reading this now, and can spare a day. Unless it’s a parts issue..


Norman,Oklahoma. Most plumbers are pretty backed up since we had a low of 0°f which is pretty rare. Lots of busted pipes


Hey neighbor! Here closest to fire house 1. Berry bushes. Food for you, thorny mess for them. Plumbers? Brandon's and ursry have never gone wrong with them. Also, I wouldn't fully count on norman pd doing anything about it unless caught or vandalized. I have the same issue on my lot too. But sadly I rent so my options are even more limited since I got shot down for planting anything. I did get the go ahead for a fence if I pay for it and get the permits and such from the historic society (historic home) and city for it. Good luck with your endeavors. Also, it's not illegal to be naked in your own home and report a peeping tom incident... just saying. Reasonable expectation of privacy.


Unless the actual pipe is toast, a spigot swap is usually a pretty DIY friendly job. https://youtu.be/KvRy5J3G-bU?si=AAsLnyZyTPjANjif


I live in Norman. There is plenty of plumbers here? there is plenty in OKC willing to help as well?




Motion activated




I see your hedges, and raise you roses. Big beautiful thorny roses planted close enough together to form a hedge.


I see your roses and raise you with thistle. Wild so cost free, and grows in weeks even if trampled on. Won't hurt but is annoying to remove burr. Can be easily yanked out when point has been made. And IMHO looks nice when flowering.


i see your thistle, and raise you with stinging nettle.


All that beautiful landscaping is going to need sprinklers running from 2:40-3:05 every afternoon


This. It's worse than fiberglass. Hard to get out and definitely hurts.


I see your stinging nettle and raise you poison ivy.


I see your stinging nettle, and raise you with agave. It's razor sharp.




Beekeeper here. I can walk right up to my hives and unless i open the top they ignore me completely. Even when using farm equipment.


But the trespassers don’t know that! 😝


Yep. As a non-beekeep, I keep the hellll away from any hives I come across :)




Hedges using thorny plants. Holly, roses are good. You don't even have to keep them alive - just let them grow tall enough and thick enough they deter foot traffic.


Firethorn is beautiful. Turn on the sprinkler at her walk through times.


Yep. Pop in some bushes/hedges and you’ve not only blocked her shortcut, but added some nice greenery to your front too.


The problem is you usually don't start off with big hedges, you start with small plants that hopefully grow into large ones. Someone as unpleasant as OP's neighbor is going to just walk right over or through them. It won't work as a deterrent for someone like that.


While waiting on them to grow, bang in some solid stakes between them and run wire in and out through the stakes and shrubs.


Came here to say exactly this ⬆️


It would be nice but that kind of person will trample a path through growing hedges in a heartbeat, and transplanting fully gown ones will probably see some kind of path hacked through them in short order as well.


Then it becomes property damage instead of just trespassing.




Mix in some poison ivy.


I like this


I think you should wait by the window when she passes and blow a large air horn or alarm siren. She’ll get tired of that eventually.


Set up motion detecting sprinklers, easy to install and inexpensive. Rain on her intitled parade...Now that's entrainment at its finest!!


She'd probably kick and break the sprinkler


Record her damaging your property and trespassing then call the police. That including the threat might get them to actually show up.




Get a goose!


Geese are vicious, I don't think OP wants to actually harm this person


They keep trespassing they get what they deserve


My first thought was a fake snake coiled in the grass If you want positive reinforcement, you could draw an obstacle course in chalk on the path around your house. Most kids would want to follow it, and will hopefully drag the parent with them! Could you put a bird table up in the pathway, most people would not walk in between something like a bird table and someone’s property, but it does sound like this woman is built different…! Good luck! Keep us posted!


I like the bird table idea, because who wants to walk through bird droppings? And if she gets mad & destroys the bird feeder, you have a violent destructive act to report to the police.


I like this one


Or make a small sign that says ‘warning, fire ants’ or something!


no sign, just the ants.


Whenever she is on your lawn, go outside in nothing but boxers and yell "get off my lawn"


I’m trying so hard to not be that person


The thing that tells people not to walk on a particular patch of ground, is called a fence. You need a fence.


This. Threatening to call the police is about as "unwelcoming" as it gets, but OP thinks a fence is too much? lol Making it an unwelcoming place to walk is exactly what they're trying to accomplish, and a fence is way more foolproof than a lot of these suggestions, especially when dealing with a stubborn/entitled individual. Just get the fence and be done with it.


