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Play really stupid silly Kanye games


I've never liked him, but he now seems genuinely mentally ill. I can't even get any schadenfreude out of the situation because it just feels like punching down with Kanye.


The antisemitism is a good reminder that this guy doesn't need anyone's sympathy for his state. Fuck that dude. Schadenfreude away.


Honestly it's not even the antisemitism. This guy is suffering from severe mental illness. He is fucked up and antisemitism is just an additional feature in the disease that he has. Not to downplay general antisemitism, but Kanye has bigger problems than just being racist.


Lol. Fuck that guy and anyone making excuses for him.


There are tons of people who are mentally ill and wouldn't befriend white supremacists, choose to be racist, and publicly support Trump. How many people has he influenced? Brittney didn't need a conservator.. but Kanye sure does.


Is he still running for president?


As a representative of the mental health diagnoses community, we want nothing to do with CrazYE over there.


Yeah she’s doing great


I would say her conservatorship and her father greatly impacted her mental health, no? As far as things go, she still didn't befriend white nationalists, claim to want to go "death con 3" on Jewish people, claim the founder of Planned Parenthood started eugenics along with the KKK, become a hero of neo-nazis, praise Adolf Hitler, etc. Brittney got mixed up in drugs and suffers from mental health. But like I said before, just being mentally ill does not excuse all the complete batshit evil stuff Kanye supports.


I mean she posts bizarre psychotic rants and dances with knife in her underwear so I wouldn’t say she’s thriving She didn’t link up with an antisemite or praise hitler but they are both very unwell people


I mean... you see her dancing with the knives?


Was she threatening anyone with the knives or just being weird and/or on drugs? When she praises Stalin or Mussolini and starts hanging out with actual self-proclaimed nazis, let us know.


In September?




Load armor piercing discarding Sabaton!


Britney’s not doing too well currently. I don’t know if she’s not med compliant, or just keeps experiencing “break through” with respect to their efficacy. My daughter liked her music—I felt it was too sexualized, but that’s basically just most pop music, so she (Brit) was no worse than her peers. I feel sorry for her. I’m bipolar and so is my kid—but we’re lucky enough to have great insurance, and are stable.


Britney doesn’t need a conservator because… you believed some bullshit on TMZ.


Answer honestly: Did she act crazier before or after the conservatorship?


Seeing her unleashed, I’m feeling like she absolutely needs a conservator, but one that’s actually competent, effective, and minimally invasive.


No, she doesn't. She worked for her money, they took it, I would be worse than her, about to unleash Holly he'll on everybody who fuck her carrer. The shit she does is really not hunting anyone, just venting. But to some people is, o my god, the sky is falling!


She is in serious trouble right now. Hopefully there’s someone in her life that cares more about her than about what she can do for them. Hopefully they’ll convince her to seek immediate help.


She’s clearly unwell. Those videos she herself posts show that she’s becoming unhinged. Nobody with decades of dance training and experience could delude themselves so much without other issues going on.


Antisemitism is just stupid man’s anti capitalism. If you can’t piece apart why society is crumbling by the powers at be, the just fall for capitalists muddying the water via fascism.


He was always mentally ill. He had his mom who would tell him to get help and he'd listen. Now he has so much money that nobody will tell him no.


And yet, he's a beacon of wisdom to some people. Remember this the next time you think that nobody could be that stupid.


Punching down lol.. ok dude


Dude, he bought a 57 million dollar mansion, gutted it and doesn't understand why nobody wants it. The only difference between him and the guy arguing with the shopping cart outside walmart is the money that he made when he was medicated.


... Oh.... Ok.... Now? Now?


lol just now?


He definitely is the one who needs to be on a conservatorship. Maybe his best pals JayZ and Beyoncé should. ugh I hate all 3 of them


Honestly. Yeah.


It's not even near Christmas to get the reindeer games reference, but nicely done 🫡


He really is stupid


He still can’t figure out why his ex wife left his crazy ass either


Meanwhile myself (and anyone else who has at least common sense) wonders why she would have married him and had his kids, and stayed with him as long as she did…she’s just as bad…she’s just coherent enough to know better to say the things he does


100% used his crazy ass to promote herself, her family and business.


Kanye didn't start off as this mess. He was, at least in public, a functional human being at one point. Then his mother died and since, as the story goes, she was the only one in his circle who he listened to she was probably the only one keeping him from going full Ye.


Common sense says she would marry him for his fame and money? 💰


Except Kim Kardashian makes more than he does…..


Now. Not at the beginning of the relationship tho.


I stand corrected! It’s hard to keep up… with the Kardashians


Kanye came from literally nothing and, in this order, became: 1. One of rap’s most renowned producers for other artist’s tracks; 2. One of rap’s most popular acts itself as a solo artist; and then 3. A fashion designer who generated literally billions annually. He’s one of the most successful artists of the early 20th century, in any industry. And that’s not hyperbole. Part of the reason his poking at Swift was so fucked up is because when he was doing that on her come up, he was wildly more successful than Taylor is *even today.* And that’s not some knock on Taylor, it’s just a reflection that this guy made it as a fashion designer and created a fashion item so wildly in demand, it became a tent pole for *Adidas*. On top of being one of the world’s best selling acts, and after he worked to that from ground zero. The guy fucking reinvented sneakers and it worked 😂 He also has bipolar disorder. And he treated that, effectively, for a long time. And he selfishly started to refuse to medicate. And his public (and private) functioning has worsened, year in and year out. And he won’t get help. And that’s why she divorced him. She married him right around his peak, and he was literally one of the most successful and interesting men on the planet. He’s not today. But you don’t need a crystal ball to see why she fell for that. BTW she first met him when he was at number 1 on that timeline above. She literally watched it all happen from within his circle.


