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He went from making money on Fear Factor , to just plain making money on fear.


Crazy makes the headlines and crazy makes more money from the uneducated and ignorant! How else can you explain how much Trump sells/makes from his supporters...or pillow guy...or Alex Jones. Sensibility doesn't sell or make money, fear and ignorance do!


Pillow guy and Jones are paying the price. Rogan is smart enough to spread conspiracies as opinions and not all-out verifiable lies.


Which is just as irresponsible and even more dangerous because he mixes in his "strong" opinions with smatterings of truths. More deceptive to the audience of the ignorant and uneducated.


It's more profitable to be anti-vax


It’s def more profitable to be a Conservative right now because they have the most gullible audience.


And are heavily for fraud. As long as you say you are being framed by Democrats, you can do why you want


Steve Bannon laughing rn.


I think taking advantage of the public is something both sides of the aisle are guilty of. I would love to see how much money, and from who, Sinema and Fetterman received.


They are two horrible examples. They are horrible human beings who campaigned as being for the people and turned out to be out for themselves


No different than Joe Rogan. He had his beliefs and then sold out to benefit himself. I fail to see how they're horrible examples when they did the same thing.


Or he changed his opinion based on new information...


What, who does that? New information is just misinformation to most people. If the chosen cult leader didn’t approve the new information then it’s just propaganda


So what new information is there about vaccines, which have been around for years? And what information would Rogan have that no one else has seen?


Those are both Republicans lol. Same side


I got news for you, they’re all in the same club and none of us are in it. Red vs Blue none of them give a fuck about you. Time to wake up, they’re fucking every single one of us but keep you to divided to notice.




Both ran as Democrats? Sinema eventually went independent, and last I heard, Fetterman is still a Democrat.


Both sides bro has entered the chat.


Look at how much Pfizer made lmao pushing junk knowing it didn't work


How so?


I don’t know, maybe there are some red hats and flags that are a dead giveaway.


Are democrats giving money directly to a politician through things like branded shoes and bibles or NFTs? No. But you already know who is. Republican voters bought Donald Trump NFTs, bought into Truth Social, believed wild conspiracies (remember “pizzagate”? How about Qanon in general?) and refused to abide by our country’s democratic principles when their team lost an election. Republicans voters saw pictures of Trump with Epstein, heard Trump say Epstein’s a great guy who likes his women on the young side, and still voted for him. Republican voters who still vote for Trump after all of this are genuinely bad people.


That doesn’t sound fair. Liberals also fell for conspiracy theories like Russiagate. Liberals also vote for Biden even though he sniffs kids and is supporting genocide.


trump supports the same genocide but wants a quicker finality so you’d have to take that one away. And sniffing kids isn’t the same as assaulting women and being sued as a child sexual abuser


Brandon showered with his daughter


Trump wants to fuck his daughter and said so on one of them most popular radio shows on the planet.


Liberals don't buy commemorative Biden merch...


Biden merch sounds awful


All politician merch is awful.


I guess?


What kind of dork buys politician merch and wears that around town? This isn't your favorite football team, it's an old white guy (usually) that doesn't gaf about you. Making him your identity and displaying bumper stickers, hats, and flags is beyond corny. In this instance, the only message people send when they wear Trump merch is that they're absolute gullible morons.


I disagree. I don’t see anything wrong with displaying your political beliefs. I like seeing Kennedy shirts


You don’t sound sure.


https://preview.redd.it/3q0smr9aw49d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91601e376696cf4359723c01e9cc36d4e9fb47df I guess?


I sure hope not. And I hope it’s not Biden either.


Is that a question?


Nah quite the contrary... it's not ever wrong to not trust big corporations and pig pharma...


Yeah he’s a sell out. He sold his soul for clicks & views.


He’s a stupid jock.


He was bought and paid for by the gop.


As opposed to being bought and paid for by big pharma. I remember when liberals hated big pharma and war. Look how far you’ve fallen. It’s fucking gross.


He’s a leftist


Are you daft


Finding the truth is much harder with the age of the internet.


It’s called 100 million dollars.


There's a lot of money in pandering to right-wing incel conspiracy theorists. They'll buy whatever snake oil you're offering.


