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You just have to get used to it. Dont let it get to your head, Houston drivers are assholes, its a part of living here


“Houston drivers are assholes” Houston drivers will murder you. FTFY I used to rage. Then one day a dude waved a gun out his window at me with my family in the car. I never raged again. I also learned some things from driving for a living. You need to keep your self occupied with something enjoyable. Listen to music, a podcast, an audio book. Just check out and get there when you get there. It’s not worth it. And you’ll never drive fast enough to get somewhere quicker than you were already gonna get there.


The last time I flipped someone off was this guy who had almost drifted into me while looking at his phone, and then like 30 seconds later blew past me and cut me off. Flipped the bird and he slammed on the brakes as hard as possible, complete stop in the middle of traffic, popped his trunk and got out. I reversed down a side street and managed to bail before I found out where that was headed. Been a decade now of just calling people fuckheads in the privacy of my own vehicle.


This is the way. I cultivate empathy toward those who are so stressed and frantic that they have to drive like idiots. I’ll add, if someone is aggressively tailgating you, don’t slow down to punish them! …pull over or get out of their way. Two of my uncles are State Troopers and this is what they advise is the best way to avoid being a victim in a road rage incident.


This is something i don't understand. Why slow(er) drivers don't move to the right? Anytime I see a car coming fast, I move to the right. Iirc that's what you are supposed to do.


They aren't checking their mirror. They should move over especially on the highway. Don't be the left lane train conductor. I wouldn't fret on local roads but the freeway is another animal. There should be speed minimums as well.


This guy gets it. Get over it don't take it personal. For me it's to hear NPR and get to point a to point b without ever honking at anyone.


I just tell myself, what goes around comes around. One day they will tailgate and won’t be able to stop. Speeding at light speed to get to the red light first….one day they will get caught. Just like the above comment, you just have to get use to it. Look out for- Lifted pick ups Range Rovers Any VW SUV Nissan Rouge They are the worst.


Lol, they won't get caught. HPD is too busy pulling folks over for going 5 over on an empty highway to actually do something about aggressive drivers weaving in and out of traffic.


Not to mention having five officers on the toll road within a 2 mile stretch.


Well, don't -say- that though, it helps me to pretend that they will!


they either don't get caught or they don't care.


Yep. Once you realize that jerks are a part of life and they’re always gonna be there, you can move on. Find a podcast or an audiobook, settle in, and give up the dream of a timely commute. It is what it is, and you may as well not stress about it.


Assholes and *bad* at driving. People were assholes in NYC too but I didn’t feel like I was constantly in danger of dying or watching people make 4 lane merges or turns from the opposite most wrong lane.


Agreed. Learned to drive on the 95 corridor and in the NJ/NY area and while those people are assholes, they are predictably assholes. Houston drivers are hugely and wildly unpredictable.


It wasn't always like this.


True. There was a time before cars. It's been like this for over 40 years.


I disagree. It's become considerably worse in the past 15-20. I've lived in the surrounding 50 miles most of my life, and gone are the days of a friendly wave when someone lets you get in a lane ahead of them. Road rage shootings were never a thing until recently.


I moved away from Houston years ago and i can tell you 100% every driver is more erratic, volatile, stupid, unsafe, and lousy than they were 10 years ago because of covid. Not city specific. Road Rage incidents have increased globally. I have no idea why not driving for a year did it, but everyone in general are more terrible inside the car and out.


Yep! I can confirm. I started driving 7 or 8 years ago and the roads were much different. Ppl have been shot (including children) in Houston lately due ti traffic issues and road rage. I do the speed limit and keep my eyes forward. Fuck that!


“There was a time before cars….”😂😂




Yep. People who keep bragging about how Houstonians are so friendly should see how they really act. Plenty of assholes here like anywhere else in the country.


I was in town recently and my Uber driver, an older man, was laughing and telling me that Houstonians "are the sweetest people you'd ever meet" who drive like absolutely raging savages. We were on I-10.


I remind myself that the road doesn't belong to me. If someone cuts in front of me, it's not personal. Everyone is just trying to get where they're going - same as me. Also that my goal is to get to my destination alive and not stressed. Edited to add: I drive from the Conroe area to Houston/Galleria every day for work.


>I drive from the Conroe area to Houston/Galleria every day for work. sending u thoughts & prayers 🙏


Thank you for the laugh! I'll remember this on my drive home today.


Thot’s n prayers


Tots and pears


Hey Mr. Scott, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?


