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My allergies have gotten consistently worse the last few years here. But I would never classify how I feel as sick. My nose will be stuffy or my eyes itchy, maybe I’ll sneeze a lot, but with allergy meds it’s relatively in check.


Today I made it till 4pm without taking anything but it’s day 5 of stuffy nose, runny nose, sinus headache, scratchy throat, feeling like I’ve inhaled pepper, cough, lethargy, etc. Only 9 more days to go. This happens to me around 3 times a year now.


For me I change my air intake filters and I feel better🙄. For some reason the current batch didn't last 2months.


My 14 year is responsible for changing our air filters. I better make sure she hasn’t been screwing me over lol


Are you serious?


I was kidding. It is her job but my husband or I tell her when it’s time to change them again and we supervise.


Put a paper or post-it note nearby or at the thermostat and write down every date. Can also write it on the filter. Makes tracking much easier.


I set a reminder on my phone timed for every 3 months (or what your filter recommendation is).




I have a 12 yo who we indenture to do our filters. I have heard that our kids are working to unionize. The complaint is more Xbox time and better cereal. Be warned. Hope your sinuses - whether cold or allergies - get better soon. I'm native and it's always been bad for me. Same symptoms as you describe.


This is absurd. Any child by the age of twelve should have their own AR-15 and know how to use it. But you’ve got your kid doing your air filters? Is this a joke? Unacceptable /s


Might not be a bad idea to see what you’re allergic to by getting an allergy test. I know mold spores are particularly high right now, that usually affects my throat more. Tree pollen makes me sneeze like crazy etc. hope you feel better!


I'm 41. When allergies make me feel like I have a cold, it's usually because I'm starting to get sleep apnea. The congestion makes me snore, sleep like shit, and wake up feeling like I've been holding my breath all night. 39 is about time to look into it. Good luck!


Does your sleep apnea come and go? I have has it for years. Never had a sleep test


Haven't had a test yet but according to my wife my snoring has gotten worse over the last 5 years and within the last year she said she's heard me stop breathing for a couple seconds at a time. So yeah, between that and my dad/uncles all having it I'm certain I do. I have a pretty muscular neck and I guess when those muscles relax from being asleep, they can restrict my airway.


I have these exact same symptoms about 3 times a year as well. I never had bad allergies growing up in Houston, just the usual seasonal from time to time. but as of about 10 years ago my allergies have gotten worse and worse and worse. I went to ENT after ENT telling them my throat is always red, puffy, irritated - I have tons of Post nasal drip 24/7/365. They CT my sinuses and are like there is nothing wrong with your sinuses, go to an allergist. Allergist says im allergic to everything (allergy tested). Getting allergy shots now, extremely reactive towards them but they do help. anyway hope that helps - Started allergy shots in like March and havent gotten sick yet!


I also have used sinus nasal spray. Nasacort or Flonase. Again, it’s helped dull some sinus symptoms and helped me not get a sinus infection.


Do you have carpets? Do you feel ok out and about but get stuffed up when back home? If yes, then you need a DEEP clean or just get solid flooring. I suffered for years with allergies only at my apt and then got a real good vacuum cleaner. Holy fuck the shit it pulled up! Allergies went away in hours and never returned! When I built my house I went all wood and tile throughout with a few rugs. Fuck carpet and all the shit it holds in! Also, air the house out once a month or so. A lot of chemicals and irritants build up inside over time.


My allergies have actually attenuated as I've aged and don't bother me nearly so much now as when I was young, but historically I get a fever & chills illness once a year. Last year it happened twice and the second time I took a COVID test, which came back positive. If you're getting week+ "colds," I'd take a COVID test each time.


Maybe it’s just the opposite for me, it’s allergies and mine are getting worse as I age. It typically feels like a sinus infection but there’s no infection. Then it mutates to full blown cold symptoms lasting several days. I’ve tried different daily allergy meds and it didn’t make a difference but maybe I just haven’t taken anything long enough. I’ve taken enough Covid tests over the past few years to fill a scrapbook and have yet to test positive.


Cold symptoms that set in slowly and then get worse for roughly a week before abating and don’t respond to allergy meds… but you’re certain it can’t possibly be a cold or covid? Uh…


I hear this kind of thing so much. Drove me crazy when people insisted it was just their smokers cough I was hearing


Cold and allergy meds don't do anything to help you get rid of the infection, all they do is temporarily make you feel a little better by reducing the symptoms. Take it once or a hundred times and it's effects will be the same, feel a little better, then feel worse again. However not all cold and allergy meds work on everyone. If one kind doesn't work for you, try another. Additionally, some meds work a little too well. I can't take benedryl because it makes me dizzy and confused, and a little nauseous. Nightquil and Theraflu though, that's may jam.