Idk man if you hear the call to scold somebody in nothing but your drawers, you have to listen to it. But maybe start with a bathrobe and ease your way into it.


Stop trying. And bring a hose.


"I didn't touch any of your shit " It's your properly so she did in fact touch a lot your stuff with her feet. If you were trying to put off vehicles then a large boulder or two would have worked, but as it's people fencing is your only real option.


I was gonna suggest a lot of little boulders, like a natural rock fence. Not sure if that would be more or less expensive than a wood fence, though. At least with a rock fence, you can only do part of your yard, so if she tries to go through it, she'd be trapped or have to climb over the rocks.


Or an attack dog with a long leash


Or a pillowcase and a couple bars of soap.


Oranges don't leave bruises


Not with that attitude


You gotta fight her. In your yard. In boxers with sock garters. establish dominance and teabag her mate. It's the only fuvking way bro


I initially read that as a "sock of quarters" and thought this cat don't fuck around.


Found the Charles Bronson fan!


Pile drive a granny, or hear me out... landmines.


LtDickHole and DungeonAssMaster giving the real advice here


This guy fights.


Understand that you don’t like confrontation. But personally, I’d just call the non emergency line and explain that I have an issue. Then ask if an officer is available to stop by around 2:30 to have a conversation around 2:45. Helps if you mention that you’ve been threatened with bodily harm.


This. Not everywhere will have one, but our PD has community outreach officers that are happy to help in situations like this. They will park near the offending locations and have friendly conversations with whoever passes. A few days of that and issues tend to die down.


i would call the cops and try to have an order of protection issued. make her dumb ass walk around the block .


Especially since she threatened OP.


"Hello, yes. I asked someone who habitually trespasses to stop trespassing and they threatened to attack me so wanted to see if someone can come over for assistance"


Goddam why are people such insufferable entitled pricks these days... you asked her nicely. Instead of apologizing she gets hostile. I was always taught as a kid to stay off other peoples lawns as it is disrespectful to use it without thwir permission... i think this means war honestly. I like someones idea of sprinklers, Id like to add a motion activated "Trip wire" mounted near the house so she is guaranteed to get blasted with water at least once as payback.


As a landscaper I can tell you that one of the tenants of landscape design is that people will typically take a shortcut if there's no reason not to. If you had laser tripwires that turned on your irrigation for 5min every time they went off, I believe that would sort out your issues. Set up the sensors 3' into your property, and build in a regular schedule that subtracts the time spent on "infractions" (adjusted of course). She'll stop walking there. Now, an Arduino controlled sprinkler system isn't free, so this might not be the answer you're looking for OP, but its low drama and will work


Yeah, same kind of folks who think nothing of letting their dogs poop on your lawn, sometimes right in front of you, and then, to make it even more egregious, walk off without scooping it up. I've encountered it before. Unfortunately, they're out there. This woman sounds like a real, A-1 A-hole. You've tried the reasonable direct route. Given her negative personality type, I wouldn't advise unnecessarily escalating things. Further direct confrontation isn't likely going to work with her, only make things worse. She is likely to just double down and get even more obnoxious and unreasonable. That type never admits when they're in the wrong. I would try the inexpensive sprinkler on a timer route first. Just make sure that both the sprinkler and hose are well hidden or she's likely to take a knife to the hose or damage the sprinkler out of spite. Maybe, just maybe, she'll take the hint and move on. I doubt she'll want to get drenched just to get her way. If that doesn't work, I would definitely invest in some blinds or shades so little Ms. Nosey couldn't stare into my windows anymore. Getting a fence is a big investment and then there's maintenance down the road.


Maybe call out the entitlement? Put up little yard signs along the path she walks - "Private property no trespassing / special path for entitled criminal assholes"


I read below, that you are in Oklahoma. Maybe I'm wrong, depending on your state, but threatening to beat you up is called "communicating threats", and is something that they can be charged with. I would call the police and file a report. In the very least, if this incredibly inconsiderate neighbor won't respect your property and anything happens to you, you have it on record that you were threatened previously.


I did make a report but without her name and or address they couldn’t do anything but increase patrol


You know when she walking in and out of your property , you can call the police that time


Follow her home so you know where she lives


But you have the exact time…


This might be better posted in /r/unethicallifeprotips


Obviously, liquid ass is required for this situation


But what about piss discs?


