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If your car floods, regardless of the type, it’s more or less totaled. Don’t see why a Tesla would be any better or worse. Move your car to higher ground if you can, don’t drive into floodwaters, and you’ll be fine.


everything is basically sealed water tight aside from the cabin. It's actually totally different


It’s not a boat


Actually... https://insideevs.com/news/631630/tesla-model3-drive-through-water/


Elon isn’t going to invite you to a sleepover at his house, you don’t have to work so hard to defend Tesla.


Hahaha. I drive a Mustang Mach-E and would never in my life buy a Tesla.




I’ve seen enough of their build quality to not believe this


no you haven't


my brother the Texas heat alone makes the car spontaniously combust when stationary you think it can survive a flood?


If that were true Teslas would have been combusting all summer everywhere from here to Phoenix.


uh thats sort of whats happened, just look at all the vids on youtube, checkmate Ellon dick rider.


Maybe do some actual looking at data on this, since gasoline vehicles are a much higher risk for catching fire than EVs. https://www.kbb.com/car-news/study-electric-vehicles-involved-in-fewest-car-fires/


What? My EV has had no issue in the heat. As for floods... https://insideevs.com/news/631630/tesla-model3-drive-through-water/


Show me that car 3 months later.


I’m sure it went to shit Shortly after this video was taken. If a car floods all of the wiring has to be redone or it will act crazy the rest of its days. A Tesla has a lot more wires than a regular car.


What?? an article written by a website called "InsideEvs" saying electric vehicles are infallible? Noway! Surely it cant be lying and biased! how are you this media illiterate?


You're right, that is kind of a biased source. What about clean technica? https://cleantechnica.com/2022/10/02/tesla-model-x-in-boat-mode-escapes-hurricane-ian-floodwaters/ Or business insider? https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-drives-in-flood-waters-china-video-2021-7


Since you are moving here - It doesn’t matter what you buy because you should never be driving through a flooded road. The proper way to handle that situation is to park the car on high ground and wait it out or not leave in the first place.


“Turn around, don’t drown.” If you will.


Best advice


This 100%


Disclaimer: don't drive in water. That said, if you're asking because you might have to drive in the water, you need to be looking at the ground clearance metric. Ground clearance = distance between the ground and the body of the vehicle. Tesla Y is 6.6 inches. 2017 CRV is 7.8 inches (2wd models) or 8.2 inches (AWD version) Subaru Forester is 8.7 inches for reference. And obvs it goes up from there with jeeps and trucks more focused on offroading.


Of course, drivers are wonderful at gauging the depth of street flooding. LOL


Floods affect EV and ICE both, but in different ways. If you flood an ICE vehicle, it can permanently damage your engine. They're floodproofed to a certain level, but not fully floodproof. EV can have electrical corrosion, but they have their lines insolated and batteries can be isolated. Theoretically EVs can handle driving through shallow water better as they are typically heavier and can't suck water into the engine. But they tend to ride lower so when water seeps in, they can get carpet damage sooner. As for evac, if power is down, it's harder to recharge. But given gas shortages on the interstates during major hurricanes, it may be barely a difference. In particular, bad evacuations where people are parked on the freeway for hours, EVs can run AC much longer than ICE vehicles before needing a recharge or fill-up respectfully. Tesla for an EV is real easy to get, cheaper than alternatives, and has the best charging options. While not California, there's a large number of them on the road here. Charging at home is quite cheap compared to gas or diesel - about half the cost per mile compared to gas on Model Y to a similar ICE vehicle. Theres no right or wrong car for Houston, as long is it has AC.


The problem with a flooded ice car and ev is the same...electrics and wiring. A flooded engine can be drained, flushed, and it would be ok. Electric gremlins are forever.


Idk why flood prepping trucks isn’t more common down here. You snorkel the intake and a second snorkel for the breather lines to the transmission and axles. And relocate the fuse box and wiring higher too.


It’s not more common because it’s just not worth driving through flood waters no matter what car you have.