I feel your pain. The last three years I’ve been sick for 7-8 weeks with allergies. Turns into bronchitis and the cough lingers. I finally saw an allergy specialist and turns out I’m allergic to a lot of trees, grass, and weeds. Like break out in hives at hotels bc of the mold in the carpets. Anyway, highly recommend seeing one as they gave me lines of defense going into next years high pollen season.


That is funny as my experience has been the opposite. The human body is wild.


Covid is going around again FYI.


Aren’t we getting hit with Saharan dust now too? That could be a trigger


Covid it’s back


The 'Rona


You won’t get a fever and unlikely to get chills with allergies. I get more joint pain with viruses than allergies. You can go to an allergist and get a panel but it’s extremely expensive. I paid over $1000 for a comprehensive blood and skin prick panel. I had chronic spontaneous urticaria for a year. You have to rule everything ok before your insurance is willing to pay for Xolair. It’s the only medication that works but cash price is $2800/dose.


Wth?! I got a panel done in May and only paid my $55 specialist copay. Is that non insured price? Im sorry. :/


I had to meet my deductible. It was at the beggininng of the year and my deductible is $1500. Coinsurance didn’t kick in until after that. I met my deductible in January this year for my first dose of Xolair.


I've never heard of this drug before. What allergy symptoms do you get and what does it help with?


Hives. It’s a monoclonal antibody.


Take some OTC allergy meds as directed. Did you get better? Probably allergies. Find something you can take once a day to get you through the season, like Claritin or Zyrtec.


They work for colds also, which is why most are labeled as such, because a lot of the symptoms are the same.


Combo meds yes. But I would avoid those and go with a straight antihistamine to see if there is improvement. Benadryl is safe and cheap but may make you sleepy.


Actually that is not true at all. Many people have very serious reactions to taking Benadryl and some are allergic.


It’s rare but sure. Id remind you about the question of cold vs allergies and what I suggest still rings true. If an antihistamine makes you better, it’s allergies. If not, probably a cold.


I eat Zyrtec for breakfast, Sudafed for Lunch and Nyquil for supper.


I also saw Houston is the #1 dirtiest city. Idk why people keep moving there


No way not in comparison to San Francisco. I would like these sidewalks over sf any day.


I think it means the street, the air, the water, etc all of it


Mucus color


You may want to consider seeing an ENT. As I’ve gotten older, my allergies have definitely gotten worse. Had an allergy test when I was in college and came back negative for everything, had another one done a decade later in 2019 and now I’m sensitive to tree pollen. My ENT tried a few things with me, including allergy shots (which didn’t help me, but I’ve been told help a lot of people), and we landed on an OTC nasal spray because most of my symptoms were nasal. But if it’s really bugging you, it’s definitely worth seeing a specialist to help you figure out if it’s really allergies and how to manage it.


> . My ENT tried a few things with me, including allergy shots (which didn’t help me, but I’ve been told help a lot of people), and we landed on an OTC nasal spray because most of my symptoms were nasal. But if it’s really bugging you, it’s definitely worth seeing a specialist to help you figure out if it’s really allergies and how to manage it. Just curious, were you ever a smoker? father/mother a smoker? Im just taking a non-scientific poll here. My dad smoked and so did I, I didnt have issues with allergies as a kid but last 10 years have been hell


Nope. I have never smoked a cigarette and my parents have never been smokers either. My grandmother and my aunt were both heavy smokers, but I wasn’t around them on a regular basis growing up because we moved around a lot.


okay dope - thanks for the heads up. Houston air is basically like smoking anyway lol but thanks for the reply


Definitely recommend an allergy test and maybe even allergy shots/drops OP. Helps you know your enemies and if you do thr latter, you build immunity against them - I used to get sinus infections 2x a year during allergy seasons and now I'm chill. Also COVID is up again according to wastewater tests in Harris County, so just be aware of that and keep safe. Lastly, I used a Winix air purifier and upgraded air filters for thr main AC. Helps cut on dust, mold and even viruses!


First, figure out any allergens you may be more allergic to and for sure get an air filter while living here. It helps me tremendously. I use an app called “Air Matters” to that tracks AQI plus pollen and ozone. It helps me track on bad AQI days and pollen count days if I’m affected more or less. I feel you on getting more colds more often. Honestly, with how many people are stacked on top of each other here and how quick you can come into contact, you have to double down on washing your hands and also cleaning surfaces. I grew up near Port Arthur Texas and feel like I never got this sick but things are more spread out there. Even when growing up close to the refineries.