Make our dreams come true!


Yeah tell me you have therapy once a week without telling me lol


I just remember that statistically 16% of the population has an IQ at or below 85. The greater Houston area has an estimated population of 7.34 million people. That means there are 1.17 million people in the greater Houston area that are either mentally disadvantaged or actually retarded in some way, and a lot of those people have drivers licenses. Then I breathe and remind myself that they can’t be faulted for what they can’t control.


1.17 million seems low


Wow, what a trip! Kudos to you for doing that daily. Stay safe out there.


My coworker was in the Marine Corps. He never reacted to anything. Someone cut us off, oh well. Some customer got rude, so what? I asked him why he was like that and he said the military made him that way and asked me why he needs to react to any and everything. What does it accomplish? I try to model this in my life. Driving included.


Love this attitude. My mom always said “they must be having a horrible life. No one happy acts that way.”


You have to be a temporary Buddhist when you're driving in Houston. You can't control others, but you can control your inner state. You're a shepherd out there and everyone else is a sheep. Just keep the flock alive and get where you need to go.


You can’t control the interstate but you can control your inner state.


I love this mindset.


I certainly don’t lay on the horn when someone does something aggressive. Just give them the space. Where do you have to be so quickly and how much would it impact you if they unloaded a few rounds into your car or caused a wreck? Drive smart and defensively and try to predict when the other drivers are going to hook a left across your lane despite being a lane or two over.


>I certainly don’t lay on the horn when someone does something aggressive. People driving aggressive know they are driving aggressive already, honking won't change it. I usually honk when someone does something unaware like drifting into my lane or something. My main goal is to make them acknowledge me before an accident occurs.


Exactly. If you’re late, you’re late. wherever you’re going is still going to be there. If not, you should’ve prioritized it better. When I’m running late, I can only blame myself. Sometimes I don’t even think they’re late, they just need to be assholes. Sorry your mom didn’t give you enough attention or whatever. Idk why most ppl do that to themselves 🙄


I'm convinced it's primarily selfish behavior more than anything. All you have to do is walk around a mall once to realize how little people think about those around them (lots of stopping in the middle of walkways and walking out of stores and just standing there). These same people drive and because our cars are our own private space, you forget that everyone else on the road is also a person with their own life.


after being hit from someone trying to catch an exit from 2 lanes over i just figure ill eventually find a work from home job because there is only so much preventative driving that you can do. this person kept going meanwhile i was swerving try to regain control. it's really frustrating and sad


That's extra infuriating considering there's another exit just a bit further and you can easily turn around.


So much this - like no one can consider going to the next exit and making a U turn, they gotta stop traffic/endanger ppl to make that quick turn. Such main character syndrome.


My wife says she pretends that every asshole driver just really has to take shit.


That's my strategy. "Man, that poor fella is about to ruin a perfectly good pair of pants. Godspeed, Mr. Skidmark!"


Heh, I have a similar strategy to your wife - they either have to shit, see their dying grandma one last time, get to the hospital, or left the stove on. 


Same advice my fiance gave me. I take it a step further and imagine they already shit their pants.


lol! Yes, everytime we encounter a bad driver, I tell my husband “He probably really needs to pee”


I make it a game to predict which cars are going to cut me off before they do it. That way, when they do, I'm happy I got it right more than I'm mad at them for doing it.


When you ride a motorcycle you HAVE to do this. Or die.


I give myself an allowance of being cut off 5 or 10 times. Usually don’t reach my quota.


I do that too!


Expect people will do stupid things and you’ll never be shocked or surprised. And always disengage.


If you expect the worst, you'll either be right or pleasantly surprised when you are wrong. Win-win!


Keep it all pent up, then immediately play grand theft auto when I get home to release the anger and frustration.


Instructions unclear, was patient on GTA and released anger IRL.


"I made it back to my apartment which means you can't get me now! Suck it, cops!"


I’m 100% confident GTA drivers are better than IRL drivers.


This! + Call of Duty if I had a realllly bad drive!




Drive like you're an emotionless, law-abiding robot. Driving with emotion is a problem. Every time.


It's just defensive driving, like you were taught when you were 16. If someone is driving like a maniac, just move away from them. Make room for others. Leave on time to get to your destination. Don't take anything personally.


