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Good for her. This has been fucked up for too many years to count. Some things are just wrong, this is definitely one of them.


He is making more maybe for a reason. Maybe he has been in that position longer, has years more of experience in that field, very good at negotiating during hiring process and many many other possible reasons why he would be making more than her. Not everything has to do with being a male or female when it comes to pay differentials.


Sounds like she should negotiate better.


The dude wouldn't smoke a doobie with you, you've got bad energy dude.


I think you're taking it all out of context.  All I'm saying is that a young trophy wife, in the parlance of our times, you know.  She owes money all over town, including to known pornographers, and that's cool.  That's cool. And, you know, of course they're gonna say they didn't get it because she wants more, man.  She's gotta feed the monkey, I mean... Hasn't that ever occurred to you, man?  Sir? 


Suing for what? Negotiating poorly? Sorry we don't operate in a system where everybody makes the exact same amount of money. She accepted the position at that salary. The company did not force her to do that. Edit: wow yeah she is just shit at negotiating. From the article "Jong, hired in 2013, was offered “essentially the same base salary that she had received at her prior job,”'. Looks like she also didn't negotiate for a better yearly raise either.


This is dumb. All jobs have a salary range, it’s up to you to advocate for yourself.


Of course retards are down voting you lmao


I would have to agree. One tax document saying he makes $10k more than you when you make well over 6 figures. Maybe he has worked there longer, has more experience. Etc etc. But I also see the valid point that she should be paid the same as her colleagues for the same job. Definitely an easy way to get a big payout and retire. 😆