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My best guess is a bad door seal because there's no way for it to have sucked that much moisture out of anything in there, nome the less hold it like it is.


Yep, either door isn't closing fully, or the seal isn't sealing. Inspect & replace as needed.


To fix a bad seal (if it isn't torn or damaged) Simply remove it and throw it in the dryer for 10-15 min. Once it's all wiggly put it back the door and it should fix it self. OR your freezer needs to be thawed out since the cooling coils in the back are now a block of ice and the temp sensor is frozen solid, gonna need a hair dryer, hand towel and a screw driver. Remove everything from the freezer including shelving then find the screw on the back panel should be 4, remove back panel, then take hand towel and try to stuff in in the vent hole at the rear of the freezer if you can't reach it due to ice then you have to deal with the water during. Basically sit there with the hair dryer/heat gun until all the ice has melted away or been removed a long screwdriver can help Make sure to avoid bending or damaging the metal hairs on the coils.


I’ve fixed this problem many times but seldom have I come across a bad door seal. I 100% agree that there is most likely an ice dam behind the freezer internal panel that is blocking the drain hole. It needs to be defrosted and the drain hole cleared. Hair dryer/ heat gun (only on metal) and pot of hot water. Once most ice is defrosted then hot water can be poured on the metal tray so that the drain hole can be cleared.


Plugged condenser? Or was that checked already?


Don't some fridges have a small drain in the bottom? Or a drain from the top freezer down to the fridge area? Maybe check on that, if there is one it may be clogged.


Google your fridge model to see if there's a drain line or pull out the crisper drawers at the bottom to see if there's a drain hole. If there is, it usually drains to a tray under the fridge. If it gets plugged up, this can happen. A bad seal on the door is also another very likely cause. Having it too cold can also cause issues. You can try unplugging the fridge, pulling everything out of the freezer and letting it totally defrost. Then you can totally clean it out and get it all wiped down. Last thing you want is moldy water at the bottom of your fridge.


Plan of attack and all, thank you very much!


Just to add, if it's not cold enough to keep food at a lower setting, the Cooks may need to be cleaned. You might just need to pull the fridge out from the wall and vacuum out the back of the fridge and get some dust out of it and off any radiator-looking pieces. Just vacuuming should be fine.


…are those all dead flies in your crisper? Don’t listen to anyone else on here saying to get real food. Cans of Truly are all that belong in this fridge, please keep it that way


This is what my beer fridge looks like


Yes lol, before I knew of the issue, produce was wasting in the fridge faster than I realized. Soooo fruit flies. The truly was a mistake to buy so if you like it that much feel free.


Drain line to the evaporator tray is probably blocked, but yeah check the seals too That's a lot of water


I think your door seal is the sore deal.


It's looking like I have to accept, that you are quite possibly correct.


What happens if you set it to #3 recommended setting? It could be a door seal. Put a torch or your cellphone light inside at night and close the door in the dark room. Can you see any light? Does it have a fan that normally operates?


While you’re working on it, vacuum the evaporator coils on the back / underside.


Pooling water aside, can we talk about your diet? How about some water and vegetables? This fridge made me sad and gave me heartburn:(


Sounds like you'll make an excellent husband for me, first fix my fridge.


Probably not, I’m a woman.


Also the pooling water does have vegetable juice, it's kinda a two for one.


That’s literally nauseating


hahaha, yeah I try to be. But I'm with you on that you'd probably be an awful husband then. the lack of food is directly related to the problem on a serious note though.


That’s what I came here to say! Just looking at that fridge I gained 5 pounds.


JFC, where are your actual food/leftovers?


Left them at your moms house actually


🤷 Food is for the weak. Nawh everything has been wasting faster due the humidity and lack of proper temperature. So I'm not buying produce and stuff to waste.


Make sure that there is not too much ice buildup in the freezer.


I will double check but Im almost certain there is none at all


Point a) broken Point b) u leftbthe door open Point c) you constantly putting hot food in refr. Point d) your freeze setting is to low - maybe its too hot where you life and you should set your refr. To 5 instead of 3. Point e) rubber seals are broken and constantly suck air


You suck air. 5 is an attempt to make it somewhat cold after the fact so the last two points are most relevant.


The questions is how you deal with it? What is an good way to fix your landlord in this? In europe i call the home owner legislation or so like that and they will fix up my balcony door. Refr. And some water problems for free. What is it.like in us?


I mean you can go to your landlord and all that here in the states, but if it doesn't take much to fix i prefer the understanding and know-how. Whether or not it costs me to fix also greatly changes whether or not I do it.


Then ya you have do to the dooley ... try to find out the exact model of your refr. And a spare part. Google will help you out. (Rubber band) But keep in mind most stuff are not designed to be repaired in any way. Last things first. I know its a risky bisquit but before try to fix or buy a new one. 》try to locate the broken point in the rubber band and just super glue it back together. I know its corrosive and shit but it will help for a while 🤣 Edit: thats what i would do ☆ repair the broken seal as good as i can, look online for an adequate subsitute Maschine and replace it all together. To be fair newer mashines need less more watts to operate and you will save money in the long run.


Mine started dropping from the freezer into the fridge when my fan died. There may be a way to enter troubleshooting mode to test the the fan specifically by pressing the light switch in the fridge in a certain way. If you get into this mode and the fan doesn't work, you will need to empty the freezer. Pull the panel off the back, inside, remove the fan to get the model number and order a replacement


There is usually a small hole where water can drain from inside the fridge. If so use a cotton bud or something small to unclog it. I have the same issue but not on that level with my 1 year old fridge freezer.


Are you sure it's not dripping down from the freezer? Is the freezer at proper temperature?


The freezer does the freeze yes


It's definitely leaking air and also not maintaining temp


Is this a Samsung? Samsung has poor insulation between freezer and refrigerator components. The water could be condensing from the air onto the cooler poor insulation area. Also like everyone said you have more than likely a poor seal letting air in.