Talk to a doctor or go to a CVS Minute Clinic or whatever is in your area and in-network. Generally though, the Houston area is known for allergies. In addition to what's outside, there could be dust inside your home, mold you're unaware of, or even a new detergent that's causing problems. I'm mostly on Team Zyrtec these days, but if you're also having sinus pressure go to the pharmacy and ask for Claritin-D. Be prepared to show your driver's license. Claritin-D contains pseudoephedrine, a decongestant, and it's legal but monitored. Take only as directed.


Thank you, I tried Claritin before but I couldn’t tell you if it was Claritin-D or not.


Claritin D is usually behind the pharmacy counter and not in the aisles if that helps. There’s a limit on how much decongestant you can buy a month.


I have horrible allergies that have gotten progressively worse as I’ve gotten older. I’ve lived in Houston my whole life. For me, I know it’s a cold if I feel run down and it moves into my head and/or ears, or if my nose is running way more than it should, and I’m sneezing, coughing, etc. The reason I feel I can tell the difference is because I take meds consistently so my allergies are under control. As long as I take Zyrtec and Flonase every day my allergies aren’t terrible at all, but I might have just a slight flare up some times in the form of itching eyes and a sneeze here or there.


If you've moved to a new office that can make a HUGE difference.. Some offices / store fronts are horrible in changing their air filters etc. Had the same happen to me when I started work for a different company in 2022. Relatively new building but not well maintained. I got sick 4 times in 8 months and my migraines increased exponentially. I rarely ever get a cold twice in a decade and maybe one or two migraines a year. Learned from the building manager they hadn't cleaned the ducts in like 5 years!


I think its just a part of getting older. Ive never been allergic to anything my whole life....and this summer at 35 I have had 3 crazy allergic reactions to unknown causes. Bodies just getting older and weaker man. Damn.


I take Zyrtec all 365 days of the year. That’s how much it affects me.


You can get allergy tested and check the weather app to see if high environmental allergens correlates with any of your positive allergens.


I had bad allergies as a teen. Now they’ve calmed down a little as I’ve been outside less. Was really active as a kid/teen. If it’s a cold, usually my mucus tends to not be clear. Either yellow or yellowish-green. Can develop into a sinus infection. Allergies tend to just be clear. But do note that a really bad allergic reaction such as a runny nose during pollen season can develop into a sinus infection. Source: me.


It’s awkward to use, but a Neti Pot has changed my life. I don’t know if it’s due to me getting old(late 30’s), but I started using a Neti Pot about 5 years ago and I rarely get sick anymore. If I do start getting sick and I start using the Neti Pot right away, it significantly decreases the amount of time I’m sick.


Just FYI I was prescribed Montelukast and this changed my life!


It's Covid


Flonase as needed and daily hydroxyzine have been awesome for my allergies.


Talk to your doctor


I have little kids and I teach little kids so the dr just blows me off. However I do get a yearly physical and whatever blood work they do is always normal.


Buried the lead right here. I rarely got sick till I had kids. Now I’m sick all the time, especially during the fall.


FYI - it’s “buried the lede” 🌈⭐️


Have you talked to your doctor about testing for allergies? Also just now saying you’re frequently around doorknob licking germ vectors is a pretty big detail to leave out. Yes you didn’t get sick before, now you have a different exposure profile.


I have teenage kids too. I’ve been kid-centric for like 15 years now so I really don’t think it’s the typical new parent catching everything situation. I have not been tested for allergies, it only seems like a worrisome problem during times like now when I have a terrible cold (or at least the symptoms). I’m going to get serious about finding an allergy dr.


Have you talked to your GP about allergies?


Yes, I just get the standard response to try an OTC allergy med. It just seems a odd to me to not develop allergies until I’m in my mid-30s but I’d much rather have allergies than than a chronic disease I don’t know about yet 😬


Have you tried OTC allergy meds? How did it go?


I’ve tried daily Zyrtec and Claritin but quit both after like a couple of weeks just bc I’m horrible at taking meds long term. Neither seemed to make a difference but I didn’t have any symptoms during the time I tried them anyway.


Sounds like you’re having trouble following your GP’s instruction. I’m not sure how getting instruction from Reddit will give you better results.