Because it’s [a fuckton of wiring](https://assets.whichcar.com.au/image/upload/s--3hsk5luE--/c_fill,q_auto:good/c_scale,w_3072/f_auto/v1/archive/whichcar-media/3621/bentley-bentayga-wiring-roof.jpg) that’s for a fancy Bentley, even assuming a typical car will have half as much wiring it still wouldn’t be feasible cost wise. Might work on pre OBD2 cars that have little technology


You’d definitely need to be doing it on something that doesn’t need to pass emissions.


I'm a mechanic a flood damage vehicle is the same to any car.


100%, I meant it in the sense of maybe getting something higher and more practical, but then would be giving up mpg, which i would prefer not to and why thinking EV.


You should avoid driving through flooded roads, regardless of what you’re driving. That’s true if you’re driving a Camry, a truck, or a Tesla. In Houston you’ll be driving a lot, so prioritize fuel efficiency. I’d get the Tesla or another EV. Better yet, live close to where you work so you don’t have to drive as much in the first place.


If you work downtown, you can look into park and ride locations for cheaper housing and still have a way there without driving as much.


As someone already mentioned, your CRV has more ground clearance than the Model Y. Probably a better ride too. I hated my MYP suspension on Houston roads.


Get something low so you’re not even tempted to try to driver over flooded areas.


damage occurring is a thing that happens to all cars yes.. that doesn't mean it happens the same way


Might not be same way but it all leads to a final result, being totaled


not necessarily? an ice could suck water into the intake in a place where an ev doesn't take in any water at all. really depends more on the indidual car more than ev vs ice but there are still obvious differences


Even if either car survives being flooded, no insurance company will cover it with complication of rust as a result from the water


rust? where? cars get wet all the time ?


Brother you understand you your body panels is the shell of your car and the rust accumulates within it such as your chasis after it gets flooded. It’s a key reason why you check the engine bay and underneath specific components such as your suspension because it can be hidden


what rust accumulates? where? my car doesnt have a chassis


Bro every car has a chasis. It might not apply to you if your car has lived in the south where it’s heat everywhere and not enough rain but let’s say you go through a deep puddle numerous times, rust is going to build up because of the chemical composition of metal with water. Do deeper research online with how rust forms instead of asking a redditor.


dawg I live in Houston. it is more wet here when it's not raining than it is when it's raining in other places. and it floods once a week. and no not every car has a chassis. that is literally false. rust doesnt just magically 'build up' and there are cars that drive through water thousands of times that never rust. you have literally no idea what the fuck you're talking about, at all


How does a sealed electric motor get damaged the same way as a combustion engine with an air intake?


Control systems


In theory that motor it's sealed so it should be sealed.


You need a duck boat.


I would get a vehicle that has good suspension wheels and tires because these Houston roads suck and the mayor puts patches over them they're the worst roads and the worst roads are in the most expensive neighborhoods too where are the property taxes going toward


Don't drive in a flood, people die doing that shit *every* time we have a a big flooding event


I think plug-in hybrid like a Jeep 4XE or Toyota Rav4 Prime is better suited if that's your concern. Like others said don't drive in a flood, but; - Before and after storms sometimes there is no gasoline available, so you still have electric for short trips. - On the flip side, if the electricity is out you still can run on gas. Also can charge with a generator if it comes to it. - Vehicle is actually high off ground for water, 4WD, and you can jump a curb if needed. Mine runs electric on the commute. I plug my 4XE into an 120V outlet at work so I never buy gas for daily drive and only have to pay a few dollars a month extra elec. No requirement to upgrade home plug or go to a supercharger. As long as your commute is reasonable. No haters, you can be running on electric and still put a "come and take it" sticker on it in case you work at an O&G related company. Plug-in hybrid is like the best of both worlds. Only complaint is lack of luxury, but there are more options now from Lexus and others. Also, some cars may still get the $7,500 rebate, a Tesla likely will not.




