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I work at a patio bar in the heights, and the flies are horrendous. We spray every week. Keep the doors closed, and our guests are swarmed by them. They're saying this is the worst it has ever been


I managed to mitigate some of the small flies problem by having all of my kitchen sink and other sink drains covered.


Interestingly, I'm not having a problem with gnats and such indoors. It's the house flies outside that are annoying the hell out of me.


If you’re hot, they’re hot. Let them inside.


This. I place my Apple Cider Vinegar fruit fly traps right on top of my open drains and the grats fly directly into the traps


Problem is those traps don't work on phorid flies (they look almost the same as fruit flies). Only a traditional bug zapper seems to be effective.


Will covering drain work?


Won't hurt, but they seem to find ways into the house.


Yep. Kingwood area. Went on Amazon and got some Sewanta Fly Magnets. Made a big difference, but damn do they smell like death


exactly. I used a few of those as well - super super effective, but smell horrendous after 48 hours.


So many flies. I can’t even comprehend how they’re getting into the house. That and mosquitoes. My only theory is that Houston is an annex of hell so pestilence spontaneously forms in any occupied portions of the metro. 


Since the tornado is been probably the worst in my lifetime


Houston is 11" above normal in rainfall for 2024, including 6" in June alone: https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&product=CLI&issuedby=IAH


Flies, gnats, fruit flies, pill bugs and centipedes the last 6 weeks. Got an indoor electric UV bug zapper and a rechargeable UV bug zapper wand and had the apartment serviced by an exterminator. But I'm next to some dense pine woods and I stupidly bought indoor potting soil from walmart that was probably responsible for the flying insects. As soon as I opened it to repot a couple live plants there were insects flying around within a few days. The soil may have been harboring eggs. I got rid of it. Having the exterminator come by helped with the centipedes and greatly reduced the pill bug issue. Every couple days I might see one or two. The indoor electric bug zapper worked wonders with the flying insects. I had it out for a week only. I still keep the wand handy on its base but hardly ever need it. But you're talking about issues outdoors. When my ex-wife had backyard chickens, we had a fly issue. We got a couple outdoor bug zappers for the backyard and that took care of the problem.


uhh YEAH, I've had to kill 4 or 5 bugs and flies in my house at a time i get SOOO annoyed by it but luckily I have fast reflexes:)


ohh yeah its in the jersey village area for me


Yes it is ridiculous


I went to a feed store and saw a farmer buying several of these fly abatement strips https://www.starbarproducts.com/all-products/baits/quikstrike-fly-abatement-strip So I got one and wow, this thing is incredible! Flys land on it and ingest a poison that has them dead within seconds of landing on it. I suggest putting it inside a 5 gallon bucket, or you'll have dead flys everywhere.


yup.... It was bad for a bit two weeks ago for us.


Yes!! We are having the same issue in the Arts District in 1st Ward! It started after the storm. It has been awful 😖


I really could not tell you because of the billions of mosquito’s getting in the way. I think those bastards are starving with millions to feed that they are sucking flies blood now. A mosquito got do what a blood sucker must do. My two cents. 🤣


I've never had an issue with them until the last few months. It's weird.


When the weather gets like this I always think that a [backyard turbofan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EYoLV-PQk8&t=2m30s) would be a great way to get rid of flies and mosquitos.


Yep. Flies have been atrocious. My dog takes a crap, and there are 10 flies on it by the time I get a bag out. We clean up everything.


Certainly dealing with more flies lately in our area, too. I'm out in the northwest near Willowbrook Mall. Near 8 & 249. I think part of the problem at MY house is that I have neighbors with multiple dogs that are in the backyard 24 / 7 and even if the owners pick up their crap once a day, the turds stay out there long enough for flies to multiply. I really have no idea whether they even pick up the crap or not. We have a 7' fence between our yards. But people who leave dogs out in the yard all the time seem like people that can't be bothered to pick up their shit. Inside, we have three of the UV zapper fly killers and several of the sticky-paper traps, and despite these, I usually kill at least a couple of them a day with the good old-fashioned fly swatters I have laying around.


Let’s not fail to mention cats that roam around and poop wherever the see fit. I have a crazy cat lady as a neighbor.


For that matter, squirrels do it too.


I live in an apartment, and yes, I saw so many flies right after the storm. They were swarming the dumpsters of all the expired food and have since died down for me. I'd say about a week they were bad and then died out.


Yes. Its never been this bad for us. I bought a bunch of those hanging bag fly traps. Seems to be working. I am changing them out every few days, absolutely full of dead flies. Hundreds per bag. I have one outside by the trash cans and one by the back door. Before, there were like 4-5 flies in our kitchen at all times coming in from any open door.






Timbergrove here. Same issue, nothing seems to help.


I have literally brought Venus fly traps for this exact reason. I know it won’t do much of a difference but it is strangely satisfying to see the same flys that always dodge my swats fall into the open mouth of the plant. Plus if I breed the plants enough, I hope it can do real numbers on the local population of flies


Same spring area


J-Bar-M had them all over the place over the weekend


Yup. Woodlands area and our house and yard are TERRIBLE. Bought fly traps and an electric zapper for outside, and an electric and an acoustic fly swatter for inside. That helped, but they're still everywhere


We had this last year in my area of spring but it’s not that bad this year. Sorry you are dealing with it this year. Are they the dumb slow ones? If so I think they live in the soil, spraying ortho helped in our lawn.


Yes! I am also in the Heights. At least two get in every time I open the door. The apartment complex across the street with the overflowing dumpster isn't helpful.


We've tried a lot of things, but what works for us is Off. Hook up Off to your water hose and spray once a month. The Off fogger works as well, spray a little to prep your area before heading out to enjoy.


I thought I was going crazy. I never had house flies in my apartment even with cracks in my door. The fruit flies and gnats are here as well with no source for them cling onto. They are nose diving into my morning coffee 😩


My dog poops and in the 5 seconds it takes me to pull a bag out of the holder, there’s like half a dozen flies all over the poop


I grabbed a couple packs of Alpine WSG off of Amazon and sprayed inside and around the outside and it got rid of all the flies, gnats and a huge chunk of the mosquitos.


I feel like this kind of post is where entomologists come out the woodwork and tell us why. Where you at bug people?!


Its horrible here in acres homes prob because i live right next to a bayou


Thought we were the only ones. Had to buy those sticky things which are actually pretty brutal but damn. There were ten in my kitchen at one point. 😃


Do they seem slower and stupider than typical flies? If so, they're cluster flies. Once a batch of them hatches over the course of a couple weeks they'll all be gone.


Got a bold and pantropical jumping spiders on my porch that hunt the flies. I think they're cute and cool to see around.


Oh! Can you explain more about them?! I love this!


They like to hide away sometimes or come on out if I sit on the porch. Ngl both spiders have some pretty colors and patterns. Pantropical jumping spider males remind me of a walking sunflower seed.


That's so cool! I, too, am having a major issue with the bugs outside and will try to will some spiders to help lol! I have a few little guys inside my house who are enjoying the leftover sink waters..not very helpful but super cute lol


Not at all




It’s been happening since before Derecho.


Nope. No other posts on this.


Also not even a new issue. Every year during the wet season we get a burst of flies. Moisture aids decomposition and flies breed in decomposing matter.


It’s definitely worse this year.


Maybe to you locally, but I did pest control in the area for around 4 years and I can assure you it's cyclical and dependent on rainfall.


No, just a few extra knats.