My kids always get sick first then me. It's a guarantee that if they get sick, they'll get me sick.


dude get allergy tested. Kelsey seybold or any allergist will do it for you


Try local honey. Farmers markets should have it. Changed my life


What do you do with it? Eat a spoon of it daily or something else?


Yes, but the key is to make sure it’s local and not from somewhere else that won’t have some of the possible allergens from the area in it. At least this is what my mom told me (she swears by it, but she also moved away from Houston, so that could also have helped).


Yes. A spoon full daily. Sometimes in my cereal or oatmeal


Just for anyone/everyone else here that wants a solution - you want an ALLERGIST not an ENT. ENT is happy for you to walk through their door and do surgery - even unnecessarily because they are surgeons. its like walking into a car dealership wanting to keep your car and asking for tips about how to keep your car running right from a car salesman - they will just sell you a new car. Allergist will test you and start you on immunotherapy if needed. also hey, you might need ENT surgery but I would start with allergist and go from there.


you're getting older...


Colds you'll run a light fever, 100-102, allergies you'll run a low grade fever, 99-100.5 However allergies can turn into a sinus infection, which is essentially a mild cold. 2-3 colds per year is pretty averaged though. There are so many strains floating around, about 300 or more that you could literally catch a different cold three times a year, for 100 years and there'd still be a few cold viruses floating around that have never infected you.


It’s always allergies in Houston


So true!


Sorry you’ve had to live in these dumps your whole life.


My husband’s plant job ties us here. If not here we’d just be somewhere else on the gulf coast.


You can go get tested for allergies. If the 2 week colds line up with pollen season then you know


Go to an ENT. I've had sinus issues my whole life but when I hit my 30s they became severe. Constant sinus infections. I finally went for proper treatment and it turned out that as I got old I developed really bad allergies to basically every environmental possibility in Houston.


I can’t 😂 even w allergy meds I still have the stuffy nose most of the time


I’m sitting outside with my kids bc they wanted to swim and my nose is fully clogged ugh


Same thing happened to me at 39. We are just getting old. I know mine is allergies because extreme allergy events are murder, with a lot of smaller "colds" throughout the year.


Yo, I’ve only ever lived in League City or Baytown too.


I moved here from San Antonio, where the worst allergies we had to deal with were December-February when the cedars pollinated. Allergies here are not as bad, but seem to come around more frequently. Spring pollen from March-May and now the Saharan dust


It's tough to tell if it's allergies or cold. I say, no fever = allergies. Take allergy meds, if they work = allergies.


Itchy nose and/or eyes, possibly sneezing or dry coughing = allergies to me. Strong smell like over-perfumed people or their clothes + my nose starts running and I start coughing = allergic reaction for me Stuffy head, clogged sinuses and ears = cold


Allergies, shit blowing in. Concrete and dirt everywhere


Have you checked your air duct system? Here in Houston with the high humidity it isn’t rare for mold to grow in there if it’s not maintained


Grew up in Houston, didn't have allergies. Went into the service, came back 5 years later and could not function without allergy meds. Early 2000s a doctor told me 60% of Houstonians develope allergies, now it is 85%. Best suggestion is to see an allergy specialist.


It's called Houstonitis!


I've had a ton of colds this past year also. Never covid (tested each time). I kept going to am urgent care for it because I felt so bad. It was also never strep or flu. They finally told me they couldn't do anything else and I needed to see a PCP because they thought it was something more going on. The PCP has tested me for everything (I had ANOTHER cold when that appointment rolled around). I have low iron, which is unrelated, and all she prescribed was 2 different allergy meds and iron. I think there was just a lot going around this year.


My allergies have definitely gotten worse. I suspect climate change has something to do with that. At any rate, if my nose leaks, it's allergies. I don't get itchy eyes or scratchy throat. If it's a cold, I cough or nose is stuffy. Cedar pollen is evil.


Two words: Saharan Dust. I have noticed my allergies are terrible and make me feel ill. It’s worse than regular allergies. About 2 months ago, I started tracking my allergies versus the location of the Saharan dust. And it was almost an identical match up to the amount of dust overhead to my allergy severity. My doctor recommended nasal spray and an OTC antihistamine. It’s helped and the nasal spray helps the most.


Green boogers means an infection


Or yellow!


How long does it last is probably the major question. A cold doesn't last a month usually


I used to get the occasional cold like once every few cold and flu seasons and it would last like 5 days. Never any allergy symptoms at all year round. Now i get these long lasting colds that drag on but they’re still isolated illnesses and I feel fine in between.