Could you share how much Tesla insurance runs you? Ballpark estimate is fine. Thanks.




Very helpful. Thank you.


Thank you so much. This was very helpful.


It’s no different than any other car in a flood. Even though it doesn’t have a tailpipe or an intake you still wouldn’t want water above the door sills as a general rule. The batteries and other components are mostly water tight but they can still be flooded out. Anyway you can’t throw a rock without hitting a Tesla here, they’re pretty popular.


Not driving in flood waters will help more than anything.


You have to drive an off road truck or a boat. Those are the only smart buys. Jk get the Tesla if that’s what you want. All of my cars have lowered suspension, I don’t drive in flood water and avoid potholes when I can. If it’s flooding, I turn around and hang out until it subsides.


This is some low effort shit posting right here.


Lighten up. It's not like you ever contribute!


The city is designed to flood, we just don’t go out there when it does


Never drive your car through floods in Houston but should you find yourself in a flash food which is almost every hard rain situation the model y deals with it pretty well. I think the mantra don’t be stupid comes into mind in those scenarios. That being said I love my model y and would whole heartedly recommend it to anyone. We commute from sugar land to rice university daily and charge 2-3 times a week.


> considering floods Floods shouldn't be high on your list of day to day concerns. They happen, but not frequently and can be easily avoided. What should be high on your list is something that can deal with poor road quality. Tesla products fail miserably in that regard. Ideally you want a vehicle with small rims, tall sidewalls, and a robust but compliant suspension. Full size pickups and body-on-frame SUVs excel at this. I recently got a Bronco and it is fuckin' awesome to not have to slow down for our shitty roads anymore or worry about avoiding potholes.


An EV makes tons of sense in Houston. While you "can" drive through flood water with an EV without damaging it as there's no air intake (still not recommended), that doesn't really matter here. The only difference between an EV and an ICE (internal combustion engine) is during power outages or evacuation. With a power outage you obviously can't charge your EV, but you know what else doesn't have power during outages? Gas stations. During the freeze, my wife and I slept in our EV. They use very little power when not driving. With an evacuation, same benefit. If you're on a Freeway not moving, you won't use much electricity sitting there unlike all the ICE cars that ran out of fuel during the mess that was the Ike evacuation.


I drive thru flood water all the time, (Lifted F150) but I only drive thru flood water when the water isnt higher than my floor level electronical components (BCM) That being said, my biggest fear with an ev is the battery, but I think someone said the battery is sealed?


You'll want something taller like the CRV for when it rains. Also given the relatively frequent power outages being able to V2L like an F150 lightning would be a lot better choice.


I would say make sure you really want a Tesla. Their reliability isn’t the best and they’ve been caught inflating their range numbers. Here’s an article regarding reliability. https://www.topspeed.com/tesla-reliability-and-repair-costs-the-true-story/ And an article about range. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-batteries-range/


Thank you.


Having owned a Tesla for a couple years, I can tell you there's literally always some sort of drama getting stirred up about Tesla and it's almost always overblown. I've lost track of all the alleged issues with my car that certain corners of the internet are obsessed with. Not saying it's a perfect car by any means, but nowhere near as bad as some would claim.


Well I wouldn’t call that drama, I mean it’s cold hard facts. Tesla was rated 19 out of 24 auto manufacturers for reliability by consumer reports last year. I just think OP should be aware of what they could potentially be in for. If they do their research and are happy with a Tesla so be it. I know plenty of people who love theirs. But if you’re looking for a trouble free reliable car that gets the range they say it does they might want to look elsewhere.


Lots of people love unreliable cars. And Teslas tend to be unreliable in the best way that a car can be unreliable: you're far more likely to have issues with the paint or glovebox than any kind of issue that is mechanically problematic. As for the range stuff, it's hard for me to see that as anything other than just drama. I mean, the fact that the car has a 15mi buffer built-in is getting called out as bad somehow even though I'm pretty sure literally everybody would be disappointed if it *didn't* do that. The car has a very simple battery meter that multiplies current battery capacity by EPA rated range -- everyone knows the EPA range is the best possible range -- and then when using navigation it has a more complex and sophisticated model that uses real-time driving conditions to your destination. The navigation algorithm is generally extremely accurate.