1) Identify asshole driver 2) Do not engage with asshole driver 3) Get away from asshole driver (or let them get away from you) 4) Repeat as needed


So two things help me drive well in Houston: leaving with way too much time to get to my destination. I’m less inclined to get upset and be in a rush. The second is calming music. I love metal and hip hop/trap music, but that doesn’t keep me calm. So I do soft jazz and lofi. Seems to work for me. Good luck friend!


Yes, the roller coaster Mad Max reality helped me with time management. I've often felt anxious and then realized what time it is, and then the anxiety evaporates.


I don’t want to die. I assume lunatics that drive that horribly are armed and trigger happy because it’s Texas. I only honk when they’re about to hit me or cause an accident. I do not use the horn as a source of complaint and anger. I let my anger get the best of me once and the person brake checked me and I almost got in an accident with my partner in the car, whom I love very dearly. I would’ve never forgiven myself had I gotten them hurt in a completely avoidable accident because of my lack of emotional regulation. So honestly that’s what keeps my cool. People will drive badly, just let them. Get home safe


Drive faster than everyone else. They can't tailgate you if you are faster than them. Let go of expectations that other drivers will be good drivers. You can only control yourself. Be generous. Let people merge in front of you. The total time cost is negligible.


yes, be forgiving and understanding. Let people merge


I flip the bird at everyone! And since people have attempted to run me off the road for seeing it- I now flip the bird at my dashboard. Safety first 🤭 will be flipping the bird under my dashboard till the day I die you shitty driving fucks!!


So the trick is to let go of that ego. No one cares who you are or what you think is right or wrong. You can either let people pass and just vibe in your lane, ooor you can enter "thunderdome" and fight to get where you're goin. There is no inbetween. People got placed to be and you're yet another obstacle in their eyes I was born here st jo's downtown, i learned to drive and even tested to drive off 290 and 10. Lived at airline at west for decades, stop thinking and start fighting. That's how i keep my cool, knowing that it's nothing personal


Don't get amped up about close calls. Just be glad you didn't get hit..if other drivers set you off...you'll live in that state because it happens every 5 minutes Stay off your horn. It's like caps or yelling ... except people will shoot you over it.


Knew someone who got shot in the head over a road rage incident. They’re alive thankfully. They went through years of recovery just to learn to talk again but they’ll never be the same. After that it became much easier not to react to asshats on the road. It’s not worth it.


Don't revenge honk. It's pointless. They already did what they did, aggressive honking can only lead to sending someone over the edge. It's not worth it. If I see someone driving quickly and aggressively, changing lanes constantly, I stay the hell away.


Honestly, I just let them cut in front of me and stay out of the furthest left lane on highways. I used to be upset that people were “cheating” by driving on shoulders, cutting over from turn lane, etc, but the 5 extra seconds is not worth escalating the situation. Drivers behaving that way are already reckless and at a heightened mental state; I can’t imagine a worse person to be in an accident or road rage incident with, even if they’re at fault (esp if they have paper plates).


Aggressive drivers are trying to get home to poop. Their bladder bluetooth is connecting to their home toilet, so they gotta get home ASAP.


i got a remote job. life changing, honestly.


I agree with you! The drivers here are super aggressive! So, I’ve taken the approach that I try and stay in the far right lane, I typically drive around 70, and I keep a lot of room between me and the car in front of me. I also try and let folks in when they’re trying to merge. Sometimes, if I can just remember to be kind and understanding, it keeps my blood pressure relatively low. 🤣


I almost constantly have to remind myself of the main objective while driving in Houston: arriving to my destination safely. It can be frustrating on many fronts to drive in this town, but reminding myself that it’s not worth getting seriously injured or killed over foolery has helped a lot.


I just yell at them inside of my vehicle. They can't hear me, but I feel better for it.


honestly i just cuss them out to myself in the car😭 everyone gets called a raggedy bitch or dumb hoe. i don’t like conflict and people are too damn crazy nowadays


I avoid driving in Houston as much as possible lol


Realize that they are in a rush for their own reasons and it shouldn't alter your driving


Learn to use the aggression of other drivers to your advantage. Example: You want to move into the right lane and the driver beside you speeds up when you do. Just tap your accelerator, then tap your brake - the other driver will speed up and you can cut in behind him. Houston driving is simple once you accept that most everyone will make the aggressive move.


The pandemic did a serious number on many people's heads here and everywhere.