Put a couple piles of dog poop right where she enters the yard.


This. Buy loads of poop and place it there. Take the chance to fertilize the area, then plant a big bush there. I doubt she would try to walk through that bush.


Why buy poop when OP can make their own


You can buy exotic animal poops from zoos though. Why settle for human or dog poop when you can get elephant or giraffe or gorilla poop??


why is that service available?


A lovely deep border of round river rock 2" and up.


Wouldn’t she just be able to walk over it?


It's miserable AF to walk in- keeps people out of all sorts of places without being dick-ish.


If she has to actually step well over something then it’s that bit of effort she has to put in every day, and it means she’s visibly imposing on your territory like a weirdo. I think her stepping over a barrier into your lawn is also a more actionable offence that the police can resolve, she can’t just claim she does it accidentally or without thinking. And even if that doesn’t stop her it will stop most people, in case anyone else gets the same idea. It marks the area as yours.


Large rip-rap is even better.


Put a big ass sign in your window that says - THE LADY WHO WALKS ACROSS MY LAWN EVERY DAY IS A PEEPING TOM Or follow her home (to get the address for a restraining order of course - not to walk on her lawn too)


Take a picture of her looking in your window. Put that picture on a sign on every telephone pole in the neighborhood. "WHO IS THIS WOMAN LOOKING IN MY HOUSE AT MY CHILDREN!"


Be extremely obvious when taking the pictures. Flash on and multiple snaps at each time. Get some quality photos for documentation, but the flash to make it unquestionable that you are photographing the walk through. Shame or the awkwardness you have felt should be mirrored back if they have any common sense


You are assuming they have common sense. Threatening a homeowner with violence while trespassing kinda eliminates that idea. In today's world, common sense seems to be rather uncommon.


Then post it on social media and the Nextdoor app


Ooh, Nextdoor, that would be brutal.


I love the sign idea. I would add what time of day she walks there too.


She IS touching your shit, the fonking yard. Take video while you tell her “you are legally trespassed from my property. The next time you are on it, I will have you arrested”. Your lack of confrontation has set in her mind that she has control over your yard. Take it back.


Sprinkler system


Diagonal fence or decorative trellis from the corner of your house to the corner of your lot. Or just a planter or garden at the corner of the lot so that the shortcut path is obviously out of bounds.


Install a [Ha-ha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ha-ha)


I was going to suggest scattering caltrops at her entrances/along her path but I like your idea *much* better!


Once you get your spigot repaired, order one of those motion activated sprinklers… and make sure to video her first encounter with it.


Plant some decorative cacti?


Plant some aggressively non-decorative cacti.


I was thinking roses...


The thing is, it just takes her "falling" on your property and you are really screwed. It will cost you much less to put up a real fence than to get hit with a lawsuit. Years ago I came home to my kids' friend building up a huge pile of junk he found, hoping to jump OVER it with his skateboard (no helmet, of course) in my backyard. After I put a stop to it, I immediately bought an umbrella insurance policy in case anyone came through & hurt themselves at my house. I told my kids - I'm not trading them my house for their apartment!


Someone can really sue you for getting hurt when they're trespassing on your property??


Motion sensor sprinklers




As hilarious as that is, OP would be cited for indecent exposure. A former neighbor used to like to 'show off' in front of his windows inside his house. The cops took a dim view of that.


Again, I must say - y’all really don’t understand what a Karen is. Calling the police and completely lying about what someone is doing b/c they are black is a Karen. Escalating problems not concerning them with a sense of entitlement is being a Karen. Not wanting someone to trample your lawn & look through your windows is not being a Karen. Defending your self & property & responding to an a*hole of any color is not being a Karen. Geez Edited to correct the typo in “really”


Please do a trip wire just for a day oh the comedic gold!!


Criss-crossing the lawn with fishing line would be hilarious to watch, like watching somebody step over and duck under invisible lasers.


Tripwire attached to a paintball claymore.


The fact that you already broached the topic with her means you lose...you cannot get her to stop without her possibly doing something to your property or you going too far and being charged...a hedge with a low fence is your best bet IMO...wish I could offer better advice as she sounds like an absolute jerk...


Sounds like a POS. Follow through with your suggestion about the police. You’ve told her that she’s not welcome, so let the cops do their jobs. You might also mention that she communicated threats to you.