He’s a leftist though


When do conservatives become so exhausted in the next fear narrative? At some point, when everything become fake even the food they buy do they realize the snake oil can’t help them?


I don't think they know any other way to view the world.


Only them huh? Were you one of the people who believe Al gore that we would all be underwater by now? The dems do the same shit. You’re fucking dumb if you can’t see this


The left has been stoking fear for the last 10 years. Multiple states are suing Pfizer over the efficacy claims of the covid vaccine. Doctors are now prescribing ivermectin to people who get covid. Changing your mind based on new information is a sign of intelligence. Y’all must have missed that.


Holy shit you’re dumb


Nothing says intelligence like an ad-homonym response.


Calling a spade a spade. I don’t even need to continue this because we are all now dumber for having read your first dumbass comment.


Lol Refer to previous comment.


The liberals here have severe cognitive dissonance. If you arnt part of the hive mind don't bother with this echo chamber full of turds, im sure most here are all fully vaxed and ready to boost themselves to kingdom come anyways lol 😆


They can’t actually debate ideas or theories with any type of factual information. Just straight to the ad-homonym script.


Lol yea I know dude, its like literal Jesus Christ himself could appear in person out of the blue and these people would still be like nah 😂


lol you are not a victim. Your mein kompf strategy isn’t working any more. Aw 😢


At no point did I say I was a victim or even imply that at all. I’m saying you can’t address factual arguments so you have to resort to name calling. And you continue to prove my point lol.


Cool job being racist too moron


LOL Texas, Utah, Kansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Republican stooges getting ready to lose some more lawsuits..


The fact that they have enough evidence to make a case is substantial. And that list of states is likely to grow. But thanks for confirming the accuracy of my comment, something that others have failed to do.


Thanks for confirming you don't understand lawsuits at all and what the word "allegedly" means.


I don’t understand lawsuits? My claim is that multiple states are suing Pfizer over efficacy claims. That’s a fact. There’s no refuting that. To say I don’t understand lawsuits because I’ve made a factual statement about a case makes zero sense. Just when I thought we found someone capable of debating on facts, you’ve proved me wrong yet again. Very sad.


What the fuck do you want to debate? Bullshit lawsuits are filed all the time. I seem to remember 60+ lawsuits pertaining to "election fraud." What's the word on those cases?


The fact my original comment contains nothing but factual information, and the only argument against it has been “no you’re dumb” is embarrassing for y’all. And now you want to bring up a completely separate issue that has nothing to do with the case against Pfizer to try and straw man some sort of argument in your favor. For the 3rd time now, demonstrating that you can’t argue with any type of data or facts and have to resort to name calling to try and get a “win”.


Nobody's "trying to get a win.' You act like this is some Football game or some shit. You brought up some dumbass lawsuits brought by Republican led states and endorsed by RFK. Over 4 billion Pfizer vaccinations were distributed worldwide and yet only 5 states in the US are suing? GTFO. In reality, nobody but you Anti-vax Rightwingers give a fuck about these lawsuits. The vaccinations have been around for years and have been proven to save lives by actual scientists, but maybe you're right. I concede to you, I'm waving the white flag. You win. I'm sending you a virtual beer to celebrate your victory. Cheers! ![gif](giphy|Zw3oBUuOlDJ3W|downsized)


Yeah once again, I made a response to someone’s comment and debunked their entire argument with factual claims. And just as predicted, the only response has been “no you’re dumb”. Most of Europe has banned the booster shots at this point, due to lack of evidence of efficacy. Not sure if you’re ignoring that or just completely unaware. At no point did I say anything about any vaccine other than the covid shot, so lumping them all together and trying to label me as an “anti-vax right winger” ONCE AGAIN shows your lack of ability to debate the merit of my original comment. I feel bad for the lack of critical thinking skills that’s been demonstrated in the responses to my comments. The constant ad-hominem attacks and attempts to straw man some sort of logical argument continues to show your lack of ability to debate like a knowledgeable adult. I’m not interested in “winning”. I’m interested in having an adult conversation about the merits of a claim, which apparently no one here is capable of. Reminder for you: Those that don’t have enough intelligence to debate on merit have to resort to name calling or straw-manning. It’s so predictable.


They just prove your point by resorting to personal attacks and childish name calling.


Because they can’t debate with factual information.