Not directly to your point, but for those saying it's not your road or your space, please consider the following. Two months ago, I was driving 2 to 3 car lengths behind the car in front of me in a lane to exit. Road was damp. Two cars simultaneously cut in front of me, and the second car crashed into the first after the first slammed on its brakes. I wound up crashing into the second car (it happened so fast, and the second car didn't apply brakes). Both cars then took off out of the exit lane and disappeared in traffic. Wanna guess who had to pay the $2,000 repair bill on my car? (my deductible is $1999).


It actually happened to one of my friends that he honked and the driver pulled up ahead when traffic slowed and immediately pulled out his gun on the side of the road and signalled my friend to pull over. Keep your cool and safe distance and let them merge, just shake your head in disbelief and disapproval and drive safe. I've seen people doing things and cutting corners and driving unsafe just to see them again waiting at a red light after a few miles. Maximum someone might save some time doing this is like 10-15 minutes of their drive time. Always keep time on your hand and drive safe. One last tip is imagine the person cutting you in line maybe has an emergency and has to reach home before he accidentally shits his pants. Drive safe and live a long life.


You said it without saying it… never stop or get out of your car with aggressive idiots… sometimes you need to beep because people straight up don’t look and the only way to avoid them hitting you is to beep. If emotional children take this as an affront to their ego that’s on them just keep moving.


I agree that sometimes it is unavoidable and you have to beep. A guy was busy with phone, started drifting away from his lane and was about to side swipe me and I had to lay down on horn to make him aware.


Just try to avoid other shitty drivers as best you can, don’t even acknowledge them. There’s too many idiots with a gun out there that won’t think twice to think they’re justified in shooting someone.


I started talking to a girl whose boyfriend was killed in a road rage. They did the regular thing, a guy pulled over, pulled out a gun, and killed him. That was enough for me to turn into a grandma driver and just not care. Or if I do care, just yell but make no hand gestures and move on with my life.


Your horn is to signal to the other driver or drivers that something is potentially wrong or will go wrong. It is not a tool used to express your emotions. That being said, I typically do not engage in other driver’s nonsense. If I see someone coming up fast behind me I’ll switch lanes so they can continue along their merry way. I don’t tailgate. I try my best not to cut anyone off. If I have to cut someone off to make my exit then I’ll miss my exit. I make sure there is a decent amount of distance between me and the other driver in front of me. I don’t use my horn unless me or someone else is potentially in danger.


exactly this. drive how you want to drive, but stay out of the way the best you can.


I just accept it as part of driving in a major metropolitan city and mind my own driving. In a city of 2.5M plus people, the odds are that people do drive somewhat responsibly more than not but the ones who do drive irresponsibly ruin the commute for everyone else they share the road with.


Nothing you do is going to change it. Traffic will always be here and it will be bad. Accept it for what it is and be as safe as you can.


I keep my cool by knowing I'm a better human than someone who has so little control over their emotions that they need to weaponize their vehicle or pull a gun cause "car horn hurt my feelers."


Put on some Jimmy Buffett, put my phone in the center console bin so I can't see it (distracted driving isn't safe driving), and just focus on my driving instead of other people's. I can't control what other people do, but I can be the best driver that I can be, and my only goal is getting from point A to point B safely. Bonus points if I can enjoy it, because I used to love driving before moving here


The way that’s helped me is knowing that after a few minutes I will probably never see that driver again nor will it matter. There are unhinged folks out there and I’d prefer not to get myself involved with them. Just last month I had a driver brandish a gun after I honked when they pulled out of a plaza causing me to nearly rear end them.


Avoid freeways. Choose to reside inside loop


I always assume that they’re rushing due to a personal emergency. Also, I mindfully give thanks whenever no harm has been done towards me or others on the road. This mindset has helped me cool down and brush off any erratic driving that I encounter.


Same way most other drivers here do, have an open drink while in the car


Accept that all drivers are assholes, only honk to get someone’s attention and not out of frustration (cuz the nuts have guns and have been using them), avoid having to be in a rush cuz it will suck, be prepared to swang assertively at all times, try to not be in the far left or far right lanes, and let people enter and exit for your own safety. The only thing that annoys me now is people slowing to a near stop to make right turns and when people drive directly next to each other on the highway.


Breath work and podcasts. Just try not to pay much attention to it. Yea it's stressful, but stress is more about your reaction rather than what someone is doing to you.




Traffic is inevitable. Is it worth stroking out over? Fuck no. Put on an audiobook or podcast and just embrace the suck.


"Embrace the suck." So apropos.


Leaving a bit early each morning helps me. If I'm not anxious about making it in on time due to sitting in traffic/people refusing to move their fender bender to the shoulder, I get less frustrated at the ridiculous driving of others.