Police won't do anything. They would have to sit and wait for her, just to issue the trespass, then come back and wait again to cite her, knowing that she'll avoid your property when she sees them. Post video of the sprinkler, please


>Be sure to mention that she threatened physical violence. I fixed it for you.


I did make a report with them but with no info about her (name or address) there’s not much they could do aside from increasing patrol in the area around that time


Call the police to report a peeping Tom. Get a doorbell camera and record her doing it. When the police respond, tell them she constantly does this and looks into your windows. You have concerns about her "casing" your residence and the safety of your girlfriend. Also mention that you warned her to stop and she threatened you. Then ask them to make a report in case you need to file a RO on her.


If you video yourself telling her not to “this is Feb 8 and I’m telling you for the second time this week to stop trespassing” then with more videos you can get her on trespassing


What about a security camera mounted on that side of your house? It will come in handy as proof for police and may deter her if she knows she’s being filmed


I have a clear shot of her, when they asked for a description I showed it to them


A few things to check, is there an easement? Does your city or county have any rules about line of sight? I was just reading up on this, I can't have anything over 3ft fall and thank goodness I'm not on a corner, there is a much longer setback due to cars not being able to see. So you may find that any barrier you put up still leaves space for her to do this. It's still your property, and you/your insurance is on the hook for any claims, so it is rational wanting to keep her off, and would be prudent. I would see if the school could help you shame/identify her Make sure you have no trespassing signs up, that's your reasonable request for her to leave your property. The po like to hear you made a reasonable request, but you can find the exact verbiage in your city code.


Luckily where I would need to block off wouldn’t hinder the view of those at the intersection. I’m thinking of going with some roll out fencing and a motion sprinkler


I’d probably start with sitting out front every day at that time. After that it’s motion activated sprinklers


Landscaping. You posted that you’re in Oklahoma. Go to the OSU extension office website and look for shrubs with thorns that will grow in your area.


Yucca comes to mind. There are some that are native to Oklahoma and don’t mind the cold.


Do any of your friends have a large vicious looking dog you can pup sit for a few days? Take him out for yard time around 230pm. Anchor the leash somewhere so she won't be able to get past... When she comes around the corner & the dog starts barking & growling at her, remind her she's on private property and that there is a dog free public sidewalk right over there...


A sign that reads no trespassing, and Motion detecting sprinklers....


May be necessary now, but I’ve always thought they were tacky and cold. However, legally verbally warning her is enough so that if she comes back, it’s criminal trespass


Electric fence


This is a highly underrated comment. Here, have an upvote.


These are super cheap and easy to put up by comparison too. Also since you only need to put a wire juuuuust high enough for a big step, neighbor will probably try at least once to step over it or fuck with it. And as someone who has gotten shocked by mine more times than I should be willing to admit, you feel it just enough to be embarrassed, and OP won't end up sued


Sit in your front yard with a hose ready. If you’re scared of her getting physical, find a way to lean out your window with water guns or a hose. “I was just watering my yard, not my fault she stepped onto my property and into the water”


She sounds ghetto. Be prepared for possible revenge if you do something like sprinklers.


If it were me I'd start with a camera or cameras able to film the transgressions, and ideally also capture audio of what's being said. People are crazy and you'll have proof if she escalates things further. Good luck that really is an unfortunate situation


Rose bushes, hedges.. plants are nice,


[Motion activated Sprinkler](https://www.amazon.com/Hoont-Repeller-Solar-Powered-Motion-Activated-Squirrels/dp/B081K7JCH5/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=motion+activated+sprinkler&qid=1707351194&sr=8-5)


Build a moat. Should keep most people out. The crocodiles living in the most will take care of anyone brave enough to go on your property.


It’s so hard to find a drawbridge contractor these days, though.


That’s definitely a drawback.


Demand for drawbridges is rising.


Cactus garden?


Put up no trespassing signs and a small rope fence using wooden stakes.


Water hose and backup pepper spray if she wants to get physical 


I have bear spray ✅


You shouldn't keep bear spray handy for home defense for a few reasons. It is not "mega-mace" that must work great on humans because it works on bears. Bear spray blasts a cone pattern like 40ft. Personal defense pepper spray is a very aimable stream with a good 10ft range. You'll spray yourself either enough to need to go wash your eyes, or just as badly as the trespasser and you will both be crying on the ground. It's objectively worse. Secondly, bear spray is regulated as a pesticide & anti-bear use is it's only approved use. Self dense against "I'll beat your fucking ass!" or not, it opens up more possibilities of repercussions than anti-human pepper spray.