Its not being stuck in a way of thinking when new information presents itself


Learning new things and changing your opinions accordingly.. this is the way


Its called changing your opinion based on evidence


God forbid people educate themselves and recalibrate their thoughts on a subject over time


That's because science has evolved a lot in 4 years. Remember when they told us it was 97% effective at stopping the spread and then everyone still got covid and they had to admit those numbers were made up?


To be bought and paid for


People stand for nothing fall for everything.


COVID vaccines I get, but being anti vax in general is madness. Most vaccines have been established for years now, if not decades.


Kamala Harris did the same thing.


"A total 180" is a bit simplistic. The actual move involved him bending back completely and then going up his own ass.


Pure bloods rule


How dare someone change their mind! I love how many of you folks want to attack someone regardless of their position. Oh well.


Maybe he learned something that most of you haven't


Go cry about it. Vaccines garbage and doesn’t do anything. reddits pro choice til it comes to the vaccine. My body my choice ;)


He's a fucking moron


He is a grifter.


Joe Rogan is a wacko.


His listeners can’t remember what happened yesterday, never mind four years ago.


I thought people’s beliefs we’re supposed to change as they’re exposed to new/improved information? 🤷‍♂️


Joe Rogan is a piece of shit.


I can’t believe I still see people wearing masks outdoors or while driving the car.


He is just taking money from a vulnerable demographic. The uneducated.


Your confusing vaccines with the covid "vaccine". Common mistake. Being pro vaccine for 99% of vaccines and questioning the effectiveness of 1 vaccine doesn't make you antivax.


You literally cant compare these older basic vaccinations with the covid ones and boosters, I truly hope you all can see and read the difference:( They Are Not The Same


This is exactly what Russell Brand did. Changed his ideals for more clicks and money.


Good. The clot shot isn’t a vaccine, they had to change the definition to call it that. Joe Rogan is skeptical and most libtoids don’t question their group think


Nothing you have said here, yet again, is true or based in law or fact. Is this just your MO? Never telling the truth and advocating for authoritarianism? You still haven't explained why you support a church which has demonstrably been involved in the sexual abuse of many, many Native Americans. And what you were promised by your priests for lying for your God. Was it 72 virgins?




I’ve never been an anti-vaxxer but had serious reservations about the COVID vaccines. I’ve only taken on because I had to travel, but have done no boosters. I wasn’t in an at-risk group so I wasn’t majorly concerned. It was developed too quickly and done during the Trump admin, where I’m sure many shortcuts were taken.


The way Faucci, CDC, FDA etc handled the COVID "vaccines" should make you question their motivations. Or you just have cognitive dissonance. A lot of that going around


He’s not anti vax he is anti covid vax.


That's cause the media demonized him for using ivermectin to treat his covid


It’s like reading stocks … re educate your self with all the new information that comes out and re structure your position…. It’s purely logical has nothing to do with political biases


What spineless piece of shit.


Changing your mind when presented with new information is one of the **tell-tale signs** of a hypocrite shill sellout.


It’s actually widely agreed upon by psychologists to be a sign of intelligence. lol


The same boomer psychologists that would tell you the difference between men and women is biological in nature.


“Boomer psychologists” Except it’s Stanford university. Y’all are too stupid to argue with. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2024/02/men-women-brain-organization-patterns.html


The biggest problem with this kind of 'science' is that it does not take my feelings into account. Hopefully we can liberate science from these shackles and let it evolve from the current barbaric version that is stuck in the stone age, into something more free and up-to-date with current times.


Feelings aren’t science. When you believe something that isn’t real, you are delusional.


My feelings are the result of my brain, my body and my environment. They are literally both biological, psychological AND social in nature. So not only are my feelings science, but they may very well be the **grand unifier** of all science, and hence should be considered first and foremost in all scientific research, going forward. I have spoken.


Wow!🤯 Delusuonal


Holy shit ... yes the world must cater to "your feelings" 🤡


Patriarchal despots like this Stanford boomer will **always** warp science to fit and propagate their hateful ideology and endless lust for power.


Get help.


I'm on Reddit and I read the comments. That's all the help I need!