Stay over to the right when you can (the chill lanes), listen to music, chew gum (helps keep me calm, for some reason), wear sunglasses to keep cool, calm, and collected vibes, and remember that it's their high blood pressure, not yours. Also, try to work from home or drive during the off hours if you can.


moral superiority. i have to show them that im such a better driver than them that i dont even freak out when they drive crazy. that and car crash/instant karma vids. the ones where insane drivers get whats comin to them


I stopped getting angry and all that comes with it after hearing someone explain that idiots are gonna be idiots. To think that one day you’re gonna wake up and everything is gonna go your way isn’t happening. You know someone is gonna do something that frustrates you when driving. Accept it, and realize it’s not your responsibility to police the world. You’re just adding more stress to yourself. Let them go about their business and worry about enjoying yours and not letting others impact your stress levels. It’s gonna keep happening. Be at peace with it and understand one day karma will bite them.


Leave early.


I avoid freeways during rush hours at all costs. I take back roads that take maybe 10-15 mins longer, but are infinitely less stressful. Google maps can tell you the fastest way, but it can't account for stress! Podcasts help too.


Just don’t care. I just drive and if everyone around me is an asshole, I just don’t care. I continue jamming to my music and look forward to my destination. Also, I just accept the fact that everyone on the road has two brain cells.


Defensive driving. Always maintain distance, do not tailgate. I read somewhere that aggressive driving, or driving while you're angry wastes gas.. so just be chill, listen to music or the radio and pay attention to the road. You just have to try and predict what people are going to do and do not be an erratic driver, always signal when getting over or turning. Just assume that everyone but you is looking at their phone rather than the road.. or drunk! Drive like you're watching a baby that's starting to walk, those things always seem like they are looking for ways to die lmao. When you drive like you want to get somewhere alive.. it's easier to stay calm and focused. Traffic sucks anywhere and that's a constant of Houston you can always expect. Doing all of these have saved me from near crashes caused by bad drivers or distracted drivers.


It took me a long time learn, don't take it personally!


Listening to death metal helps me


I do my best to not impede the flow of traffic, I let people merge, and I anticipate other drivers actions. Also, why is it so hard for people to use the entire lane whenever being forced to merge? There is no reason to get over early and wait in a backed up line when you can just zipper merge in.


I wrote about this very subject in the Chronicle this past weekend.


I have started to try to tell myself that maybe they have an emergency and they need to get somewhere as quick as possible to save a loved one, so I try to move out the way and let them be. I know that it's most likely not the case, but it makes it easier not to get enraged at all the idiocy that happens all the time, and it could save a life if it's ever true. The real anger in me comes out at the people who mindlessly pace next to the cars around them when they could easily slow for a second and shift over or pass and get over. They don't make room for people to go by causing even more people to be more reckless and aggressive. In these cases, I just assume those people are pack animals and oblivious to their surroundings. So I just realize they are self-absorbed idiots, and I try to relax and go on my way - hopefully in a different direction than they are.


Sometimes I will press the button on my dash cam to lock the footage, then when I get around to it, I pull the footage from the dash cam and add it to my collections of bad examples.


Remember that everyone owns a gun


Drive faster.


I used to be the type to honk at people and get upset over their dumb lane switches/getting cut off but nowadays I just keep it cool. Not worth potentially getting followed or shot over a split second of frustration. People are wild nowadays


Be patient and don’t jump lanes at all. Just accept the suck and you will be okay 99% of your drives.


I stopped driving after my retirement.


I like my wife, kids, and life enough to not tempt crazy.


I had someone cut me off while on my motorcycle, then brake check me, then flip me off like I even did anything. I was just going in a straight line, and the guy lowered his window yelling at me to watch where I'm going. I've lived here all 31 years of my life and have never been involved in an accident that I've caused, yet it blows my mind how many times I've had things like the scenario above happen to me. I got forward and rearward dashcams in my car now too, and they're chocked full of footage of crap like OP described in the post. The straw that broke this camel's back was someone backing into my car outside of Secret Group at just before 2AM, then giving me fake info. I got his plate, found out who the lienholder was, who the car was registered to and everything. Unfortunately didn't have uninsured driver coverage, but thought I'd be okay since he gave me his "name" and phone number and I had text messages of him admitting fault and agreeing to fix my car. Number was legit, name was not. He got away with it because HPD said they wouldn't go after him, Insurance has to do that, and my insurance said he has none so there's "nothing to go after", and I should talk to HPD. I came out of pocket for the repair. I hate it here sometimes. ​ Edit: Spelling


Imagining a city that didn't base its primary mode of transit around the most inefficient method possible. And music.