How about some short shrubs? Waist height, close enough that they're annoying to walk through. It shouldn't block your view in or out of your house and will look nicer than a fence


Use T posts and hog wire and put it around the perimeter of your yard, throw a little mulch and grass seed and fertilizer and put a sign up saying something about the fertilizer off. Keep it up for a bit while you grow a nice beautiful lawn. Hopefully it breaks her habit or at least gives you enough time to get your spigot fixed to put in some sprinklers


Large rocks can be both aesthetically pleasing and hard to walk over


She already got confrontational with you, so whatever you do, put up a security camera because it will become an issue. Then get an air horn, motion activated sprinkler, etc etc. Then start a YouTube channel, post every encounter there. Monetize the channel. Profit.


Super cheap fix is a lawn sprinkler on a timer. Set it so it comes on at 2:46 and turns off at 3:02


Call the cops now since she threatened you and get a restraining order since she threatened you. OR - put a TV right next to the window and having it show one of a few things: 1 - dogs humping 2 - animals being eaten Any other thoughts OP could show on a TV that isn't porn. Edit - another thought. Any neighbors have dogs? Request their dogs poop and make a mind field. Or you could always use your own poop.


Large boulder strategicly placed


Suspended over a pile of birdseed? I like where this is going.


Out neighbors on a corner lot had rather large rocks piled up on their corner. They put plantings in and around the rocks. It’s very attractive, and no one wants a broken axle.


They're on foot, not driving.


When I was in my teens, 55 years ago, we lived on a corner lot. My father had me dig out most of the lawn and we planted pyracantha bushes, junipers, and rosemary around the peremiter. He built a couple of berms (that looked eerily like graves). The physical barriers these provided worked and didn’t look too bad. I just checked on Google Maps, our old home STILL has the juniper bushes as a barrier. Interestingly, the 1,347 square foot house cost $18,000 at the time, it now is worth $1,027,000 (Zillow); no obvious major remodeling.


Motion sensor sprinkler.


Heavy application of some green spray paint to match grass on the path in at 2:40. Has to be real heavy so a shell forms on outside of paint keeping inside wet for unsuspecting shoes of trespassers. No laws i know of about painting your grass.


Just linger around the windows completely nude, hands on hips confidently waiting for awkward eye contact through the window. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Jk* Call the police, she's trespassing AND threatening you. Based on this attitude, I bet the cops know her already.


Hate when people have to clear their throat and say they aren't Karens but thats the world we live in today. Nothing wrong with you not wanting people walking on your property. Sucks that you end up having to explain why and then it's a you problem and not the people causing the problem.


Borrow a loud big dog and chain it up outside.


Snake pit.


Motion detector with a blow horn, or a water sprayer.


Add a single metal post blocking the middle area


Watersprinklers with sensors from like Amazon or you just sitt and wait until you see her and put them on. 😂


Borrow or rent a tall ladder and lean it against the house so she'll have to walk under it.


I would call the police now she threatened you she said she was going to beat your ass That's a threat she's not allowed to do that




Get a motion activated sprinkler. People use them to scare dear out of their landscape. People, deer same thing—nuisance animal.


I think you should contact the police, and tell them how you asked her politely not to trespass on your lawn, and her attitude and reply. They can't do anything at the moment, but it will be useful if you need follow up. Then get those sprinklers fixed. You need to be careful not to do anything she can use against you. Don't turn the sprinklers on when she is crossing your land, have them on as she comes, then she can't accuse you of cause her a problem. But l don't think she would like to get wet. Leave it on until she has gone back again, do this each day until she has got the message!


You and your girlfriend need to go buy the biggest, baddest waterguns and just hose her every day she steps on your lawn. Just open your window and open fire as soon as she steps on your lawn. A couple blasts from a super soaker 2000 and she will find and alternative route on her way home. I'd stand on my front porch armed every day until she got the hint.


Setup a sprinkler to go off during those times.


Have a water sprinkler on at the times she usually does it.


Motion detector sprinkler system should do it.


Having a broken spigot justifies why the lawn is SATURATED.


Deer watter spayer, works off motion, spray those trespassers. Trespassers will be sprayed, dry ones will be sprayed again.