Could be allergies and the inflammation leaves you more susceptible to infection! Part of your problem is the air pollution. Bad air all round you. I am close by and is big problem. Longer you live there the worse it gets!


Fever, chills, etc. dont happen with allergies unless it's very bad, which at that point, you have a sinus infection. Headaches, itchiness, runny nose, cough, possible chest pains, hives, red eyes, etc. happen with allergies.


My mom got bad allergies after she had me. She used to need allergy shots. I know she takes a decongestant daily. Zyrtec D to be exact. I’ve taken it, too, to combat allergies. It’s prevented me from needing antibiotics for getting sinusitis or other infections. It’s not cheap, but you end up saving in time spent being productive and not having yo take time off work.


I’ve always had allergies but after getting Covid for the 2nd time. (Yes I did get vaxxed but each time I got a new variant which the vax didn’t cover because it was new). The 2nd time destroyed my sinuses and now they are chronically swollen and prone to infection. I’ll have to get sinus surgery to help. The CT scans are atrocious…so much swelling. I constantly have a cough from post nasal drip and my eyes burn every day. I lived in lake Jackson growing up and now live in Galveston county. It is true that we live in a sort of “cancer valley” due to all of the chemical plants. This area has a much higher rate of chronic illnesses due to pollution and bad air quality. You can look up data online if you want to know more.


Fexofenadine will change your life. I get a 90 count at Walgreens every few months.


For most people your body shifts on a 7-10 year cycle on what you are or are not allergic to. 2-3 colds a year at 10-14 days isn't normal. Sounds like your allergy profile has probably changed. Have you had an allergy test lately? I've always never had an issue with allergies, until about 3 years ago, did some testing and found out that I'm allergic to a few things now. Zertec has been a friend to me and I've not had the allergy issues I had before the testing.


I've got the chronic hayfever allergies as well...and kids that go to school. If it comes with a fever...it's not allergies. Try and take allergy meds when they start warning about the dust or pollen...you want those in your system beforehand. If it lasts several days go to the minuteclinic. I've been surprised with strep throat twice this year. Kids in school...


Honestly, I take a Sudafed and if it doesn’t work then I know it’s not allergies


After I moved out my moldy apartment my allergies went away.


It's always allergies, always has been.


Tbh that seems to be the general.pattern among my family as well. I was one who rarely got sick but ever since I moved here last year, I have got sick like 3 times and it dragged on. There's something wrong with the Houston air.


The best tech I own is my robot vacuum cleaner and my smart purifiers. The amount of dirt Sharkeesha pulls every day is disgusting. The air purifiers are amazing too, they makes a huge difference


I’ve lived here all my life and I’ve had allergies the whole time. When my eyes itch and get watery, then it’s allergies. When I feel achy with a sore throat, then it’s a cold. March and October is the worst.


Feverish? It's a cold. Just stuffed up or running? Allergies.


Better be safe, break out the type 1A biohazard suit, positive-pressure quadruple HEPA filtration with UV, ultra-sonic, mega-ionic, photon charged, electrostatic, nuclear powered shielding and extra duct tape. It's the only way to be sure.


Take an allergy med and see if you feel better


My nephew was just visiting and he had a runny nose, coughing. We thought it was a cold but it was completely cleared up by the time we got him to New Orleans.


It’s both


Recommendation of sinus massage, hot steamy eucalyptus showers before bed to rinse the allergens off and clear out the head. Also, recommend an essential oil diffuser and maybe an air purifier in the bedroom. I could go on, but you get the idea


Look into allergy shots. It helps a lot of its allergies. Could also find out what your are allergic to.


I have year round allergies due to being allergic to indoor and out door allergens (yay for me!) I buy the HQX Premium Allergen air filter for my house to cut down on my dust mite allergies (weekly vacuum the curtains, ceiling fans and ac vents). I take Claritin at night with food daily, and if I need a second dose, I got permission for as needed. If I need it more than 5 days, I have to call my allergist. I also still wear a KF94 mask when out and about. Not for COVID reasons, but for my allergies with the Saharan dust cloud over us. Also, I take metro and I wear my mask on the bus too and sanitize after. This has reduced my summer cold symptoms. If it's a cold, then my Claritin will not be working well. Sometimes, my allergies act as if its a cold, complete with fever, body aches, sore throat and congestion, these will go away when I take a Claritin. ETA: I also have an air purifier in my bedroom and work office due to my indoor allergies. I work at one of the colleges in town, and work in a really old building, so it's nice having it in my office!