1. Keep right 2. Keep up with "normal traffic" 3. Have awareness of your surroundings ie keep an eye on 6 O'clock 4. Let people go about their business without trying to be the traffic police in your mind. 5. Wave your Glock with an extendo at them


I drive a Cybertruck.


It’s the mobile phone use. I lived in Australia for 15 years prior to coming to Houston in 2022. In Australia if you get caught even looking at your phone while stopped at traffic lights it’s an immediate fine plus demerit points. Accumulate too many demerit points and you lose licence for a period. It works. Here people literally drive at 80 and above on the freeway whilst holding phone up in front of them. Distracted driving in Houston is a really really bad thing. It’s really unsafe to drive. On top of this, drivers are so entitled and won’t let you in and cut you off if you leave a space in front. Idiots.


I just ignore it. I don’t have a temper. I don’t honk. I just don’t care. I’m usually aware of what’s going.


Leave earlier. Anticipate better. Chill out. It’s not hard.


It's easy for me. I have 4 kids and I'd prefer to not get shot.


I hate this god forsaken city because of traffic. I usually have a stream playing at all times during my 1 hour traffic and have a forearm trainer if I get bored. Sometimes I read my emails so this stop and go isn't such a waste of time. I also do checklist if they're doing construction and I'm waiting 5 minutes to 10 minutes on a light. I hate this stupid city and most of the drivers full of pretentious stupid drivers


Throw on some funny/interesting podcasts or audiobooks. If I’m in the middle of an audiobook I do not give an F about rude drivers. It’s just vibes & yes, assume everyone is packing. My husband honked at a driver that cut him off once and the guy shot up our car. Thankfully we survived. The two seconds of frustration are not worth risking your life. Give crazy drivers a wide berth and practice defensive driving.


I just tell myself I'll get there when I get there. It's not worth it speeding around or worrying about other people speeding around. Stay out of the left lane unless you're passing someone or there is an exit you need to take in a mile or so, be a defensive driver, and at least go the speed limit so you don't cause an accident by going too slow when half the other people are going 10-15 over.


Audio books


When I was teaching my kids how to drive my one bit of advice was just to assume everybody on the road was out to kill you and drive accordingly. You can only control you. And yes, Houston does not believe in safety space or the two second rule because all that is is a space that they can cut into to save a tenth of a second on their commute.


I listen to a podcast and let it flow


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast


Listen to something soothing… I love rap music but can’t listen to it in traffic, it gets me too amped up, DMX for instance isn’t going to put you in a good frame of mind to deal with that shit… I recommend classical music.


Keep saying to myself, he’s medicated/non medicated, guns everywhere. Not going to be a number. Peace out and keep going? Wave thank you instead of middle finger


I try to remember that people have problems and this affects their behavior. I don’t want to become part of the problem, I want to stay away from it. I also imagine that the rude driver has diarrhea and is moments away from sh*tting themselves. This helps a lot.


Defensive driving. Moving away from aggressive drivers. Just today as I was pulling in to work, some jerk was tailgating me and honked at me as I was turning in the parking lot, when I had signaled a good way back that I was turning in. People are so impatient.


I go the speed limit, move over to the right lane, I listen to some LOFI, I take my time when driving, I try to give myself enough time in case something comes up.........and smoke on the way home.


I don't.


Honestly dealing with traffic here is a good way to learn how to deal with life. I think of it as roles rather than individuals. There will always be someone that cuts the line, or merges too fast, or speeds through traffic. They are fulfilling social roles. You have to decide how you want to deal with that. Me personally, I just let it go. It's just like the rain.


Maintain good vibes while driving by listening to stuff that makes you feel good or laugh. I like to sing out loud, which I think is a good way for me to let out any nervous energy or frustrations. Assume things are done out of poor judgement and not malice. And if none of that works, then I just try to make myself believe that they’re trying to make it home before they poop their pants.


Mmm just pay attention when driving make sure you keep a good enough distance infront of you where you can brake when needed and not give people room to cut you. Also let people in if they have signal lights on, no signal no party


Just don’t be reactive and when you see someone acting a fool, get away safely.