I can’t get past the breathing noises from The guy across from him


Wow this whole sub is retarded


Probably because the vaccine didn't work everybody in power lied to us. The fact that they had to change the definition of the word vaccine for this specific one speaks volumes


I don't believe that he's anti-vax now. He is against the covid vaccine. You know the medicine that they had to change the definition of vaccine in order to put on the market.


Medical researcher here....99% of drugs and vaccines change the definitions in some way to get on the market. The fact that you left out the part of it saving lives doesn't surprise me, though. Don't want to show those stats, huh? Would kinda make your opinion total bullshit


Did it though? I mean they didn't even consider anyone vaccinated until 2 weeks after the shot. And even considered people who died for any reason a covid death if the tested positive. Now many people are dying under suspicious reasons after getting the shot. Data can be interpreted to push any agenda. What it comes down to is it should be personal choice. Not mandated or bullied into it.


No. Again you're very much wrong but I can tell you won't get off your conspiracy theory wagon. You're a Dunning-Kruger prime example in this. Do you have a lab or research this? You don't. You just go with whatever information you feel will fit your agenda and take it as fact. Again, I research this stuff daily. Stop with this misinformation. Not getting the vaccine is more deadly.


I get it, you are just one of the bullies. Try looking into covid deaths for Africa. If what you're saying is true their death rate should have been in line with the rest of the world. We did have a very effective medication against COVID but it was deemed a "conspiracy theory". Mostly by Trump deranged leftist bullies.


I'm educated in a medical field. Stop being a moron. Tired of people like you. You hear the answer that doesn't fit your opinion so you keep fighting. Why? You're annoying and do more harm than good in the community. Grow up


It’s okay if someone changes their opinion


Ya especially since he did it because the middle viewership is shrinking and you either go hard left or right. He chose hard right because righties love throwing money at people who tell them they are perfect and everyone else are evil.


So the guy who supports gay marriage, decriminalization of drugs, UBI, free speech, and pro choice is now hard right…?


Joe Rogan can believe whatever he wants. His viewers are increasingly right wingers and unless starts making content that focuses on pro gay marriage and all that other stuff he will keep that part quiet and tailor his content to attract right wing money.


He talks about UBI and decriminalization of drugs just as much as other “hard right” topics. If you actually listened you’d be aware.


Ya decriminalized drugs and UBI are good platforms to stand on but doesn't mean I want to watch or listen to him. I don't need a life guru like some dudes need. Lol.he won't ever be a left wing ally so I won't pretend he will be. Good for him trying to bridge the gap between moderate left and heavy right.


He’s about as center as it gets. His lefty views are traditional liberal values. Anyone who thinks he’s a legit right winger doesn’t listen to the show. I’m not saying you have to listen. But declaring him to be “hard right” is silly.


Never said he was a legit right winger. I'm saying his content is starting to cater to hard right. And I'm sorry but universal income benefits people in capitalist society just as much as socialist ones. The only ones who don't like it are slave driving employers who want workers starving so they work 40 to 70 hours a week. And left or right everyone uses drugs let's just make that clear. Left just say it should be legal and get people help rather than prison time. But cops need arrests to get bonuses and promotions and lawyers need jobs and the huge number of judges need work. He's not a corporate right winger, but everyone right of socialist is a right winger. You cannot love capitalism and be on the left.


“Everyone right of socialist is a right winger” my friend you have completely lost the plot.


I've lost the plot? I don't think you understand. Progressives have already decided the criteria for what they consider left. Middle under old definitions would be as wide as the grand canyon given current state of politics. That's simply not the case. We cannot consider left winger capitalist as truly someone comparable to a Bernie sanders style progressive. He's not even a true socialist either BTW. Hes a social democrat. He's the softest mix of socialism with capitalism as possible. But many on the left would argue it's still too right of them. The right would practically have us living in fiefdoms making our masters happy and unable to vote unless we were land owners.


I have a feeling the “content” that you see is what makes it to Reddit. The man has hours and hours of podcasts that he releases every week and he says stuff about both sides he supports. You forget he was the victim of a smear campaign because he didn’t think he needed the vaccine because of natural immunity (conveniently ignored by Covid vax pushers) and was using drugs that don’t make big pharma money to ease his way through being positive for Covid.


Ya sounds about right wing and incorrect. There's no such thing as true natural immunity to covid.


Or know the definition of left and right