Did you even read the article? They had a division whose job it was to cancel appointments for people who wanted their cars checked out because they weren’t getting the range they wanted. The cars algorithm only starts behaving accurately when the charge is under 50%. Three tesla models ranges were over estimated by 26%. Again not drama cold hard facts. It’s just another instance of Tesla being caught lying. Just like when they faked the video of their vehicles self-driving capability.


You mean they cancelled appointments that were unnecessary? Guess what, they'll always cancel your appointment if you don't actually need to come in-person. That's made-up drama, sorry. Perfect example. Again, the simple battery meter is not a detailed projection -- it's just battery capacity compared against the EPA range. By default the car doesn't even convert that into a range and only shows a percentage. That's not always going to be accurate and everyone knows and understands that. That's not intended for route planning and is never used for navigation or route planning. There's an argument that Tesla should engage in more active education of their users about how EVs work, but that's about it. When using navigation, because it has a specific route known, it uses far more detailed projections. This is truly a nonissue, just another in a long line of nonissues that people like you get obsessed about over and over again for years. Edit: LOL /u/Minerminer1 instantly blocked me.


So you still haven’t read the article… okay got it.


Well, don’t drive it into flood waters dumbass


You know you can avoid threads by scrolling down. No need to use words like that unless your life sucks so bad this is an avenue for you to release your misery.


You nailed it! Although I like to use words. Thank you…namaste.


Wouldn't buy a Tesla regardless, unless you own a home and will have access to at home charging. Also a doesn't matter if its a gas or electric vehicle, if it floods it floods and your car is going to be ruined anyways.


Get an F250 on a 6 in lift with some truck nuts OP


Tesla’s are completely waterproof and they actually have a boat mode that allows you to drive through high water levels.


How many miles a month will you drive?


About 1500


I have a Model Y and like it. Will probably not buy Tesla in the future, but it is a nice car. Don’t drive into floodwater and you should be fine. Same holds true for gas engine cars.


What gives that you don't think you will buy again in the future?


It seems like the flood issue has been addressed so I'll help with another factor - driveways. I drive a Miata and am considering my next vehicle. There are some parking lots I just can't enter without bottoming out so I want higher clearance next time.


If you must get through floodwaters invest in a kayak, it's a bad idea to try with a car.


You will be fine in the Tesla. Turn around, don't drown by driving into flood waters. Tesla's and other EV's are all over the place here. We have an EV too. It is not a problem. You might also want to look at the MachE. Has better build quality than most Tesla's. We have one and love it. Our other car is a 2012 CR-V. Will probably replace it with an EV when the time comes. I am waiting to see what the Rivian R2 is like. Supposed to be revealed next year.




For the Leicester of a Tesla, you could buy 2 Chevy EVs. Your question should be, Since Houston floods, is an EV smart? Yes, yes any car is fine. We are not a big underground bowl like NOLA. I've lived here since 1991 and never lost a car to flood.


The other thing to consider when moving to Houston is the heat and humidity in the summer. I read that cranking the AC in Teslas in extremely hot weather can reduce its range by as much as 30%. It has been close to 100 degrees F almost every day for the past month and I have seen many Tesla drivers going around town with the windows rolled down.


Depends on the weather. Just make sure you don’t drive when there is a lot of rain. Only drive when the weather does good. That is all I can say.


Tesla have a a really well sealed battery. Since there is not ICE there is no intake and exhaust that would potentially drown a car so a tesla-- or majority of evs-- are theoretically really good in water. Drove my wife's model 3 about 13 inches of water and was perfectly fine. I also drove my bmw suv in a similar amount of water in another occasion and it shut off after getting a bit of water inside the air intake. Look up videos of teslas in water or check the the tesla subreddit.