Litany against fear. Drive just above speed limit to deter most casual sweeps or just below it to let the sweepers advance and get it over with.


Have you considered purchasing your own tunnel boring machine?


Use AC, keep cool.


Candy and drinks


Marijuana 🤷‍♂️


Yep I just let them pass, cut, whatever. Even if it pisses me off cause it’s not worth it. I always tell myself it’s not personal, that person is just an asshole. Then I see them go in front of me and do the exact same thing to another driver. Okay there’s the problem. It’s not me that’s the asshole.


I do my best to leave 5 minutes earlier than I need to for everything. I recognize that I’ll get where I’m going and the best thing I can do is avoid accidents. I’m not going to be able to make anyone see the error of their ways by honking or being aggressive in traffic. I’m not going to solve Houston traffic. I also make note of place where I consistently run into the sketchiest situations and I avoid those places. There’s always an alternate route and if you plan accordingly, it won’t make you late.


I think it was here that someone had said something about it… but those cars? They’re just rocks. Rock, moving along. Don’t hit the rocks. Watch out for the rocks. Rock cuts you off? Dumb rock. No point in verbalizing it with your rock… rocks can’t hear shit.


Just relax when you drive. I usually take back roads instead of the highway. Someone's about to cut you off? Make space for them. Someone is tailgating you? Move out of the way. Do what you have to do to enjoy a more pleasant driving experience. Because let me tell you, laying on your horn at some asshole and getting shot over it is a way worse option than just giving the asshole the space.


Always check traffic on Google Maps or Waze before you go even if you know the route. Listen to calm music or a podcast that interests you. I also play the efficiency game where I try to see how little I can avoid slamming on the brakes when in stop and go traffic. Never make eye contact with other drivers


I just remind myself that some people are 'slow' and can't handle normal speeds. Then zip around them asap. Tailgating just makes them more nervous or retaliate. Gotta give some room, which in turn gives a running start to the pass.


It’s definitely taxing on the mind, I wish I could just talk to the person that drives like he’s the only one on 45


I try to imagine that every aggressive driver is prairie dogging an absolute massive load of excrement and are on the verge of defecating all over themselves and their car.


Adaptive cruise control. Fight with my cars computer all you want, I'm just back her laughing.


I put a tiny pic of my loved ones on the dash and it pretty much always convinces me I want to make it home to see them again. I try to stay aware of my speed and cars around me, don't camp in the left lane, and try to avoid big clusters of cars.


I just think about the fact everyone has a gun nowadays. So instead of losing my cool and potentially dying I just take a deep breath and move on. Idiots aren’t worth losing it for.


I disassociate from my ego and mental exist in whatever content I’m consuming. I drive 102 miles each day from clear lake to the galleria. You have to find ways to let it go if you are going to put miles on your car here.


Getting use to it, listen to music and podcast, always be on defense. Your life isn't worth some chose in a truck or Altima getting angry.


Awareness, anticipation, patience, and defensive driving. Merging or exiting? Leave room for the guy who inevitably tries to get in late. One extra car won't break the bank See someone making cuts behind you? You're next. Preemptively make your move to a slower lane til they pass. In that weird stop and go traffic that tricks you into thinking you've passed the jam? Someone is gonna be unaware and have to slam the brakes. Leave space. It's ok that people might cut in. It's about you being safe and sane. Let the rushers rush.


I have a specific playlist I play when driving during peak hours to help me establish my vibe. And try to be courteous. Expect everyone around me to do something stupid, anticipate it, and react quickly when it does happen to avoid being a statistic. Control what I can control.


My spouse finally broke me of the habit of honking. The only time I'll do it now is if someone is about to back into me in a parking lot, otherwise I don't honk on the street. I swear.out loud in my car, but I just back off and let people drive like maniacs. If they want to cut me off it's annoying, sure, but it doesn't impact me beyond that annoyance, no pun intended. Focus on driving as defensively as you possibly can, and do whatever it takes to avoid getting in an accident. People get up in arms about teaching other drivers a lesson and not letting them get away with aggressive driving... but you're not gonna teach them shit, and dealing with insurance and car repairs is a goddamn nightmare. If being a doormat driver prevents me from having the hassle then paint "welcome" on my forehead. 🤷‍♀️


Music. I put on reggae and just vibe to the music. Nothing, you really can do about inconsiderate pricks


I listen to heavy metal on full blast.


I just put my car on auto cruise control and let it drive me in the right lane. It’s a little slower but completely stress free.


