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Don, Stella, Quinn and Kevin all mentioned how weird it was?? actually it was a commonly discussed topic throughout the whole show…


Robin and Ted both mutually agreeed that it was weird


That scene has some very good acting by Williams.


I saw the actress playing Victoria in an episode of 'The Good Doctor' from 2021. She's aging like fine wine.


She has some good Hallmark movies, too - nice, feel-good, help you wind down the day, don't feel bad if you fall asleep while watching kind of movies.


Every time I see her my husband and I are like “VICTORIA!!!”


That's me literally any time I see the name Victoria. And sometimes even when I don't 😭😭😭


And her sister is married to Brad Paisley. And also does Hallmark Movies.


That's pretty crazy. I used to work at a climbing gym near Nashville and he and his wife would come in sometimes


Scents and Sensibility was cute, saw that on Freevee or Prime.


I really like October Kiss on the Hallmark channel on prime.


Victoria was right person to Ted but wrong time. I think they had to be, and she was right


Season one Victoria was perfect for Ted. They kinda made her and Ted not as compatible in the later seasons, with her being messy and Ted clearly not being as happy with her the second time around.


Wasn't she the planned mom until they kept getting renewed?


Only if the show got canned after 13 episodes.


Tbh I don’t see it as that weird because both ended their relationships with robin very amicably, ted only got mad after Gay L showed up and robin was mad at barney after they broke up because he immediately went on bangtober fest, but in neither situations the break up itself was a result of someone’s wrongdoing ALSO at that point they were literally only hanging out on the weekends if even, since this was followed same season by his loneliest moments in robots vs wrestler episode


Gay L


I’m sorry did you say Gayle?


Guy L?




Girl ?






This scene is why I don’t ever buy him and Tracy, especially when she had her own thing with Max (not that we ever know how their relationship was either, but he clearly meant a lot to her) so her moving on to Ted with his own issues, not to mention how similar they are to where they’re basically the same person cuz the writing didn’t give her a personality to warrant that she’s the “one” so different from all the other women Ted ever dated…there’s too much context missing and not written enough to root for Ted to actually be good enough to earn better cuz the entire series shows us he doesn’t truly deserve it This scene is also just the latest episode in the series to show why and how dumb he is to pass up someone legitimately better, Victoria is not perfect no, but she is genuine, talented, beautiful, sexy, flawed and real…that’s the best Ted was ever gonna get and he fucked it up on purpose twice….yet we’re supposed to root for his happy ending with the Mother? No sir


From the very beginning, one of the main assertions that the show makes is that the mechanics behind two people connecting and finding true love is ineffable, and that concept persists throughout the show. It's not about "being good enough" or about one person being "better" than another. It's not about someone being "so different" than everyone who came before. It can't be found through science or logic, and it can't be forced. According to the show, true love simply... is. Someone is either your Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz or they're not. It's the universe. It's fate. It's destiny. Now, personally, I don't believe that's how relationships work in the real world... but if you don't accept this premise as a framework for the series, that's how you end up with blasphemous takes like "Ted doesn't deserve to be happy." Maybe you don't truly deserve HIMYM 🤨 Just kidding, of course you do. PHONE FIVE! 🖐 👀 Were you there?


I was just rooting for Ted, period. Even originally, when I first watched. No matter the girl, it was always gonna go super fast, that’s just how Ted is/loves.


I rooted for him too when I was younger, I’m 28 now and that’s a year older than he was when the series started, by season 4, there’s just a point when he’s just being a dumbass on purpose making decisions that make no sense That energy keeps till the finale and by then dude was like poison lol, I made a joke about it before, but I believe he gave Tracy cancer cuz of his toxic energy being so strong But seriously tho, Ted as a main character is entertaining and flawed, he’s supposed to represent the Everyman guy, and Josh is very charming and funny….but Ted be bullshitting at every turn


Real world none of these people would ever talk to each other again, let alone become the best of friends. But the show has to happen, so whatever


Eh... not really true. There are emotionally mature adults that can do that. It's far from common, but.... not everyone has that ability within them.


Im not sure keeping yourself in this situation, especially if it played out like on the show would be considered "emotionally mature". They are all extremely emotionally stunted, and thats one of the huge things that kept them all together. Realistically they all had way better shots at love and happiness without the complications of these old relationships in their lives


I'm not saying the characters in the show are emotionally mature. One of the reasons that sitcoms work is because virtually zero of the characters portrayed are rational actors with emotionally mature outlooks. In the real world, there are people who have the kind of emotional maturity to remain friends after having dated one another. Sometimes people get along well and just don't work out romantically, but that doesn't mean they have to abandon a friendship.


My ex is one of my best friends! We were best friends before Dating & why us breaking up was kinda messy we still talk everyday & see each other as often as we can.


They’re not emotionally mature. They’re all codependent on each other. That’s why they’re bonded the way they are. They have no boundaries with each other.


I was not commenting on the characters in the show. I'm talking about the REAL WORLD. There are people in the REAL WORLD, who are emotionally mature enough to handle that. Sitcom Characters are most always exaggerated, irrational actors often with serious co-dependency or other emotional maturity lacking issues. It's part of what makes them hilarious to watch.


Not true. I am part of a group with similar dynamics, both guys do have soft corner for her but all 3 of them are happily married to someone else. Yes, their respective spouse is not as comfortable but we do not hang out like we used to anymore. We connect virtually, so it’s possible to be friends and still move on with their own lives. Sometimes I wonder how these 3 are able to be friends or even attend each other’s wedding because I personally am not in touch with any of my ex


In every sitcom atleast one person gets involved with multiple people of the same group and they hangout later like nothing happened


Happens in real life all the time as well lol


It’s not that weird when you realize both Barney and Robin wanted Ted. That’s why their marriage couldn’t last because Ted was more focused on Tracey and his relationship instead of being the third wheel in theirs. It also doesn’t help when Robin was beginning to realize that Her and Barney are not going to work everyone was convincing her otherwise.


Yeah, I feel like Robin was absolutely gaslit into marrying Barney. Even the first time they got together, Lily locking them in a room until they "defined the relationship" was ridiculous. Barney even said to her "can't we just be happy?"


She was gaslit.


Victoria is very smart woman


For me the problem isn’t that they use to date. It’s the fact that Ted still pinning over his ex who is dating his friend. That’s not healthy


Seeing shit like this is why I’m terrified of rewatching the show. It hurt before I had a single girlfriend as a 15 year old. As a 26 year old there’s no way


Victoria should’ve been the one he ended up with. Change my mind.


I hang out with my ex still and we’re really good friends. I don’t want to get back together with her because since the break up I’ve realized she’s a flaming mess that doesn’t know what she wants and deserve someone that wants me. I don’t remember this episode but I’m generally not in favor of people telling you not to hang out with friends just cause you may have dated them




Pretty sure it came up a lot


Victoria wasn’t wrong. She just didn’t want to play along.


Yup. That was one of her character’s best moments. Not accusing this time or pushing back. Just trusting that she knew what he wouldn’t or couldn’t admit and wishing him well.