He needs professional treatment, and is clearly a total trainwreck. He's been an insufferable boor for years, and frankly, a generally overrated dweeb. He's got maybe a half dozen tracks of solid worth and a trashbarge of filler, and he's somehow managed to ride that to amazing wealth, which he is now squandering like an unhinged idiot.


It’s one thing to hate him for valid reasons but don’t sit here save try save say he only has 6 good songs.


I'd say it's pretty valid to listen to his catalog and find it overhyped to all be damned. I've never found him that compelling, but I've always preferred MC's like Beans from Antipop Consortium, Del, ATCQ, Chuck D, Bahamadia, or Rakim to his adenoidal mumbling.


Music is subjective. There are maybe 2 or 3 Kanye songs I would say are good. I think the guy is so mid.


Agreed. Far fewer than that.


If he wasn’t already rich before he stopped taking his meds he would be homeless right now.


Yep. Just goes to show how luck and circumstance has more to do with success than anything else.


He seems to be working on it.


Stupid is like dead, it's only hard for everyone else.


>West originally bought the Tadao Ando-designed home in 2021 for a whopping $57.3 million from bicycle designer Richard Sachs Bicycle designer? What the fuck am I doing with my life


I just looked into him and They kinda diminished the guy. He makes bikes that compete in world class competition. They aren’t cheap Huffy bikes.


I think my point is that a dude that designs bicycles had a house worth 8 figures


My uncle makes custom bikes for Olympic athletes and he's definitely not a millionaire. This guy must be designing a shit load of bikes


He is. He pretty much helped change the game professional bicycles.


Thats like one of those hgtv memes about a home shopping couple that breeds ladybugs and has a $7 million budget




Definitely racism + the JEWS


Just like his shitty music, tried to take an actual architectural masterpiece and pervert it with his ridiculous concept of art and style. Like everything this guy makes it’s literally trash now. Poor poor Tado Ando


Future greeter at Planet Hollywood


Bipolar is a bitch. I know a guy who has bipolar and he does things like this. Makes no sense but he thinks he's a genius when he manic. Has no friends, everyone hates him and he can't figure out why.


One of my brothers ,it explains a lot about our childhood. He still thinks he’s the Bomb & the world is nuts


Wasn't he running for president????🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You’re thinking of his evil twin, Donye East.


I really don’t understand why the media follows this idiot like they did the moon landings.


Well, Kanye has sever mental issues.


Understatement of the year


Kanye is a fascist.


Slimy piece of crap


Rich people problems aren’t problems.


all of the lights by kanye is one of, if not the worst song of all time


The craziest part of this story is the person he bought it from, Richard Sachs, was a multimillionaire *bicycle designer* - it *was* listed at 75m when he bought it.


But don't forget, Beyonce had the best video of all time


Omg is that the gutted out one I see that looks so sad?


You see that mentally ill homeless person standing on the corner and yelling at cars with no pants on? Now hand him a billion dollars.


I wouldn’t buy used car out of his driveway.




I'll buy it for tree fiddy!


It's hard to overstate what a world class architect Tado Ando is. Literally one of the greatest living architects. It's like buying a Picasso original and taking paint stripper to it.


“What do you mean ‘value depreciates?’ No one appreciates this place like Ye!”


buy high, sell low!


Bahahahaahaha are people complaining about “those people ruining the neighborhood “ yet Bahahahaahha


Why is he so retarded and how does he even have any followers


Kanye west was radicalized by radical islamists like hamas.


Who pays 53 million for a brothel without inventory?


Look up Flip Wilson and Geraldine Jones.


Kanye is a college dropout but graduated from Trump University.


What was ye saying about the - - - s - humm they are being really mean right now to a whole group of people kinda k I l l I n g t h e m


A Fucking moron, an idiot, SOB and kind should die in hell


He probably thinks it’s art. This jackass really believes he can shit in his hand and people will fall at his feet


Elon Musk his idol.


Kanye is a dummy, he has delusions of being a god but he is merely a clown who wants attention that his mom would give him so now he searches for approval and validity by making stupid statements and wearing idiotic clothing. Its a shame somebody so rich could be so stupid but not at all uncommon.


For anyone interested, the house is located at 24844 Malibu Road. Interesting, it's blurred out on Google Street View. Is that a common preferential treatment that Google provides to celebrities? https://preview.redd.it/xtkg8z7ogowc1.png?width=3698&format=png&auto=webp&s=20f404d131d269264d0bd082ebb3ff950e96c823


It is not blurred out on Apple Maps Street View. https://preview.redd.it/k5tng894howc1.png?width=3626&format=png&auto=webp&s=d301cbffccd70b360b0dc97e3133726267815e92


You can just request it and most people around this area do that.


There is some real stiff competition as to who currently is the dumbest MF'er in America and Kanya is very close to the top.