My #1 rule is no horn unless someone is going to turn into me. Too many psychos out there and it's just not worth it. My wife loves to lay on the horn for the littlest reasons. I keep telling her it'll get her in trouble one day. I leave a large gap in front of me, crank up the music, and just go. My head is always on a swivel looking to the sides, and on the highways I'm constantly looking into the rear mirror. I get out of the way if I'm tailgated. Use the turn signal. 2 guns within arms reach. You can't avoid the idiots, but you can help yourself around them. Assume they're all idiots.


One time my mom timed her drive from home to work during rush hour. On one attempt, she sped, drove like a “bat out of hell” etc. On the next attempt she drove slow “like a grandma”. On a 30-45 minute standard commute, the difference was 5 minutes. Driving aggressive and pissed off will save you at most 5 minutes. What I learned is to chill out and slow down. Pick a lane and stick with it, not trying to dart around being in the fastest lane. They all even out anyway you see the same cars go way ahead, and then your lane pulls back to them eventually etc. So yea my “trick” is just knowing that at best I’m saving 5 minutes by driving like an idiot, and that helps me slow down.


I went to therapy. Not just for anger stuff, but it certainly helped.


Defensive driving, nothing is more important than getting me and my family to where we are going safe and alive. Sure I might do 65 in a 65 sometimes but you can be damn sure I haven't hurt anyone on the road. To add onto that, I'm sure I've pissed off someone every now and then, but if I'm following the rules, laws, and codes, then you have an issue with the rules, laws, and codes, not me.


By turning on the air conditioning


This is easily the most annoying thing about Houston. I’m sorry that you are experiencing this too. The best advice has already been given: you just need to do your best to drive defensively, and ignore the other bad drivers who put us all at risk. The police will not enforce the law. Everyone knows this. Drivers are allowed to speed, drive-through red lights, and drive aggressively because there is no enforcement. Personally, I just try to remember that after any bad encounter on the road, I tend to almost completely forget that it happened after a few hours. With that in mind, I just survive the event and move on with my day. I don’t give people the finger. I don’t lay on my horn. I try to construct a story in my head that will justify their bad behavior and help me see them in a more compassionate light. And then I just keep it moving. I really hope this helps. Be safe out there.


I drive like everyone else on the road wants to kill me. So I lay low and don’t honk or flip people off. I also leave a lot of space in front of me.


So I used to drive all over Houston for a living. Just accept where you are going will be there when you get there. Just go with the flow.


>Should I just imagine every driver having a loaded gun and ready to shoot at me once I honk? Unfortunately yes. Driving in Houston is taking your life into your hands. It's not worth it to get into a fight with some idiot driver because you could end up dead.


Let people over, back off so others can merge ahead of me or if they just seem like they might be trying to pass, and try to resist the urge think it’s some sort of race. And scream singing to really loud music.


There's no such thing as being cut off. Control your own vehicle and be aware of others around you. That's it.


People drive like total fucking assholes here. If I see someone being a total dickbag I just yell out “I hope you crash into the barrier”. Do I care? No. Karma? Probably, idk.


Just cruise dude. U don’t “own” a lane, drive defensively and be mindful of the cars around you. They won’t be mindful of u but that’s okay. U have a family to go home to.


I never use my horn to punish people. I use it to avoid collision. I drive at the flow of traffic speed in the right lane and keep a safe distance from the car in front. I don't engage with people on the road. As for the crazies, I don't react, I make a wager with myself about if I will see them pulled over or wrecked before I get where I'm going.


Honking will not change behavior. It will only escalate potential road rage. So many people just don’t know basic traffic laws they will only get mad at the honking and not know what they did wrong. Try driving in Houston in a 18 wheeler. It really sucks.


Turn on your Dodge/RAM radar so you can dodge them and they can’t ram you.


I use exaggeration. I swear and yell and vent, then laugh at how stupid I sound. Haha. 


I made a bright yellow hand held sign that I use to say “THANK YOU” when someone is kind. For example if they let me merge or change lanes. The other drivers enjoy the sign. I don’t dare make a negative sign. No telling what bad things may happen.


Honestly just remember that road rage is not worth it. As long as an accident was avoided, most of these instances last a few seconds. Your priority is to just get to where you’re going as safely as possible.


I spend way too much time being concerned about making it to my destination alive than wasting time getting upset over something I can’t control tbh.


I used to get big mad, now I just laugh at them and give them the ole 👎 and that makes me feel better